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~~-~- ~~~~~~~4 <br />tl':sttraa+t t~'z~tit;rRrrrs. Barrawer and t_ettder . _~venanl and agrcr as tullowt: <br />I.. raynt~nf at Prlaelpd and feerrast. 'itarrawi7Y rhali promPtlY WY whcn dtrc the prinipal of and inzeresz an the <br />utdslttedness cvidrnacd by tttc N,stc, prepayment and lots cltarees :s Fro+'~ m the Note, and the prtncipai o! and totertat <br />on any Futtue Advances secured by this Mortgage. <br />2 Pt~i fear Tape d Neaeeatee. 3ubjoct to applicable law or m a written waiver by Letder, Borrower shah pay <br />to Leader oa tti, day monthly ittstalhaertts of principal std iatarett are payable under the Nee, utrhl the bolt is paid le fuU. <br />a sun (hdein .'Ponds") equal to sac-twelfth of the yea[iy taxes and asaaamarb which uoy main priority over thin <br />Moritpye, sari ;rated reran ~ the Property, if any, plus oeo-tr[elfM d ytoriy prtemium insdtpmettb for hanrd i.twrance, <br />plus one-twelfth d yearly pranittm ittstaltmmts for aan~ye insurance, if wY. ill r remaobty erairrrated iakiatly std from <br />bate b tiara by Lender oe ibe bash of atwameeb and hips std reasonable atitratts thnsof. <br />'ibs YWdda shall be bald in an instittnion the depotib or atxorrat: d ttrhrch are irrsated or praranteed by a Federal or <br />stab adeetcy linclttdin` Leader if Lertder n such an 6tstittdioe). trader shall apply the f'tmde to p.y said taxes. nema-am, <br />iowraace prmniutm std jrwrad rears. Lender m.y not charge for ao hotdie~ aed ttpplytae tlo Funds, anatydoj wid stxounL <br />or `'~fY+oi sad oompiliny acid apassmenb and bills, ttttkw L.ardm pays l~rower interest ors the Fonds and appficabie 4w <br />pemtib Lender to make such • charge. Borrower atwf Lradar stay setae in writias at the tittle of e:ecutba d thb <br />Mortptep that interest on the Funds shall be paid to 8otratrer, and trrlas arch aptsaasot is tttsde or applicsbk law <br />twgrtirea latch inta+est to 6r paid. Lender shall not be required to p.y Borrower any imertrl ar eanin~ on tlta Ftrrda. Leader <br />ttha8 pre to Borrorru, without charlP, an antwat accountini d the Prattle showinj crtsdib and dei>ib m the Fiords and the <br />'patrpaae for which each debit to the Fnrda was node. Tlse Funds are pldted as atdMtiosal salacity far tlis erssr saciuad <br />by this lldotya~e. <br />If dM emoum d the Foods held by L.ender. together with the future aonthly irgtalhnsets d Panda payable prior to <br />the dw data d rues, aseaaarmn, iawrarice prentiunr and pound rawts, ahaH exceed the eirouet etatpdred to pay raid ems, <br />asasasfrMU+, inaurattce prttmiums std ~rotrad reran a tMy fop thre, such excess shall be, at Uorrower's option. eilier <br />ttNd irpbP Lender shall ~t~ba waicibt to b ~w~ oa osoaMly iaaaYmtts d Ftteds. i[ ells acaouet of the Ptda <br />porrower thug pay to Lauder m amoisat l~Y taxes. aaessamagb, irruraroe pilmllmtf sad ;round rtob m they tuft due. <br />~ l.trir ~ llonewr Y traoaa:ry to [cake ttp the dtttcieney within 30 days from the daa unties b wailed <br />tequssti~ PrYtueat thatao/. <br />held ~Lsadrir. If urdar d ~ ultra atttaued hY thin lMortpga. t.erder eheH promptly nirtrd to iorrwwm arp lattade <br />tttaM ap~pdY. ro