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79~-~::,f,~:~'t5 <br />[..ender ~.,, t,^r~ ai,r're;nara~ or app h~:alnl+• le'+ Y3~.,rrc~wer eha!. mai the a~rnr+ua rat =~f ctrl mnr*ga~: _. ~!,r ,~rwc pr-rrrra~nv ~!. 'ia <br />manner prt>vtdru ender paragrrph ;`. hereof <br />Any amounts di+bursed by Lender pursuant to this paragraph 7. with tnterest thermr. shall br~.-~T,e ark1~ =e»ai <br />indeb!edness of Borrower secured by thts Mortgage L'uless Borrower and Lender agree to other terms <•t patiment. sorb <br />attnottnts shat! be payable upcm notice from !.ender to Borrower requesting payrne»t thereof. and shawl hear r~.terest (mm the <br />date of dish~,~.sernent at the eau payaMr from tune to tune rnt txrtstandinl princ!pal under the !tiote unless payment of <br />imerest at stash rate would be contrary to applicable taw. !n which evert stuff amourm shall bear interest at ttrc highe:t rote <br />permisaibk «ndtr applicable law. NMhtng contained in this paragraph ~ shdt require I endtt to incur any uperxe or take <br />any action hereutsdcr. <br />~. la+apecaiw. Lender mar make or cause to be made rcasonaMe entries upon and inspcctiom of the Property. provided <br />that i.etlder shall give &,rrvwer notice prior to any such inspection sptcifyinl rcasonabk cruse therefor related ro CGnder'a <br />mtercst in the Property. <br />9. CodemeNbn. The prex:eeds of any award or ~latm for drmaees, direct or rnnsequential, in connectin» with any <br />c«!dem»ation or other taking of the Property. or part there.~f, or for conveyance m lieu of condemnation, are IxreAy aasiltled <br />End shall he paid to Lender. <br />in the event of a total tai~ng of the Property, the proceeds shall br applied to the sums sRr+rzal by thts Mortgage. <br />with the escess, if soy, paid to Borrower In ;ht event of a partial rating of the Propem~. unless Btltmwer std Lender <br />«herwise oleo in writing. there shall be applied to the stoma soured by this Mortgslc such prop«tion of the procead+ <br />es is equal to that proportion which the amount of the a>ms secured by this Mort;ale immediately pri« ro the date o[ <br />ukirll bean to the fair market value of the Property imrnediatety pri« to the date of taking. wpb rSt oalartce c r the proeotda <br />paid to rorrosve:. <br />if the Property is abandoned by Borrower. « if. after tlotice by Lender to Borrower that the cotadesunor oQen to note <br />esn award or settle a claim fee damages. Borrower fails to respond to !order within i0 days aher the date stash rldice a <br />mailed. Lender is auNarined to twiloct sad apply the proceetir. at Cerrds-'+ option. dtber :o tsastorstion « tepdr d tee <br />Property ur m the sums secured by this Mortlale <br />Unktxs [.ender and rorrower dhcrwiae ttlres to writing, any wch application d proceeds t4 principal seafl tad taisad <br />« poatpotte the der date o/ tfle monthly irrdallratenu referrer to in prrapaphs I and 2 hand « chaNe the a+raotaM d <br />wch ioataflmema. <br />la. r.s.wsser iv.t Eatetlsion of the tiat+e r« paynrrlt or tsaod'dkatiat d aeaortitation d the strsa st+cwad <br />by this M«tlala !ranted by l.soder to any atacceaaor in interest d rorrower abaft tat operate to release. in any waaaer. <br />the liability d tlae oriptul rorrower std rorrower's ataccesson in interest. shaft not be