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GL <br />~.~ <br />T <br />C <br />y <br />t71 <br />n <br />~.:a9t. i.%a.r RU ~~ I,, ~,.. a il,•r ~.. .. rr n: ~~".. :,. ~, ~. Ir i 1... 1i~ l.'-~t(~i~ ,: ~. ... c`r,I ~.. <br />~rtua~ngc tL•_~ ~,nr7lio•:wr c,,t ~vovi :rieta~:,i9r:°~rt. <br />ICt. $atrovrraNot Aelrased, 1 xte=stn: of iht•'nne iar pat~ntc,:,t ter tnca~~tfirat:n±~i uif :uurw'nr':ahv,r_ r ?;+;~ ~un~s <br />~rrured by this ~lorigage grxr;tea h~ l.rr,d, r [^ arn• ~ncet~or m intereai of Borrow~rr uhal! nc,t ni,c•ratr to reiesse. <br />m any ntsrner. the Iiabititc of tlx: original It<xroK'er an:t Borrotcrr ~ >uccesson :.; rrtere:=t Le::ater .hall rot be <br />required to cot-rmenee prttceavitngs agatnt =uci; suecea50r or reitL:r to extend time for payment ar otherwise modify <br />a:nortiz»tion of t!:r +um; secured bt thi: \lortgage irr• reaso:= ni .en}' detranr, :Wade by the ongrnal Borrower and <br />Borrower's successors in interest_ <br />11. Forbaarnmce by Lander Not a Waivsrr. 3uy torhearanee by Ixnder rn exercisin{t am• right ar rettxdr <br />hereunder, or otherwise afforded by applicable late, shad not 6e a waiver n! or tzrecludP tF.e exertroe of anp right <br />or remedy hereunder. •I'hc procurement of insurance or the payment of tsxea or other itenr, or chatgea by Lender <br />shall not be a t~atbrr of Lender; rigta to accelerate the nmaturity of the rndebttdness sw.ured by this Nottgage <br />1Y. Rstenediea Ctunulatire. .411 remedies praridtYl in tlu. \fortgagr are duttinrs and rumulativr to any other <br />righr, or remedy under thi, \lertgagt rr aftorcltYl i,y lair or cYturtr snd roar },r vxerevrad ronrnrrrntly. independ- <br />ently or sncaesnively. <br />!9. 9ttceeaaan sad 1t:sigtts ]Sotusd; te9jn! ~ Serstral Liability; The covenants, end agreements <br />tierein contained shall bind, and the nghts hereunder ~hatl tnun• ta. thr res{rerttve sucreRSOrs attd assigns of I.endrr <br />attd Iiormwer, subject to the provisions of paretyrytlr t- hereof. ,\II cov°enante4 an:i agreements o! Borrower shall <br />be jowt and several Titr captions and lu•adingt; of the paragraphs of tht~ \lortgaKe are for conveniene,• only and <br />are tit to lx ttedl to interpret ar definr• the proviswo~ hereof <br />11. Notie+s. Any notice to Borrower pmcxitYi for to this \IonQagc shall tK• grrt•n by mailing such notice by <br />rerttfied mail addn_stY, to Borrower at the Proirert} Address Mated glow. except fur any notice eegwred under <br />Ixeragrttph 18 hereai to tee gtrrn to Borrower «, the manner presentxYl ht apphrable law. any notice provided <br />for in this llot•tgagr shall rte deemed to hart Ixru gtren to Bnrroa•er when Riven to the uunner desigtnf•ed herein. <br />1S. WYMS Mad4alor Gortirnieq Law: 5a-oraliYty. This form of mortgage t:attbittes ttr-ifarm esvenaots <br />la teatieaal tees and non-uniform covenants whit limned variations 6y jurisdiction to eortetitute s unitoem eeea- <br />ttOg laatrumartt covering e•eal properly. •I'his \lortgage shall Ixt governed by the law of the jttrisdietioatn rrbieh <br />ebc Pre~rty ~ located. In tlu event that any provisron or clatne of thu Mortgage or the Note coofliata trilb <br />spplicable law, such conflict shall not affect otter provisions of thin Mortgage or the Note which can be gitraet <br />eQeet withwet rte conflicting provision, snd to this end the provisions of the Morlttagr and the Note see dtrelared <br />tQ be stttr~blc. <br />i8. 