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79---111 ~ (){~~~ <br />1,ent]er'a wr~ften agreement or appbcablr law. Borrower xhall pay the amouti of all mortgage tnsurana. trrcmiurns ,n vhe~ <br />manner pro~rided under paragraph 2 hereof <br />Any amounts disbursed by [_ertder pursuant to this paragraph 7, with tntar~t tlxreoa shaP become additional <br />indebtedruss of Borrower secured by this Mortgage. Unless Borrower and Linder sgra to other terms of payment, such <br />amounts shall be payable upon notice from Lender to Borrower requesting paytrtent thereof, and shall hear interest fronn the <br />dste cf disburxrnxrtt at the ntc payable from time to titre on outatandatg principal under the Note unless paytntttt of <br />itrterest at such me would be contrary to applicable law, in which event arse;. amounts shall hear interest at the highest race <br />permiribk under applicable law. Nothing contained in this puagraph T shall require Lerder to incur any expense a take <br />any action hereunder. <br />R rsgteelMa. Lender may make or cause to be made reasonable entries upon and inspections of the Protxrty. provided <br />that l.entkr shall give Borrower tsotice prior to any such inspection specifying reasonable caox therefor related to Lender's <br />interest in the Proprrty. <br />1. CaadewaaMbra. The proceeds of any award or claim for damages. direct or consequen:ial, in cannectitm with any <br />t~ttdtmnaticm or otM r taking of the Properly, or part thereof, or far conveyance in lieu of condemnation, arc hereby aagtted <br />and shall b¢ paid to Lender. <br />In the event of a total taking of the Property. the proceeds shall be applied to the u:ma accurst by this Tdortpge. <br />with the azcess, if any, paid to Borrower. In the event of a partial taking u1 the Properly, unless Borrower and l~rsder <br />otherwix agree in writing. there shall fie applied to the sums secured by this Mnrtga;e such proportion of the proceeds <br />r n egad to that prnponion which the amount of the sums secured by this Mortgage im-tei.iarly prior :n the due d <br />taking bean to the fair mules vdtte of the Property immediatety pritx to the date of taking, with the balartcc of the pra'etds <br />paid to Borrower. <br />if the Property is abatrdotted by Harrower, a if, after nMice by I.etrder to Hormsver the the condemnor tilers ro make <br />an award or settle a claim for damages, Borrower fails to ra,ortd to I.eodtr within 30 days abet the dais etch notioe w <br />maiMd. Lender ie atxlrcxfred to twlkct and apply the proceeds, at Lertdsr's option, tither to reabntion or teptir d tws <br />Property or to the sums secured by this Monpge. <br />Unless t.etader and Borrower otherwise agree in writing, any sttch application d pracaeds ro prieseipai >dasN trot traread <br />a pogpons the due date of the ttaottMly imtdlsaents referred ro in Pa-~Phs 1 and 2 hereof or cAaap the asaotrq d <br />staclt imtalleraatpa. <br />N. Banwwlt NM RalsaasL Ettaettsion of the tiroe for payment or modilkatan d ttteottRaYion d the stras saetred <br />by ehu Moatgys granted by I.etada to any attcoasor in interest of Borrower shall red opsror ro release, is any resat, <br />the Haht7ity d the origiml Btarroarsr std