bier tlrea iasmediwety prior to ~a s~Y dY d ~ or tM !'roperry is otharwir acqugwd by L+aadar. L~dat <br />L.trder at tM tune of ~p a tb aogttwtioa hy' t.sader, rY Pirtle Mli bd' <br />ap~tlcatiar w a txedit gaiaet tIM etrsrt teearad 1-Y Ihia yortdys, <br />3. A~ader al 11t4metsla Urlaa appiioahia law pwvidu otirarsiae, ltd pgmerls saoeiesd by Lsnd.r tmdar dtt <br />Nose ettd pantpplr ! ited 1 betaof attag be tq+pdied by l.arir fkat is psymew d aasotan payab4r is Lerrlir lip lettrastt <br />[[odor pratttaph 2 barn[, tiler to irterat paytsbir as tM Noes. than to ttte principal u! the NoM, and tAoa m irtrrert stud <br />pristirtl ar stay Futae Msaaota. <br />~ Chagarl Llrre. llorrawsr shall pay ti rarer, aasea®arY sad alter dtagaa, iaee and iripaaitiene attribareile M <br />tba larprlY whirl trtq awsir a ptrtotky eiser thin I/eetpp• and leeaahdd paytrerts or ptrrd [sees, i< try, i eMe otraer <br />prradiai rrda t 6aeei ar, tl ra prd it welt mrraar, by ~ona.rsr tttaflatt payerert, wbea dtre, alr.aty r fM <br />pptq~ww retaof. ~orrett~er shad pawtpty GrriM Io t.artMr aY rosins d arwtrla des taadar tiia parapglt, ttatdw ~a evert <br />Mwtrat [tall wrre diaetlp, Yoeresrer tW prswptty kseriah to Lsrdar aaipte sstMretiiq and[ Nlim~ <br />Mte~et tW prarr~r~tdbrhap astq tiara tvbidr loo prietiry es~er fhb Iteerppe; prwridsd, thus Sorraww chap sat bt <br />retpairad to 8iachrrp arty such Ent ao toy m torrower ahrY ape in trritlat b the payment of Me ab~stioa tacttred by <br />ttrti tier io • matater acoepnbls a Larder, a ttrq ie food faith ttuatatt sum hen by, a dalaad eelatoerwtt d atscA Hatt ir, <br />lti/al peoaaMya tshio6 apueete eo preoert tits eaCtxceatant d the Her or forfsiurre d ebe PrtspeKy or any pan tlreaef. <br />~ ~ lrtrrraaar. Idorrotra ahaY reap rite tr~rovattnra row exiawtp a hereafter arecrod m tbs Property tttatasd <br />sport bra by the. haratds irclstdsd witlwt Me tares "sateadsd coveradi ', and such other batearda m l.ertder may terpsite <br />tad a larch amouan sad far such periods as Lerch any rogisite; provitlyd, that t ender r1oH trot nquin that tbs trnotrttt d <br />OICb oovvadc aieeed tbai atsaotaat d co"eraM requited W psY tbt sua'r sectsted by tllr <br />The irettnareea cattier pe+ovt~ep t#s irrrsroe abaN 6e eltoesa b' scerower twb~ea to ti/psord by t.sador, tttt>•triiai. <br />tlaaa ttueit ttppatatrsi chap not 6s tmmeear.rhiy wltbbUd. Ap prewrttans oa iaetrrnca poticra +haq M paid ra the traorer <br />/resided fader pttt~rrph 2 hated a, tt set paid r atreb truatr, by Yoerwwsr Overt. w!!ta dtte, dm+edy to the <br />itt~ rattier. <br />Aa irarstawea peitese atnd tarewtib thatat s#aatl be m forest ee t ertdt~r and ~.tcltsda a atandas@ ~. <br />t ffi far.* d 3IId h: fist ~ to Lssdar. Lsanlw sAail ha.o ttK ri~t io [soil tits ptaiiCtes tad tetrew~ uAeteaal. <br />and Zliert+ower rbaH ptempai_y fusasah to L.srdar tip renewal sottas and ~ d ~ ~_ !.; ;;,~ amt e<r ~ <br />aee7pa7t then l~ prempt atorioe m Me taewarce comer and tstttler i.ersder may malt proof of lea tf not made promptly <br />by tleraearte. <br />ltrlaee Latedar and Sor-wnr aabarvrw ape a wmarp. rrtaaucs protwds aMaatl be appbad W teeacratloe m repair d <br />~ ~~Y ~. !mod web tsewarroa of rteparr r ecatowically traait+k std the attcetily cJ Ibis MM'gap b <br />net Thesa4y impaired /f such restarattar or repetr r oat aooaoreicsYy fttaarbk or tf the security d Mrs M«yspe would <br />he ~• the iraveree prooeads shall be applod a, the aura ssctaet! by thr kiartpape. wuA the exotss. M atty. pad <br />to llorr,.