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<br />~~t>°ori -.a <..'~•rrr~Anis Bo rrcwrrir rind L.etacfer covena.ns ~rtnd agree: as folicwvs~ <br />1 Payauat of Prtsfripd aaL istrarcat. Burrower shah promptly pay whet: due tlrr pruscipaV cd' attG ,•,terv:~„t rHr, ihe. <br />irdet>tedrtess evideactd by the NMe, Prepayment and late charges u provded m the Nita, and the principal e~ and irrtetest <br />ott say Future Advatm+t sectued by this Mort;age- <br />2 Feuds for Taass sad istetaesatce. Strbjcct to applicable bw or to a written waiver by Lender. Borrower shalt pay <br />to L<ttder an ;he day monthly ,rsstaltments of pnncipal and tntemt are payable under rite Note, utftil the Note is paid in full, <br />a stun (herein 'Funds") equal to ono-twelfth of the yearly teas and asseasmatts which may attatn pnority over tha <br />MortdtsBe. zed arotutd rents on the Property. if any, Attu oleo-twelfth of yearly Nremium msntlmeno for harard ittsuratsce, <br />ptta one-twZlfeh d yearly premitua ifgtailmen[a for trtortaa;e imurarttx, if say, all u raasortawy estimated ininalty afd (tom <br />tune to tune by Leodu on the buR of aueasmcnta and bills and ratsooabk eatimetes thereof. <br />The Ftutds shall tx held in an institution the depatia or accounb o[ which are instasd M prannteod tfy a Federal « <br />state asency (inc!udini Leerier if Lender is such an institution). Lender shall apply the Funds ro pay uid taxes, aasasntafa, <br />insurance pmniums and trotted «ata. I.ettder may not char4e for so holdirtj and applying the Ftrtds, anatyzitta wd atxouot. <br />or verifyiaj and txxnpiliny acid assessments and hilts, unless Lender pays Borrowcr interest oo the Funds and applipbie law <br />permiu Lander to mate such a charge Borrower and [.ender may agree in writia~ at the time M execution d tlds <br />Mort~e chat interest on the Ftr~ds shall be paid to Borrower, snd unless such a~xmest u made or appiiabie law <br />regttirea seteh inteteat to be paid, Lender shall not be required to pay Borrower anp interest rn earninja oa the Ruda. Leader <br />sha8 avs to Borrower, without sharp, an annual accatatio= d the Funds showirtd credia a~ debia W the Funds sad the <br />pttrpor f« which each debit to the Funds wr roads. ibe Funds arc pledged r addHiooal sectuity t« the soars secured <br />by Nis Mortp/e. <br />If the aaaouat of the Funds held by lender, together whit the futterc ttsonthly iastallmeaa d Rends payable pri« b <br />the dos dates d taxes. asasasawna, iowrartn prctniuma and ground rents, shall exceed the amassett regttired ro pay said fixes. <br />aasarmsr.a, insurance prcnutmas sad ground tens as they fall due, such extxaa shall be, at Borrower's option, ttitlter <br />pwasptly repaid b Borrawor ar credited to B«rvswr on monti:!y irotdhaenu of Ftttsda. ![ the amacot d the Flares <br />btid by Lsatkr sisdl not be at:mccissu to pay lose. aaasmata, imtuartcr premitum and trotmd tens r that' fall duo, <br />Borrowr stall pay ro L.sndar say aatouot saoesary to mate uP the ddkiertcy within 30 days from the dtNS notice r maYaa <br />Qt' Leaser b Borrower nqusatias paymetu thraof. <br />Upon paytaaa is Lull d aA settee second by Nta MonaaBs. Leader shag promptly nfwtd ro Borrossar aey 1Fttai <br />Halt! by I.eadrr. if ruder paragraph IB bend the Propeny n sob « tits Property u otherwise