Borrower's twocrsors in interest. I,sndsr shall red be ntptir-d b ooaraMes <br />prooaldkrp ttgairrt sttch ttescsYSSOr « tehre ro attend farce for paymap or ottasewtse mortify aaaertisaeiort atf tic tttrs <br />saeaued by tlds Matg/ga by rottswt d arty demltd made by the arigirtal Borrowsr and Bons wuecaaswrs ~ rwast. <br />11. Raew/raaa !y I.aaiss Not • Malvat. Any forbearance by lender is aaercising any right a reaaady httxarader, K <br />ollasrvvisc alladsd by applicable law, shall trot be a waiver of or prschsde the mta:rcir d any wch rigilr a rwtttadf• <br />71a1 trosaesrassrt d iataalnee or the plyttrtsnt d rues or other lieu a ehatles by L.ertder shall tea lee • waiver d l,sstdsrs <br />ri~tt ro acxeletws Mas ttatatwNy d the irtdsbsedtsea secured by tAis Mortgage. <br />IZ BMra~ue Glrulrllw. All remodies provided in this Mongag/ arc diatiract and crtmulative ro any tstlasr right ter <br />rttsnedy under this Mortgage a aQordad by law r# equity. sad may he eaarciasd eoecurrtesatty. irtdepe+adary a sucwrively. <br />!J. B~esrr trtd Asa~n Ladr Tart rttd Bavasal [JairMgq Cr~sa 11ae covenants ltd apeaaaswla wsseat <br />otsabiwd shag bind. and the rigtrts haswnMr shall inure /0, Hte respective wccatlors sad arigaa d Lladsr sad Bonawr. <br />subjse: to the provisions of paragraph 17 hereof. AH covenants std agrsumatts d Borrower siult be joint and snverd. <br />1Ue captions sad bsadittp d the paragnpM d the Mortgage are for rnnveniertcs only and ate red to tts taard a <br />ittserpret or define tM provisions bleed. <br />11. NaiYca. kept for Y9 norlsx toquieed under appHcabk IaN to k given in attotlter carter, cal say aatioe b <br />Borrower provided For in this Martgrys shall he gives by ttsaiMug loch nottce by txrtiiad asail addrarM to Btxroerw at <br />the Nropetty Address M at such other rddrsss as Borrower taay tMrgaate ~' taotice ro l.eadtr M provided hareia. lad <br />fhl any taotice ro Lender shall be gtvsn to ~a•uled tnatl. retain teeetpt rsgssassW. to Leader's addror stated haeia er b <br />suds olwsr addror r t.atdet taay try taotita K' aerto~wat r pravidsd Itpeen Atay sotice proridttd !or at pds <br />Marty shlii he deaasd to havst Bala gt~t to Harrower ar I.estder srlaea gt~t ~ the ana+mL7 deaiptared ttettie. <br />Ig. Uttt~ssr Mew twsrssagsg ts~ Bsaasa~. Tha fotat of taortpp comNsar unitarm coveorps tot ttttxioad <br />use sad area=usdttsttes ravsaaat: +e#tla Easissd > !x •.»-:_~-= m , a amiseem aeeustlt< iestruaaeet <br />real Rr>rF+rry flats Wotsp/s stusH t+e,.sa by tat tsw ar the turwdutsea rn wtttclt ttte Prssperev a bcaeed. hs ttEr <br />cosec friar a~.y .sue=:. ~ :~t~ ~ ±*~is +~t~.~ '~t~ -:~= ~ w ar~~a++k r~!s __= shag *~ allaci <br />ellaer ltovisioas d the Morsaaaa a rise Nola srhtcit can ie rose si.ct wnhaut the ceetitcttn{ ?rorraloa, and b thin <br />Brad pat provaioar of per Mongage and the s+ssas ate dea~rod ~, be ssverabsr <br />t#. Btaeaar~s ('e*-. Borrsswsr daN ire twaadud • r:+.fs..>r.