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Tt-tF. MO(i'C(,AIX)}2 F"C.tR1'H'F:R (',`L7\"F:tYt::'S'ti At.'LI,Af.3tF.~:~,~,' <br />.7..+.-at tier! Mortgagor s.~ill pa', thr~ tndetstrdnesa as ita•r4lnile(ntc pt•tavtAed- <br />x <br />~~t: <br />~_/ <br />ar/ <br />'l i~at the Mortgagor is the rwner of sou! prnpe rty in fee simple and has good right acrd lawful out ho;,n tr. ,.•11 and <br />rYrnvev the same and that tht tame yi'!ee scut Clear of anY lien cr arKrdratrrance. anA that Mertea6r~r w+u warr-r-.: and rle(rnA [ke <br />tirir ra aetA prrmi.•,es agatttsi the~ctaims of alt perfdia w>mnaro~tttt•: - - <br />-i'r+ immrdistel wF,tr[ Clue trnr# YaWa all "~• <br />Era! Y ~ Eeneral tatxtt~ttpac3al tascs, zpeeia! aax:samenta, watrr charges, sewer er•n• <br />ire chargrs. sod other ta:ra and rhargcs against soot property, and all tares le!vierl un khr Aeht secured }mrrby. and to Eurn{sh the <br />Mortgag,r. upon rrvtucet, with tter imginal pr duplicate Tetetyttr therettw. The Atnrtgagnr agrees that them shall be added to <br />rarh monthly paymrnt rrquirrxl hrreunder nr under !he• rviderece of debt ttn-urv t,rrrby an amount estrmatr*1 by the Mnrtgager <br />t,+ he suHicrrttt ~ enehlr the IYloedttti`ee in pav, as tlwy become r1ue, aN taxeir• tartaeaementY, amt wmdar charges atpon the ttrata- <br />iaca atebjtrt tM•retn: a:ry rlelkienry M~eauw of thr msu(fieirncy o[ such additional pay menu. Shall be forthwith rterynaiteA by the <br />htprtgagor wLLh thr Mar!gxgrr ui,,.n drmaud fi} thr !vi„rtgagre Any default under this paragraph at+ali tw' Arrmed a riefavlt fn <br />paymrnt of fazes, asarxrmenM, nr a,milar ~ barges rr•ctu ursrt htr rrunder <br />Thr MnriKnKur agrers that there shat! elars lv ended trs cart, :nnnth!y paymrnt of prencepal acrd interest re¢ttirarl txre- <br />under an amount r+irmatr•ri fiv the MortPa{<rr• t„ he vr~c:ent to rnrhlr thr Mnrigage•e in pay, rs :t hetr,mes Aur ltw rnaurancr <br />prermum un any inau ranv {x>hcy +trhvrmd to ihr Mortgagee .4ny drfirn•nry isr•susr u( thr i +ulfirtr nay of such aaldrtronal WY- <br />•mentx shalt fu, forthwith Arprzcitr•A by thr Mortgagor with 1!:r M.,rtgagtw upon drmand fiy thr Mnrtttager .Any Artault under this <br />paraE roph shall hr drwm.•d a default :n the paymrnt of m.u rnnre prrmivms If tht• prdicy or pd:.•ie,. Artxv,.etrA o.e such as itr!me- <br />nwn.•r> nr a!1 oak (xdiru•; and the drprstt., a.r :nsulficrent to pav ihr .•nU r,• Irrrmium the At:.rtgagav ma•' apply the depaat to <br />Tray pirmimns on nrks n-~iu+n•A fu Fse• loco nd by !hit, morigai;r <br />Natmrntr maAr by Ht•• M++rigat~ar under the at,uvc paragraph• maY, at the aptn,n of the l~tortgaeer• tee held by tt arxi <br />nmem,ngle:l with r,thrr su.