acquired by l.stsder, Leerier <br />shell ttPpty, ea Irer than immsdiasety prig ro tbs ask d the Ptopetty « Na aogtwition by l.eatler, any Fitnda hold Icy <br />[wader at the title of apFticatioa r a ctadh spina the sttma seewad by this MortBye. <br />ApMeallea err FB!'u~ Utsisaa applicaEk Iw provides otheasslas. alt payasents recsivtl W [.sadae cedar fir <br />Noa sad pttraa,araphs 1 sad 2 6srsot shall ba applied try l.eoder dtu is payment of aroouna pagabk to Larder by Borrower <br />ttttdar ptwBnplt 2 hmao[, Nan ro iossron psyabk oa the N«e, then ro the prisapal d the Hots, and then b intaraw sad <br />principal oa say Fttttas Advatrosa. <br />L Clatter, l3saa. Borroter shah pay ap taxes, anasaaasa and order charpea, ease sari impositions amibutahM b <br />the Property which nay attain a priarky owtr this Nertpp, sad leasehold payteseats or posrd rasa. i< say, is the tuner <br />pttoaided trttdsr pwtyraph 2 iattrso[ w. i( oa paid io wch manse+. by Borrosnsr asaiciat payer. whaa des, dina'Uy b Ne <br />payu thttwsf. Bonoerrr tia9 prstsptty ftrsiah b Leerier aU notion d ataouaa rise trader this pratraph. sad : the seaat <br />lotrrfsrar tNaU teats paytstswt directly. Borprver shag promptly twnisA b l.eeder raoaipta widcaciol atadt paywaaals. <br />Borrower shall pnmptty diacdarye say lice which has prtortty over this M«iBgs: provided. that Borrower shag not bs <br />legated b dreiaryt uV' asclt lien ao ~ r Borrower shall yns M wrutad co Ns payesaot of thr ubFsEatioa secured h' <br />web lira is • osaenar auoeptabk ro t.eoder, or shalt m pod faith stalest such Iron by. « dalsnd wforcuncr.t of stwh lice ia. <br />keel procseNap which operax w prevent the eaforasnent of the :ter or fafe:ture of the Property « +ay P~ <br />!. Hatnrd laatsaaee. Bocroww shall taro cite improvsroeats now exiaueB w ltetcafter crated on the Property tetsurod <br />apiwa lass by ^ts. hararda inchsded widua the corm "extaadad coverage". and suih outer ttaxards r Lettder may reaµftre <br />sad u stech aatouew leer! for such patods as Larder may rogtsire: provtCbd, that Leader shah not reywrc that the amount d <br />rtreh oo+'erstde a:med that tmrufnt d anvarye requrred ro pay the uaeu secured by the hioredrtBe. <br />'llhs iwurasfee r.arcrer parsvidity the igataaetrx shad ifs zikafea by B.ur~wzr subjr~t ro appro+.a; b} Lettdsr: prat <br />fhtl w+dt appro+ai tlhaB tea be tmrtrasorbbty ttrd. AB peeauma oe iaetuartoe poiicta shag be paid ra the ataarr- <br />rtroetlaa tutdar Paralraph 2 hrrad or, if trot ttaid in such tnaaast. by Berrotw tnattaB ttayreaat. whm dw: r4rastly ro the <br />iarsertsasw ettrrir. <br />ire ':tom '• "tom tStt:r€ef ~~1 !r ~ `' •~ l= -'Yt3~ ' ` (-.-!ter ar=±;R~xs „r=.I.~ 3 -t~-.r.}ar.t 'M'-`t2t~ <br />eirtr ie tavatr of sad 'ut farm accaptabir to ieadsr. I.endu shall have ttte rtdht w hcdd the polwiaa and rrnewah thsxrttof. <br />sad Barrtsoasr shell prougter fursNSb ro i-ender aN •saesval rtturxs and ati rccctpts d pari prsauueas to tree eat of ~. <br />Bnrrwats shall pr.,e praseapt ttcAias m rise r~urar.Y urrtsr aa,3 Lsudar. i.s~z msti_ mates pr.s<-rt of afv~ d u~ rtia3r pr~trtQ+ti# <br />by Banisuar. <br />lfaisat Lander aed Bortower atlserwtss a{ne k wratat. iurrance proceeds shall be applied to rest«atitor, ur rep~atr at <br />the Praparty daatysd, prortdsd wch reatorattOtt w rtpatr