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i . ,- _ <br /> , <br /> I , � �r"a�j �"'. . ``�'� . - <br /> I <br /> ' �1 ; , . . �,,.Y...,.. , � ' .- ._... . <br /> r <br /> _... �-..a4�.'".'..__"_ <br /> . � '�� - .._ — _�-...'�' "' �- _ ___---. <br /> :.: � � <br /> ��!E ' i 92- 10034'� <br /> = -�� ' �T-._.= th�P�op�rty H so qk�n or d�mlipad�L�nder�h�ll h�va the optlan,in ib eol�md�bwlute diserdlon,to appty ul wch Proc�sd�. <br /> _ �fp�rG�ductlnp tfNnhom�II co�q�nd�xpenN�inourr�d by( oonn�adon wlth wch Rroce�d�,upon any Indabadn�a Mound �''"`�^ <br /> _ } ;•':�} huNfy�nd In wch ader n L�nder mwy detarmina,or to apply all woh ProeNds,a(br�uch dsducdom,b th�rN�or�tlon of flN <br /> . ,� ,�,. ...a. Prop�►ty upon wch condNlan�a���ndqr may detarmi�e,/►ny�ppHo�tlon of P►acMds W Ind�bt�dn�ss�iull not�xbnd a patporN <br /> �r�`� "�� thv du�dat�ol�ny p�ymenq�undsr tll�Nota,or cur4�ny dRf�ult lh�r�und�r or{��nund�r.Any un�ppll�d lund�shdl b�psW to <br /> � ` t.Y?�k' - Tru�. <br /> �~' ` 1. Melorm��e�b�L�ndK.Upon the ocaurrenae ot an,Ewnt ol DNwlt h�rwnd�r,or if any act It ak�n or Ipal p►ocNdinp — <br /> - = - comirwncod which awtarlatly aftecta Le�der's Intarcat;n thR Property,lender msy in Ite own dlscraUon,but wUhout obllp�tlon to do �---_ <br /> = y'�� ,y;a�':d,� �p,�nd wlthout notla�to ar dam�nd upon T►u�tpr And wilhaut nlw�lnp Trusta from any oblip�don,do any act which Trwtor has <br /> •::��,*r��,� �prMd but I�il�to do and mpy slRO do ony othar�at It daamf n�c��ry to protect th�eecurily hor�of.Trusror�hall,imm�diaWy <br /> y; •� ;��, upon d�msnd tha�etor by Lender,pay to Lender�II oo�taAnd axpensea incur�ed a�d suma expentWd by londir In conn�ctlon with ----- <br /> -= y.,+::.� the�x�rcles by Lender of the torepoing��thar with�ntere�t theroon atths dNault�pW providW In tFw Noh,which thall b� !e -- <br /> '�""`��•"�+� "_4� �dd�d to t1w indebtednsw s�aurqcl herqby. Lander shall:npt inaur any IfaWlity b�caua�of anylhlnp it may do or omit to do <br /> :°;�:�. ;,� ,�`�� .' � twrwnd�►. ---- <br />°*� a .. 9. H�=ardous M11tNr11�M.Truotar ahall keep tha Prope�ty i�compllance with all applicable lewe,ordinencos and r�yuladons <br /> �-;" ��'=-- <br /> .�.+ • , relatln�to induQiripl hypipna or envtrqnmantfll prqiHOtlan(aollectively relerred to horein a�"Enviranmental Law�"►.Trustor shall --�------ <br /> "�` � , �,u„ ;y�, ,. kaep the Prqperty trep t�pm sll sub�tanRee deem�d ta be hazar d ous or tox lc under an y Envhpnmental Laws(collecdvely reterred to �`�°�'- <br />=-�_::t� , � hereln as"Hatardoup Mat�rialp'�.TruBtpr haraby wArrants and repreaenb to Lender that there are no Ha=ardous Ma4rfals on or _ <br /> ��;; ^.;' under the Property.Trustpr har�by aprROa ta fndemnlly and hold harmless LentWr,its direcWrs,oHicers,employeea end apant�,and �,,s,',M. <br /> �R � any�uccesson to Lende�'�InlareYt,lrom And�pamst�ny and all claims,d�mapes,losses and IlabBiUea arbinp In connectlon with �,�,•.,=r� <br /> --`� '��"� . ,.� the pressnce,uae,dbpo�al or tranaport of any Hezerdous Materiale on,under,Irom or about the Property. THE FOREDOINQ �}�. r.?_..� <br /> :.;r��' ,.�,.,_n 'c �• WARRANTI�8ANOREPRESENTATIONS,ANDTRUSTOR'SOBLIOATIONSPUR3UANTTOTHEFORE(iO1N01NDEMNITY,BHALL .-•`°= <br /> - ��+.�"--.-•-�': •. SURVIVE RECONVEIIANCH OF THIS bEEQ OF TRUSt �"'-"""- <br /> .-�- .. •�:a'�" , � 10.AsslOnm�nt ot R�nts.Trustar hereby pssipna to Lender the rente,l4aues and protita of the Properry;provided thai Trostor =.