~h funds ~,:~ +ts own fundr+ fur the paymrnt of such ilrma, and until so appliel• ruch paymelt4 ^re hereby <br />p.edgad ar aet•unty for tier unpaid haleru~r of the nwrigrgr ttatebtedrtasa. - <br />To isnr~uer, drhsrr t.. auJ mauitam fur the twnrfit ~,( the Mort{;aK•'r during the hfe of this tr,nttgage original polecin and <br />tertawa4 thrrtrof. rirhvrn•rl at Irest ten Aeys Iwf.,n• ihr rzpiratt.,n „( anY ruch la,liciea, inaurtng against (ire react utAer inwrahie <br />hasarAa, castweltiea, and rnntingena•ies as the Mortgagrr may retluire, in an arirount spool b the irtds6ta~seas ttacetsed by tltlr <br />Muiigapts, scat to companies acrvplabie to i/w Mortgagn•, wrlh lnex payaMr e:ause to Isvnr of and in /arm aenplabte in the Mairlp- <br />pee. !n the awenl any 1*,hr~ •. not renrwaYt un ur befnrr 4•n Aays of tW ezprrat,nn rite 1t~+naagtw stay pmcurr ,ruurartee On ttaa <br />irtz~ora artirnia, pas the per=mtum therefor. a.•srt svrh ;vn::hs!1 IeKetmx immediately due s::.! {sayable wit! sritemt at the rate set <br />Icrth in rtaiA rtotr until psid and shall Ix• srrurwl t+} thi. mnngaae F'atlure r+n the part ut !hr Mnri;wgar to fuartiste such renrwais <br />M are herein repuirwi ur failure to pay any sums arivaru.v! hereunder shall. at the optirsn of the Morlggee, constitute a rte/twtt <br />under llrr terms at th,s mnrtgsge Thr Arlivrrv c>( such t>•si~cirs shall to the rvrnt rs( default, c•oaartrtute an sasignmrat rt( the un- <br />sarnad prtrmttun <br />Any tarrmi rw'nve,i by the M.,rtttaaa.• by rras,sn .rl bees or ~lamagr msurrA wgatnat may rte retaarted by the Murtttaget <br />and ttpptlisd tataawrA the iwyrtxnt rtf the debt hrmby sr-curer! ut at the upttnn of the Mnrtga{(rr, such earns nllrer wholly air is <br />part tatay br paid uvrr to t!w M.+rtsagor t„ be n,er! to repair such buildings or to build~nrw- buddtn{s in tlwtr placa• ur fer any <br />ntltrr txarpu.r or uh{ect wtista.'..rt t.: ttu• ~{„rtgaKrr- w:th•=u* aRreU ng ihr h• n „n th.~ u~,niKSge f+>r the full smaunt sc•r'u rw7 >ee re <br />by lrf.,rr such psyrrteM r. rr t+.sR plan <br />Ta pnmptir r-r{sair rrst.ur- ~.t rrtwdd any lsu:!duegs +rt :mpr~..+rmrnts r,•.a r lirrraftr+ :.n the irterr!i»rs whu~h may ht• <br />tiYttrK darnyieri .» desi n,y<.( t.. 4,•.-i, soil prrmrsra m g,z.l condihun and rer,nir a~,{ '...• fn,m an} mcw hanrr .hrn nr other lien or <br />claim rti hrn rosi rsprracly su tx,niinateA to the hen herrnf. rn•t 2+• suAer .•r iwrmit .~ .,+,RKa(ul one v( .u any nuiasna'r t:- mat an <br />aatA pnrR•ria oar to !u-rmrt >a~tr .r, sa nt pr«mirrs n„r t~• A., any nM.•r ar/ w~hrrrhvthr proiwrre fierr•tn con.+yr•! atoll Maome <br />Rasa t`attaah2s. oar W dtst* tat: •:r :~.,s:r :rs vaf=~ fix a-^.y xt =.. nm,s4:++-n e., :n-2 t., . *.,l.t, w,tt, al! rr.,y,_•rer~•ret~ r.t !tw• wrtR respts*i <br />t•• et... n±rirtga?s•i n -min area th.- u~ ttser«~.f <br />•'•hat stunrld the prerr=rsr•. =~r am putt thsrr,:f h:• rakrn r ,irmaaw! t,Y r ,n ..t ens isuN H- impns.rment = aaand~mnatiata <br />~ ~ ~, <br />~.~-»i`af n. `. 3~r °_°` ~ r. r!':'~_s••, azz ::_ arc =rtler. rya-•,•r,<r r!-r ~t,,;isaq.=a r:lsslt -s rret+tta3 to allHt•~e_ <br />arrari, a:: ;.;..; .::s=-r ,.a~.~~..r „r ret~ tt= rrfr.r .mt rRa1f 4w eat.tlcd, at Ks rn•~r~.:n. to ,-.atitat•tuE appear m scat pram !a tts <br />oaen !Le>!g ary actx+, r •pr.:.--e..uag x ti. maac anv errs}•naruae a ., r„n ,,. +. ..