79- kli±.1 ~)f.~$
<br />l..ettder's wnttca agreement or applica6lc law. Borrower sAal1 pay rise atnotmt of all mortgegc insurance paemrums in the
<br />manner provided under paragraph 2 hereof.
<br />Any amounts tiiabursed by Lender pursuant to the paragraph 7, with intertut thereon, shall become additional
<br />indebtedrtes~. of Borrower secured by this Mortgage. Unless Borrower acrd Lender agree to other terms of payment. su-h
<br />amounts shall be paysbk upon notice from Lender to Borrower requesting payment thereof, and shall bear interest from [he
<br />date o[ dbburaement N the me payable from tune to time oft outstattdlej principal ands the Note tmku 1saYnrnt of
<br />interest at etch rate would fre contrary to applicable law, in which event such amWrlta shah bear interest ere flee hijlrst rate
<br />pertniaei6le under spplicahk law. Nothing mtttabted in this parajnpit 7 shall require Leetder to incur any expense or take
<br />arty action Iteretxedsr.
<br />R ItapecNen. [.ender may make or cause to be made reasonable entries upon and inspections of the Property. provided
<br />that Lender shall yivc Borrower ttotitx prior to any such inspection specifying teasonahk cause therefor related tz, l.tmtlers
<br />interest in the Property.
<br />~. Cwaiensatplea. The proceeds of any award cx claim for damages, direct or consegtrmnal..n connection with any
<br />cortdemnatiort or other taking or the Property, or part tt±erecf, or for conveyance in Iku of -~tttdemnation. arc hereby aaeijtted
<br />and shalt be paid to Lender.
<br />In the event of a togl taking of the Property, the proceeds shall be applied to the sums tecurad fry this Mortjge.
<br />with the excess, if any, paid to Borrower, In the event ~r a partial taking of the Property, unka Borrower and I.etsder
<br />otherwirc tsjroa in writing, there shall be applied m the sums seareed by this Mortjaje sttc~ yroportbn oe the prooada
<br />as n equal to that proportion which the amount of the sums second by [his Mortjagt intnrdiasdy prior m the dew of
<br />takittj bean to the fair marled value of the Property immediately prior ro the date csf taking. witA tlr balance d dte ptroettb
<br />paid ro Borrosrtr.
<br />tf the Property is abandoned by Borrower, or if, aher notice by Lsttder ro Borrassrer Utr the ooerdwstttx a/wa b relate
<br />m awrd or sdtk a claim for damages, Borrower hih to respond ro Lender within m Jaya abler the dart atsc3t noNca b
<br />teuibd, t.artder b sutrorbed eo coButx and apply the proceeds. at l.orrdert option, sitter b rerosation or repair d fie
<br />Property or to fir rats etrwnd by this Mortpje.
<br />tJnlsea t.arrdtr red lltonovror oNeerwbe ajroe in writing, any such application of ptocaada b pritcfpsJ ereB tool taeod
<br />a poatpont the t/rr dace of the ttsonthry irrtalltrrrtn rcferxd to in parapaplts t and 2 hereof a tdrge the eteesaett d
<br />such iaatalbasab.
<br />1fl. Batwwtr IVeI felatsaai. Etctttnsion of the time for paymattt or modflkation d emsortanien of Nst stases eecuead
<br />by this MoRjye jrtsased by Lender b any stsccweor in iabrat d Boerowbr shill tsnt operNe b rtleeat. i• atop setaaw,
<br />tlr tiabilNy of t!x ariptrl Bonorrer call Borroartr's stsceosors in inlwea. Leader shall not be wgtYtd b eeeteffesae
<br />pewaadep yaiaN surds ratrXttaei tsr refire ro taNatd tier fa psrysaerrl a attrrwire mot8ty oaorl~Siiow M M tttsae
<br />aactaed by Nils Mortpje bf' ntnew of say demand made by the orijiaal Borrotstr aril Borrowrs tttsoneaors M iseateY.
<br />lg. Feertaeaetet y I.aader NM a walew. Any fotbnratta by [.ender ie exaceiaj arty rfjht a tasedp ieewtadw. o
<br />otrawittr afforded by appKnbk Isw, shall nest Its .waiver of a peechrdt tie exereie d any .aei tint tx rwneip.
