79-U%~i~ UOt3
<br />Ilxttroaar Covt=xexrs. Borrower and Lender covenant and agree as follows:
<br />1. 1!ayrorq/ of Psfeefprl aei hdesast. Borrower droll pranptly py when due the principal of and urteresi em the
<br />indsE[ednms evidaaoad by tht Note, prspiyraest and late charges as provided in the Nose, and the principal of and roterest
<br />oa any Fraun Advatatxs secured by fhb Mortpye
<br />1 Rtm~ for 7'arae sad htearreea SYtbject ro appticabk law ar b a written waiver tq [.errder, Borrower shad pay
<br />b Lander at the day monthly irutallmants of principal sad ieterect are payable ttrtder the Nose. until tie Noe b paid m full,
<br />a tutor (herein "Fwdr'~ equal to one-twaifth of the yearly taxes and areasmmts which may atone priority ovcx thin
<br />Maxtpya, sad gamd roses ao tie Property, if arty, plus eae-twelfth d yearly promise i~aerw for Irattard imrrrasoe,
<br />plm toe-tweNh d ywrty premium i for mortpBa ittsnraeu. i} ear. a8 u raetoeebfy wiasabd initially sad [mm
<br />time ro time by I.aader oa tie basis of arerntmb and biih and raraoaabk estimates Hereof.
<br />Tie Funds Nell be held in m irtstittrtion the depoeio or aeoouMa d which are instead or graraateed by a Federal a
<br />vets aBrrty (inehding Larder if Lender is such an irMittgioa). Lender skaB apply tie Furde b pay acid taw, areerrteeb,
<br />inuratscw premiums and ptound rears. Leader may not charge for a hoWias and applying the Funds, anatyria~ said axwt,
<br />or v+rifying and oompilirsg said assaammth and hills, unless Linder pays Btsrrocver iatarsst as the Funds and applicable la-
<br />peemiu Lander ro make such a charge. Borrower and Corder may apse is wriHq~ a tie lima of ucculion d tbi
<br />ldertpye that unrest on the Frmds shad bt paid co Borrower. arid wleas larch apxmeat w rode ar appiieabh law
<br />eegtdtes ettdt iasrest ro be paid. Lender shall not be required b pry Borrosrar any interest a earmaps oe dsr Finds. laadsr
<br />shall ~vr b Borrower, without ciarpe, an aanua! accountiry d the Pwrda showily c:e~b and debits b the Ftreds and tM
<br />purpttes for which toad debit ro the Funds was nrde. iLe Funds aro phdpd r additiornl twancty for tie ages ssotaed
<br />by this MorysBe•
<br />U tie arsotw d the Ftmds laid by tattler, toee[her wiM tlr future moatbly irptallmeea d Fume pryabh prior b
<br />tie des lair d rues. marmema, ireararrce pteraiuar and pormd note, cinch a:coed the aerotsN regained b pay said taw,
<br />aaeaalmard, irntraece pramiurn and pound roots n they fob due, sttcl, excer shall bs, at Borrotrer's option, eider
<br />paompdy rrgY b Borrower or aeditod b Borrower os rrootliy iwallarrra of Fttads. U qts arsamt d dse Fonda
<br />hold by Larder aMY net be sudeiaet b poly Iuce, asaeeereanb. irretuanoe pnarixaa and pamd rests r tlAry tall dt».
<br />Bottwtar etaB pry b L.trQer any agrotrt aaarsry to mate up t4 de6ciercy witiin 30 days [two tie date etttiw w maBad
<br />by Lollar M Bortowr ergdedsK p.ym.rt thereof.
<br />trpor peymem d tqB d all name eerared iy eir Monpye, Lander et+Y prarrptly n[tesd b Brarrtswer ary Firade
<br />IrN by t.erda. It reeler perlgmph 18 hrcat ate Fropcery w .oi0 « the Froprtrty » oetestrias eagdrad b Lcrdtr. Candor
<br />aMB apply, ro hlar tier immedhlaly prior b the soh d tie lrapsRy a ire aogritMioa by l.crdar, aey FtmAs bald ty
<br />Lqr~ at Ma these Of appBcarioe es a credit eptier 1M tttnaa saerlnd b7 Ii1ia Mttrtpye.
