<br />[.endes'v writtth agrtetnent ar appbcabk law. Ho,rrrwrtr shal+ pay the srncntM of at! mortgage insttrana:e premiums it the
<br />manner pt'c~~ elect under paragraph 2 hereof.
<br />Any amounts dabursed by [.trader pursuant to this paragraph 7, with itrurat the:nott. shall become additional
<br />indrbtedness of tlonower aectued by this Mortgage. Unless Borrower and Leader agree to other urtas cf payment: such
<br />atttounta shall Ile payable upon notice from Lender to Borrower regulating payment thereof. and shall hear interest frem the
<br />date of disbursement at the rau payable from tune to time on outsundlog princiful under the Neu unless payment of
<br />fMSrect a< such rau wddd be contrary to applicable taw, io wfiich ewrlt stscfi amounts shad bear interest at the hit;heat rau
<br />permidbk udder applicable law. Nothing conta~ iu this parapaph 7 :hall requite Larder [o incur any expame a tale
<br />~' acrtias fietxuoder.
<br />~. ~~, f.etrdar may male or carne to be made reroaabk entries .,don and inspections of rte Property, provided
<br />that [.etrder shall dive Borrower notice prior to any such inspection specifying reasonable cause therefor related to I.etlder's
<br />inurest in ttrs Property.
<br />~. Caaeeaseoiew. The proceeds of arty award or claim for damages, tiiroct or coelsequential, in comrection with any
<br />~rondemnation yr ether taking of the Property, or part cheroot, or for conwyarra in Iku of condamnatitxr, arc heeaby assigned
<br />end shall be paid to lender.
<br />in the event of a total taking of the Property, the proceeds shall be applied to the auras secured by this Mortpge.
<br />with the txxr, if any, paid to Borrower. Tn the event of a psrtial taking of the Property, unless Borrower and Lettdar
<br />otherwise epee in writing, the-r shaft be applied to the strrtts soured by this 1rlortgapee such proportion o[ the proceeds
<br />r h egletl b that proportion which the amonM of the sums second by this Morgye fitarrediately psior to the date of
<br />tddaB beats to the fair market value of the Property immedtatety prior b the date of takitrg, whfi the halarres of the pteetads
<br />paid b Bortesser,
<br />if the Property & abandoned by Borrower, a if, slur notice fry Lender to Borrossa that Nre coaeemnor tsars b male
<br />an awned or selde a claim for damages, Borrower faih to respond b Lrrder witfaa 30 days elver ale dew each atrtioe Y
<br />toaiisd. Lender b atRhoriaad b ttOBDCi and apply the proceeds, at [.aadsrY option, otter b rsstasaliaa or repair d r•
<br />Property a b the strtm serx-rod by this Mtxtp,e.
<br />Ualsas L.eaear sad Borrower orwetWss a/re is writistB, ry latch applieatioa of prooaads b priattipal iar as aalaee
<br />or ptrstpotr the due date of the tasrttthly nrtaliween rofarrad b lee parapaphs t and 2 banal err tweets tM awolwt d
<br />sesah iBatafrspal.
<br />it. flaerassst NN Reieasai Efttnaiorl d the tiers for peyalant a waifadon d ono-tistiost d l6s w~a wr•tod
<br />!y Mlle IltoftBge palled by LaOdar b say srsoceaaor is Mrasrsr d flortosnr swell reel opaera b relsaea Y tray alMOae.
<br />etea d two ~ Lorrossar std BafrtlrNra slraaarors in iltasasi radar slag oat he tgllind b e~aat~taM
<br />pr~aosedarp «pthrt ssteh strtreeasor or rettw b etrrd brat ter payasaat a otMrwdw nodlly saloetirafioa d tits sear
<br />strrsd by iwis lloefBye by esaaoa of asy daeetd mat# wY the oeigieai Borrvwr eee ilorro.rds ntrtxeraars m ilatrat.
<br />U. larwaataate wr leaear Net o welter. Any law.araaoe by l.a,dr r Ong any right as tarreay hatatsaMt, w
<br />eliterrise 1tAw# Yy app6erble Iaw. sitoB trot ba a wrwr d or pss~iarte 1M oacir d aey sot! rlfl or r~atlf.
