7~_.,l.~lj ~. ~)~l~
<br />Ut+rPaast CovENwnrs_ Burrower and Lender covenant and attree as follows:
<br />1. ~ d PrbcipW end btecvest. Borrower shall promptly pay when due the principa! of and interest ors the
<br />indebtedrtas awidettssd by the Nole, prepayment and late chatses u provrded in the 'slate, and the prnrcrpal of and interest
<br />oat amy Futtrre Advance secured by this Martl;ase.
<br />2. fFlesdc ter 7aaes sad hr~oe. Subject w applicable Iaw or to a written waiver by Lender. Borower shalt q}
<br />to Lender on the day trroothly rrWaQtttents of principal and interest are payable girder the Nae, until the Hots is qid b futl,
<br />a nun (herein "Ptmds'7 roqual to one-twelfth of the yearly taxes arrd aastasmmts which rttay attain prioriri over this
<br />Mortpje, and Srotred tents oa the Property, if any, plus Otte-txvelhh o: yHrly premium inpaltrnenrs for (ward itwtrartcc,
<br />pitta sae-twdith d ynarty ptemiuot installtaenq (or rrtortpye imurautce, i! say. aU a reasonably estimated inittaBy etd from
<br />time to time by Leader oa the bob of asrsmema and bilb and reeromable rstimates thereof.
<br />'IUe Funds shall be held in an institution tits deposits or accotmu of wt:ich are insured or Sttarantesd by a Federal or
<br />sole agency (includinS lender if Leerier is such en institution). I.srtds shall apply the Funds in pay sai3 taxes, aereseretetw,
<br />imuraace premiurrx sing poring rents. Larder may not chupe for w hoMirt= std appfyinS the Funds, anah r~nS said rcoatat.
<br />or rsrityiaj and compilia~ fad asessments and bilk, unks Lstder pays Borrower Interest oa the Funds std applicable law
<br />permin Lender to make such a charSs. Borrower and Lertdsr may aSrse in wriaad at the time of cxactaioa of tltis
<br />MortSess that tntsat on the Fttmds shall be paid [o Borrower, std unless such alpesrtrent n rtrade or apptipbk law
<br />ragztitw arrelt in4xest to be paid, Lender shall not be required to pay Borrower any interest or utmttps oo the Funds. Lender
<br />sha.7 pve to Borrowtr, without charge, an anrtwl arcountietj d the Futtds shoveled credib and debits b the Poodle sad the
<br />pttrpore f« which each debit to the Funds was made. ibcc Funds ors pledged a additional sawrrty f« the »rrr ast:eaed
<br />by this Morya+r.
<br />If the antotmt of the Funds heW by Lender, together with the future seoothly imtallroents d Fonda payable prior w
<br />the due data d rases, a»dfrrteots, ioeurancs premiums and arotrrrd rase, shag exrxed tht asna~at roqui+ed to pay said Ianat,
<br />assrreoseats, imtrraace pretnwtats and Sround rents as they fall due. w_h sxcas grail be. u Borrower's option. stints
<br />promptly repaid kr B«rower « cradaed w Borrvwar on naotbfy itrWhnans of Funds. 1[ the amoau d the Fundr
<br />httW by l,aader dtaY not be sumcteet w pay canes, aereesatert4, ieauraace ptemitaas artd Sraued rents a they tap dun,
<br />Borrower atoll pay to Lander say amoatt aeoesary to melee up the deAciency witltia 30 days [tom tM rile aetiesr rtxailed
<br />by Corder b Borrower ngtMattrtS payment thereof
<br />U}oa payment is ftrY of aY etrras sacu»d by fhb MortBaBe, Corder shall promptly rotund W Borrower asy 1Ntai
<br />held by L.aedar. If ttadar pareaaph Id heroof the hopsrty rs Bold err the ltoparty b otMrwier acquired by Lander. Leader
<br />riYl apply. ao laser than itsmediatdy prior ro rue sale d the Property « iu ncqubiaun by Leads, say Funds hdd b
<br />Lamar at Ib tint d appiittalioe r . erMi< gainer the eons reound by this MortBrtpe
<br />]. ApMeaYaa stt ~ UeMes appticabM law provides otlrrarla, au paymtmts recmwd by Ltattler wader dte
<br />Noss sad pargraphs 1 sad :hereof ehaB be appited by l.eeder Aru to paymatt d aowttaw payable to Lends by Bonows
<br />tttttds pttrreBraph 2 heraot. these w mterar payable oa ~c Nora. that w the principal of the Nora. sad ehaa w itssetwet sad
<br />ptiatipal oa any Festeae Advances
<br />t. Cfiageq Llsaa. Borrower genii pay aN taxes, aseaenteab sing other charpa. 6aa std itapeeitiom attributahY w
<br />the Psopntxy which aagt attain a priority over fhb MortpBa, sad Masenold paytneab « t;rtwod rants. it attty, is ma manner
<br />provided under p~KaBraph 2 hanot «, i[ nd paid io std[ roaaoar. by Dorrowr oalciy Myoaa. wMt rive, t>it~ b tM
<br />payee thareot. Borrows rh.fl promptly tttrabA to Lestdar aB ^aie« d amounts due tmdty fhb parttRaph, sad i. the ass
<br />Borrower ahrB mate peyasat r1vsetly. soerower drag promptry furttber eo Lender receipts evidteeciry wch peymewes.
