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~g~ i-tt l rl:i~ <br />!tender's written agreement •_,r apphcabk law tSorrnwtr shill pay the amount of all mortgage insurance prerrni~ms ire the <br />manner provided under paragraph 2 hereof. <br />Any amounts dist+urstd by Lender pursuant to this paragraph '. with taterest thtrtxm, shat! lxcome additional <br />indebtedness of Borrower eccttrcd by this Mortgage. Unless Borrower and Lender agree to other terms of payment, such <br />amounts s),afl be payable upon mice from Lender to Borrower raluesting payment thereof. and shall tzar interest from [tie <br />date of diatwrsemert u ttte talc payatik from time to time on outsiandittg i.rincipal under the Nae tmkas paymstt of <br />interest at such rate would tx contrary to applicable law. in which event such amounn shall bear interest at the highest rate <br />permi»ibk under applicable law. Nothing contained in this psagraph 7 shall tequitt lender to incur any expetre or take <br />any [sliest hereunder. <br />g• ha/tetio~. Lc:ider may make or cause to be made reasonahk entries upon and inspections of the Property, provided <br />that Lender shall give Borrower notice poor to any arch inspection specifying reasonable cause therefor related to Lender's <br />interest in the Property. <br />9. Cosideraautlse. 71u Proceeds of am' award or clam for damages. direct or consequential, it connection with any <br />condemnation or other taking of the Property. or part thermf, or for convryance in lieu of condemnation. are hereby asaignad <br />and shall be paid to Lender. <br />Tn the event of a htral taking o/ tht Property. the proceeds shall tx applied t~ the sums secured try this MnApge, <br />with the excess, if any, paid to Borrower In [fie event of a partial taking of tht Property, unless Borrower and Larder <br />otherwise agree in writing, there shall be applied ro the Burns secured by this Mo-[gage suct• pr.tportta, of the ptoeeeda <br />as is oqual to that proportion which ttte amount of the sums secured by this Mortgage immediately prior to the due d <br />taking bears to the fair market vilue of the Property immediately prior to the date of eking, with the balance oI the prooai <br />paid to Borrowror. <br />If the Property is abandoned by Borrower, or if, after notitt by Lender to Borrower [fiat the condemnor oilers ro treks <br />an award or settle a claim for damages, Borcower fails to respond to l.crder within 30 days after the date stsdi esotioe w <br />maibd, Lender is authorind to collect Brad apply the proceeds, at Leader's option, either to restoration or repair d the <br />Property or to the wins secured by the Mortpge <br />Utilesa Lender std Burrower otlsenrne agree in writing, any such application of proceeds to principd shag oot exssad <br />a postpone the due bate of the monthly installments referred to in paragraphs 1 std 2 hereof a change the sniottrx d <br />such itrtalltsiatts. <br />N. tgesaester PIs1 t>VisawL Extension of the time for payment or modplcuton o[ anwxtia'stian d the attar ss#wed <br />by this ItltMgage grsnrd by Lender to any successor in interest of Borrower shall tint opeMe ro telwe. in aeiy taeartsr. <br />the Uability d the orrgiMl Borrower and Borroeror's ststxaaors in interest. Calder shall trot be tet>,tired ro twmwwx <br />procaedhsp sgairist such sttoceror or refuse to extend time for psytnent a ahetwise modify aatortitrtion d Ass Bross <br />eetund by this Mortgage by tearon of any danand made by the ttrigirial Borrower std Borroraet*s tattt'sssars in fultsnsst. <br />11. Naiswsrn ~ tiwadsr IWt • ~Yslrer. Arty forbearance by i.cnder in exercising any right or remedy hetestader. rx <br />othstwise afforded by sppliubk Isw, shall not rte ^ waiver of or protiitstle the exercise d any aunt rigln or reeisdy. <br />The pr'octr'erient d irwsaece or the payment d taxes or other lisp a charges by lender shall not be a waiter d Leadst'a <br />right to aocekrw t!r maturity d the indeblednees secured by this Mortgage. <br />1Z. tiswsiss Cawais/ee. AU remedrs provided in this Mortgage are dp1iaN and ctraubtive ro any other right a <br />r'+m+edY tttsda the lltxtgage tx aRorded by taw or equity. and may M exercised corieurreatty, independwgy or stsooaaiwly. <br />la Bree.m.r...d Alas tis..