<br />TM / d {aalsraatte err the pryer®t d ta:ea a olive Cws or dtrBr by Lelldv shag trot !s a wahrar d Lwedslt
<br />tlMtt to aeodswte two aaapxity d the iaeabwdsaw sxund by this hiortBnBa.
<br />12. ltaosair CSWw, Ap raraadir peevidad irk dais Moetprs an disdwet acrd tarwtstative b awy otMr riBMt a<
<br />remedy trader this a t+Boraed by Mnv or egttgy, sad way be eseraird cowcanasrly. y a saetaaalsaly.
<br />11. fhteeutraw are ~.~. ^sarde iar.i w ww.r Uai~t c~.pie... Tw. cewreasu ad apaawrta wraM
<br />caer~ rtadl bwtd, asd dre *~ hatgalder lt+aB imsrc b, the te.p.eei,K saceesors re sedges of taeeer sae Bierro.ae.
<br />weiect b lira prwitissw of paragraph » hereof. Ap eovenenis and graewara of setrewer ~e be jtriat nod rtreraL
<br />Tee eapdoas sad haadiars of rite wttpaphs d !Ai Yortprgx ere ter oorlvaaisnce only and an sot b be fwd b
<br />firwrpnt or dells the proeiaibos feted.
<br />li Netisw Sxosgl for testy aalisa ravttitaa trM applireib few to be given in aeafisr wawoer. tat say credos b
<br />flarroerar provided for is this iiloryage shag be Aiwa by ttwliay ssselr notice hY car~ad soil sadraaaad to fkwrssaw al
<br />two hnOsrtY Address a at such sliest addrw r fbrtos-er awY dsaiBaate tw entice b Lwder r provided Mari. sae
<br />fbi aaY frolics to Leader sha12 be pwn by oartlAed mail. oaten talxrgt ngasawd_ b Laeder's addrar naiad larais a b
<br />stew oUrar addtaw w Leader way dwi/tsaY by aeliee b lerro.ar r provided hernia. Aay resiea psnvWd tar r till
<br />liortBye she-f he deewM to haw bees gwart b ranetsar tx l.eerar srhsrr gnaer is dsc tslarraer dasiBaaetd hraia
<br />1R lhlflurw ~B*t GseasarB i~.t Beeeraily. This form of wetyapr cnazdinas rwitars ssrseeanb for stMiaed
<br />t_wa s*d widl ~ by ~ b ~ a ~fe~ aeertry ~ t
<br />tatl propwtr. Tlis 1Mortgsge shad rte by lire taw d the twudktie' to srhieit the P~ es _ bibs
<br />avast i#tad arsy tr::rvea;..r .ta.c:.t .:t t8ir iiatigras or tAe `w`.rss c~rnfi~.e-ts +.+th .ppica~s law. w.kfii cerilt:ct i..i acs aBs.1
<br />emar esovisioae d thu Yor~ax nr Ma Noes sesidt ea.t b gi`a° elect wi_rAer_.t Ne "-t°-ai!'eLa! awwiia.Ld b ~
<br />sad drtt provldarw ~ the Mortattp and Nte Naw are declared k he severable
<br />1i. Ira!!!w!!'i C7apy. Bertow,er shell be ftriaistsed a canfurrned copy of the Notr sad rat ttrb fslcatst~e st live time
<br />o[ enipttlpa a after rstcordadea Asnel.
<br />ls. T4aatlar d t!a rr.ptaeyt Aat~eptgas- If all w try ,art d the Y er w iaarast tMrsia 4 sold or baeagarrad
<br />b;' flerrotser without (,soda's prior writess+ cosssrrt eaciadVg (al tM r:rwtba of a Usn err wwsralraOOe wbosdkww b
<br />dlis itwyap. 1b) the curiae K a purchaw mossy sxvrky iarsren for hottsafald apptianow, (et a trturter by da+dss.