<br />sttnewar grail promptly discharge any lien which has prtonty over ehb Mortgde: provided, that Borrower drag nor be
<br />rgtNtad w diacAarps say such lien so bed a Borrower dull spec in wntrrxj to the paymani of the atbhptioa ssr'urod by
<br />stet! ilea is a raaarts acceptable to I.tader, « d-rll i pod faith contest such liar[ by, or rietaoal enforcamrtt of such line w.
<br />Meal prooeetliaBt whtdr opaate to pnvem the enforewttent of the hen err forfantrc d the Property or any pan theraot.
<br />S. BLmd htseraaes. Borrows shag keg the tntprovements now raistsod or haaafttr erecssd on the Property revered
<br />adaiaa Mr by Are. hsJar~ included wifhirt the farm "extended coverage". and such alter hararda ere Lttrdtet may require
<br />std is such amotrals sad for atrh periods sa Leodiar may tequise; provided. that Leader shd! mtt require these the atetottnt d
<br />Bret! eweraBs tecawd that asaount d covsage requind to pay the wins second by fhb Mortppe-
<br />T#e iastaaan carrier providing thr iastreese dtaA ire chosen by Borrower subject m approval by Leader: prerded.
<br />Chet strife appro+d tir8 not bs ttaresroeeMy wkhhdd. All promettma on resunrrae policies gait br paid rn the martaer
<br />pstlvlAed verger parsBsstph ? b~ tor, :f sot psd let site! rsttnner, bT Borrerrer tmaltma payateat, when ~. dtre€*ty w tixs
<br />hssgruos Barrier.
<br />~ is~aaaw pulacxaa a~i rmeYrsir tt~eol #aii 6e ur iw>fir aaazprat i< to i.orrJCr arrai xtral nuirwlc ~ +israi~rri iri„ii~e
<br />~ ftsrrr d .~ ~n r.,rm '~ rn lr:tds. l=rder 'ha!! l•a•+_ !M r~irt !., h._,fd ohs pgli.~!e. ,_r,d rrnew.i. Shared,
<br />sad Borrower than promFtty frtrgidt to Lands all renewal naNraex end aII reaerptx M prd premrumx In the evem of bas.
<br />B«svwsr shalt fim prwapt :dux to the tattrattcs canter :nd lender. Lrndtr may male groat at cos rt nab made prx+ntptfy
<br />by .