<br />71s proeertawne of iesrrascs or Nr p.yraen of taxes tsr other liens or cMerr by [wstdar slug rtes fre a want et Ltadare
<br />of jiN b aecelerals fir ttMlwity of dtt irsdebsedaesa secured by this Moeljtye.
<br />g=. Bfaaoi Caore/ee. Ap rttnedies provided in this Mortjya are tlWiaet std ctawulative b any odrr rigMtt a
<br />tetrsdy under fhb It[ort~s or alfos'ded by letr M equity. and may it axMCtaed corepKraHly, ttsdepttndenly Ot Nlcoetaitaly.
<br />13. Baeswseaa tied M~aa Betttade lest r tia.eeel IwBlpn Cttpet.sa The covenawu .ad ajnanrabt ieaeie
<br />contaietd chap bind, and the rights hettnrttder shag iawe ro, the respective atrtxetsron and aasijm d [.ender sail Bortovvar,
<br />arbject b the prwbiosu of puajraph 17 hereof. AB covenaMS and ajremoatu of Borrower shalt ix joint cod ss+wttl.
<br />71r taptiorta and leudirtjs of dse parajrapM of this Mortjge ere for convenience ottiy std are not ro bt treed b
<br />inNrpnr err ddhr the provisions heteo/.
<br />14. tyelloe. 13xctpt for any notice requhed under appNcabk 4w ro be given in soother taawter, tal any notice b
<br />Borroartr provided for in :hb Mortjtt~ ahaB be even by mailing such ngtipe by csrtiAed mail adtireaed ro Borrows ai
<br />tlr Property Addrra or at such istirr sddrew as Borrower may dwijttar by tststice ere [.ender as provided Iraeeits, sad
<br />(b) any ootlce ro [vender draN fre jivers ~ artiBed nail. returw receipt requesead, a Lttrtdar's atidrtw etaead itsuela a b
<br />strch othp' aadetas m Leader may daujaate by tststice ro Borrower as provided heron Aay trance pmvidad flat to this
<br />Mottpp alull 6s daetoad ro have bees jivaa b Btxrosrer or Leader svhea jivers in the warner d.djaased frewie.
<br />l!, Llai6xm lllWpje; G.eesaia j [ast Ba.arei~Y.. This form of tnortgajt cQra6iits uaifarm for irtei~sl
<br />ire and nen.utsiform covtaama wtlh Fitttietd variatiawa br }urisdiction en coaritute a uniform sectrety inatrsrastnt oowritE
<br />fetes! pr~serty. Ttsis tfc.:gag+t shad ba go><errsed Ay the lass :it the j:ttis.lictwn i+: which ttte ProporTy + 2:xard. la ire
<br />even eMet any oroveian err cMiua at this Mortjtye a the Note conltku with ttpplicabk law, welt cosrllic! aMM oa aunts
<br />oAw provitiotu d this Mtxtjaja or tfr Note which can be given eNact wtthcnn the cardli+,ting ptovtaiisa. trail b e1tY
<br />toil ti><. proriairitw .sf the td.er~aje aril the *lote ate declared in be severable
<br />ltd. Mewwttth Cajy. Bertnvrar ahaN fse ftnztislead a sroaformed copy of the Nor atsd al the Noetjap al the Nse
<br />d aaactkioa a sleet teeort/edon Irwtof.