1lowrtresr'a Copy. Borroarr shall lee furnished n conformed copy of this 3tortgage at the time of te:aotr- <br />tion or aJtas etsooedation hereol. <br />17. 11~sealcr o! tic proptKSy; Aaaaeptioa. If all or any pact of the Property or an inttreat tbasia i• acid <br />or teansferred by Borrower without Lender's prior written consent, etteluding fa) the creation of s lint or eoausa- <br />bransa enbadiaate to this Mortgage. (b} the creation of a parchase money eseurity interact for hawiald apgii- <br />anaa, (e} a irattater by devree, descent or by operation of law upon the death of s joint tenant ar (d} the gsaeat of <br />say leseabold interest of these yeah or ~ not oentsining an option to puxhaae, Lender easy. at I.endar'ti aptiwr <br />tlaelars sI1 the stuns t~cutxd by this \tort{lage to ire immediately due and payable Lrtx~r shall hair waived such <br />aptiaa to accelerate tf, poor to the sale or transfer, l.txtder utd the Ix+rson to whom the Property u W be sold or <br />trarattern;d reaa6 agreement in venting that the credit of such IerrBOn is sausfaewr~ to Lenttrr and titt.t lire intet•mt <br />payable an the -ants secured by this Mortgage shall tx• at ,uric rate as l,tn:fer ,hall requeszt It bender has watvtrd <br />the option to acreterete provided in this paragraph I7 and it Borrower's surerssor in tncrrest has cxeeutrd a wtit- <br />ten awumptton agreement aeceptecl to wnung by I.ertder, lender shall erslease Borrower item alt obligatiotu tmds7 <br />this 1Kactgage and the Note. <br />It iwodar atteteieea sttcle option to aea$lerste. I.smtlar shall mail Bort•awar notace of aereJerattott m acaatlartae <br />wtUt WrKr+t'h 14 Itereart.::ueh oat-ice .twfl pmctde a {recast of »ot iayu: than ~ day+ fre+ttt the daM tlfe twtttr ja <br />rnailad wittit+ whxh Hot•rosrrr may easy ttx suttta rtcclattxt :It:r. It Borrower t`atl. to pay wch sum•+< peer to thin <br />ri'tta~i: ~ t s ~ tct`:iii. i.~. racy rt=si`ff rti ~f~i filii ~~ i.. i+,a: f5r e.i=Will i,ii .~P, Iii\ifi~is"~P. P~~~y:r ~}iti t~ ~7- <br />etaitted by nara~.rdt iii liar-i. <br />:tt-`rt.t lit. ..,..-. •, ..... _.... ~. ..•.. :'-a9';'. at:,, .xn:tr:' .... ..ttNr ...:"rive,.. s,.: _S oRr-..t R~ .....u~":~- <br />18. Awe: txrx•{~z a~ , rvr::tra! ss: ;,:trsgr:ti,±: 1' l:rrc=^^; up:ar: f{«rrow€r's tsrwt.~l: of an3' <br />tat+renant m agreement of $orrowrr in t!