all debts, obligations aad liabilities incurred by reason of any action taken by the Mortgagee, as provided is this Paragraph, all
<br />of which amounts so paid by the Mortgagee, with interest thereon from the date of each such payment, at the rate of three percrnt
<br />(3%) per annum, shall be payable by the Mortgagee to the Mortgagee on demand and shall be secured by this Mortgage.
<br />4. No building oz other structure or improvemrnt, fixture or personal property mortgaged hereby shall be removed of
<br />demolished without the prior written consent of the bfortgagcc. The Dortgagor will not make, permit ar suffer arty ilteretion of
<br />or addition to any building or other structure or improvement now or which map hereafter be erected ar installed upon the
<br />mortgaged property, or arty part thereof, except the improvements required to be made pursuant to Pungnph 3 hereof, nor
<br />will the Mortgagor use, oz permit or suffer the use of, any of the mortgaged property for any purpose other than the purpose
<br />oc purposes fox which the same is now intended to br used, without the prior written consent of the Mortgagee. Ttie Mortgagor wilt
<br />maintain the mortgaged property in goad condition and state of repair and will not suffer or permit any waste to any part thereof, aad
<br />will promptly comply with all the requirements of Federal, state and focal governmcnG, or of any departments, divisiotts or
<br />bureaus thueof, peruinirtg to such orop5rty or any part thereof.
<br />~. The Mortgagor wi^ not voluntarily create, or permit or suffer to be created or to exist, on or against the mortgaged
<br />proprrtp, or anp part thereof, any lien superior to the lirn of this bfortgage, exclusive of the flea or liens, if nay, to which
<br />this )dortgage isexortssly subject, as set forth in the granting clause above, and will keep and maintain the same free from
<br />the claims of all patties supplying labor or materials which will enter into the construction or installation of ttu'Improvemmis.
<br />'(`~ 6. (a) The Mortgagor wit! keep all buildings, other structures and improvements, including equipment, nose existing or
<br />re which may hezeaftn be erected or installed on the land mortgaged hereby, insured against loss by fire and other hanrds,
<br />casualties aad contingencies- in such amounts and manner, and fur such periods, all as may be required from time to time by
<br />-~ the Mortgagee. Unless otherwise required by the Mortgagee, all such insurance shall be effected by Standard Fire and Eztrndtd
<br />'7I Corenge Iasunace policies, in amounts oat lest. than necessary to comply with the coinsurance clause pttcentage of tfie value
<br />~ applicable to the location and character of the propertq to be rovered. All such insurance shall be carried in companies approved
<br />{~ by tfu Mortgagee and all policies therefor shalt be in such form and shall have attached thereto loss payable clauses in favor of the
<br />Mortgagee and any other parties a shall be saisfactory to the Afmtgagee. All such policies and at UChments thereto shall, be delivered
<br />promptly to the Mortgagee, unless they art required to be delivered to the hotter of a lien of a mortgage of similar instrv-
<br />meat to which this Mortgage is expressly svbiect, in which latter evert rertifi:ate> thereof. satisfartary to the Mortgagee, shalt be
<br />~- ~~a ~~»~~r to R m~ ~va«_ •n;t it.,,er Rn. sill ~y pra,nptly n-hm due, as hereinartrr provided, and aaq aad all
<br />premiums an such iasunnce, aad in every case in which payment thnenf is not rcade from the deposits therefor required by this
<br />Mortgage, promptly submit to the Mortgagee for examination receipts ar other evidrnce aF such payment as shall be satisfactozy
<br />m the Mortgagee. The Mortgagee may obtain aad pay ihr premium on (but shall he under nn obligation to do so) every kind qF
<br />itssararm regsted hereby if the amount of such premium has not been deposited ax required by this Mortgagq in which event
<br />the Mortftagot will pap to the Mortgagee every prcmiam so paid by the Mortgagee.
<br />(b) Ia the erenf of loss or damage to the mortgaged property the Mortgagor wr71 Rive to the Mortgagee immediate notitt
<br />thereof by null. aad the Mortgagee may make and file prrwf of loss if not made otherwiu prempify by or on behalf of the
<br />Mortgagor Esfi insurantt company issuing nay surfs policy is hereby authorired and directed to make payment hereunder for
<br />Bach loss directly to the Mortgagee, instead of m the Mortgagor end the AfarteaRer ioiath, unlns Me amount of loss is pay-
<br />:bit Fast m ifx holder of a lira under a mortgage or similar instrument to which this Mortgage is expressly subject; and the
<br />irrsutaact pmtetds ar any parr tfiereof is received by ihr Mortgagee maq be applied br the Mortgagee, at its option, eiMer
<br />in redaztim of the indtb[edtsess hereby secured. ar to the rcstnntinn ar repair of the rnartgaRed propery damaged. le
<br />the esrrt of foreclomre M this Mortgage. or of any trrasftr of title to the mortgaged property in rxtinguisha;ent of such iodebt-
<br />edaess, all right title aad interest of the Mortgagor in a~ M rum such insurance policy rhea in force, subject to the tights
<br />aad interest of the hotd~ of nay such prior lien, iluli pass m the grantee acquiring title to the mortgaged property together with
<br />nosh polieT and appropriasr usigamrnt of sects right, title and intnczt a~hi<h shall br made by the Mortgagor.
