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<br /> <br />C~Milit the said party of the first Dart do further eo annul to Day all taxes, anaeaamenta, manic{poi or govrrnmentai rates, <hargsa <br />or {mpoaitfana which may be !acted or have hoes levied on acid premises, or on thin mortgage, or on the note or debt hereby secured, or on the lien <br />created by this instrument, before the same, r any part thereof, shall become deltneuent; mleo to abataia from the commfss{nn of waste err 4rom per- <br />mitting wsato to be committed oa said Dremiaea, and to keep the buildings in good repair and insured against lose or damage by Sire and windstorm fa <br />eomganies and Sn amoanta a8tiafactory to the said party of the accord Dart. hie or its aveeeas¢ra or aeaigae, with ]sae payable to the party of the se~- <br />ond part, h{a or its avcaeesors or aasignn, as 61e or its intereate shall appear and deliver to him or it sl1 Doliciea of tnsuranee on paid haiidings, and the <br />renewals thereof: and in caae of failure to do ao, the said part.' of the second Dart, hie or its auceessora or asnigne, may Dar such tnxea, eaeena <br />mentor, mantels>'- ^- rtavernmental rates. charges or impositions, make such repatra, r effect such innocence, and the amounts paid therefor. with 3a- <br />tereat thereon, from the date of Dayment, at zhe rate of mne yer cent per annum, shall 6e collectible wick, as part ot, and in the same manner era, the <br />principal sum 6erebp secured. <br />Cu"' the acid party of the first Dart do ree the*. nny monies received on nceount of nny insurance lose, may at the option of <br />the party of the second part. his or its succeeeore or aaai¢na, (a) be aDDlied to repairing or rnbviiding in a manner agreed to by the party of the se~- <br />ond part, hie or its auccesaox or anelgne, or Ibl be applied toward payment of the indebtedneea hereby secured, in s manner to be determined by flu <br />Darty of the neeond part, notwfthstandiaq the name may not rhea be due, or (<1 be Daid to the party of the Ctrat Dart. or the eueceason In title of the <br />Darty ¢f the first Dart, without effectin¢ the Lein of this mortgage for the full amount hereby secured and remaining nnDeid. <br />,C1nU the said party of the firm Dart da~ further covenant and agree that any and ail royalties, mo tents, yrotita, dema¢ea <br />or compenantloa arising directly err indirectly from any and all coal. oil, gas. grace!, or other mineral r{ghta. or lances, or from the operation of wy <br />gravel Dit or pits, or from the grsrting of any easement whatncever, oz hs reason of the exerase of the right of eminent domain by any corporation or <br />by nay mun{aEDal, county, elate or federal gcv<rnment or any nubdfvieion cr agency thereof, shall at the option oY the patsy oS the neeond part, his or <br />its svcceeaors err aeafgaa, belong to and be paid to h{e err its sueceasora or assigns. Any monies so paid to the party of the second Dart aha11 1M <br />applied in redvttion of flee principal of the indebtedness hereby secured, whether due or not, or upon the internal accrued or accruing thereon, or on any <br />edvsacrmente that may have been made under the terms of this mortgage. as the party of the neeond part, kin err its euceeaaozs or aeaigna may elxt <br />And tnrther, the Darty of the first part do hereby Lranafer, assign and net over to the Darty of the second Dart nay sad all zoyslttes, <br />monsea. rents, Dro[Ita, dnmagea, or compel.sat{on arising in any of the sanvers and fmm any of the nouraee above mentioned, and the !caeca, assignee, <br />nub-3-ease, euceeeaor. or any yerson and{or corporation holding paid rcyal:ies, m¢mez, zente, t~xtita, damaaee cr cnmpeaastiae am h---'^^ directed to <br />Day an3 deliver the name v the Harty of the second Dart. his or its aueeeae ors or asni¢na, upon demand therefore hp the pally of the second part, his <br />or its succesaorn or aaaigna. <br />~11t~1 the an{d party of the first part do hereby agree that in ra of default in payment cf nay inatailmeat o[ principal or <br />interest revu{red in the Hate aecnred hereby. or in the yerformance of any of the covensnte herein contained, then, or at any time thereafter, dnria¢ do- <br />fault, the said party o[ the neeond part, his or its successors or aeeigna, may withmt notice, declare the entire debt hereby secured immediatelp due <br />and parable, and thereupon the said Harty of the neeond part, his or its aucerssora or assigns, ahal7 he entitled xo immediate poaaesaioa of said Dzemiaea <br />sad to ¢alieet the rents. {asuea and profits thereof, and may Dzoceed to foreclose this mort¢age; and upon commencing yroceedia¢a for the fomlomre <br />of this mortgage, shalt be entitled to the appointment of a reeevver to tai:e possession of the prnmiaes above described, to collect the rents and pratits <br />of said premiaea during the pendency of ouch tore<losure and until the eon firmation of the foreclosure sate. and out of the same to pay the expenses <br />a_ sa:d receivership, t¢ make thn nee~asary repairs and keno said premises in prober condition sad repair pending such aerie and eonfirmatioa ihernof, <br />to pay ail taxes, aaseaaments, municiyal or governments: rates, char¢ea err ~mpoaitfona accruing between the commencement of the foreeloanro and <br />rnafirmat{on of sale thereunder sad a21 ouch taxes, aaneeaments, munieipnl err governmenta3 razes, charges or msD¢aitiom unpaid and rnma.oin¢ vnrn- <br />deemed at or pror to the confirmation of the foreclosure aa{e, sad to Day insurance premiums necessary to keey raid premises iaaur¢d is eeeordanee <br />with the yrpvinione of this mart¢a¢e, sad after Dayin¢ the expennea of sa{d reemverahia, ea{d :zees, aaneaamentn, municipal or governmental ratan, <br />charges err imyoa{liana and said inaarmee Drcmiums, the said yenta and profits ahaii be applied Toward the payment of the amount dur as this mart¢age <br />sad the debt hernhy eeeured. <br />~2T ~T~Tt49S ~~TQTEPfs the acid party of the first part ha YL~.hetsnato set~h 'p._..;T~ -l!a"-dj the day and year tryst above written. <br />~ 'r r ~,~"- ~ fiW <br />a ~i ~, <br />4 <br />. L. .,.J <br /> <br />