<br />3. A~*Beatdnn 1 Fttptttretti, lMrleee appicabh hw providee ceierwhe, all peryeerga rtrcriwd iy Lader rrMr tM
<br />Nose and pererrapia 1 sad 2 ieraot aiaB be applied by Leader tiro in paymcrt d amotera payable b radar by lornrrrer
<br />tender paratcpi 2 irnof. these b iOleleat ptsyrbk a tie Nose, thin b tic peiaripal of the Nog, and tier b irtaeest ad
<br />princpal tan aey Fortes Adraroee.
<br />1. ~rBuR litre. Borrower shall pay all taxes, eseeesrrmr acid tries duryes, flees sad impoeitiees atetlitstabie eo
<br />Ile Ftnpatty wiio6 achy aam a priadty are des Mortpye, and leaeeboid paymamla « posted rata, it aqy, r ties eaanrar
<br />ptatrvidad radar pstspraph 2 bersd a, d not paid m etreb arrow, by Btrevtrsr rtetwtB payeserl, whoa t1ra. tilteruy a toes
<br />pt11JM Ihrsot. ronostir ehaB peompdy ttgrieh b !.cellar all aaioes d aenarw des tsadar lbw paeaBrap4 erd to the twat
<br />/eerorear atoll eaab paymaet dirscdy, lanorrv ebsdl promptly [rrris6 b Lsarrhr rK'rPd evtdaneiey twsli MB'menat.
<br />Btrnotrar atoll pcampNy dwdrrye my ties whiff hr prtorrty awe thw lEw1{tye: prtrvrded, dot Borrower aitB not be
<br />b ~M ~Y surlt lies a bsy es Btwroaw shad agrees in writrty b tM prymres of tie ebbptdea rewwrd Yi'
<br />sttrh lies is a maaabr ttcrspahle ro Loader, a ehallr pal faab cotrtdet atteb Lim by, a ddsnd entortxeeent d srsoh bar iR
<br />Iap1 proceeiiap wbtdr aprrr b pasveat the srforcrosttm o} the her ar forfatun d tie Property or airy put il-rsot.
<br />!. Nn~ed laaerarar. Borrower still kop the imprrrvementt sow esbuey a hrreatter vatted an the Property reeueed
<br />ttpirr lose by Bee, boards iadttdd widie tie term "sateerrhd toorera/e". ad web otbv baxards r lxakr gray tsrpmee
<br />std m aradt atattrtraes aed for such prriotY r Lerasr may regeite: providnL tint Laedm shall rat regwn tint tlr amore d
<br />useh cwaape exceed tMt amotmt o! c»veraBc ngeind b pay tie wins secured b ties iLsryge.
<br />"ttie earlier pry the wruraaca sbsli be elsoeaa by Borrower arbjoct ea apprxwai by Lender; proriisd,
<br />fiat torah tlpprroral rtiaB not fees trmeaeoeabiy trilhiteid. AB prsmasrm os iraurrncs policies shag be paid to tie rttrrawtr
<br />pensidael ttrde: prnpraptt 2 bacon[ or, rf cot paid m such maeuu, by Baaroerer eoatay palrmant. rhea doe. 3eract4' ro rite
<br />ieateetraa eaerier.
<br />Lill ~ pt>irit ~ rush tlwee} X13 ie sn form acc-ep!at±le to Lrrcclcr rh*ll rm~ltswr ~ ±tamlar'd r~+repye
<br />aiawa Ir taeor at aa/ ro tars rcapte6h w Laalar. Larder sbaU bve lire ryM w hold the pohcir and resrweh drool.
<br />and Barrow sill promptly fterwh b L.rrdv ail renewal aarep sad ail receipts a pond prmviwm. la the svesrt u} Lear.
<br />Bessawee sbaH i~ prompt saaiee W rte iaatsraaee c.arsier and Lender. L~r arar arnica proof .~} k: it r~ ntadt ptoaspF#Y
<br />by lunssrr.
