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?9--- t;;1t)~S~ <br />Lender's wn[ten agrea:meni or applicable taw Borrower shall paV' the amomrt of all m, rtgage insurance prem:rms -:n the <br />manner pfovidtd under paragraph 2 hereof. <br />Any amounts disbursed by Lender pursuant to this paragraph 7, with interest thereon, shall become additional <br />indebtedness i~f Borrower secured by Chia Mortgage. Unksa Bcxrower and Lender agree to other terms of payment. such <br />amounts shalt be payabk upon rtMice from Lender to Borrower requesting payment thereof. and shall tzar interest frrvm the <br />date of disbursement at the me paysbk from time to time nn outstanttirtg principal under the Note unku p.ymeitt of <br />interest at such rate would be contrary to apptiubk law, in which event such amounts shall bear interest at the highi:at raft <br />permiaaa-bk tm~r applicable lsw Nothing contaitted in this para~rap:i 7 slid! require Lender to incur any experoe or take <br />any action hereunder. <br />!i. ttaspeetfos. Lender may make or cause to he made reasonable entrees upon and inspections of the Property, provided <br />that f.cnder shall give Borrower notice prior ro any such inspection specifying reawnabk cause therefor related to Lender`s <br />interest in the Property. <br />9. Cesrerrralfon. The proceeds of env award or Maim for damagd, direct or amsequential in connection with any <br />condemnation or other taking or the Property, or part thereof. or for conveyarttt in lieu of condemnation, are hereby assigned <br />and shall be paid a, Lender. <br />in the event of a total tatting of the Property. the proceeds she}I be applied to flit sums stxur„d by this Mortgage. <br />with the excess, if any, paid to Borrower in the event or a partial taking of the Prr•perty, unless Borrower and Linder <br />otherwise agree in writing, there shall be applied to the sums sawed by this Mortgage such Ftoyortion o. the proceeds <br />as is equal to that proportion which the amount of the sums secured by this Mortgage insntediately prier to the date d <br />eking hears to the hir market value of the Property immediately prior to the dart of taking. witA the bdance of the proceeds <br />paid to Borrower. <br />If the Property is abandoned by Borrower, or if, •/tar notice by [.ender to Borrower that the cowdaesnor often ro stoke <br />an award or settle a claim for damages, Borrower fails to respond ro l.cnder within 30 days after the dare such notice is <br />mailed, Lender is authorized to cdlect and apply the proceeds, at Lertder'a option, either ro reaeorlKion or repair d ere <br />Property or to the sums secured by the Mortgage. <br />Unless Lender aril Borrower atherwiae agree in writing, any such applicarion d proceeds ro prittcipd araB na earwd <br />or postpone the due date n[ the monthly installments referred to in paragraphs 1 awd 2 Itsraif a charge the timottnt at <br />auto imunnanus. <br />ifs. Barrewar Nis/ ltsiaaae. Extrnaion of the time tar payment or rnodiBcatian of tueortiration d the star asasree <br />by thw Mortgage gnttted by Lender to any strtxesaor in interest of Borrower shall not apirrase ro release. it ttaty taasaar, <br />the liability d the original Borrower and l-orrotret's strtxeasora in interest. 1-~j~__r sAa~11,,,na~o~t be rtequied to oost.tasw <br />protOedfop agalrat atrch tnrC+:eaiar M toffee M Oxtend lima far paymart ar OOfCrwli! ~ d ttla rims <br />sectued by this Mortgage by teaser of any demand made by the original Borrower and Borrower's tasocevors is ist.wet. <br />11. F+erasrssee ry l.awrar IVet a Wrivar. Any forbearaitce by Lender in exercising soy right a remedy hnetrwdar, a <br />otkertriae al-orded by applicable law, shall not be a waiver of or preclude the exttrciaa d any atrdt right a rowdy. <br />Tee prpetxensatt d imurawce or the payment of taxes or other tiers a charges by Larder Shan not be a waiver d Lattdar'a <br />rtgr a tsooeterm the ttsaturity d the indebtedness secured b')' this Mortgage. <br />it ~amaias G~ All reatcdies provided in this Mortgage ors distinct and cumulative to arty tstlter right a <br />remedy under this Mortgage a afftxdad by law or equity. sod may 6a aercisad conewrettty. indepestdaotth a atsooeriwly. <br />13. Bwrte~aea awr Attttttrs Baiwrt gatwt awe nwessl Uai~lyt Capratr. The covenants sad agreemasta raeir <br />tbrttaitted drill bard, turd the rights hereunder shall iaurc to, the tespectivc attccesson and assigm of Lewder and Bxxrenrer, <br />subject to the provisions of paragraph 17 hereof All covananb and agreements of Snrrasver shill be joint and tnrerd. <br />Tee i:aptiOrn and Iteadirtgs of fire paragraphs of this Mortgage arc for convenience only and ^re not to be trod ro <br />interpret a define the provision< hereof. <br />1!. 