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~9_ 1-lflri3~ <br />(Jr+iFOana l-av~hn*1T5. Borrower and Lender ~osenam an0 agree as folti~ws. <br />1. Pttyraeat of Ptiaclpel asd ItMerest. Burrower shall promptly pay when due the pnnupal of and +nic:cst on the <br />indebuJrtess evidenced by the Notc. prepayment and late charges as provided in the Nate, and tht principal a>{ and +ntersst <br />on any Future Advances secured by tfiis Mongagc <br />1 P1ads rot Te=e seed /aaieante. Subject to applicable law or to a wntien waivtt by Lerder. Borrower shall p:y <br />to Lender on the day monthly installments of principal and interest are payafsk under fix Note, until the Nate a paid in full. <br />a sum (herein "Funds") equal to ono-twelfth of tF.e yeatYy razes and usasnicnts which rosy attain priority over this <br />Mortgage, and ground rents oo the Property, tf any. plus otwtwelhh of yearly premium ttntalltnenu for hazard imurar>ce, <br />plus oao•twelfth of yearly pretnitmt instalitnorits far mortgage insurance, if airy, all as reasonably estimated initially and from <br />time to tittle by Lender oa the basis of assessments and bills and teaaooabk estimates thereof. <br />The Rude shall be lxld in an institution the deposit or account of which are irourod err gusrantted by a Federal a <br />state agerxw (including tender if Ixnder +s such an institution). Ixndtr shall a;+ply the Fuoda to pay said razes, asaewrkriu. <br />iratrratics premiums std grotttd rents. Lender may not charge for so holding and applying the Furda. analyzing sad account. <br />or verifying and compiling said assessments amt bills, unless Letdrr pays Borrower ,merest on the Fu-ids and applicable law <br />pmmiu Lender to make such a charge. Barrawer and Lerder may agree m writing at the time of e><ecution of the <br />Mortgage that interest on the Funds shall be paid to &srtower, and unless such a4reement is made err applicable taw <br />rtsgttitd wch interest to be paid, I.erder shall not be required to pay Borrower any interdt or earnings on the Funds. Lender <br />shad give to Brxrosrer, without charge, an annual accounting of the Funds showing crcau std debin to the Funds std the <br />purpose for which each debit to the Funds was made. The Funds are pledged u additional sectrriry frr the stttm secured <br />6y the Mortgage <br />If the antoutit of the Fwds held by Lender, tatgaher with the ftrtttrc monthly itnullttaent: ~ Funds payable prior to <br />the due data o[ rue, assaastrienb, inuurance prcmiurtu and ground tints, shall taceed the aaaunt required to pay said rase, <br />eearnmu, insurance preanitrrna and ground renu as they fail due, such excess shall be, at Borrower's option. either <br />prtanpNy repaid w Borrower a crsdited to Borrower on monthly irigatheenu of Funds. l[ the amasm of the Funds <br />held by Lander shalt tent be wisciaet to pay tea, .rewaerta, insurance ptemiturn and ground rcttts u they tall duo. <br />Borrowa retell pay to Leader any amount rieoasary to truke up the deAciency within 30 days from the date naiae is truiNd <br />by Lander m Borroww rtrgtieteag payment thereof. <br />Upon paytneat m ftdl of all stuns scettred by this A/ortgaga, t.awdar shall gnrtipttY r2(wd to Borrower arty FtoBt <br />Issld by Lender. i( ands prsrsgtaph I/t hereof the Prtsparty a sold err the Property r ahsrwne acquired by Larder. Lauder <br />tthaB apply, oo