i. ,, I:, , _. ,
<br />u~
<br />~ ,
<br />.. L - ~6tt'1 _ II I': e'.J A ~: r'ilf . .. -- f-I ~".. .- ~I" .. rr r ~. i ..
<br />1, Application a4 Paymantw t':.: ~ nJ;.1 ,.f. ~:u,:l I r ~fu, wl , lu ~n;rr~l, i „ISilf
<br />Joiner rhr- ~~n,t .-u t !':Y+•t.[1:1°. •, I -i . - ~4r:;~ +:r, . r ! , •hl ,:ro-r Ir, ..i?I: ,ur
<br />Leader h}' Borrower andl~: iJ;traRt? JI ? 1..•:f c+7 •I:cr, r~ i G~re.t aifl,. uu c:r V ,te :<r,•r ffllUr„ :1.Ivan+a~. is
<br />,
<br />ati., arcs Ine;~ .n the pruicipai of rho Aot~ an:f to ulc {,tin, fits of future :Adran~~rs !; ant
<br />4. Charges; Liens. Borrower siJali {,s~ :,ii taxe*, acx•ssnJettis and other elaarRrs. fir,e~ aril ttnpocitioris attni;-
<br />utsbte to the Yroparty u}Jit•!f nsa~' ntta,r a priority over t!u= ]fort~a~,' and f;ro?sAd rents. if an;, at Lender':?
<br />option in the manner t:rac Jded under {. ,ragralzh Y hereof or be Borrow rr ,nakint; payment. when dJ;e. direeth• to
<br />the payee thereof. Borrower ,ha,l p,v~mpt!y funuslt to I,endcr a!f notJCe~ of smoum~ ,iue under thin paragraph.
<br />~ and in the eGe;:~t Borrower ,l..i~i uiskc psymeut dtreet!}. Borrwcer ~h:tii pr: raptly turnwh to Lender receipts evr-
<br />~/ deneing sucll naymenta- Borrowev -ila;i ;lromptl~ fiirc!Iarge any lieu t<~hirh La. prtonty over this \1art,Rage, pro-
<br />~3 vided, trial Burrower sisal! n~~t !><~ :e~i:ure+f eo dtsrharKe an}• r'uc!+ yen so long as Borrower shall agree in writing tc,
<br />~..~ the payment of the obitgauo^ .rcure,i Lv ~urh !u•n Ju ., manner arc€ptahle to Irnder. or vha;I in Bond faith contest
<br />.~- such Iten hy, ur defend enforeemrit cf '".f „ L-en tn, legs; {=r.,,cc~imgs cviurh of,erate to prf~<ro; the roforcement of
<br />.:.. the lien or forfeiture of the Pr:ifxrt} of :1Jtc par' t';rreof
<br />S, lfmard Inaurrmc:. Borrower ;i~aii kce{, ri,t• ;ttt;,r•,,re::ente nun czi~ttr,~ nr hereafter ere, red on tfie Prop-
<br />crty trsur•rr! againet !tx~ by fire, hasard~ mcludett wit'tir: the tern: "eztendeci coverage" and such other liazarcis sa
<br />~ , [xndv tray t+equtre atxi Jn such Ymount. and fur ,uci; pen~ds as Ixnder ntay rt'quir!rn provided, that Lender shall
<br />noL roquire that the amount of tact. coverage ex+~er+i that amount of roveraftr rr+lwrrd to pay the sums ttatured'by
<br />this !lfottgage.
<br />Tht insuraucr . artier I.roveding Ute insurance sisll tn• chosru hv. Borrower sohje<•t to apprevsl by Lextder:
<br />provtded, that such approval :halt not be unreasonably wtthheld.:111 pretnitsma en tsurance tahcrea etas! be paid
<br />at Lender's optton to the insurer provided under paragraph 2 heterof or by Borrower nrakmg payment, when due,
<br />ditteetly to the ineurxnce earner.
<br />to the event any policy is not renewed on or before ten days of its a:pitation, the I.eodar, to
<br />its interest, tatay procure insuratoce on the improvements. pay the premiums and nsrh ntm aha.lr soap s
<br />iaurred;ately due and payable with interact at the rite set lottft in stud note ttatfl paid and sled be
<br />setvnd by this Mortgage. Failure by Borrower to compty may, at option of I.snder, trotrstitute a dafatd!
