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<br />L'rtFCazt COYENAIVTS. Borrower sad Lender covenant and agrce as follows. <br />1. Ptytawt of Ttlwci/si arrd 1Neresl. &+rrower (hall promptly pay when dole the pnncipxl of and ~ntuesi vn ,he <br />ihdt'htedrteas evidettcsd by the Note, prepayment sad late char;ea u provided ,r, the Mute, and She principal +sf std ,merest <br />on any Ftnure Advances sceured by this Mortiaie. <br />2. 1Faada for Tana atad lasareate. Subject to applicable law or to a written waiver by Lertder, Borrower shal3 pay <br />to Lender on the day monthly itntalhrtena of prirscipal and interest art payable under the Note, tuHil the Note is paid ,n full. <br />a ss:m (herein "Fuade") equal to ooz-twdhh of the ygrly taxes and atuessments which may anain priority over this <br />Mortiaie, and iro~d rcna on the Property, if ahy, plus orrctwelhh cf yearly premium installraants for hazard irtsura»tt, <br />plus aoe-twelfth of Yearly prernitrm installments for mortiaie inuurance, if any, all as r'gam+ablY auirtuted inihdly aril from <br />Gina to brae by Lender on the bash of aasesamena :rid bil4 and rgxntabk estimates thereof. <br />The Funds shall be held in an institution the tieposia tx accounb of which arc irrwrrtd or iuarantead by a Federal of <br />state aiettcy fiecltdini Leader if Lender to strch an imtitution). (.ender shaft apply the Fulda to pay uid taxes, aaaumab, <br />iutn'ahCt premiums and Ground rcnu. Lender may na charie for so hddini and applyini the Funds, andyr~ni uid account, <br />or terifyini aril compilihi said essessrnenb and bills, unkas Lender pays Borrower interest on the Funds and applicable law <br />pemtib Sender to make such a charie. Borrower and Lender mxy agree in wr~tin~ at the time of execution of i)us <br />Mortiaie that interest on the Funds shall be paid to Borrower. and urtlaa such airasmeht u made or applicabk taw <br />roquiree ouch interest to be paid, Lender shall not rte required ro pay Borrower any tnterat or groinis oa the Funds. Lender <br />shall live W Borrower, without charit, an annual scmuntini of the Funds ahowini crodib and debite b the Ftmda and the <br />purpttee for which qe6 debit to the Funds wu made. The Funds arc pMdied as tsdditiortal trcurity for the wren secured <br />by this Moryaie. <br />U the rurrorsnt of the Fonds field by Lender, toiether with the future monthly tnualtruena o[ Ftnda psysbk prior b <br />the due chop o[ toss, eawsrtteeb, imarance premiums and irm~m! rcab, altdl extxed the amount rotirared to pay acid taus, <br />Iwetrtmeta, itnwehce premiums and {round rend u they fall due, axh excess stsalt Le, at borrower's option, eitirar <br />pnmptly ropaid to borrower or credited to Borrower on monthly trotdltoenb of Ftte~. tf ilea areoaat of the Funds <br />held by Linder shall not be atsfficirnt to pay taxes, ataessteettb, imurartce prcmrtrms and irortad rats as they fill due., <br />Borrower shill pay to lender any antorent nocepary to make up the deficiency witMn l0 days from the due entice w mailed <br />by Lteader b Borrower regtseatiai payment thereof. <br />Upon paYtaeot ie full of all arms aau»d by thu Mortis=e. Lender ehcll prompMy nftrad b Barrowcr say Fwda <br />held by Leader. If under ptsrtracp6 1® hereof the Property u sold or the Property a ottherwise at~nrte/ by