~ i.iM ••+ ~.eaar rJ.kBilyc eeplwr. The covetunh std agreansrp iireia <br />contained shaft bind, and the rigAu hercurtder shalt inure to, the rtapeetive ssrcceswrt and trstgen d Larder sod tlacsetossat. <br />subject to the provleions of paragraph 17 hereof. All coveoartts end agteerasnn of Borrower shall be jam and several. <br />The rsptiom and tseadir~s d the paragraphs of thn Mortpge arc frx ~ronvenicnce only and are rtes ro be used ro <br />interpt+et or deAne fill proviaiotnt tiaeaf- <br />11. tYetke. Except for any mice required under applinbk law to be given m another runner, tat any aotite ro <br />Borrmver provided for in this Mortgage shall be given by mailing such notice by certified marl addressed w Borrower a <br />the Property Address or at such other sdttress as Bo-rawer may designate by rwria to [ender as provided berets. sad <br />(b1 aey notice to Linder shall 6e givut by arsi13et1 mail. return recaps rcgtteaaed. to Lender's addrer stated herein M ro <br />wch sstfier atidters as f_ettder may dtesiptate by liaise to iorrosrer a provided ttsrez;n. Any notice provided her in thM <br />Matgtge shah Fw deemed to have been given to Borrower ax t ender when even in the manna dseiiptated heron. <br />1!. l)ertarm MMPge: Geeertaig I~ws leversiNfy- alas form of martpgt cortabinea uniform cavensnh far tsatieaat <br />rtes stad mats-tiaifarm ~tnants with htnitetf varistnxs hs trrrssdretrart te -rntttt#e s unif~ra sssur•ty itt~sment <br />tee! properly. This Mwtgsge shall M gevertted tw the !aw of tAt iur±stK-:inn to which the hnperty es tocard. fn tht <br />ttvptt the! any pravtaeort Ea clause r>t this Mortgage nr the Mute crmdisix .tb appii4abk tsar, [rich c.>adti.i rhsU test[ al~# <br />;,tits ova d this M~,gage ='~ [fie Note wftich esn De gr,,•••• c!leet rtes sonftisyie+# praviaio°-, aed a thin <br />sad the pravniona of the Mortgage and the Nde arc declared to hie severable <br />ti. brrewers Copy. Borrower shall be fiirn+dttrd a .cwfornted :opy of ttu Nate ancf of ttus hlort;sgs u the [lase <br />d execution or :her rccardstion tiered. <br />IT. 7Yaasler of t!e TsMssfy: AwmpMsa If aN w any part of the Property a an ttrerON tltaeia is snit[ x trasrtferted <br />by Borrower withiwt l.errder's prior written consent. excitding fat [he station o(a lien rx etsctrrti+esnce sttltordtnate to <br />this kortgage. tb) the cmaean o(a purthaae money •xurity interest for ttottsehokl appliances- tct a trasater tw devise, <br />dsacatt or try operation of law upon the death of a totnt [loan[ or Ids the grant of any ieattahaid iaerpt Jt three yeah or lass <br />not consining an option ro purchase. Lsrdrr may, a l ender's optnxt. declare rlt the sums secured by the Mortgge to 1sk <br />tmtttsOtaxsly due and p.yabk. Latda shall Mve waived un-h aptnwt iu accclaatt ~f. prior ro the sale a tratssM laadsr <br />and tbs parson to whom [fir Propsrry is to tee x,ld sx traasferrest mach sgrcement to wrung that the steal err wcA perean <br />w satitfsetnry w bender and that the intertxt pa~..:bk on the sums secured by thn Mortgage till be at stash rue as Larder <br />shtiU rsyrmst- It Leader hu wtuvel flit option to acce.erase provided in Mis paragraph 17 amt :t Bnrttswer's suer in <br />iMSrast ties executed • writtat asstttnptien agreement xcepted in wrntng by l en.ttr 1 sn.fer shalt rckaae Bortower from all <br />obligations under [fits Mrrtgage anA [fie Nae <br />If l.ontkr exacistx attrh c~pliat tt aicekratc. f trader shalt mail B.arawcr IMM1l[ .d alcekratxx, m aucotdarice with <br />part'agraph li hereof Such ncNn'e shalt provide a period ut two ;esa [tern )0 dari troen the date the rtuttct w itiaYed wtdnti <br />wM3 lerrwsr eery Pay tlr sums dttdsred dos. It Borrowr IrY ro pet' taseh arms prier a Ais tngktliaa d Bret Petted. <br />rwdsr rosy, wfrhotN (ttNltsr [tolls et [[emend on Borrower. iavaks say tetrediss ptsrewtad bl' paregrsgi Ig hated. <br />Ntxa-UtrtraaN l'triRlratvTS Borrower and Lender hlntlM ~tvr7tant std agree u felMsws <br />it ilaaieeaYaea Uismsras. ~N rs pseekisd ~ pttstrptt~Y iT Moat, stgrs fsrrawal [lase! of +eJ ceveasee rr <br />trgwsmeat d ttleasewer r tiY FMsggs, rdaiYtg tM aeneesrr M pet' who des sty' ws, sxseed i7' Ais Mks. <br />Gelder Misr r acwwMsr tisN tree ttstYn r tgarwriw as prrvtlMd t• pnagsgh II hwe.t'.eitylsg: 111 tM httttae-i <br />(~ tits ttaMss- tts~tsd r awes sat! hssaali W • tier, set Mtm ilea ]g ids swim tM [gees Ass aseltr, Y trnird r tgssrewse. <br />b ttllleli ttttlNt htlgsi a>,.rt w caaadt ttrrd /+) [[tall faAo r was [[stet tirsaai sr sr M1eer fh. tees q.eiw r ti. itMlre <br />tteey tlssttp Aa seadsseNsr et tie win. saeaswd hry iii fil.e4agi, feseeMwre b i~ t~+urrs sad ag Ar Prgw4. <br />71s tttte/s skttf frsAttr let..r tissaeww d tie ~ r wkasrr abet asarssMMa sad sir ttlgit r swtrt r the fsreetiswe <br />Pa+teewrlatg tie asreaireaee .t a itttlsttit er .a .Arc ttadww of r m~ealswusa std bnetssrs.. r the keesA <br />Y ass etttrei set er iafese Ib ills riPsedsd V tM tstiYeea l~steisr M I.sadsrs ttt)eisa step riselese sB sit the star saettrsd h <br />AtY ttfwM,ge r M lawrieesry dw and gs}eiM wftiietr twtisr detarrd sad atiRy faseeiaee it' lairw tars.. <br />list M stttttBisd r esitiset la Blasi Psaawdlttg r wpsws d tlasearare, trclsig. Mt net umlM te. sees d ieeerarry <br />svtYsaros, tttksetrets and tills [[peat. <br />1!. Masewsah Right Y RsirsYSr- Nawitltatandirtg t-spdiu's aatleraroa or the sums xcurrd to this Mortgage <br />Borrows shill Gave the right to have any proceedings begun by Lender to enforce this Mungage .fis...ntinucst at any t,mc <br />