Saar than itametfatety prior to the sale of the Property or iu aogtasition by Lender. my Funds breed by <br />Lauder at tie tint: of eppiicstioa r a credit aprrw the sums secured by this Mortgage. <br />3. ABglidtMiti of -stynasatr. tinltsi applicable taw provides athet'wise. a!1 paymtn:s rueis~sd by Lestdes nradsr 1!t <br />Noes sad paragraphs !sad 2 ftettof shall be applied by Lcrider tlrst in payment of amounts payrtble to Larder by Sgorrotsar <br />tsedsr ptttttgrap6 2 hereof, thin to iatererp payable on the Nae, then to rho priricipa! of the Ntote. and three a iaarau and <br />principal oa any Future Advaacu. <br />~. (carps; Lhaa. Borrower shall pay aU [axes, assessmenu std other charges, hoes and imposaiotis attribtrtable to <br />the Property which may attain a priority Drat thw Mortgage, and Feasehold payments or gtnttaid teen, d soy, r the mantar <br />provided under paragraph 2 hereof or, tf ral paid in etude manner. by Borrows rnakitig paymaat, when due:, duaeUy m tIM <br />payw therad. Bortowx abnU promptly ttsrrush m Laodw all tintless of amotum der. under thn paragrrph, pd ie the esaaat <br />Borrower shag make psyntiwt directly. Borrower shag promptly famish to Lender receipts evidencing such payrtttiut:. <br />Borrower shall r`r~PdY drehargc tiny tioo~wluch he prwnty over this Maxtgage; provided, that Btxrosver shall sot No <br />tequirod w distharge any steclt lien so bog as Baerower shall agree in wnUng to the paymcat of the aMyation second by <br />atte6 lino io a manner acaptabk to Lender, or shalt in good faith eomdt such lien by, ax ifetcnd enforcement of such Batt i0. <br />'.tgal proceeditegs which operate to prevent the enforcerrient of the lien err forfeiture of the Prapeny ax any part thereof. <br />!. Ilaaard Isistsraaee. Borrower slistl keep the tmprovamertts now niuing or hereafter erected ore the Prarpetty iratired <br />agaiad loss fry Nrc, bitzarda inchitkd within the term "extended coveragr' .and siwh other hs>urds a Ixnder easy require <br />and m titrch amounts and for such perisda a+ Leader may rogwrc; Provided, that l.erxter shall not tteywrc that the aaxwni is( <br />stst~le coveragtr aactead tlut arrwunt d covuagt required to pay the sums secured by rhea Maxtgagc <br />The istrturaoce carrier providing the Misurarece shalt be cfiasen by Burrower subject a approver! by Lt>nctt:; provided <br />that iiuch aAPfzt''d shah tint be unreasonably withheld. All premitms art imuranar palicie shall be prsid m the Homer <br />provded s>~r paragraph . txreaf or, if trot paid m such auaiiEr, by Bt~towsr tt~tirg paytttsyat, where ~ d+rac~y m the <br />iaatsnnce carries. <br />~. <br />1~ asurnaee ptdeeia*,i std reaiewaia ti.eresii >itaii he in iurrrr ucipiai»c [V i c+Nicr aril shall +aa;awi~ ,.;aJaP:. tz~.u:.ragc <br />~a:rx i:: favor •~ sad :n farW >;cepta~ !a Leudh.><!~r .i:311 have ±!r• .•;ht io h.sld rAe txrttcia atw. rettewak thMS~>(. <br />sad Borrower shall promptly furnish to Lender ail renewal notices and sfi recapts of pad prcmwms In the eretN tit Fats. <br />Borrnwar sleaSl gtvs prompt noti:.e to the ituurance carrier and tender t.xnt#r may make pr:xif c! lee if tnx n_tade prnaiptir <br />by Burrower. <br />Utslse Lertrlst and Borrrnver otherwise agree in wrung. mrtuantt prssceeds shall be rpptied to eestoration or tepau of <br />the Property dttinaged, prmided sucfi testontion err reper a econixnwally