<br />UaMr Lander atsd 1«roaer rttherwntt agrar m rntrftg. irwrartce praxeeds xhall be afplied w restoration or repair d
<br />eht Property Oaatgtd, provtded such tesroratron or raga ra eeorromtcatly teapbk red the security d this Moryge u
<br />sot thereby impaired. If pnh rgtoruuvr or repar w rra.t ccunamrcally feasible or rt the security of flux Martgagt waruld
<br />bs tts;,patrsd, the inwraacs proceerlx shall be sppliea! ~~ the wets sectrrerl by this Mrrrtgage. wuh the exrxs, if say. pad
<br />to B«tower. if the !'roparty a abarwkrrxed M Burnwer..x :t Borrows lath to rapund ro l ender widen 30 dayx tram the
<br />dace ao4r n reexlsd by lands tai B«roxwr the ,hs ntwrance .errs oAsn ra, xNtk r ctarm Eve rmwastr,~s bsasAts, l.erxder
<br />b at~ortssd ro ce8act and apply the rttwreaa'e prcrseerls at Lender'[ optba atthar to testoranon or repair of ehe Property
<br />or w the stints secureri by thin Moryye.
<br />Udw Itrrder and 8cxrosrer ntherwae ajrea :r wrrL,a=. any xrxh appbcararn at praasads w pr:ttcrpa! shall nw exsatd
<br />err poNpoee the dun d..ts d the otuntNy ma/allments rsfarN t.~ ut parttgraphx t sad : Irsreart rir ~hartae ttx ansrwnt of
<br />such rtrstailttrena II cards paragraph t a her«x tM Pruprnx n .xyurreal M I..eader. all nght. rttie and mtHfel aN Barrcrwa
<br />to rod to sat :ruurance pduxs and ra xtxd tr, the prarespix thereof rprrlurts trrxn damage to the Propen} prrtx ai the tale
<br />or ttcgntxtlon xAatl pass to tender tv dxr extent of the corms rrxwed ny this l/axtgage :mmedutety prtor rr~ xawh tale or
<br />~~
<br />i /tiemreMisa end Mehtasaaaret of ~a~'1 1~arrhtlit Ceedamtrirmst Reseed VtrY ®eeriagmster, B«rower
<br />eirB trap dte hapstyr g~+ repair aed ahr,Y oar carir weave rx psatr rwtparrresar « des+issanea et tls Pruparty
<br />sad shall caaphi wit the prwwtoae d soy fear rt Una 1Aaxipgc r axr r kaaclwdd. it flux Idtxtgags n am a rMU k a
<br />wedeeiieiowr « • piaesad tsr~ de.eiopwawri, B«rawwr xfra~i parfurm afi of BurnnsEr'x d»r~araers unaer fir riw:isat+.lr.
<br />« ooseaaala cnatutB « psttramg the ooadoettattam « pMeaed emu prv.,toeatent. the by-tows and rtyxdutvnt d tM
<br />eoadttmiapte « phtmed veil dsvMopeent, wd aonMitxteoi documrrnn rt a eonrkx+rimium M pl.nned unu devslapmtat
<br />rider b rtrpe6ltled by Besrswr aeMf teeerdad srrgtstdter rdh thw Nartgge, tAe crosaraY sad rtgreesaats of weir nder
<br />shag M iaoorponestl taro sad etaB atmewd sad atspplaarnt fete coversants std epeemsass of this Mottppe a tf the rider
<br />wen a part hrwef-
<br />7. Prawsllaa d Lac '•rh Baeeelgr. If Borrox-er fails w perforas ehe covenaah atxl arreenxnts caxrt:wed to thts
<br />~efi-!e, « d a»y aomoa a prooeed.agr cormaeaead svlrich esawriaBy aAeayr t.stxder's }nesreet in thr Praipsny.
<br />jaelttdlgp. btN not Hawing ut, a®rtastt damaia, inadvemry. a~ods snforcwstatrt. tx arrrnpemetMS rx pntcesdinp ~nvolvins r
<br />baatstrpt « dacadant. than Leads u Lttttttlar's optioe, upon notice Ia B«rvws, m.y mats atw h appearanes. drslwrsc sift!
<br />cams sad take weh action ere b atoaaary to preset I_aeder's referent, rrrcitaftirs, but nd !meal tu. c:rsburtettrent ut
<br />roasonabM attarney'e [ors sad entry ttpoa tht Psoparty to malts regain. If Leader required mangase insurarraro u a
<br />coditimt d matieg the loan secwed by Utb Mortgage, Btxnwer shall pay the pretnitrms required to maintaw xnch
<br />iasttrww i eBaet uetiS such time a the regttitemaat for such tawrarrce terminates is acwrdance a:rh &,rmwer's and
<br />