<br />17. 71tarMr d flte !-epeetpt Asa~pllaa If aU a any part of the Propmy a an iaserste tiseseia b sold a aanafernd
<br />M Borrawr without Lender's prwr written txsment, exeltrdhq (a; the creation ore 4m a oetsntbattce arbordser err
<br />Nre lfor'tjsre, (bl tfr creatioa d a purthriie motley s.cisrity enteral for lsottaeltdd rtppliaaceS tcl a aanafar by darts,
<br />tleeoent a by operation of hw upon the death o(a pint tenant .u tilt rite psttu of any Masdtdd tnaateat oil tMts ytars a bra
<br />not ootMaiaitej ao optios to purchaa, t.eadsr tors. at Lender's ulMion. dadare alt tfts suave saeiired by the MsMiM a ba
<br />rarsediaeely due std papttisk. !vends shall heve waved wch nptiou to acce4rw if. prier ro the sale a trasttar, Lender
<br />and tfr psrtat to whom the Property u to ba soW or tranahrnd reach ajreetuatt rn writtttj that the credit of such person
<br />it atisfaeserp ro Lender sail slut for Nlhrivast peyabk on the sums secured by tiro Mortjajr ills!! !x a arch ran as Lrstde,r
<br />siaN etgtaast. If tweAer in waived rite option to nti-eltrate pmvrded rn rhts paragraph 17 sad i1 Borrower's wtxtror in
<br />interest -u asucutrd • vmtno ssrtraaptinn ajraetatot acceprad m wrung by lwndar. Lends shall reiataa Borrower from aY
<br />obitptiooa tsttder the Morejtttjs and the Nate.
<br />If lwtxdttr exercpa welt option ro asraakrrrc, l toiler shall marl &xrarer rtulisY :d rtxeieratiutt in aataerdatmro with
<br />N iesaef. Besci aefiee eier pt+trrtde • oft set fats eras 10 dells trove lie dese trt attteioe b stied welrla
<br />talti ~' pap tie tweet tlsolered trsa. ff Beeronw hih ro pep etadt ettwt pritx b tlr npkeebott tt/ etseh paeied.
<br />Loditr sat, rrideoert [wtfrer eatitx a deauad ten Bornaarer, invokt say rrarradtea perwiged by patetgrepr 1t ieetaf.
<br />Moor-Lhaetvaw Cttrvarsarras. Borrower and Lender further cavnwu sad uieree r foiiow:
<br />1i. AeeelaeaMeat RttertMb. irespl ea pttetlded b ptssaiaeplt Y/ fteaeat, ttpeas ienwwiare ietatti d alp r~teastl K
<br />sReestweaR d ~teswtr iA WY tletMPs MtsretiA Ma eervtaeafa b pb' versa is trap oars w^rad ti ris MeetiBttjw
<br />herder >lMet w erwYsrYw etrti rttai aMlea b Brower w psavl6d r ptrapapr la Meef ~etNpitit ttf era ieeasrf
<br />W 1Ma telrn ttat>ylifri b revs tseti Meaeit1471 • its. sal Mrs dlrr 71 rigs hats Mrs Able t1Me stirs Y tarid b raaearaer.
<br />b wllrr racer raetei wet M erwdl rrd ~ f W lira b eve sett rttertti ere tr reNw Ab ittr gaalMd to lie taalier
<br />tress eeeedl re.eetfleerie..e tfl...are taeteed rp twr IMaeeirp, ~br+a b wrrr pwaeetiej trail esle d eir reprnp.
<br />'fb tettriee thi ilwfMe ~ . ~ B4eeawa: d the ~ b tairwe dbl. terMrstira read ere ttfgtrt b also! w rtes taeealeawt
<br />/saee~ errs asreaeilteaee of a ad.tc err tap tAar deletto al Btbsawar b tiealeaatlaa stall haettleew. t t!a rs.rci
<br />1e wrl eels err er ielaw qn drb spedba r fie tttrlice. twniar M lwie'r .plY...) darirat r d eM sons ..erred iY
<br />1tb 1MMefiltp b M isttaedMslp doe sad pn7arle wlraw haMe- iMlwsN and trd feaetiesa b lrit'Y p+e+aitet j, twat. r
<br />arts w tttetlMN b eaieet b ettd pweeeittj r .repents et fawdttes*e. Yasla~e j, its we lirtiwd re, re.es .r aeraaaeatary
<br />evWttsa, aMslrrer anti fWe trpa» r.
<br />if/. leewrM"a B~Me b ishtefde. Noewahuaadinj Leeds's atxekratroo of the sums secured by this Mortgage.
<br />Borroarsr shalt rave ire tijrt to save say precsirja bejtro by Lender u• enftxce this Mortgngc dis.~.ntinued at any nine
<br />