teaulsk artJ the securnY s>t ibis Mortgage is <br />not thereby iropausd- t( tawh restsuat+.ui err repair is nau rcurnsmicalty feasible au it the securer at this M.utgage vwwld <br />be tapered, tits iastrrtmce prorroeds shall be applies' to the sums sa urtd by thi> Mortgage- wuh the era sees, it any. peed <br />ro Borrower If 1110 Property s abandoned h &xrowrr :x ,t lkxrnwa fah a+ reapaaid to 1 ender within i0 days fnxn the <br />date PsetlcY q mailed by Iseder m Borrower that the imursrice carrrcr i4[m to >rttk a .Item lax +ttwraece traeAta, tender <br />is aiWturiasd to cdiact and apply the +rourait<r proceeds at t enJer's opton other tr rsstcxatuxi isr repair a>f the Property <br />a to the stirs sacurod by the Mortgage <br />Urdeis Lender anJ 8wraa;er otherwise agree .n wriutrg, any sax'h applicautm ,+! pr«a;tyttt ro peixipal :ha!! rzy esterd <br />w pa-tpaie the due Jute of the mwtthh~ instaftrtic tits rrfu red t.. ,n paragraph t and :hereof ur ..hangs the aiwsunt ut <br />such +nstallmenu If ondtr paragraph I X ttera,r ifir Property a a~yu,rr+l tie l edkr all r~Slu iitk asst +merest ,d Ba,rrowtr <br />in asd w soy tristirair>~e pislicia std +n aid to the praiceoala thrrd+f resulnnY tiom Jarnagc a. the Properts prior to the sale <br />a>r rcgtuuhtai shall pare W l.eider tea the c>ient +af the sums xcurrd tit th,~ N,+rtyage ,rnniatliatcts prior t.+ ..w-h sale err <br />aegtlldlia~. <br />• Maw.allan and Malaesnann d Pre*srty: t..a.h.ldat Ca.9rs.l.lran Ma..d Udt De.elgattaM- Borrower <br />s!!r~! kea}i tree !4'cpatly is g!>itd repair and shalt oat casita+it waste ax perms imprvweent nr dstsetitranaw d the Prasas'tY <br />asd shat! sx>lap1Y with rift proarisxtas a>j soy Issue it this Mwyage .s tin a kaaehsslJ If the Marigage r a>n a user in a <br />cnndamiptttm ax a pianrtsd Wen devebptiem, Borrowq shall perform ati of Barn>7ttrr's a#egain~+a under the 3iiiii+tir3n <br />or uorwnq a:isatiag or gotssraiag tits condortuntum err planned unit Jtvelopaunt, the 0y-taws std rcguleions ist the <br />eoadomiuium or planned uop devslopmeot, and cwistituem documents 11 a casrisft>mmium or ptanttard amt Jevelnpitiartt <br />[idet is eaactMSd hY Bortowtir and recatdsd togetlesr with this Mortgage, the coveaaD4 and agcaeassou n( web rider <br />shad! be inoorporasad itdo aed slug amend and wpphment the coveneib sad agnsnarib of this Mortgye u it the rater <br />wore a part head. <br />7. Fsalseidan art i.satiars Secttrtq~. I( 1Fortavi~er fai4a to pcrfarm the rnveaarus and agreeaienu cantuned in this <br />httxtga/e, or id sap aerie. err pteceedirq n cormtieaeed which materially affecu Letsder's ittrerest in the P=spent. <br />toclttdiv=, but ant limited to, eminent do Hain. insolvency, cads enforixtiscnt, or arrangements <x pnx~redings +nvi+Ivmg • <br />bankrupt of dacadeat, lha0 [.seder at Lmdar's option, upon 'WtiCe ro Borrower, may tnske such sppearaiices, dahursc wch <br />waM and take siseh action as is tiecewty to protect Lendei s +ntorest, incltding. but oat hmueJ to. JnM,ncntrm +,t <br />teasoaabk utorney's fens and entry upon doe Property to make repairs. If Lender required mongage imurxnce as . <br />casditbn of tnakitsg the loan secured by this Mortgage. Borriswcr shat! pay the premiums repo+red en mainta,n .ooh <br />insurance in a+dact until atti.h time as the teyuireiteent lM sttc6 +murance terminates in aa-eordauce wut+ Barn,wrr's anJ <br />