Larder. Lsadcr <br />ahcB apply. tb Itster than immediately prior to the ode o[ the Property a ib aogwNrart by L.cssdsr. say Rtudt httW hY <br />I.wder M the firm of apFlicatloe u a credit ttpiaat the won accrued by thu kforgeic <br />3. ApprsrWa of lquuY, Uekse applicsbk lax provide altKwice, al! paytwmts receivstl by LarMr reader the <br />Nou sad pcrafiraplu t sad 2 hereof shag be applied by Lender fire in payttaem of atooueb payable b Leader by Borrosasr <br />under parc~rsph 2 hsteof, then to intenN payable oe the Nae, then to the prittcipcl o! (fie Note, and then b iacaral tail <br />printtipd oa ahy Future Mraoses. <br />1. Ctitpe; Lleas. Borrower shall pay ad axes:, atueaaetenb arM aher chsriea, tines and tmpocitiona atuibuWls b <br />the Paztperty which tusy stain a prtairy over this Mtxrtiaie, and kaaehdd payaseaa a poled reacts, d +nY, is ~ rear <br />peovided order psrapaph 2 (ocean[ or. if not paid ih wch Irurtncr, by Borrower Iteakiei peyuat. snhee tlhat, dnss~iy b tM <br />paYw tlseaeot. Boreswer vhdl paeaaptty fttraisfi b Candor dl entices tN amoum due tttstler ~ panirerph, aril is fete sweat <br />Bherowar ahaB rsate psymeet diraetly. Borrower ahaB promptly tttnirh to Landes rooaipb eviee.ei.i such payraean. <br />Baaowar ebsB promptly dieeharis soy lien which hu priority over this Matiaie: provtdad. that Bamwsr abeB cot bt <br />required b diacharie any nrch lien w btsi u Borrower shall aline in wriuoi to the payrmm of the obbiuasxr secured by <br />sloth liter ih a marine acceptable a Lander, or shall in food faith contest such Ittn try. or defend ersforoemertt of such lice iR <br />laid proceedthis which operate to prcvem the en[orwmant of the Iran ar [ortature at tM Property or awry pert tlrerteof. <br />S. ilwrd lae~rrtaea. Borrower shall keep the improvernenb now eziumi or hereafter erected oa the Property rnwred <br />aiaiast loos by Are, hazards included within the term "extended covuaie". and ouch other hazards u (.ender may require <br />aM m such amounts and for ouch periods u Leader may requsrc, Provided, that Lender shall not regwrc that the a+soun[ of <br />arch envelop sawed that amount of coveraie rssiwnd a pay the wins aecunA by' thu Matprr <br />The reeuranco canter ptordini the insurance shall be chosen try Borrower auislect to approrai try Leader; pravtded. <br />ffiet wch llpprovN shall not bt uanatooabty etrlthheW. All premttam on iosurarsce policies shat be paid m the reiaeer <br />Prn41Qi°d taxies Pu#nPb ~ (mein! ar, d not glad to suds ttaaasax, by bssrrawar makrai Psy+aeaR wtsee ilea, dsredly m the <br />tarrrarcc carrrer. <br />!ill humaa=z potiap ~ resxrrats thcra:t deal( tx ~ f,r:a a_~Ftsbk Ic: t;.n.rss a.'~? shaf3 ~clude a s:3.~s~at~ :~~riittit <br />claraee m favor of end ra torte acw0ldrle to Lsoaer. Lender shall have the rub[ w Iwld the pottcrn aril rcrrtwala tisereof, <br />aril lorroteer shall proraptiy ftrrarM m i~ader ail rcrtesral nottcea and sit recetpta at yard presnwmc In the evsat M boa, <br />Btsrrowsr shad itve P'ns^tp nrxxe to ttw rttaurancr c~arrssr arrd 1 arrdvr i •nrter ttuy mats pnxt :*t kris it nc,r mash fmrzsptty <br />lay Borrower. <br />Uaier Lander smd Borrower ratherwne agree sn wnhrti, insurance proeaeda shall be xpPtred to rankxation ut repsu of <br />the Property daara~ed, psavtsMd such rptorat.on sx rcpur u