<br />trader the terms of thin Mortgage.
<br />All ineursnce policies and renewab tlxtrof Shall ire in form acceptable to Lender and ehalt include a strtadard
<br />~ rlastx in savor of and in form areeptahl€ to Lerxfer. l.etrder shat! have she right to ttoid tltr• potittt•res- tt,ad
<br />rsaewaH thereof, and Borrower shall ptnt»ptl_v turniait co bender elf renewal ttotrces and ail race-pta of paid pse-
<br />tniuass. In the event of lose, Borrower shall give prompt notice to the iuaurnre carrier and i.ender, and Lmdsr
<br />may make proof of loos i[ trot rustle proeapily b}• Borrower.
<br />Unless Leader and 8or'rower otherwise agree in av ritiuq, to uraucr proceeds stroll be applied to reatoratiaa elr
<br />repair of 11se Property damaged, provided ouch rratoraiion or repair is economica!ly feasible and the security of
<br />this Mttttpae is trot thereby impasrcd. If such rpsWratwn or repair is not economically feasible or ii the sscttrity
<br />of this Nettyage would be impaired, the irstrraace proceetL shall I,e applied to the sums secured by this Mort$aBe,
<br />widka the excess. if any, paxi to Borrower. if the Pt•q<erty is abandorreci b}' Borrower or ii Borrower fails to respond
<br />fa Leader wrthm :il! .Irys after nonce by Ixrtdrr to Borrower t'tal the msurauce earner offers W settle a claim for
<br />imurartee kxnetiu, Irnder :- authorssed to cdirct seal apply th,~ uuur:uree pessc,=eds at i.ertdrr's uptwn either to
<br />rntoratitm c: ;-etes:r at it,r Property ur to the rums secured b} lilts ..l(art{tagr
<br />Iintds Lender arxt Botxoveei atfferwrsr agree in writsntt, guy sari, appltcattuu ut prorre<It io prutotpal sttafl
<br />rtgt attend ~ pattpone !hr due date of the nsonthly tnstaflmrnts t~rirrmi to in paragraph, t and 2 her~rrf or ehattge
<br />db amount of such trtetalinxat~.
<br />If trndar pattagrsrzh !8 taareot lire Property r! aoqutrtad by t=~nrier, ai; nRta. ittk sad snterent of Rorro>,rEr bl
<br />tart is any ttwaattanrP ;..::resew arKt us anri tr+ tiw I>~n+wY+t. +hrrn: ~ to !nr ez*.r.:t e~ the sums serar+r~ by cbu 2dort-
<br />gage muaediatedy p true w atsc±a astr ,x arzttaatctt:ra: re, ztttr:s irtttc; ,iaueadr t.. t+:. i'r+sprrt~ prise to the sate or
<br />~. ~ ®a lea Ctt ir.Q~Oi• .' Cra6frrnR- tSii.r:.ur .r: ji, $?=r? rr±~ Qri?t*-
<br />erty tit gatxj :vy~-air a€;i shaei K ~?crrxx:t w ~cmm;t xsstr :t::tar: ~::en; fir r , ioiaiiue ,~, rile f'POlrCrty arKi 6ha11
<br />tia~,,ply w.~,. ,,,r p ~a~m Y. - ~. ~_~ . G ~ag.._ - . , .~-sari:..:. ... •::. t.xtasrr :a ,rt; a ~ttdominium
<br />treat, ;3tarrower ;tom'. ¢ .=o~ a•= _, t3srt~w=-€ - o~;ai:;.,<_ ..:::e- _.-Y :sr is+s[u:::..:..:Ea(x:,:r.::,ti: r r.,~?~r :~+i.