regtaued ro oo~twwaos <br />prooesdi~ alrimt wch st+cceaa« « rettaese to extend time t« p.yrwx « otherwise rrladity areortiration of tee atssa <br />secured by Chia Motilale by -coon of stay derrtatd made by the oriperl rorrosvac .nd Bonower+ succerssxs in iaMeseeM. <br />11. fieeaarsee b li.wdar Met • Mrdvw. Any torFensnce by l.etadsr in sxercisinl any ristlt « ~ herast+tdav, a <br />tatlaawies a(tdded by applicable lase, shag not 6e a waiver of « prechade the exercise of any etadt rile[ « ts+aedr. <br />'ILe procurement d itraarattee « the paytatent of taaea « outer Fiem « chages by !.carder shag nd be a waiver d I.etadeeat <br />rfllFtt to accelerate the maturity of the itrdebtedrarss secured by this Martlate. <br />I!. ~atueAss Cti•alwte. AB retnedia provided in thu Mtanple ere diatiact sod cumulative to any other rip'x « <br />rretnedp under tills Itta1~K « adorded by law or equity. and usay 6e exercissd cotactartemly, irldepssldwtlp « at+ceelinely <br />la Saer+reer lard ~ Sl...dt !alai trd Seven! I.laertts ~w 7Le covenaau and apaeraaaa ewein <br />txotairaed +hafl bind, sad the rilltta lleretttader +hail inttrc ta. the rstapective slttxvataon std aailns of Lender toad rortwer. <br />subject to the proviaidn of paragraph 11 hereof. All covemnt+ and agreements of Borrower shall be joim and severest <br />'11rt captiom and headitlgs of the paragraphs of this Mortlale arc for convenrence ortY and art tt« to be used ro <br />interpret or ddhac flat provtsiom hereof. <br />11. MUce. Gracept for any notice ttsquited under applicable law to br e!vrn in atadher ttaa/uaer, (a) any notice to <br />ibrtower ptnvrded f« in this Mortgage shall he even by mailing such tuntc~ t+s ~crtilksd mail ad~ewed to llorrowor at <br />the Ropeny Addrcu or at such other address as Borrower may tht+ilnate by n.xice to 1 ender r previskd herein. and <br />t`f+-1~soy rotor w l.ersdcr dtaL' be fsstct try t mail rertrrn retnpt ts~tadieal. to Lrx:der's address sided laereitt or a <br />-=_R txfler address ss Lewder mar dt!.itrl+ale lIV tldtee ro rorts+wer u Moulded hetsain Anv ntltiee Drsxided far i!7 tltit <br />INortgpe shall fx dstttaul to leave t'e~ puce ro lorrosrer « I.etader wieen liven in the matmer dessalnatad Ixrein_ <br />1f. ttstUasa Mrsysset GwRaiag I.awt lavrrtlily. The t«m a( tsangalc cxnhines unrfertn ~vestanu t« rutioaa! <br />t:ae arcs tray uriferrn rn+-~at•ts whit i~tited raratimz M ;••ris+:rt;tit! t~ c~i•r•ts~ s r •3t:.m s...+i<~ ~+rt~~+ <br />ttwi prapsriy Tills IYraxt>taat shall be lovettsest Zw the law :if the } i~ whim the t~apetty :a Sc~stad In doe <br />event that awy Prcvtstot+ ar :clatne of the htortlslt .;r the hlcus .~.snAkta with applicade law. eft cwetl~t ~t~t rat atleet <br />t~t.* pror.~•_ M -.u.;~ ur tier t.~ wieesfi pan t+t L,v-_ ~~-•ritt_.+rt ,,,c cz..e.ectir,g prr.:rr...n ate... ..:.