<br />t..c €r+~sn~a :wren gag rte. »vertt :.+, ape+ls:.a3'ge seas Fkt=:;. ., ~rt:a ~ ~E,y t8he a.rt,-tins a° ~ali r..:=r'+~a~e in ~~i.rr~s }"~t~e+'i:nr.,. 'r~- _„
<br />nsanner !^rr,:,,~iil E~, a,,ru'er pnrrage~aph 1 isireof.
<br />Anv ar..~~u ;ts dtsburscd by Lender pursuant to thts nara¢raph '. a,rh tntcrest ttsercun. shall become ad :;t,nnal
<br />indet-::erlrtess c,f Borrower ~cirred nv thrs rnlotigaZe C'niets Borrower and Lender agree to , they terms +,r f.a.mest. sr.cH
<br />amaunis shaTi be payable upon »otice frrxr. i.endrr +^ Borrower rcgttesring payttxnt !hereof a»d shat! Flea: inter ~t from t#*r
<br />date of disbta;~_nt at the rate payable teem time to time r,rt outstanding principal ;r-.der the *icrc .:^less ; Hr°ttlEita of
<br />interest at srxh rste would be eontranr e, anphz:-aH;r !aw_ in whteh event ru~fi amrwr,#s shafT Hear inters ar the heghesi rate
<br />pertniasihir under applicable laa~ Nnthsng cKtt:,ined .n thts paragraph 'shall requtrc Lender to ens;;r airy expense or take
<br />any action hereunder
<br />g. littereraoe. Lender may make or cause to he made reasonable er•.trio upon and Inspections of the Property. prc,vidcd
<br />that Ltrsafer shall give Borrower natcc prior to any sow Tt ~nxpectann specifvtng reas:,nahtr catoc therefr~r related to t.ender'a
<br />mtrrrst in lfte Property-
<br />9. Ctradeattta4lon. The prt><rrd, of any award or ~lamt for Jamanes. dtrec: or conscytsential.:n. connection with am•
<br />cnndemnatinn rr ~,thee taktng of the Propettv ,,r pan ihtrrc,f. or for conveyance in !feu of cnndemnatian. are hereby as~igrred
<br />and shall he paid to Lender
<br />in rite evtnr nfi a total taking cif ttx Property. the prrscectfs chaff ix' appi~ed to the sums secured by this Mort=a~sr.
<br />with the excess. if any. paid let Borrower Tn the evem of :r partial !airng of the Property. unless Aorrower and Lendct
<br />otherwise agree in wriuag, there :hall be applied to the sums secured by this Mortgage such proponiots of tare pratxeds
<br />as is equal to that proportion wfiich tTea amou»t n( the sums secured M this Mortgage imrtsediateiy prior io the date d
<br />taking besrx to the Cair market value of the Pntpcrty tmmediatety prior to the date of eking. with the balance of the proceeds
<br />paid trs Iionrrwet.
<br />If the Prvpsr!y is ahatttioeecl by Born+wcr. ar if. after notitt by Lender to Borrower that the :o.rdelattor olh.s ro males
<br />a:~ sward rte sank a claim for damasts, Borrower fails tr, respond to Lender wi!hin M days :fret the dare such notice is
<br />marled. Leader is atxhrsrized to cnliect and apply the prrx~ccda. at bender's option. either to restotatior « repair d the
<br />Pnsperty or to the sum. secured by this Motiglse
<br />Utdats Lender and Borrower otherwise ogee in writinj. any such application d prtt~eeds to pritttigl t>Ivll ao/ tatesad
<br />or ptswpotr the due dm of the nttmthly ittstalkttmu referred to in paragraphs t sad 2 hared « ctit+Be the aatouttt d
<br />itch inataBrttattta.
<br />M ~aetrww lYat Raieaaad. Eataasigt d tfie time f« payrttent « nwdlBcation d ,tm«tization d eha war stsemei
<br />6y seta Yortgttpt =netted by I.coder to soy stttxrosaor in interest d Btxrowcr tthaB ltd aperata ro relersa is say maalter.
<br />the thbHity d the original Borrower sad s«rower's successors Ta Yttercst. [.coder +haB ltd be taquired ro ouaaeaea
<br />peoa..dla~t aga~srt etsNt wsceeasor « redtae ro es~atd cime r« paytltem « otlterwiiat tt+oaify anlortirstial d eM snaaa
<br />sunned bi' this Mt+Rgge by tteasoa of arty demand made by the otigittal Bort•osrer and Brvrowcrs snceeson iw itMareat.
<br />t 1. laaBetsnate b Lander 1Wt a 1Yttiter. Any ktdtearance M Lender is saerciaa+g ,ay ~ « reaaeiy Aerestta~r. ar
<br />x+ebasrirr aRnrdad lR` appiical+k Iw, t:lHB nut Ix a waivttr d « proeiude the taercne of say loch etigBt a teltsa#f.
