Form fiCID'No. 6238-Neb.
<br />(Sec. 312 Loav)
<br />(Revised Aug. 1970
<br />
<br />M®I~TGAG~
<br />This Marigage tondo as of the 12th ~ day of M$YCh ~ 1979 > between
<br />Ttu>maS R. & Mary Aim Backus (husband St wife} (hereiaaRer tatted, and if mote than one party jointly snd
<br />severally hueivafta called "Mortgagor'}, rcsfding at 216 East 7th Street, 7ia11 County, Nebraska
<br />tad flee United States Df AmHica (hereinafter called "Mortgagee"}, acting by and through the Department of Housing and Utisav
<br />Development having :Regional Office at 911 North Walnut, Kansas City > ~
<br />State of Missouri.
<br />W1T'NESSETH, that to secure the payment of an indebtedness in the principal amount of FOUrteen ThotlSand
<br />Four $tmdred DoUan f3 14,400.00 ), with interest thereon, which shall be payable is accordance with a
<br />certain vote bearing eves date herewith, a true and correct copq of which, exclusive of the signature of the Mortgagor, tttatked
<br />"Schedule A" u annezed hereto and made a part hereof, and all outer indebtedness wfiich the Mortgagor is obligated ta pap m
<br />the Mortgagee putstraat to the provisions of the Note and this Mortgage, the Mortgagor hereby grants, conveys-and mortgages _ ,
<br />ta the Mortgagee: ...
<br />The following dexribed property situate is gffill County, Nebraska.
<br />Lot Seeta (7}, Block 128, Union Pacific Railway Co., Second Addition
<br />TOGETHEg. with all appmm~avcrs therttto and all the estate and rights of the Mortgagor in and to mch prnpesty a 3n
<br />anywise sgpertainigg tbetrio: all btritdinga and other atracttsra Dove or hcreaftrr thereon errcted ar installed, and all firtara
<br />cad article of peesmal properq now or 6ereadta attsrhed to, or used in, or io the opratioas a#, nay such land, bnifdings ar
<br />atxxlu:a ~irh are vecemry ta Ltx complem tree and oceapavcy of such baiidiaffs or unxtares for the pnrpost for white tltey
<br />wan ar ve ta be erected or iasutkd. including, but not limittd to all heating, Flombing. hathroom, lighting, cooking, Landry,
<br />set~nistitty sefri=astivg, inciaeratirtg, std nit-conditinaivg egoipmeot and fistures and zll ccplaccments thereof and adeiifiO6s
<br />titaeSO, a vat the tame arc or shad br strathed m sack rand, buildings ar strurtnres is nay ttatatsa;
<br />7'aCiETfffA, wish nay and sit awards ape ar brrafter made far the rakieg of the property mortgaged Itttt~ of nay
<br />put thereof iirreitsdivg any taseareat), by the rsxtcix od ~e pov°er of eminent domain, including any at.ud far chategs of
<br />grads of rosy siraei ar arbor roadway, w-bir§ awards sre hereby assigan~ to the Marr~tagee aid arc donned a part rd t>tir prcaprrty
<br />lFd hasty, and the Idortpgec is barb; aatharsed to cotirct and rerrivr t!x prerrrds of sacb awards, m gise prapes
<br />roctipts and acquittances therefor, and to app}y the same toward the paymrat of ire iadrbtedaess snored bq this ASortpge, oot-
<br />sitbmmrling the #sd that the asnonat owing thereon trop not then 6e dttr and parshlr: and the Mortgagor booby agrees, npan
<br />rcga~t, to sake, ~e std ddivu any and all assigtrmmb and arbor iasUummts scfficirnt for the purpose of assigaiaig eadt
<br />tom asttrd m the Ddastgga, fm, rtrxr and discharged of any eatumbratxn of nay kind at narrate wbatsoesa: and
<br />TYXiET}€EI<, pith aft tiy6a, title sad iauresi ad the Atartgagor in and m the Lod tying iv the sueNs asd roads in front of
<br />sad adjtiaiag the abase dtscribed taad (ail the aho.e destzibrd Ltrd, buildings, orbs strvaures, fiztares, srticla of pasorl
<br />pnapaty, swards and orbs tights a~ interests beigg bercraafter collrctivrip called tlx "trtatigaged pmptsty").
<br />T"a 13ilYE AND T'O }lOl.n the tarrrtgaged p~reoperty and eserp part thereof seta tfrc tortgagee, its atexttsson sad ssrigas
<br />fate+~es• for rSe ptarpens sad ass btxria set ftstth.
<br />Atse'D rite tdnatgagor #uxsiret rovmaah sad sgrres with thr 3dortgagre, as £oUows:
<br />i. The Mo:tgsgex w(ll proapdy pap the principal d sad iatrresi as the irdebtedness cs'idented by dre Nom, and all orbs
<br />~+'fls sad s ptavided thaeiis trod ~ this 7tautgagr. at dre times and is the manner peoided is the Nom and iv
<br />ih:x Heripye-
<br />2_ 'I}ae }Snss;~r will pey wlrra dss, u. lstzrsaafaec prtrvided. al] graved rrnu_ i# nay. sad alt tarts, assesstatab, water
<br />rate atad other gxrsarmatatal cbar6rs, five sod iatpoavioaas, of tcery kind and nature srbatsocver, tms err beretfter fttapasad an
<br />the rtaa[tgased psrg+etty, err saq part ihasnf, std avid pray s•hee due rvery amovat of indebtedo_ns secured by any tins to which
<br />die ~ d this ~ is rRp[4aaty aabiect.
<br />3. T'tsa htottitgs std the Note was ezexsted sad dtdivatd to sersire atonr7s advaarrd, or ta be advanced, b7 ffie Mortgagor
<br />as a tea savoeat d a loan +evidtsead by the Afore, for eke purpose at titakiag tisY improvements describrd or referred m iv
<br />thin Speei~lCttti-silt ssaA Eid Bbeet dated DeCe~abtr 4 t9 78 , ta or m tie
<br />taaesgstpniil paaprtly, sad 6u asek albs prupase, if any. dtyzribed a rdrrsrd m thaeio, which imprnsameats are biermfta eatllec-
<br />ss~ait ~.` the tdtaft saske or raiser to be laude all the imprasra+ffin_ If the ctrastrtactim of
<br />"tree ed ~ ~ t~ sat Ise tetaiiad eat wi$s :araeas~lr difijrnrr. a shell be discard rt sop time for
<br />a+y tatisoa, #ilsat tltaa ata'kn, IorJtuata. am d find, Ceres, Flsoda a< odwr aimilu catasuophia, r"sou, .~ or iaaarrtxtioa, the
<br />llisefSyas, ail9tet ~ ~ !a tMr )iLeetgypr m fttasfry stgbotaeid (a) ba slur aeon i1rc mortgaged property and rmpfoy say vattdr-
<br />m ~ paelalg 1Le latptasa~ Grata degradaCiae err ~ sod to pcesa.e sad proud each property, (b) ta tarry Drat nap
<br />oe aS-Msva. txatups bKtwem !>,e ~tisgaa aai orbs pates fos the purpose of making any of thr lrnprovr.meats,
<br />(c) b s+vlar sad ewer itata s~amt) weasam sad itsaer trbdigatiosa fw t6e pncposes ~ completing the Impravemenfs pu:swnt
<br />3a Sac aD~tiam ~ the Aiatejatg3ort.Laesa~iRS eidar fa tbic rtaate M the littortgaga err the Ddorigsgor, sad (d) to pay and discharge
<br />