<br />T. (a) to order man fully fa protect the srcarity of this Mortgage, the SsfortRaRnr sfiall deposit wills the Mortgagee to-
<br />gtther rich, god is addiiim ro, the p^ynstni of principal and interest manthlr nn accrwnt of the Note secured hereby, mtil
<br />the Rote is paid is full, an amount of moae' equal to the tool amatmt of fi) Rtav»d rests. if any, nett becoming doe, (ii) the
<br />premiums nett becoming due on She policies of fire aad all other haurd insunare required by this Mortgage with respect m the
<br />soatgatged property, (ill) taxes, :ssessmeats, water rtes and otisrr Rnreramental ;barges next becoming dot nn the mortgaged
<br />puaperty {ill i'te {oregaiog aroavab as estirmied by the Mortga gee :ad set faith in a written n=,tire of sods estimate by the
<br />Mariappce m the Mortgagor from lime to tune), Less x31 amtwats that may alrnds have kern paid therefor. divided by the number
<br />of calendar maaihs m alagse before cape nlradar rrmodt prior to the date whets svrts ground recta. premiums, tuex, asstss-
<br />mrn4s„ water rater acrd other Rwerammtal rharg~, respcctirdy, will became due and payable. ff aaq amount rdetred to is
<br />davtes (d) tfuoaRh {iii) hereof is rrgaaed m be deposited br the Mortgagor under a mortgage or similar iasWrarnt having
<br />priariq wa dse lien of this Mortgage, the Mortgagor shall make else deposits required by this Pangnph 7 only in the rveat of the
<br />rer~ea;toe of sur}t ohligatitm under the pr'sar martaaltt or simile inrtrutarat. The Martgagor scull girt prompt aotite in rest-
<br />ing mthe Mortgagee M the occutresm M the last-nseatitmed cv-ent. Al! such armsunt: so deposited .itb the Mortgagee s1u11 bt
<br />held by tLe Mevtgager, oa nay agtot desiRsutad by it_ is trust to be need only for the pavmmt of such gtoaad rents, Premiums,
<br />tsars, assessmcets. rate ores and other gr:cemmeatal charges. No interest sba41 l+c pa}able by the Mortgagee on any seam so
<br />(b) All arrttoaats required m be de}sositxd rithia the Mortgagee marttMy in armrdancc with Pangnph 7(a) hereof, aad the
<br />amotmr ed principal sad iate2est to be paid Bath taartth an :ctotsnt of xhc :tiatr. shall be added tngeHsrr, and the aggregate artsouat
<br />tbeteaf sisal) be paid by flu Mortgagor to the Morlitagte in a single Payment to br applied by else Morigsget oa accaora aI the
<br />mdrbacsiata of ere Morutagar pun'tsaat m $e Nate and this MartgaRr (ta the extent that r:`ursies ut available from the
<br />attsoeln >D deptasiscd), m !hc ardu, my pratrisian of the Nate to the rontrarq nat+cithstaading, as follows:
<br />tZRSS, m clec late rfurzes.. if soy, refetrtd m ie t~6e Nate;
<br />iD, m the aseoaet ex' sxb grotmd mats, if any. fire aad other hoard iasa:raact pretssiams. nxrs, assessments, rater
<br />ores aad ratter aovtrammbl rfurltes tasgssired m & paid oadrr the prorisions of ffiis Mortptg<< is wbaterer segvsnce the
<br />Mortpger ouy acfaaive)Y deetrmiae;
<br />7lItIlD, M ieissrtst doe ao dse lsltec; sad
<br />!'OU877i. rte reasaiader, to ~ principal that tm rise More.
<br />AeT ddKieazT is rte amasmr of nay ~ aggregau esoarhly payment sha13. ssaless paid M the Martgagor prior m the due date M
<br />rte warns s•th payable, LYrsstRUte ar, cvaet of defataM eadrr tlaia Mortgage.
<br />tc) Aey t~ itattds teat assay tae sressaaelated by swsoe ai ~ drpcxits «gni:ed under Pangnph 7(a) lurlof, remaining
<br />affix payaaat of the astaosaAs bested la da3se+ (d)» (s) aad (iii) thtrraf. shat! be rttdittd to subscqueat rnpeciive rnontlsty
<br />areaaatH si ~ tanner aNesr aagn'ved to be paid Etraevtsdet. tf nay sects amount stroll eztred the estimate rherefar, ttx Har€ga{or
<br />~ 1~Yisril5 par m Nee rase aaooat M teach de~cicaty wpm r::ttrn ttntire bT the Mortgagee of flu aasoun/ thereof.
<br />>! to do as btdatt tdse dar daM of mt attrrsest dtal- be u e.r:• of defanlt wader this Mortgage. Sf the trwrtgagtd pmp-
<br />aeT is sold aeda faitedoaare to is o8serw+se argr3red by tlse Mortgagee. after default by the Mortgagor. any remaining
<br />btdaaoe of ~ sstsdter paragnp6 T(a) laeseof, tfaall be eeadited m the principal arnovat awing oa the Note as of the
<br />~r of meamnacesxM of faareckunse procxedis~p ku true mtxtgaged property, or es of the date rise rnortgagcd property is
<br />otherwise ao rso~eisad.
<br />S Ybe Ito}s[oremmtf aad off pkoa aad speriAattims therefor shalt mmply with all applicable municipal ordinance, regu•
<br />latraos, awd roils mmede of ptoeisipted by Sswfaf sathorfry, acrd upon their cmnpirtlon shill tomply tlruewith.
<br />