<br />Tle proturameat d hsstuaaut a the paymetN nt taxes M otter liens « cbarpes by t~tsder shell nta be a wttiser d Lestdels
<br />tight to accekYatc fire tsatstrity d ttte indeftltd;sess seetrred M' this Mortgage.
<br />It ltt~rdlaa Caaitan. Ail resaadies provided in this Mortgge str distinct awd cttatulatirt to atry alto right «
<br />remedy ntsder this Titaetgage or ailorded fsy Taw or amity, sad easy ba exmciard coacwntsnty. irsdspendeaay a wcawNeFy.
<br />13. Aaetwaaes teed Atakas Maas !stet and 9eesnl tJaBib: Caltia- 11r oovsaaeu and a~aereeaw htneie
<br />oatlaitted shag hind, and the righh irreoruder sfttJT tnUrc rn, else respex[ivt successors and usigns d Lender atsd Brvroser.
<br />eubleu to the provYSions ai paragraph 1? hereof All covcnams and agreesttenn elf Borrower shalt kse Fsxini sled several
<br />lbe capticm and headings of the puagnphs of this Mortgage ^re for convenietwc onN and are rent to he used to
<br />tntet'pt'e(M dr~ni the prOYlSlrtgS herc~af.
<br />id. f+letlee. EturoPt for any notice required under applicable law in Ir given an ar/,sther manner. (a) any notice ro
<br />Barrawret prtsyided fete in this Mortgage sha11 he given by matting s:reh rKt",iCC Hy iertiged mail .3dressed to Bsxrosvtr N
<br />dr lropetry Address or at curb .ttrer address as Brxmwer may destErtate by ,,.aicr in [ender as pnwithd herein, amt
<br />fM ~' tavtie~ ro i lea g;s9tr. ~ ~*.i~r! marl. tstttrts recttyt r±, ,r, Tastdrr's a ~at+ed herein o* M
<br />saeit after addtas,e x I fnAer mar desianste by ttesice :n 9rsrntwor u rns+vided F+eresn Anv etr+ettr t»rnrititd for in that
<br />ltdattgage shadT be degtted tau have belcrt pvta tv Borrower d l.ettdcr w-htn gavea in the aaantrr dcsisrtatexi ttereat.
<br />H. tiaraetta Masts; Csres~iag [~tv: 3rsaeel~v. Tisi. form ssf ms+rtp!age ssmsbirtcs sxt:form ~ tvenatrts frr natioewt
<br />.rfi ~;; .,,,r. , k :,.~..t., ... _ _ .:t. ::.mar f. .,
<br />pia-'_: ,~d~ s.,.; be ayrverYr~d~.`-. ,hc + -, .:rt~.,,>::a-n , , ..,z Pr:~.~ ~ - - in `:tr~-
<br />t°x'~tf that say pre-vrrirn rv ela:arr~ Lbw rMar4ga~ ~ LHr 'tree r:xi:!!xts ;v32h apirlrsat~n:ss~_ s~-h cnnfhcf sts~ nc-a a9iCt
<br />erw! the pcEtvisicMSa ,+f 'ire hf.xtgaQe an,,l{!lte~W.uc .ra r,t~taresf t, ,ht s€veraidc •;•,_~,• rr.f •~ ~~~• _ ~ ,•••~•, •~ ••, {•,w
<br />K. Itawwsrer'a l.gry. Sorrowtr sisaiT i+t furnrsnesi a ionfrsrtnrsi crtpy ni rinc tisxe anal ai rifts Mtxyage ar rir tier
<br />s7f ttttK'tatan ar after rxc«3atispa hereof.