•d e~ss¢r <at doe ':tote and of pea MswtEage at the recta <br />d lMwrliow a afpr teeaedasisw hsresl <br />17. Tlenfw lg cis ~f't Arstsgraa tf tit or new pan d the hespartY ar as xrtereM theteatr sob or trrntrted <br />by Brrrowsr without tattdsr's pnor wrinen ccvataea•- saclsdlag tat the ~rsatioa of a lass ar stacutwMaa~ wbordiaats ro <br />Nb Matpge. fbl the creation al • purchase atsetsr aw-unn taatrast for boa>rAtsid appltancss, ic1 a trtarrsfet by devise, <br />dsaosat or by oparuioe d law upon the dedh d • Its,wt rttlat d ;tit flat pace a/ say Ieaeeltold rntaeeat ut throe yern of Isas <br />oot ceutlYaaag sn opHoat us punhar, Lattdc+ mar. u l.etsder't aptaae, tlaciare dl the seem escursd by thr Mortgys to be <br />tro:aaeawty due std payable. tender ahap have ra,vskt such ~~ ~ aa-•sarata tt. pt~r t:, the t~k ar L~ <br />aed Iles pnott ro whom the Proptuty /a ro rte aoW ut trst»tereed reach ttgeesatant is wrtuag that tree credit d twdt papaw <br />le saoafacttxy w L.atder cad that the interest prrabk m the rums secured hr tfsr Murtpgr shat! bt u such rate r Lewdu <br />shall roytasat If I.sawfer Ere wuvad the sprats h, acwlrrate ptznided ~n tha prrapaph iT sad d 0.vrn+wd's tatrclawv in <br />rrttasesl Ale lxecuttd a wnpeo sasarwptton agreaatene accsprad rn rr»ittg by l etsdsx t ettdm shalt release &.rrtrver from all <br />obllgatiow uttsler this Nattgrtge sad the Nor <br />if Condor aaenaea such apron to si~elerate- t tndet shall marl Borrower ebttee c>f accssleratraa ro accordance mth <br />paragraph i.t hereof. Such referee shall provtds a ptrrtx) of rte kw shut sp dayx irrxa the date the rtatice a mailed within <br />asiitow Btsewwtlr taay~1q~ twl wis sltetsser slue. it iasttrerle fast ro pay satew auaaa'rror q cwt lttgiratiart d wtda ptetsd, <br />t.Ma~e rf, wirhartt (1aNar notice or dssaastd on Bsrnrwr, iwvekl stay rsrnlglas prtsitbd by pttert/rlpA Ig rtted. <br />Ntiar-U•+trastk C~r;ra- Hs:rr, a~ t.wder turthrr xvsr,aat amt a ae falk~: <br />4B+ ~raEst!~Eay israrrllsa. Baeslt s. psrriisd its !!ta~iagh i 7 irratat, tsgsa Baesawwrs rssaew all acv cavawawi r <br />gawrsat d lessarer r tar ~• ~ tWs awvsaaals as geay wwaa tins asy ttrs ceased h' two Msts~s, <br />l.adsr gtllst 4 wsltrtelllaw ttYB tataB aUiee w Bttnotser r gnvlttag r gwetpglt Id Overeat tjsdtyigt (1- Iwe wnaeat <br />fA tat atM/a attrd r row tlaai resrkl ~~- . wt, trM versa Man ~! ~. a.. w arts tit tastEes r nedA .. Btrw.wr, <br />y aat~i RA ctrl WtM w ~ ~ {~ f1~ teBaae M atie Mlt1 MMtta M M rM1e 4 gals s~llWd r tie tat#e <br />sag racy r lailrtwllsn • tit era estassrtt~ ~ tai Masrttp, taseelaaera b JrtBkY gsaeelirtg M efts ttt tie 1'npstq. <br />iktt stttlres ewdt anat. tent.. Bi...w. It t1Yl rtilta r seiaslsda e11sr aaesiseasisa ant w rigiw as aatasa r eves hrtssissrw <br />ga.l.driB tBr atrt.wrwk ~e d . Attaa~l or ~ aMrt dataeas d titassrwes wr aeesissallsa steal tar.ersr.. ^ w wnwew <br />n.u e+nM w or wtln Mt. Ella apdW v ttwl aeMew, t..dw le ta.drl .Mr.a w a.rlars aB d ue ...e sst.a.d b <br />tit twtiltBa w ~. Ir.siraty two. aatl M~Ytt1M wwwt hstwsr d.rod asd ~'~ h Wit'rl pe.c.ediq. t.sad.r <br />aalB w...trrtd w « wa.teew paea.tiag at lseparw .R treelawro, wtdaig, rw rr Btatlisl ss, caas d doersat..y <br />ttvNsase, ilrostl eted Ida egasr. <br />U. ilrrowad~ ~ M BNYteMt. Notwithstadletg L.ertder's aea-tleration of the wins stxurni by this Mortgage. <br />Hortsswsr shall have the tight to lure soy procsedttsgs hsgtut by Lender to stforce thts Mortgage disci+ntinued at any <br />