<br />DaZe!'ira^, ~anG~ ~- -~. ~ - ,~oi~r r- t ~reJatdrrf+r~e. en+; e~.n~n r~r -,rico^!! hep.,n~ns* ~. ~ ~.~ ,..,.
<br />lY3 it.A'b't^ Atdi)'Tt3 N'f)i.i) the ai;~.v~ desn^aibrd prerrrtises with ult fiza prav+ie~es and alapu,renarn'cs ttrerelani•t dirtlu,nt!JrA~ iat.,udrng
<br />alt rents. issues and prnfits Thereof unto G4tartgafcee, forever. And Mortgagor hereby coremnts that 4lortgagor it well asad truly sawed of
<br />a gocxt title to the premises alxave conveyed to the law, in fee sirsip:e, attd has good ngtat acrd Iawftd wlhrnity R, convey the same, and
<br />that the title sra : ensrycd is clear, free and unincumhered except as otherwise noted and that Mortgagor will forever wurant and de-
<br />fend the same to Mortgagee agarrst ail ciatms whatsoever.
<br />This INortga~ a grvar by A4urtgagots W secure the petfortttartct of each agreeriurst contained }tarein, and to se.-ure the payriveot
<br />of a tarn is rho atnowti of the Total of Payma+is thowrl above, wkicp kin ba&ig eridesteed by a prorrwaury note tirariatt ratan date
<br />herewitih atd rttich es further described atHarre.
<br />pROylDifiD ALWAYS, and these presents alt upon the exptetsed cenditial, >hri tf the Merq~gon stsaU pay in fsS to 1ka Mort-
<br />~e a prattisuary ntste hearing even date herewith in the amextnt eel fc:rth atxrwt, pagagte in itsxfat}ments scrortting ial the teMU there
<br />of taga[her with interest as set Barth thererr,, xard shalt pay aU .axes and assessrtXnis levied npext said real estate before the soma be-
<br />comes delirttprent, and keep the buiireaags un said premises incorcd for a sm equal to the indebtedness secssred trtreby, lost, if any, pay-
<br />abte to ehs sttd Mortgagee, then these presents to he nut! and mid, ottierwite to be and rersoit in ftdi force.
<br />~4ARircGA~ is ALSO m ~ . AND CONT8+tt1$ TO 8E, FRtl~1 Tnae :o Ttww1E, trr7r t+~t 17~ -AYl1~ff
<br />"OF S1J(~~!!ld !?R $tAll$ 4}F MONEY A5 TH±B MOItTGAC.BE MAY FiRQ!!'n#16 TO Tlit>$ !gd T~ fif!'U~1'E A1-1fANCE'('d
<br />M[Ht'tfSAEiybl, AfMD EVIY)BNC6D fY A St~li1.+EM~TPAL !!IQTt SM! NOTBS, OIJI' NO? TO Zi TiprrA{, !~
<br />S tMt1J,5b7,2$!r>t:s...... EXCEttT fOR ANY ADVANCES TitAT MAY iE MADE TQ t~U~$L'i' TiM 66G4~RY Ht1AG
<br />Atiditiutttti 7arms and fottditiont on the rgvarste of thw speattsaat arc tttatb a tart Aeeetst' awl ~r~aF~,litr-lili.
<br />liwf 1Yt7TiES3 WtfFRr(3p, tha said Morip;nn hour exeeated then pteestsM tttN dtty attN year Aia1 aloof tom. _., ' ~ ,.. ; _,
<br />_ _: ~ ~
<br />AT@ QF ~A )
<br />~'` ; SS
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<br />~t .----~
<br />On thtf~, id:y o(_ .fl'attunrtY . 1 y _),q,_ .before ts+e, the a ~ P1tbCc, driy
<br />~~ ' gtcdif'ud for amf in said stata and county. pattowa4y carne LAB~Y E IglSlf dlit? DZ~IE L IaISH_
<br />~:--:,%;;,-~--,~~ /-28? ~IFB f.}F 6iL~ tY3glk~, ___ _
<br />snl t4 lte the tdetittClt ptaai tM iaaaarYf wh.-.e awtter or rNtMa as afli rtsd to the fosaEoing iraYOCtntt astd acknoerledpd
<br />rttar~tiae themeot W be iris. leer of tA~r voltattary act attd dMd.
<br />::...
<br />t+iraae4ai Seal tkr des! wed Year laq atsow written. / _ ,/ ~.
<br />- fs, Attlt,Q~ -°--
<br />cdtt. ir7x,ttw _
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<br />,•,,. ~-y ~,/
<br />S.+fite-t. .rat r_ettfr€a cit_~ Fr~R At_~iitttih~i. :f=ti#~ Ak,+-it~attr~..
<br />tver. r.c
<br />ORIGiN~L
<br />
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