1VNIea. Pacapt for any notice required trader applilicabk law to be given in another manner, ia) any notice ro <br />Borrower provided for is tAu Mortgage shall be giver by mailing such notice by cerlilted mail addraseed to Borrower a: <br />the Property Address a u such slier addren as llornswer may designate by notice to t coder as provided lters3r, sod <br />Ib) arty wetica ro Lender slid) fee peso by certilled malt, return receipt requested, ro [.antler`s addrer saaud baeie a ro <br />such other atidtsaa u i.ertder may dtnynate by natwro to ltarrasrer as prav~e.; herein Any ttdte providacl for in this <br />Msvtggc araN be deemed to hays bast given to Burrower or Letsder when given in the tnaneter titttignatad hareirt. <br />ill. tJrtfaear Maelgaga; Gevwwig hers lavawr~ly_ T)tr: torrsi of ttsoregage crsathinn trnifotun coveaara for tutiOwd <br />tae and rtaet-tmitvrm envcnanrs with Inrtilad vartattom tsv turistlictiort to cotatitute a uniform txunty inarrunttot eavawg <br />tad ptcrpasty Th:t Maigagc shad ba govcrtaerR b}° elk !€w of ttx. j;:tsdiert~t is a•Aut! the Ptepe!'y i=_ ioc:red. tt± ttir <br />a±iwtt that env provision ur ctaity of Mu Montage or tAe Note conflicts with applicable law, such aostliict Shan not amt <br />dttu provtsiorta nt Mrs Mortgage or Nee Note xrtirc'A can bt green ether wtthaut the ~ provision. sad ro tiff <br />rod ttte pravta~s of t~ Mortgage and the toots arc declared to i+e sevarsbk <br />if. Baesewala CNy Borrower shall bt furnished s con[ormad copy of the Note and of this Marrgago at the ties <br />of utacution n. after recordation hared. <br />ty. Teawtfar of Mr Prapasq: Aawvpliaw. If dl or any part of the Ptoptrty or an interest tAweia b sold ar traratarted <br />by Borrower without Lendcri prior writtrn .Doctor. excluding tat tlx creatitm o(a lien or tetcumbrsttce sulsorditsste to <br />tht+ Mortgage. (bl the: cttration of a puryhase money +ecuruv interest !rx Aoitaettold t!pplianaes, let a transfer by Boole. <br />descant ar by operation of law upon the Jesth of a ioint tenant or tilt the gntu isf any kataAstW imerset of tArec gran or lose <br />rrot oorNaisiag as option to purchre- Lender may. at l.tnder'a .iptwxt. dectue all tAe sums sacurod by the Mortgyt to be <br />rrrtrrtadistely dtte and psyahk. lender shall have wstved vxh asptton w nxektate i!, prkx m the sale a traratar, Laadw <br />and flit parsota to wham lira Properly is to be said ur traruferrcd reach agreement in wtahry flier the trotter o! effete panrn <br />u »llsfacti+ty to l toilet std that the iMtre<t pavahk .rn the sum. t~esursd tW this Mortgsgs shall ba at aucA rsls as Lertdar <br />shall rpunt 1f Lender hu wuvai the option n~ xctkratc provided .n tMa paragraph 11 and if Borrower's stxveesor m <br />iruerast lice executed • wnntn avumpuan agreement acs'eplad m wruing Av I entbr 1 rnder aAall reltsse Borrower from an <br />obligations under this Mortgage aril the Nett <br />If t etttler exercaea such optum to accefttare Leiider .half rout gxiusrer trttice of acceleratim in asxrordance with <br />I• Ileteot. ,leer waYwe attar prarttb a pttetod of sot lass tree 30 Gaya (Tots tIN ttna rite soeisa k mailer wllrss <br />wlti Yorrawr mAy o.y tM awe. i/rcfarad dw. It Borrowwr ro pay weh aurws prior to tfr aapiratiow d wilt pwiod, <br />[..wear way, witthotrt farther sous a dud on Bortxwer. invoke any rowadia parmitttd by paragrapr 1 g hsred. <br />Nutt-Ur+trtias+ Covat+wnts. Borrower and Lrtsrsdcr further covettaM turd agree as ttdkwrs <br />Ill. ~ wamattVa. filing! Y paaetrar Y paragra~r I7 retest. W~ larrasras'~ reasei wt Yy eseewast ar <br />itgwaat^a.r d Baat+rwee r err Mttwpga, ~s ire eveserls r pay wras d.e awy tr.w .•a.t.d b Mr rtlwtBrga, <br />lwrlr /ant w.awEvwaw iii trvi weeks t. Baarasrar v pt+sMd r ptattrpepr Is twat gaaltylags t11 era rsarert <br />f,>~ w ttnttcw ttetpired fr trre war rae.eM 1~1. tttir, rtq rs ~ >. troJra fsev era etla era rstlka r trsrBd t. ~.rr.stee. <br />b t~lrar trttA Ireaer itsart M ctreit trait ti{ fret tltirn r tsttw tsaer rsere- aw ar reface r 6tla q.cwd r era ttallw <br />ntt~ werB v aaedwwaw et w t..r .acretrt b twt Ia.tMw tawrr.v. b Ma+klr p..t+.dl.B .wi w..t w P..p.ta. <br />1s. taws tlrrtt rlelr.r t.w • at Ar rlMe w witdtla ttthar acedwaWrt are era dBM to ttrw+ f. era <br />pwssrr~ tr. waw~sirtlawra a[ , tttt6dt w t.a titter tt+lattaa at iweewar la aceaweMa. [tar bseda..e. u ere rrerer <br />r taM t:rsei eat or stew Ira e0a tad r Ira reltea. l.awrar N l,aarar'r aplra wq' tlaclw ail at ere save aea7rar -Y <br />err Miwtpge M ie Irw.aalttty era awr gttarrla wttlwsl lnttwsar dttrawr awr a..y tasaclrc b jerBrW pocsetWtg. ~ x <br />.ctrl ra..rn.r to etatlsae lr preeaarrtg aB aipuwas .t treerw.e. ~. r.t tea trdre ee. ettrrs or +.a^~at.ry <br />atira.a., ttrar.eta tt.r ar. wp.rr. <br />if. tlaearwaPa Burl M ttiimalw Ntytwithstandirrg l.ertder's accekratwa ~.f the sums secured by this Mortgage, <br />B~rowar alien have the rtgttt to have say procudinga begirt by Lettdcr to enforce the Mortgagr d~~.imtinued at any ume <br />