<br />M_t"~trVay.t t' CrvEN:NT'S, BbrTCMtver Ireri M.trr:, °i's' , . ,o•... ati~re¢ s ~ril;riwr.,-
<br />L. PaYntr-ie.i af' Puinri~ysal ~ Iq~r~emd. Yuui r+ ~a^ 9taY? ~:xrapil; ~~a, +wtte:n +lt,w: t,Fw I rm ~ ; r ,u ~ r,pe ~ -..: ^n il:+.
<br />indebt-deers _~.:denezd by the Note, propaymtnt and race char{tts as provuied rn the Noe, and the principal of gad reteresr
<br />ac any Future ,4dvanccs scciutd oy th,s Mortgage.
<br />2, Fish for ?arse seed tawatiaer. 5itb}ri trt applirabk law or io a written warner to Ltndcr. Bc>rto-.:r ,na:i pa;
<br />to Lerulcr on ttx day' tttonthiy .nsfaltmtnts of prur.~;pa: and initrtst are pa}ahlt under the Mott. anti; the '~<'te t; paid rn tai?.
<br />a ti,rr, therein `-Funds'") equat tc! one,-twelfth of the vzari} taxer and assessmenu- which may assn pnz:rty o-.er ihu
<br />Moripgt, and gr.•und rusts on the Propery- if am. plus orte-twelfth , f vearYy prtmwm installtnenis fur hazard msurarrc:e.
<br />ptta otwtwdith of yeat:y premium installrncnts for mrutEagt ,nsuranc¢. +f any, all as reasonably estimated initially anJ frotr:
<br />tittx to time by t_tader on the basis o/ assesrn:¢nt.; ansL hilts and reascnalsle estimates thereof.
<br />7'he Funds shall he herd in an institution the depstsus or accounts of which are insured or ¢uaranteed h} a Federal or
<br />sea=e agency i including Lender if Lender is such an +nstitution i. lender shall apps} the Funds to pat- sand taxes, assessments.
<br />insurance premium,. and grooved rents i ender tray not charge tot sr. holding ar;d applyinK ~ht Funtis. ana!yzireg saw a.cotmt.
<br />of verifying and ~:~mpiliag said assrssrreents aruS bills. unless Lender pays Borrower interest on the Funds and appl:cattlc law
<br />permits Ltttder at make such a rhargr &\rrower and [ endzr may agree m wrung at the time of execution of the
<br />Aiortgagt that interest on the "rands ~itaii ire paid to i'sorr~•wer. and unless such agreement n made or appl,cabk saw
<br />rtquitss such interest to be paid, Lender shall not he reyu+red i,, pry Borntwer any interest or earnings on the Funds Ltrtdtr
<br />shall giro W Borrower, without charge, an annual accounting of the Funds showing credits std dcMts to the Fuitda std the
<br />parpae for which each debit to the Futtatt wu made. The Funds are pledged as aalditiu,tal secure} fax the sums secured
<br />by this Mtxt~tBe.
<br />if tie ataoual of the Fundr held by I,tnskr, together w;7h the future ttronthl} in•talltnents of Funds payable prove to
<br />the due darts of taxer, assasmenw. ,raurance prerniumc and ground rentz_ shall exceed the amcwn_ required to pay aid tars,
<br />arsesaasents, imurmce premttutq std ground rents as the} tall due. such excess shill be, at Borrower's opttem, either
<br />Promptly rspaitf w Borrower or credited to Bu,rower on mcx,thly +nuallmcnts of Funds. If the attsatM of the Finds
<br />bold by taader slta[I not be sirtlieicnt to pay taxes, assessments, insurance premiums and gmuud rents r they fall due,
<br />lrerower siaU pry to Lander say amount ttecearary to make up the def{ctency wither .t0 days from the date notice is itraiiad
<br />by laatder tr Borrower regitaating payment thareo(.
<br />llpioe paytaso[ in fdl of all ssxas tiecured by this Mortgage. Lender shall promptly rcftrtd to Borrower arty Fords
<br />hW by I~edar. It under parajtrpi 18 hcroo( the Property is sold or the Property a itahtrwise xquited by Lander. !.seder
<br />ttiaY apply, ra later tAart iaroedirtety prtar to the stele of the Prapeay or is acgirwition by Lw-der, any Fords bdd ~
<br />iaeder ale tin wee of apptlcrttion m a credit agaitat the sums eecurrd by this Mortgaige.
<br />1 1~eatNar ag Ilhg~aistdt. 4%alcsa app~b4r law proriales otlsrzwirr, null payttrsiwa r«aivad -r [seder utttitr We
<br />Nds iced purgirpbs 1 and 2 hereof shall be applied by Lender lira to payrneat of aeiouots payable to Lender try Borrowsr
<br />tre/er pttattBraptt 2 heteot, lira to interest payable ae the Noe, Uren to the prirteipal of t,e Nate. and Men m iatarast and
<br />priecipd or any Future Advaooea.