~ <br />and the t>nr~'ffi ctf tl~ L~4rKtgNa and the t`~>4e are Jeclatad t.r he severable <br />lei. Mnasp+'s ~, tortasrsr shalt be turnrs!led a ccxlfortaled caP! of the Fvotc rtui of rhos krotygale n the time <br />o[ astectrtion «aher recordation Istnof. <br />IT. 77taarer al tie hspwy: Aaaawprea. lr .n ar any pan of the Property « as tnseren thexstn is .old :x vas+aterrud <br />by rorrawrr witlxwt fsndtr'+ prior written laenaenl, fxCllditll (aI tilt irNt1o11 of r lien pr mcwnbraace aitlfafdlMla to <br />dli+ INartgale, (b) the cnatioa o: a purchase money security mwreat for household ap~wlces, tct a transfer M devise. <br />dat!rout or by operation of law upon the death ..f a jsxm serum .x (dt the tram of am kaaehdd itllere+t of throe yeah :x less <br />ttW wataiaing an option w purchase. I,rrnter may st t ender's .7ptem, declare all the Burns secured by this Mortgage to be <br />itaar+ad"taNly due sad payable. i rrsdar shall have wuvad such option tt+ rcceMrrte i(. prkx to tilt Bak « trtutahr. Laedar <br />and dot pteram to whom rile Property n to be sot.! ur transferred retch agreetarnt to wnttrtg tMt the credit ut wch psraoe <br />a xatiafactary w l.attder and that t}te intcrest payable ten the sums aa'ured M this Mortlalt shall tx at wch rate N 1 ender <br />shall nyupt If t ender ha+ wuvstd [he opta,n to nccelrrate provtdrd to thn paragraph 1~. red rf Rornlaver's sltci~ornr in <br />tnlereat has eaecuted • wnttan raturlpttc,n a;rs~ement wccepted in wttunl t+v 1 ender I ender sMll release &ur.wer from ell <br />?Nigallotts under thts M+xtgttge arsd the dour <br />1f tender exetr~i such optecxt to rccelerate looter shall nerd Borrower rwltrGe at a.:.elerrtlren to accorslanca with <br />t9 tromtt_ Ssaclt tsolttx shalt pravtdc a ~rrs,d of mH lea than 'tt/ Ja}s trosn the Jett the elrKicr u mwikci within <br />rd~rtov+er tarp pay tfe rutae deeMted dos, It rerrowae ftaila N py lasso auaes prior to des ea/irtriaa d taae6 period. <br />[.eadK wap, svitlaota tuether uetiea a• ehtataod an porrotrer, iavote .ay rarasdia. psrrriwd by ptlralcttpe It eereetf- <br />IYcYt-UtsirtrrM CovaMwATa raftaraier and L.eadtf fWihH covenant and alas ar foti«n: <br />li. Ai r'aienrart ttElMt>tae. 6capf I1 pswNai M paattp~a 1~ eereet. atpaa rerrOwel~a iraate ~ aaq nvat~i R <br />ap~Naaar d Mraww Ira tttr ~Ma. i.el.dlte tee rvw..r r pity l+eea doe tts~ tare arteeaed y ter ~• <br />[aradar t>~ t. aeesMndMa +.~ tt+er ataees to rear+a++es .. pttwlisd ~ parrs/saps a Aaraet aM+lb'4r elf err eaaaeet <br />4~ tea awes. ~d t. taw cad etweAt ul . dtMse eswi n.. recta ~ dais 6w n. drra M...u-. r wrr~l.d t. n.t..n.t. <br />*p n+tlee tltltit esaaee ttaaal ~ aaedt sad (Q iat !fie r tars saes reesee Btu M Mfatw rs deals t>lsersd Y Ae reees <br />aw t~ a actakntlo. ~ oat saaw arrwed ex ur INa~. tsueelaattre et h~~ pwsrerrtag ad ttda «- rile tYwpery. <br />tea atrlee sear ilruer ktdena rtssa.t!sar d l-a nW le esirtres tdw «~calweYat+ a.d tee rydir w a.set r tee t«srA..we <br />peansdrgt er ra~•etdalaare. ad . debar « trap are attttsaas d rewasrar w aetalratlea .ad hnel.w+e. tl u. eraaee <br />r set eae.d act, es eetne .s day a*seC'ai M tee t+arles, t.e.dw w tw.dar's glee tt..r ttt+clste .w d te....r .rawr.d y <br />ter r 4 YrsiraalY der stall pa}Ws srMkottt MMsr inward sad way 6o+eelsss r> jadkiai pewcte~tq. I.ayder <br />agar ee aarrsi ill corset iw wee pturadiq ar tspaasss e1 tSsrtadrsRe. iaelatisr, tact set reed un etrb of t:nr.rseaierl <br />avliswn, attad!ati+ fwd ~ nepestt. <br />i*. Mrrsswer'a rim r Rafaraae. N«withstandinl Leach's receleraron of test xutm secured by this Mortgage <br />B«rower shall have the t'~6t ro have any ptoceedlttls bejtat by L.ettder w enforce this Mortlalr dis.onumred at ana nme <br />
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