�_1,r::;- <br /> °� � , ehall,unUl the occurrence of en Event of Detault hereunder,have the ripht to cdlect end refaln auch rente,isauea and proNte as they _,__- <br /> .. : �°i ^ "R���� become due and payable.Upon the occurrence ol an Event of Dofault,Lender may,either In peraon or by apent,with or without _�:,��_ <br /> a' �� . brfnpl�p any aCdon or praceedfng,or by a receiver appointed by a court and without regard to the adequacy of its securily,enter <br /> � ' ' upon end teke pos�eealon of the Property,or any part thereol,in Ita own neme a in the neme of the Trustee,and do any acts which it `�s <br /> ���Y � deems neceasery a desi►able to preaerve the value,marketebllily or rentabiNiy of the Proparly,or any peA thereof or Intereat Iherein, ;:'t:�=3 <br /> •_r:.::.> <br /> _�, increaae the income therelrom or protecl ihe security horeof and,with or without tekinp posseasion of the PropeAy,aue for or •. <br /> otherwise cWlect the renta,issuea and profite thereof,Includinp thosa past due and unpaid,and apply the same,teas co�ts and _'_`�`" ��' <br /> � � expenaes ol opereUon end collectian includiny attaneye'feea,upon any Indebtednesa secured hereby,all In such order ae Lender p-•-���� <br /> '.. �;:;�` may determine.The entering upon and takin�posoeselon of the Property,the collectbn ot such rents,Issues and prolfts a�d the � <br /> eppAcatbn thereof ee aforesaid,shall not cure or walve any deiault or notice of dalaull hereunder or invalidate any act done In ��,___,_,1.• <br /> ;�. � responee to euch default or purauant to such notice of de(ault end,nolwlthstending the coMinuance In poasession ot the Property or �,�.� <br /> � • �, the collectfon,receipt and applfcation of rente,isaues or proNte,and Trustee and Lender ahall be endtled to exerciee every rlght ._._- <br /> --— ,� L,� � prorided ivr in any af ihe Loan ln;.truman�t or by!au s�pon occurrence of nny EveM ot pefault,Including without Ilmitatfon Ihe rlpM �= <br /> •�••`� � to exerclse the power of aele.Fu►iher,Lender'e rights and remedlea under this pa�agraph ahell be cumulaNve with,and In no way a �!`��� <br /> t ' Ifmitation on,Lender's ri�hte and remediea under eny aseignment of leasea and rente recorded apeinat the Property.Lender,Truetee �_.:_ <br /> ':. end the recefver ehell be Ilable to account only for thoae rents acwelly recelved. !r�°_ <br /> ,�"�\' �^r� •:;�-�• - � 11.EvMb of D�ulf.The(ollowing ahall conatftule en Event of Delault under thla Deed of Truet <br /> .,, t � � (a) Feilure to pey any insteUment ot principal or intereat of any other sum secured hereby when due; ���'="` <br /> }. ��, (b) A breech of or delault under any provislon contained in the Note,thls Deed of Trust,any of the Loon Instrumento,o►any �_.;�.-- <br /> other Ilen or encumbrance upon the Properiy; ��'`-`-��;� <br /> r;�x • J (c)A wNt o1 execullon or atlechment or any almilar process ohau be entered apeinet Truator which ah011 bacome a lien on , ,. .;: <br /> • � the P�opertyr or eny portion Ihereof or interest Iherein: (, <br /> '�• %t.: � (d) There shell be liled by or ayefnst Truator or 8orrower an actlon undar any present or future lederal,state or other Y . <br /> • �, ;',;sr.� atelute,law or repulalion relaling to bankruptcy,insolvency or other reliel lor debtors;or there shall be eppolnted eny trustee, �` <br /> receiver or Ilquidator of Trustor or Borrower or of all or any part of the Property,or Il�e renta,fssuea or prolita iherwf,or Truator L: �=--. <br /> ' . � or Borrower ahall make any gene�al assfgnment la the benefft of creditas; � '�`�'' <br /> � •� (e)The sele,transler,lease,esalgnment,conveyance or further encumbrance of all or any pert of or any Interest in the � <br /> � - . Property,either voluntarily or Invaluntarlly, wlihout the express written conaent of lender; provfded that Trustor ahall be . ;_ <br /> _ . ,, permitted to execute o lease ot the Property thet does not conm�n en optfon to purchese and the term ol which doea nd excead �:,.,�, <br /> � one year, J���' .'