ecamsxnrvath teasrhle reed the sscuruy of thn kltsnpris ,s <br />not there-y iatputed. I( wch restaruatn or teparr to n.a ecortwerkally teasstsle w it the tsxsutty .x thu Mortpis vnwW <br />be rateperred, the ,owreace pracwds shall he xpplted to the srtrns aecursd by tAts hlortiaie. wuh tits sxcraa, d shy. Peril <br />b Borrower. It the Property a abartds,rtra! t:y Borrower, or it Borrower ta,h to rgpund to Lender rrduu SO days tram the <br />dots 4otics U rwsiled by Leader k, Borrewsr chat the +awrarws :u,wr otters to scut a ciwm fur trrr:rattca tssnaba, Lander <br />n authorind a cdisct aril apply the rnsuransx procxe~ a tsnder'a uptwn artier to rtrtoratrort or repau M tltc Ptzrperty <br />or to the stems scetuer) by tttn Mwtpbc <br />UeMr l.srtdcr tttsd tiorrarer .stetewtrr agree rn wnuni. any awh applirauon .,t pntti,aAs to pr,rwtpat ,hat! not sasard <br />ar poNpone the due date of the rtx,nthly ,nstallntenty referral to ,n parairtsphs I and 'here+t or .Hoye the am.n,m of <br />ouch tnsWltnenls II order psrairrpb i N hereof the 1'rupsnV ,s x.yuval by latedcr. all rich(, felt rhd ,ntarasl of Bornwrar <br />to and W adV rnauratses potretas xtd to arni tr, ttx prsxesds thera,i resulttni trt,n, dan,arle t.+ the t'r„lrrtt pn.x to the oak <br />or acgtsxttion ahatl pw to Leader to the aslant .>< the suns secures( t» th„ N.u tYaee ~nt„teAutels prw,r t.. ..+.h srk ur <br />i. wetteevatlea lard Malalesraap of Paspestys L.sacaYddat CawdeuWraust Plcawcd UaM Derslsptaeraea Borroeer <br />[pail keep the Property ~ pod repair aed ahaB tort commit waste or perratt tmparcmurl m OMasiorauon of tie Property <br />sad ahdl comply watt the provgtorta of any tease tf thu Murtiaie a on a teaaef><tld If thn Mortiaie <, un a tmn m x <br />tuhs oz a plaaaed oast devett>paacat. barrawu shah pczossrtr. a!I o! Batrsarer'::~rl,iassona unrla t!sc dxclarsurx <br />sx cowrseats creuiei M ptrmntaj the crn+domtmttm or planned unit d¢velopment, flee tsy-laws and reiuWk~ru of the <br />cardotltirtium or pieaneA trait davebprmm, amt constitutor skxurnenta It a corxtnrnatitan w pl_nrxd unit development <br />ride[ u aucuted by Boetvwer sad retarded taBothu with this Morti=e, the tbvtanaots and aptatrrssmts u; such rdar <br />aid(M ioootponoed lob and ahaB amend asd supplaaesH the cuvsnana sad ttireeetertta of thu Mortiye u rf the rider <br />wan w pall hereof. <br />7. Paelecbei sf t,ee++4rsc Buswrw. if Borrower fails to perform the covatanH std aircerrrcna conta,rted in thin <br />htwtitye, a if my stxica /x ptroceesay u commenced wtuc:lt may aRoca Lertder'a tntorettt to use P•opem. <br />iathsdini, hu[ not tirnited to, emiaeM domain, inadtrertcy, code arforctpoenl, or afAnienlCOb or pntcsedinca invalvrrt~ a <br />trenltupt or decedent, than (.coder at Leader's opion, upon ratite to Borrower, may make such appgrarxea. d~.hur.e su.~h <br />sutra std tats such acdoa u w agesary to pinNeet Lender's throreq, rnctudins, but sort limuai to. d,sburxmem of <br />rsaeooebM attorney's lace arrd pttry upon (fie Property to taste regales. It Lender required rnsxt;ale tnsurancc act a <br />condition of taakini flee ban accord by skis Mortirtie, Hrsrrowcr shall pay the premiums rcqurreA to matntam such <br />iaauahoe is eRect until ouch time u the requitement for such inuurance term,nat.a m accordance watt Bixa,wer'v and <br />