-,ura. ,,., ,r„ ~„a i. ,r,s •~. •ia.i;art~ A:: a:rC-t: <br />__ rya..,. .:~.e .,r ..a _ .,..1 - _- - _ Ir_r.ha _ .rst to t[r Mr»t_aawte. ,a hn rwaY, street dadatlur_a <br />t all y!a tipeseu rdese arty trtnneys car rs•awY•ert Irv tt . r q•piv the rrm• un anv rnrietttrwiaer sac-utar:i trerabv 3•ite Mwt- <br />ttstpur a/sara ter etwa,aie .-raA, #iFii+ar tt~ tti say rrznst+enaaatra:s i>'rar-ts, %±am-are-, 3a•1 r,~hr_ ~ a.<tn•n a_„ri ~r.~..rrg: s tt~ <br />lfwlpNa rrtaX n9at++ <br />TItN m case rd radon tar pvr(urm any d tlsr _rsvrnanta lterern ties 'Atrxtgagtr stay rh, wt the Mo•ttfagur's tiatsslt ssarrytititt~ <br />ap cwraaaarM+ that tM Murtsay.•e maY atw, do any art it may !teem ru+ca•arsry to pn,trai the Irrn tieernas( that rtes McutttitEw wd1 <br />npty upon detnartd 'any aftrneys prsid nr duhurard by the Mortgasor for any of llx tiM,ve puryxstea. aril such rriowrys toptiiVr rWUt <br />iaAStraN tltererrra N the rtttM proirMiarl rn wtd rrattr rttait y...enme ao much tsdAtuoawt ,rtairMadrteas hrrrlty +,raurad acrd may !e Ua• <br />ttMiad m aaY rta,cree lar.ctoaana tA+. ars++li+Me rrtat t,r pa+.! ""t ~! :k crow ::r yrr.a.y-ats cr! .aG o! aaW prrmtwx it aot WherYrtae <br />paM, tlMt tt shall atti be abti/.tary upon Ehe Mr:rtsaaer u• +equ,rr torn ihr •attdaty ..! any hen- erwumisrawcvr. w ataMl a tM- <br />vtaa6Ml sarr+>ts s ahava+ artlarrueat, test wuthisy( tre.sna rsvttatrwd stroll ha eaatstt'arat s rayvtrtaY Ma Mo+ftte~r,e ti tUltirf!- say <br />rraotraY^ lest say trarh partbae see to de anY art t.r•rer.nder-. and theta MarlgaFw shall cn,t ent•ttr snY naraaatal ha@wlity t»eatrsa d aw• <br />tlury tt taaY tM+ ar pmu w q„ Isefeurader <br />in Fhe evrret rl ttrr detrwait by Mvriaaa••r :fl tea= {.ay went .A rrsy twat ailment as rayuireai !,r the !V.He aaurrd hrssAY ru <br />to tha lrearfor®a~~ ~ kt+r arhliaatrwi en th{s mwtgagr .=r ut the nutr r«+a•vted tlterehy tltr Mrutaaaar sleall he retitled lu dxiare itae <br />}Ii1Me~M Mt~oe. ao~ ate liiry~R i1~M M MtMI~ M M `~A~t*1~*'~~r _ ulattM' <br />at ~- Iir~tM' t _ ~lii ew~t ~lr~t tfit~d w~httl tl~lr~i N 1~ Nrl~sy ~1 M1F Mkt~lbt #!i"rf~Mt tM-• <br />Wltdtlr, to tlMel'' tttuf WM Hst~sdiat+ d !Ae ntarfl~ad tneatttiasa turd rc ttalltrt! lord taaMix Ilia rtrft4• Writ! - _~. <br />itttAStsf, tttrat ap{aRr tear sssaa, talc ttru of apet^atton acrd r:aitrs*iatt eWrr Eire teaiei.M!drreaa eet~arr.t iyf tore ~IrttP- a+ii3 rao <br />`~rs~ic-aAd p.~dts LtOii~.-lr~r~bs = Ott z4a'tta,L='= 'i' rer~3!!r sbt••lt±ty I« Ji.. o:va.w! .( all arla8t.dnar..~wt ias.iiy- <br />The 1Matti[aEw alaatl have rtes power !a appariat any gent nr agarnta it may tlrsire for tt,e txr rpese at rrpatrirtti rsrid past• <br />~ castles{ tlta tt(AMtt Y~ a'attltb ttrvt'wws told ttticeaae, sad {t may ply cwt d card ttx^aan- trill espetws ,ntvrrad ua taatl- <br />w clad >•~t~f Yas :d[ Ea1Utd dtlt t'tt~kdr tAr'ntratr!_ 'Rt- bt~Mitee Mttwirtitt~. N say, ttRitp !r irp}iWl MrtiN qr <br />diae(gapr d dta ttrtart~e l~/tlillttdrataR-'1"Ida a>iat is iu t+rwtirnte sad Maeeaaa nu!! and rasid ttlra!! reiatise d Mta ttMrlitM- <br />tpr <br />llas <br />t <br />.~ <br />'.'~ <br /> <br />