«s Mnri[;agr mrlur!mg the trovetuntn to par velure der anv sttrta seeure.t <br />Pry f.bie lfoetgage, I.cnder prior to aeaeletatton ~irrll u~tl p~ "T 4~~N~ rot rd.Y! m Ivatagrapl, 14 hereof <br />specifying: Ill firs breach; t2i the artan rrtiwnYt to eu~YA~t~1 4• _ late tat lera Clean lhtrty days <br />irtutt the date the noitee t>= utadtvf t, Ittrrrnwr[ ter .t h,rli rurt~t,(tet{~t AWI~ an,( i ~ that fatiutr to rurc <br />such broach on or before the date ~tx-, thrd m the nnuee utay result m arerleratiun of the >uuer, w•cu.rarf br this <br />Mott;agr AlNI salt of the Yrolxrty if tt;r tr:=act, ;~ not cured on o! L,rf.,rc tt:e date efeCrrhrY! to t!x txXtec, Ltttdw <br />st Lender's option tray deolarc all of the +urn. s,.rure,i t,~ tln> MortRagr to he unntrdutrly der aettl pryalrk <br />without fvrttxr deertatxt and may foreclcxre ti;tz; \1urtRaur• by ttnitctal prcrrreef«eq la•nrler shall ha• rnntlal to coilrot <br />to such prtxxa!vlttsX st! rxpenere et .nn•ciosun .,,,•l,e,tu,q, hu! n„t l:•na„i t.. :•aast~ :a a:ecu;::esaare rv:denre. <br />sbstraetr and ! itle rrportw. <br />1!, itaara~rae•a IQiytil to ]gelactate. \utwttls~tr,sstust{ 1.:•ttalrt , aa,eirraltus, .,Y the .one: sra•uraYl iy} rhea <br />'NetfgaRe, Ace•rower shall have the right to ha+•r any pnx•re+iingr l+rgun hr (.ten+irr tt, i•nfr,rc. arts tlartgagr drs° <br />oaaitiplMd ai artyy tlYia proms to asKry of a Judgttwut ,taly~wg t~tst aelwtp~e• t(: tat IisM'eower pays liasretsr a~ii <br />st1t118t111iI11 a-oYiii Mt iltatt daa wrist this alaet8ege, the Nate sad ttatac aaexrieg Fnturr J.~d+aneeo, i1 aa7, kad as <br />aaeeintttio4 osews~: (b} 8acrvwav i`Yler al! hnrtritrs vt any other eovraante ~ agntmesra of AsMroararr c-0o- <br />tainati in iltias ~, fir} I~mrv+rrr pays ail reassanabte rx-tettev mcurmt t+r l~:xtrr to cntorct:tg tht• corenatttet <br />sad amt ffi 3krlrowsz ~ m :h : yfo:t~;. «.-~+«....:- .:a; ci„R l.:.n.;tr'r.:t:.,~ias - piss°,~.; pa.~~ <br />g~apb 18 bavad, itrclttita(„ tttA. mt limited tc. teasomab-c attorstry's ftxr:: atttt tdi tlorrowtr take such cotton as <br />IAadez may araaaa~ rigtdre to aatwro that the liem o! this \lortgage, Leetdrr's interest sn the Prgxrty and <br />jllacrowaa'c to pay tbs atwpe eaatgad b7 tbie ~i+srtg+ge shall ooeKintee unrnepatred. t!pon tasett pwytsart <br />sad ettt+a by ~aerooar, tigie Mwt~e sad tlse ~ se-rued ltrrehv shad remst~t in full fierce and eficot a• if <br />ao ~ had ooattrrcd. <br />~. t{atiBaerMaett ai Salle Af~PafrMwartt d)8esre3eiarr ~taf,dat ito loeaeeaiaa As rddtticrnal seruntp hete- <br />ttRdd~, Hoerowar lttrraby at.:/aata Len,`ttr the rents ~ tae Property. provider! that Borrower shall, prior to nccelrr <br />atjoa u.tdsr paRtyryph t8 httreoi or alrando+anrnt o[ Rhr Property, have the right to collect and retain such rents <br />r they bcetaeta due sad payable. <br />Llpae aasderatioa atulw paragraph 18 treroet er ahanderuttcat of the l+t•ol,eny, lwxtder. ut I,rrson, by agent <br />w' by jtsdicislly atWtd reeaivtr absll tee rrttitled to eater upon. take i,ussrniun of and ntana{te the t'ropena• <br />sad U- collect t•be rents of tke Prapterty, tnoludtntt those peat due. A!I rents cot}et•ted hr Linder or the r.Y•r:rrr <br />shall ha applied 8rpt to ptx*+gtaat Ht th! torte of r»antsgetrtent rat the Pre.{,erir Yr~i .-aiertnn+ :,f .. •,, _ .nriu,iinK .. <br />no{ limned to, re:Y•tt•er's frt•:r, Isrertnurr:~ un reorrtrr'. ,u,n~i. amt rca--onahlr .rt•.-. rrr•_1 - -r- .,.. ~ ., < ,.. ~. <br />seeurod by thte ~tartgegt'_ Lender 8nd !ham rerervrr .hsll ho ?ueblr to ,y r<mua wniv ?,u , rev „ ~ +; :i'~• ~ •. <br />