<br />f7. 'naaafer d tle 1TYageelyt Aastragliw. If alt or any part of the Pmpeno or an rntcrest ttsereln is sold or trtutshrned
<br />by Borrower withsntt Itnder'a prior wnitrn consent ex.letding tat the irestirxs s,t , tarn rx ena-rtmtstattce sutxsrdtnate to
<br />lha lfrtrt`ape, the the treatirxs r+f a purtstsc mi=ss.:. sesa~nn ~nrerrst for h.nssinr,#i app3sarts-es ice a Ira»strr hr sirvi>K-
<br />daat~tt or by' ,+iterauo» of law upr.n the death s-{ n ~.+,nt ieee.tnt „r rd! the grant .+1 any irasch,dd tntcrcst .+i three scars ,x k+u
<br />trot t.'oM,eittislg an option to ptrrc ttaxe. 1 rrtder neat a; ! e,tdrr~. s,ptr.+n ,irctarr all rhr sum, .rc r:rrd M thra Mon;aye M (+r
<br />iatRtediatCty due Std payable t.stsdcr shaft have warred xr.h opt,<>tt t.. a.srkratc r!. ptti,r r:, tree sale .x trtusrifar, l.ertder
<br />and the ptrsors u+ w#atxn tlx Propene „ t,. +.~ x,t.t r.r tr^siterrd rent, ngt,.emen# nt wntneg that the rrertet of sltch penrvs
<br />is satisiactnry to t ender 'reed thnr th« !ntrr<.,, ; _ _>•!e •y the ,..ern secured !•s the, Montnge shat! hr at srtrh rate as Lender
<br />shah M4uesr tf i ender "etas wroaxt the rta;,ar ;, ..rtceatr ~ :,.Efr.i „ thn iwragrat,h i' arxi .f its+rrowrrr'a ssYCCa•90r en
<br />mtrmt has Ftr+cutrti a wrHlrn assnntpr»K+ agrrrnsrn: s>,c!+,c.t •~, .,+,t:.,g M 1 rnckr i rn:kr ,hail rakatr Boer.+wKe #riittr all
<br />:.~!tligat~_trts undo: +keL "trrt~agr and tHr `lcxr
<br />if Lentter escr~tsis ssrH oestn+rr to aiirter err i .•,r.~~r ,r,:rft lost! ls.,rrowrr n,Nr.z r,t at~: ritranr~ an a, _r~*rtiame wrth
<br />far a r3 herr.,# ,rtth n..ff ter sltaT# kr-=..,ir ~ ~ -r,, ti r.t r„a h:s, thee, ill dar..rr=m tiw~ date the n++lr~e is rs+aiT>?si wi#h+n
<br />~~ ttNy 1fM ae~ IiiEhoed fir. t( Bottoaua[ fatter m /ay ttsdt Mlar'r10r to use ttagbsariasl 6/ set[U Pd~
<br />Ltefedee toss. xrittlxtMt ttttda rte dtttostad ore Borrower. rttvpte arty restse~aa pernsHted tw paragraph T e hoed.
<br />~~ ,. Y;it~ Cnyt=~,;ixa. il:rrr.-.w;<..,..: T r-:,ki iursTlet r,rv=ni;u a»:! agree a. t,nl.rw's-
<br />q. / >~e~~. ~~ b ~ R t! trlt!'~. ~~ liefreirera IallaCw e: ~~ t'e~aleat R
<br />t ~ Qaaefrwr ~ tits Tta{tydfi~ tYf t~rri4MYta ere pot wtMa daa say eltlaf 3aa Med T`t itUt Mee~tge.
<br />i~~ ~~ to ~ t~ tang eases M ~ • ~-~d i\ ~R>~ft~ ij ftlM~f ~: tti ~ i7Aal'tt:
<br />toe-a~Mtta ~~ !~ tp~tfp awl Mtat~t ~ A !ilea. wet teat Nt! ~ tMB{ fie Qe #wttie tIM taesiee As asttitsd Y Bteseaarw.
<br />~ ertdaM tl~Nt ltrrtrit trltw ~ eateA ea4 Mi fTw gaNtrr ra care aunt ~taas~ .. « labse tit. date t~neWd w ate ..ace
<br />t~ rat ~ ~ d ~ s.rarv+f tr. Arts ~> f.t.K~It..re In ~ er f case er tae Prw~rR
<br />'IYbt tsotlit~ clad! ttSStBtr fattscta Bors+owcr d tbc~:igB! to rtlr:fd~s dkrr asrderatbss sad !br rir,M. ro assrr+ ist qte fwEVlrvrtwv
<br />*tanedla@t ele aaa.e3itaaee ei a detaWt w say ttAar tMalese ~! fiaes=asaet M aeeealeraaaa sad foeveiatrare. g Me iresci
<br />it urea tend ow er Itcilure Ne date sptiilit+d tar fie satire. I.ardai tut i.teaderl Mina ttr> derMri aY of Ile was secured bt
<br />tkdrt Mtaigrtgs to k ~ dui reed fttayaiF. wttLetst trsrtler desteaad sad teat feteaimsr by jadiret! psxtriedlstg. [.ender
<br />sissil ire eteauied ro cn8e(i to ...ch praa'aiil. t ail etyrtaaes d feaeciewri, {~, bstt 6eI Bwtlfed to. rosin of darateeWars
<br />twldeass, tttitdraNl tad atla sa/a-!h.
<br />i}. Btrrrantrera RfH_ M M ltdaatatt. Ncxwitbstaading lsnder's iCreiGr~lOn of the sums secured Hv rHr, '.L.vrgaKc
<br />Borruwet shat! have fire rigfiS to have any pryv:esdtngs t+egt!n by Lender to enfnre this Mortgage dlsi onunr<ed .,; .+~,~ tans
<br />