<br />
<br />~~ ~;~{$~(#~yP~ made Lhi. ~~th a.Yn, .tani~ar~ A. B. i4~~
<br />between ~ougias Lac~cwcod and l~farjori= Loc'cwood, hz_lsoand and v~ife
<br />er the Cannty a aic'.11 and state at Nebraska party ar the ft:at nary, and The Marv T anni~r Host; tat
<br />Trust, a caraoration, i.astinizs, Piebraska p rty of Lhe accord Dart.
<br />~t~2it58BtE1s that Lhe aa[d party of the ttzeL Dart, la mnsiderotion of the arm or Twelve thousand s?x hundred SOf.LARS.
<br />3a hsad paid, the reaeiDt whereof is hereby aalmowledged, da *ereby gnat, bar¢aia, sell, Convey avd confirm to the party of the second
<br />part and hle or its aneeeewn and aas'rgas, the roliowln¢ deaezibed reel estate, in the County or Hall
<br />and stale of Nebraska, to•wit:
<br />The East half of the North-zest qua: per (E`'~A1'~';;) of Section Thirty-three (?3) and
<br />Lot Eight (8) of section Txrenty-eight {28)
<br />ail in ";ire (9) 2~aelve (12 ~ went of the 6th P. H.
<br />stQ~axt, TowvehiD ,North, flange
<br />eBVtaiaing nlnety-Seven and L2~1 ~~ z a, Government SnrveY•
<br />~n~S g ~~ 4~v I;rt~. the gem , with the aponrtenaaCea thereto beloa¢in¢ or to mywix appertaintn¢. tnelndiag nay rl¢ht of homestead,
<br />ezemption, and every rontlageat r!ght oz estate therein, unto the party of the ascend pert, h!a or ire sa_ceawra and aasl¢na forever: the iatrntioa be-
<br />ta¢ to eonYey as sbaolnte CiUe in fee to said premises.
<br />11711 {{T¢ f3Mtd tun'ty of the drat Dart hereby eov Want- that trey are :awtally aeiud of said premixa and
<br />ae~e good eL¢ht to convey the same; that said premises ere free sad clear of atl enaambnncea; and #hs* t':'tP~
<br />will wnrraat cad defend the same sgaiaat the !swfui ciaima of alt Dersaaa whomsoever. -
<br />~tDlS1tDP~tt ~7DfUESTPtz that it the raid Darty of the first part, tne~-r >•eirs, ezeentars or-admlaintratara, ahatl pay,
<br />ar canse to be paid to nail party of the second part, hie or its aueceaaom or asaigna, the Driacipai snm of
<br />`:`e:elve thousand six bore ^e'? Lblhra,
<br />atrording W the terms of a promisaory note eat!Lled "b5rat Mortgage Note" beating even date herewith, eaecuted by the said party of the first part,
<br />and psyahLe st the office of :L7e>iiaiey sad Ianalag in Iiaatlags, Nebraska; with principal payments ae khereia aDeeified, the lnet payment to become
<br />dne oa the brat day of ~eC811!~7e 2' 19 ~~ :with interest as specified in said note, tagnkher with irterrat at the nic
<br />of 4 per cent per annam on ang inntailmeni of prineipnl or on any interest which shalt not have been paid xhen due (whether the mnturit7 of said
<br />note shalt reanit by Layne of time or by the excretes by the holder hereof of the option granted herein and in any note secured by thin mnrtgege, to
<br />declare the indebtedness hereby evidenced to be due by reason al default), alt recording to the tenor and effect of said note; sad shall perform aII and
<br />ainsniar the <ovenaota herein contained; Lhen the ea•.ate hereby granted shall cease Wed this mortgage shall become nuU and void, and be released at
<br />the ezDeaSa of the said party of the feet pant.
<br />~Ii71 the said parry of the first pert do t,ereby co en ant to pay or carne to be vaid, the principai sum sad the inaGllments there
<br />of at the times apecitied in the note eeenzed hereby. and interest ae specified in said note, in the manner therein set forth, together with all costa and
<br />en:pen6es of eolieetian, if any there shat] be, and mp coats, charges o. attorneys' fees incurred ecd paid by the said party of the second part, Eia ar
<br />its aneeeasara a: assigns, in maintaining the priority o£ thin mortgege; that the party of the accord pact, h!e or its enceeaeara or assigns, may mass
<br />any payments aereseary to remove oz estinguih an• pray ar oatataadlrg •..-, -,ea _-r eacnmbranee on the premtsea hereby ronveyed, and any arms ao
<br />raid abet! become a 71<n upon the above deecrtbed real eaters sad be secared by thin mortgage, sad may be recovered with interest at nine per cent in
<br />nay soli to fomiwe this mortgage
<br />
<br />
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