K txpr7mtcally tesNbk and tht security d ttus Mnrtsaee u <br />ad Ileenby impaired. If aucA reaturaUOn Or rteprur is not eceunttnfcally (eaubk to tl the so::ttrih of this M<xrtiada would <br />be tttttpund. she iawraaee proesade shall b applied to the suns sscurod hr this Morthye. with iM excxsa, if an?. pad <br />m Borrower. -( the Property a atfaerkxted bt Borrower. or rl &xrsnra taih to respoed to l:tiler wttMn 3U de;~ from the <br />date n rsailad by Lander ro Borrower that the iaac.ram.c earner often to scttlr a .latm iur trtsuraett:e txaattes, tender <br />a atMtswged ro collect sad apply the truuraace process at l ettder's opttoa sftha to rcuonrton oc rspaer d the Property <br />« b the wnr sectxed M' thu MsutBaf6. <br />UeMas t.ertder std lorrosrar atlterwoe egret rn wttunE. any such apdtuttnn ,W pn,ceastt to prinetprl shall rtw exceed <br />or poatpoar the due date of the monthly uaratfntents rcferrod t., to partytraphs i an.t ? hrratt or ctwrge the amutia of <br />such ittsWhaeah It order parajrapif IB tarnot the F'rupany to a.yuueJ by lrnlct all n~ht, utk sad n,lernt u: Burruwct <br />fa acrd to any tnwraoc-c polx'asa srtd cn arfd t`= ttx prctaeeda tttcrw.i reutt:ni tnim dantaer to thr Peopett• prt~v t~, tttt ule <br />lac acspostbon shs[I plea to Lender to the cucot of the sort's arcwrxl by thta Mortgaae inenw-dtatels- prrur t,~ +tr~6 srtt or <br />~~ <br />t PlNaarrdast V hlaBelaaaaes at !a*arpv lwareheitlst (:aciaaUalslaaq PlantM tlaB Wrslepusar. Bor%wer <br />shag IEMF qes ~ In poa nNir area shag ar aomeit waMS « perrtt ataFairt'un « dearioeatioa of ehs PraOary <br />stay shag y witch the pa9tasus! of say lease ii ehn btortrtBe a s}g a itasahct~. if toss 1HOrtaap a ~n a urea a a <br />rr s pla:sed teas iew_lo~. Beert.>Wr. sae!! perf•,•n, a!! .y p....,,w.~_ . +!bt;ats~s „nn.. rite erFi.r+ltsno <br />tw usreaaasta tirsattstB « psterttutl tits txsadorttsntram or pi+u+sted unit devalcfpasent. the by-bws sad rreulations cif tlss <br />~otedawiafate or pleased utait de+rdopasmt. wd cOMMttrptt dxtraeats. I[ a cottdoat4titua « planned troll cis+clopasrst <br />titlN u tttucwwd b' Banoarer tttd raoaatkd taptAar weN tha MartptBs, the xvaaasta and sdnsnatts of scads rakr <br />elrM M umapataeN lab ttaa LIMB sassed sad wppieaaew the ttovstsana and apastaswa d des Mortsap a if the rider <br />ttrrt a pan httaat. <br />T. flrllretrtua tM Lsabarls Bataalat. ti 1Wirtrwar tale ro peNttrat the covenants setd ~-eennena cotttatned in this <br />Nonrap, ar iI say atbna « preoasdraa q cosaraaecad wYtch dally afety Latdrr's ,Mrreat is the P+opany. <br />iiohsditss, bra ant Buittd a -roisterer rite-tin. ttrdvancy, code eah,rcavsem. or arratf`ersfcttts or pmceedits`s involvirq a <br />tlaakFUpt er decedent, then Lsodsr at LMtwf's ogtitn, tpwn aotioa to Bnrmwa, may mate atwh appear:txx+, dtaiturse shah <br />~# sad take atrch axtoa as is asceaaary to protxt Lentisr's mtuat, trscitdtttj, but not limrtad :o. drsbutscment of <br />taaettsable Mtoeaay's less and awry upon tbs Property ro tl~ea tspaits. If Isndcr roquired mortyasc mwran.e u a <br />tmetditioe d tnatio= the loss asctuad by thin ilortpln, l9orrowcr shall pay the premittttfs rcqutrad to maintain such <br />inearatrlte m etdset until stseb tune as rite ragteiraartat for such tawranex tarnunates to accrordancc with Borw,wcr s and <br />