+trer. if tits Pmpaty ^ ahaadnead DY bcrrvtrer, ur tt ~arta+trur tole W reapo[td to Leader wtthin 3t) days tram the <br />dues unties n xadsd M Lsada w brnrwer that the iwtraaos carrier often ro scttk a clatnt for ~ttwraecr bamtn. Lander <br />b atMboriaed to oopttx and apply tlr srs.uar:e pr....aeJa w t_rwdsr's apasoe attba ra rsstorattoe or rtepedr d Me Prafsety <br />or tr 1Mt etear esewad by Ni kaWe. <br />Udw Lettdtr and iartctsrst otberwisr alter sn wntstt~, aaY arch applicasat a( prooeads m prtstrapal shall oat es[asd <br />a poasparr the due due d [tr atoathtY sakt~+Insents !starred tea ts•. parspsplrs !end : tttraof ai ehattp'a the ant,;.tar of <br />strcb idataHntawi. ;t tradat partyraph III hereof the Pi uptttty a s-yutrtrtf hY l wader, all rteht, urle sad iniareet of 6otnrwa <br />In sad to uy tmauatxe policim and m a+wt w the prxeetts tberwN tesuhity from damye ro the Pnspens Ixtar to the sale <br />tttaon shall pea ra Lender to tht raieoi .H the ~ set:y_rt.,t try th+s Mwtytlpe ~mraedtabtV -q:cx ~., such rile tx <br />i lrleiwaMr tlUt MriMeaeew r 1.atolaiitt Geietlttlletaaat flatted I>ttf 6tatgelletale. ~eeteww <br />tldM M~q tM !M/rtep V /tai taMelr tad aW ra aerrit wwte a tastait fmpaitnaaar as deterieartlrr d 1M 1rsaNely <br />Met ~ eaagip tirph ells Mf"rrehM~ d arY tutee if for ~t r as • MarabWd. N this ttfwr~ r ti a urd! M : <br />eandart os a pderaad iii devtsiaptapr, ilorrutrp ship trerfora alt of tarrvw°'s dtiipstoaa ttaisr tf+e d[sciarttl+trt <br />as taseaters m the ~S o: p~taad ttsit ~, the try-laws sad ttgttbrtiarr of sits <br />eordoat{rwar or gritted rail iessla0eraat, sad caaadpeart doctaanra. /f a oostdooMitrtr of pfaered unit devslapmert <br />tides b araratred b! latrotra and seeeeded tapdsa wqh Mb blatttys, rata oorer•ry sad apesraeau of arch rtder <br />shag bs htrlgeerad iter Mai t1aM salrrd end eappdamaat ue tttrrerarts trd rtlrrerrrea or thr ttlortpp as if the rider <br />•ww a par Ytat. <br />7 !OstMarier d l.aadttfs fMe4sllp. !f ierreaesr fe;h r,. Oe+`~t the eerraeaab sad n ~arltasna! +n ~ <br />tK i< sap atttllew at ptopa~f-t b varmesst~;f rrhidt maaetiapy aAaeq Lstnda's intaeet is the Papcny. <br />M~ t-rt sat Hr:Nad t0. eeairarf demaia. i..ole..c,, twit at~earreat, er arrssysaaw a proaatrifjtys ittvalvitll ^ <br />braekrtspt or dseadtw, *sn Laala rr Larder's opt'ttan, taper aotiae rat Ilaerrrwer, stay mate such appearances. disburac such <br />soar sad rata lull tteHan u b a.owery m protect Laada's tatvaat, iractudiur. bw trot limiod w, diabutsetttent of <br />tetgoraltie atttxrey'a lea sad artry etpnrt the P7opas+y ro mate rspain. tt Lender requtred ttnxtper irtxttrtnCC as a <br />txsatiliaa o[ riadugp the loss actasd by ttsb tironpK tatrr. c: uhali pay the pr~itsttr required a, tnaintun ugh <br />iaeYtaaee is eEect trill n+eh time w the regtritamam far web itwrastce terminate m ttecoManct with Bortcfwe= and <br />