<br />lttsiwa Larder ewd Boerowsr otieswise ayes in wrNiry. hteuraece pcocwrris sMll be apPbed ro ewasruioa or reprir a~f
<br />ties Fr~perty datraBad, peovtdcd twcb tesbratior a ttpur b ewrramicaUy }eraibk sad the rcurrty d then klortBap n
<br />not tlerefy iltprind. If such eraeoratioe a repair u rat axtnarwaNy feesibk a rt the rcunty of the Mortpyr raid
<br />be itaptwod, the iensrsree procaarb shell be appbsd to the wine secured by lib Mortpye. wrrh the raver. i nay, past
<br />b Borrowr. U tM Froporty r alrudorrest by Borrower, ur ri Borrower tub to respond to l.ssrder retires LD days troar t!r
<br />date atedce w mailed by Leadr w Bortowa that tie tssurarrce torero often to mtk a claren for ittwrwce brettefia, Lsrtder
<br />b arlhoriaad b uBaot and appify tie trratrraeca praooeds at Latsdv's opus other b tstaoratroa ar rsprir d tM Property
<br />a b tfe wee recurrd by rile Margye.
<br />iiefesa Lauder sad Borrower orierwtse ogee rn wrrttty. any such appbcatron cvi praawb a pnrscaprl shall real rsesati
<br />a prrrryotr Nr due des d for rsrnrtily urstatiaseats rrfmnd to rn prresrapbs I and : hereof ur change the amount u/
<br />steel inernlhraara. I} undr paryrapA t a irreuf tie Proptny a acyurred M' leader, ail nabs, ntk sad interest of Barrowsr
<br />tin aed b env rtsatiat7 politer and m w3 to the prncxads lbereut rasuhtap from darnaps to fir Prtspati pear b t11a oak
<br />a acglMibon shall pre to t.aoder to fir caterer u} tie awry sawed by this M.vtgage «runedratdy prwr to strulr sale ut
<br />~m
<br />di. lwateedlr tttri tWer6tw of Reepr4t GenlhaltlM Cwdatebrsml Nlred tlrB Dwelepmenr. Barnnrer
<br />rhaB iatq the Mrptty 4 Boo! oapdr and eiaB not rgrtrrit wttatr es prom IOpai[fNtel es ireimetioa d tM Frgresy
<br />W ttbtdl tbt.rply wegf tic prarrsears of r., tease rf dear Martpys a ea n leaeehoid. F} this Msxspra b va a rticp ire +
<br />a a ptanaed ugts Bettreet ~ prtt}orrs ab of Bositrrer's rblspu:ens tntdet the drrlrra!st+ty
<br />a aaearuala eraatiq es pwrary tie cvadommrwa or plarrtwd oat devrelopwrrrt, rtes by-laws and :gxdrtiora. u} tba
<br />oerdaaiaittm or pherwt trek dredcpeneat, sad cosadttttrot doritmrnts. if a cawr}erdnium or prannd unit drwlopmeet
<br />rider w rtcetwd by Bartogsr trod recall iraptiw with thss Mortplp, tlr txrweaea and .psemean of nscb elder
<br />tIM1 M irtarrpsealad isle sad eiaB aaeerd sad sepplarrem the eossearta rod apeerrrW d Mb t4artpye r i/ tlr ride
<br />wtwa a prat hersot.
<br />T. *tgleeroa d Lwe~daH BacttAy. U Bert+ovw lath b partoem the covaaants sad ryroentara carnarrted in this
<br />~Br. tr Y asy antes es plow Litt{ r oemmrsed wiiei materially .Baca Condor's irrluest it dr Property,
<br />bnt eat BariW b, eminent domain, iradwsreY, eoth eefordmrat. or arrrsyaatats or pruoeedMtgs ir.votviry a
<br />htrtaitrigtt w deoeda6 thin [.cedar r Lttetthr'a opti~r, tspott entice to Borrower. rw.y mates wch appeanrsces, drstwrse such
<br />rues ftnd tab taut a~ ~ as ie aaeeeavy to protect i.mt0er's raeraet, tnclu&ag, bin not limirod ta, dnbutsematt f
<br />teasaoahia aasoerey's tae sad carry upon for frroputy b quite ropairs. If Loader required martpye irwurarscc u a
<br />oeeditioe ed trakietp tie Ittu aecared by this ttartp~a, lorrowv shall pay lire premitrras required to mainuin such
<br />Ieewaatoe in eBaet trtil steel tame r the eegrrwquaaet for snob raatwaace armatates is accotdarrce wrrh Bwtvwrr'x and
<br />