� <br /> " � , (q Abendonment of the Property;or <br /> �• ���; � � (�) It Tru�tor is not an Indivldual,the IssuanCe,sale,trensler,asslynment,conveyance or encumbranCe ol mwe thari e totel <br /> ,� of pe►cent of(if a corporation)Its fsaued end outstanding stack or tIf a partnership)a fotal ol percent ol -. • <br /> � ' paAnerahlp inte►eats during the period thl3 Deed of Trust remafns a Ilen on the Property. <br /> 12. fiNnMl��;AccN�r�tbn Upon Otlaull In the event of any Event of�elault Lender may,wlthout notice except as required by <br /> � � � � law,declare all Indebtednesa secured hereby to be due and payable and the same shaU thereupon become due and payable =-., <br /> � � .. without any presentment,demend,protest or notfce ol any kind.ThereaNer Le�der may: . ' <br /> `�� (a) Demend thet Truetee exerclse ihe POWER OF SALE grented hereln, and Truatee shall lhereaNer ceuee Trustor'8 , <br /> m�'� � `'• interest In the Properry to be sold and the proceeds to be dlatrlbuted,all M!he menner provlded fn the Nebreska Tru�t Oeeds ;�` <br /> � Ack � <br /> (b) Exercise eny and all riphta provided lor In any o11he Loan Instruments or by law upon occurrence ot any Event of I <br /> •' Delaul�and <br /> (c) Commence an actlon to loreclose this Deed of Trust as a mohgaqe,appoint a rece�ver,or specNlcally entorce any ot 1he � <br /> covenents hereof. � <br /> No remedy herein conferred upon or reserved to Trustee or Lender is Intended to be exclusrve of any other remedy hereln,in Ihe � <br /> , •`• Loen Instrumente or by lew provlded or permitted,but each shell be cumulative,shall be fn addition to every other remedy given <br /> � hereunder,in the Loan Inslruments or now or hereatter exlsting at law or In equlty or by statute,and mey be exerclsed concu�rently, . <br /> �' <br /> - '•�• Independenlly or succesalvely. : <br /> • �'•'• �: ? 13.TrWiN. The Trustee may resign at eny time without cause. and lender may at any time and w�thoul cause appoi�t a <br /> ' "'s':;:����'_ succesaor w subatitute Truatee.Truatee ahall not be I�able to any party,Includmg wdhout limitation Lender,Borrower.Trustor or any <br /> purchaaer ot the P►operty.lor any loss or damage unleas due to reckless or w�llful m�sconduct,and shall nol be required to take any <br /> � actlon In Connecllon with the en}orcement of this beed ol Trust unless � writmg, for all costs,compensatfon�r <br /> expenees which may be associated therewfth.In addit�on.Trustee may become a purchaser at any sale ol the Property(judicial or <br /> ^`;����` under the power ot Sele granted herein�:postpone Ihe saie ot ell or any ponion oi me rroperry, as prvv�deni uy inw,vi 50����e <br /> �'�'� Ptoperty as a whole,or in separate parcals or lots at Trustee's discretion. <br /> , 14. FNS and E�p�nNS.In the event Trustee sells the Properry by exarcise ol power of sele.Trustee shall be entltled to apply <br /> any sale proceeda flrst to paymem of all costs and expenses ol exerc�sfng power ol sale.Includ�ng all Trustee's foes,and Lender's <br /> � ' and Trustea's attorney's fees,actually incurred to extent perm�tted by epplfcable lew.In the event Borrower ot Trustor exercises any <br /> rlght provlded by law tv cure an Event ol DelBUlt.Lender shall be entitled ta reCOVer Irom Truator all costs and expenaes actually <br /> ,L ' incurred as a result of Truetor'8 delault,Includlny wilhout limitatfon all Tru�lee's and attorney's fees,to lhe oxtent permftted by <br /> applicable law. <br /> 15. Fuluro Advanea. Upon request of Borrower. Lender may, at its opt�on,make add�UOnal and tuture advances and re- <br /> � advances to Borrower.Such edvances and readvances.w�th f nterest thereon,shall be secured by thfs Deed of Trust.At no 11me shell <br /> •• the principal amaunt ol the indebtednesa seCUred by th�s Deed of Trust,not mcludmg sums advanced to protect the secunty o1 this <br /> � Oeed ol Truet,exceed the orfpinal princlpal amount etatsd herem,or$ 40.000,00 wh�chever is preater. <br /> . ' � <br /> , ' <br /> 1f <br /> • �t. .._ ._._ _ . __ _. <br />