<br />tissoaat err by aparatba of lew upon the daaah of • jdns loser w (dr the grant of say leaasbeld hrtstres! o! IMse yeast or law
<br />eel oaataisieg as option b prrabaas. L.eaasr taay, r l.auMr's option. dadarc alt rAe sows esctreed hr thr Morepp b 4
<br />iwaydiaaety flue asd payabfa. larstsr shah Mva waived such option to atsnisrase rf, prior to ttw orris or isaasfer, lewder
<br />cad tits pwaoa b whew tws fYaperty a to b aokl or !rnnhreed raaeA t ie wrNislg diet the cesdk d aseh psesee
<br />d prialetNtwy to Letldsr std that the bwrrru Payable un the suem ss+<'erad by tMs klartpp shag 6s at oath tees r Lesldsr
<br />shag nausat. It Calder br wtrived the option tc sccxkastr provided in this patapsph t±, sad it Barresrsr°s sslceaaaor hs
<br />iMrsst hr •tectrtad a writwa ttssualptwn apaamsnt attxpted in writing by Lender. laadtx shalt releaa Borro~wr trove eB
<br />oki{ptieas trader flea Mortgage std the Noce
<br />It t.eeder e.-ariaat such option b accs)cratc, l ender shall :mail Btxrorver notrCe d ac~~deratidt in att'aafdaeee wit
<br />paragraph t1 hereof. inch notice rJufl prmrde a period o[ sot lew !hart W days from the date !fie nolk-e a forted vrwhpt
<br />tetw sweaww .~pap tb uuaa atlelaraa ave. lr ~errttrrar taNs » pay fleas ave.. pelsrt b two wpMliw d ntatw pesle~
<br />>v.aMr tiiq. wir~ttl wrliw aatke .. aaalead oa Uorro.... iaveita say ratrstrdfas parwiwd by w+ir~ i ~ wwad.
<br />t~-~at tt~rt~. 8~.~.r ~d l..aea. ,t ~t .ad ,,~.e .e f~ewe
<br />~ SrralssasS ~ s~td~a! fa pawlgfta~w e3 sand, ~ ~aesawr'n le:aew d ~ easaaare err
<br />traeatrrr d ~arraenr M rot Mnlffa/r• l.arirti fir areeeaer b pV www era. ts! stets aeearae b air MrMBa
<br />lradte ltfM M watrsalitr sluifA atM aw_'er r 6araaer r psestlae M p~ fd wssed rMaNl)thtp ql Aa iaaaswt
<br />W 1Be etAitr ttgtrtiott/ r ttttw rttalA itauait A a atlr~t trt Iaaa r+tn ~ atg. Mar re tiro owe .stir. / ttattlita rte flaraa+tr.
<br />1[tr stitllli tlrui lrllltiit ttlwd M awl tetatl fA Mt Bfin w efts trrtB hatrw era w wtgew r. eor gatrlae i M ttsrtgw
<br />trig ewttt M weaittaMa d M frets tawatli ~ >•dr MryrBa. Meatassea w) MtiaW pneeaeir f sari aia et re Pretiaap.
<br />'err aaiNltte trafFlrtlia-rMtsr lartwrar og re ~ >ti sarsaala ahr aralratYaa all tie dpi b avert ~ Ills tasesiasw
<br />pwaea~ rr wtraaMMrr of a 4tMrM err ttt~ ttrMr trMate d Meawrar to seniawYsw sad iredawre. K M ireaaw
<br />r.a eadl .. err ealwa trr titre ttputlira b tea ttsea r...,ret ee ltt.+.r-.ptw tare, e.ef~r. as .r r....a .a~.a+ iy
<br />fir it.atrrB. w w fss.at~ aaa aN pttgaile rttlrerr lrrr erased ~ ~ n,.a... b leap r~«+~tt• i~
<br />rewall be artlAtad b ealtau a stew peaau ~ i eagaaaw d Ibaedawae, releelai. bat set BreMed to eeaw d a.eare.tary
<br />eewwaa. tiriaear ltd tMr nperr.
<br />1!. >~ettessas4 ~ b Rardlh. ~ l.wearl rrxahxrion of [M sttass secured by this McMgage,
<br />lorrower rhNi haw tie right b haw any proosetliolt ttagsar by Lender to seftxsx this Mortgage discontinued ~t any t~ ,e
<br />