<br />the by-laws and regulalaorrs of the euatcianuraua: ;ma4r=t ata,i rw,stuuent dtKUnxutr
<br />7. Pre/aetian d l.setder's SectrritY. It Borrower tart. to prrforn, tl.r ,°„vrnant. ,and agrrrmruts runtarrud m
<br />this \it:ipge, or tf our' terror} ur {=rtx•<.=drng sx rotrercacn:•e•+i ahs,~,: a;atenaily nli~•t~ l.rnder. Interest ra the Pt•op-
<br />erty, tneiatding. but nut ltttrrted to a=;sJ:rent doruaut re;~.-+;=.-net ,-,lei:' ,.-ntor.•rtnrtet .sr artrngrrurnta .tr ptneaad-
<br />itrgs involving a ktanknsix or .ieeeti.nt •r;rr. f.rnser a! ! <•ndrr, option ::i,or: nottc, to tk+rruKer, u,at rnaltr such
<br />.. g
<br />appearances, dtebutrer Herb eurx,ls atr3 tare ,...:arw.: ,~ ,, ,,.•,.•„art to pn,ic•rr Leader s uderrst. Juriudm .but
<br />nsR lunised to, dtatwrseeteM of rearortablrY attunlc"Y Liege ant entry utwn the t'rot,rrtv to make -epsin. Aoy
<br />tai0ltaW dabtr»eti by I.ewirr pursuant t„ tt,te parsgraplJ ;. »tth tnttrrst thrrr+.,n..lialt heeunae sddit:rxsal irsdebt-
<br />ednatrt of $arrower aecurerd by iG~ tiiortgllylc [`t,lcsa Borrower rn,i Irnder egret to utttrr terms of travmrnt, sorb
<br />amotusts shall be payable upon nutter `rrou: Lender to Burn,Mrr reyutwttng paymcstt thereof, cud .hat! hear tnter-
<br />eat from flee dolt of dishut~rnteu at tl;r rate ~tntrd ut the Bute unlem paynu•nr ut iutrrrwt at such rate would be
<br />eaatrary :.; spptscshir isle.:.: eshtc;l a+rer:s ~e:rn ;;roc=+;u7n +i;ei~ i,rat uJlers•~r at ttu• htghc-et talc part»iss,ble 6y
<br />ap;Hirstbte inw tiothtn~ ronts.tnr=t :,. i;;~ ;•aragrupt. ~t.:iii J•.>.;ulr, l.e•n<frr to i:IrUI' alit txt,et.sc .rr .io env sci
<br />'-
<br />d. aF fader relay atats ar sure to (sr tttadr rlasotrahk rMties replan sad ttsspseties-s of tsar Prap-
<br />etW: t±r't++ri~ tMtt I!nrte* .ixa11 fir; =asr±cw•rr tmtt•r r•••rt• •,• ~•••• .ts,.te :n:•v+r!t~- _ne~t•i!s~ixt~ t~~±rt;ht€ ~tst~
<br />t~entferr relat>eti let L'!esd*' a trt=rnlt is !.~S Prclxrty
<br />B i:+e~iatrtlwriWR. 3-jte ptosestie at say award or glum tar damages, dirvrt or cunarquet+tial, in emsrtatdien
<br />with arty aotttismntctioa or other tsJtntg rat the lRrotretYy or iwrt itsereof, or for eonveranct in Fmr of condemna-
<br />tisrt, are lasraby aarv~ad sad trhai! be pert ~ header.
<br />In the event of a total takitrR ~ She Prerpettr, fix tmteecds shall lee atspli«l to the same eecut•ttd by this ;Vtort-
<br />gagea with t~ tp[@INts, if sny, paid to Borrower. In the evortt st a partW1 takiryt of the Property, onsets Borrower
<br />+wodir+s~rgiftftnttMt+ •+ee >A wntr~, tMire strati be apptiM to the snau eeeurett by thsJC \iartRage such protwr-
<br />tfiea of the praosads as a egwf to tl.at pteportioa which the amount ut the sumo secumi 6y the ~iortgaRc imme-
<br />distaty prior to tht date of taking bears to the fair market valtae of lire Priprrty immetlrwtrly prior to the date of
<br />talnot, with Bte balance et the prtteettds isaid to Barraxer.
<br />If the Ptppttrty it alaandoned by Borrower or if after notice by [,ender to Borrower thrt the condemnor offer:
<br />W matte ate award er aetrtk a clsdml ter damages., Borrower fails to r•etctsond to fender withnt 3Q days of the date
<br />of ouch aotite, Lender it atathoriaed to c+~Ifert and apt±ly ttfe}rrorteds s± (.ender- ;~ptiif:, .•1> ~;, rr=:,rt;tiorr ;,r
<br />ropatr of the Property or W the satin It,ecured by the. \tortgsge
<br />Ifnleaa I.t•n,iet .in+i I'lor•.,w?r nthnnvice a;,rrr :.. . ~+ing, any .:: F app!tcal;o , { ,,,:++ : ,:r,. ~t, ,.
<br />