<br />l Ciet~ Lgriw. Borrower shall pay all tarn, assasrtsena std other tharga. Ones and imp[laliwlrM Mttrtseabia to
<br />fire Propaety which ary attain a prsatlty ova this Islattsyagsi, std isaaahold paynntutts or grettod teats. it any. ~ the rttaeesr
<br />prtsm~t tisda paraYrapts 2 heracf x, if sat paid is such manner. by Buiro:.cr m.i.iag prymient. whoa due. Mrsctty N the
<br />payas tiasot. Bttrtawrr a6aN peaiptry ftrreish a Leedv ad ao4eas of atititxrets due under the prraBrrph. stl is des rawer
<br />Honorer tYaB safe ptysant diracdy. lorrosrer rtua8 prampdy tmtiisi to Larder raxiptr evidtaemg said[ /ryarsiaa
<br />BorttrtttR shalt praatpdy diti~ugt spy tilt whidt 1ua pr,oruy over this itortgttge: proriskd, that ttarruwtr shall trot ie
<br />to dias~argc any such site m beg as Borrower ririi agree to wrMipg to the paytncm tit the atbhgatiaxi stcrrrad by
<br />latch fire in a ttoaaeu acceptable to Leader. cx shall is gotad faith corttest wch lien by, or defend enfntcemtnt aE aarch rim m,
<br />fags! peocadittss which opera!; to prerwt the etrtaxtt~t of the ilea rc forfattrrc of rise Pn~peny Ex an} part th,xctf
<br />g. 1lrtite-d Masereca. llorrowtr shall keep the improvements new existing or hereafter trestcd on the Prxipttty twsirad
<br />ag~easat bra hY lire. hazards included within the uum "extended coverage ,sad such other harardr as Leixkr may reyuirc
<br />aed tr larch amOUnta and (or such ¢rruds as Leader tray require: pratvided. that t seder sbal! rn\f itoywrc thri 'ht atnawm >t
<br />such tbssettge raced [gat ,unustnt ~ aroverage ragweed to pay ehe saxas 3ecurM ay ihss kloetgage.
<br />Tina it~traacs carxxr yrQtli~ tilt: ta~rraiice siisfi bt .tac+zr `try I~xr.~r .u'u~r to ap}ut+ai i;t i.~:s~.+. p:`~~rdeai.
<br />Bed aseh thrH not tx tteramoaahty s~6dd. All premritats oa batrrantx pdicses stgH tx pad to rite ta,mner
<br />plaridad tietiEr prrr~gii 2 hcr'~tt or. tf tt0t paid in 3sa:h ~••••t,a•r. b} Berrowat matutg payrtt~t_ wbct+ dos: d±tactty to the
<br />ierutaeta i~rrir
<br />~_ 1*`!-. e3 .-s>=~le .t4-sa4ia ~}ys}3 - -r r:~ -mod "4!- ._~ F ~e 4-` z~f ~ 13 - _-S.n~ a ~a~..=te±'ir .a~H+rt~ nF
<br />cIarno m fatror of ,sod is form acceptable to Iattdee t.casltr trait have the right to hunt fix pastwies anti rciiewals theaYx3f.
<br />till anal! pri8{ptiy fitr8tsil tO i.tAeE! iql fE#ik~ t~Nti`f3 i3W ail rE'LYrpii t)t pa3d prT-friiitrrts is Ilse Sw€#ti tTf Res,
<br />Bra mil! vzr•~ rt3xfr>r~ iae~:ee ts: iht strat~srict carrizr artd Ltrx#r. L.ersaxr rirat ~Yit Lit ~ c~ ~ J o,= ~.-edF ~~i'.i~t}
<br />by Horrorrsr.
<br />Uairp Laedar std Borrower otherwise ogres tit wrung, itauranue prucaatx etialt k applied w tasnsratusn ssr repair of
<br />the Property itasageal, pror,dod such rpitui'atum au rcparr is xurwtmicalh icavhlr and the' ie:wuy ul thq Matrigage +s
<br />ad [htas6y impau~ If sirh resloru,axt rx repair u MM ea.x,.aa,cally twi,hk or -! the ie.-ants of thti Mcvtgage w,.tild
<br />ba napMrtd, the mwraaoe procaeiki shall be appi,ed Iu the sires sn ureJ by th,s Msxtgagc wish the Heats, d any, gaud
<br />fa Batvwtr 11 the Properly n abaudarrxd ht B.=rrnwtr .\r rt &trnnver faits Eo rnft++w !o t zsiafrr wiMin 30 days trcwn the
<br />dYrc A4tkY- +: mukx! by !.seder to Iknra\ssee that the ussurar~r :art~et ot±en .,+ yule s iiaanx frr <.,saursncc Rrr_Mts, Letit#r
<br />is atsdprised s casltoci and apply the: iissurancE~ prxscaeds at 1 erister s opt,an ulster t+r rastasration nr repair of Nit Pntpsmy
<br />x to the attars se~curaii try tl~ ti4ortgagr
<br />Ualab L.tatltr std Bariruwt, uirrrt.tse ia:rr r. »r.t+na ens au.h appttcrtiasn of prir,ceais w prirssipw) xfiali natl extetwi
<br />ix pnatpoa+: the d+x dale of Etx rrnuuhh maallm<.+r; rc•tenr,! ~..~ +n paragraphs ~, seat tiaras! or ,.hangs the amooM tit
<br />stkh +isstalhnenbt 1( under paragraph !a hera:t rhr 1'+uperE, ~ a. yuncJ ht lt,tik, ail r+ght. rife and +ntcreat u{ Lien, rs.wci
<br />:a aisd tss ant :usttrara..~ ~c#ECae> rial ;~, a=s~! :. ~. =ta r ,-et-~= tit~a~.:i resist:ttg fti:na ila=t.ag? t.: r!x t•ruperts i~"-- -„ try- ~t
<br />Vr aiytlatt,Vil i1 Hl? pas3 ii' Lerrdrr ii 'st. f\t_i.r. .•i 'PN _li E\\~ \eailiKit F.} ihpS yt, t~.a ~.- :i'~~iredtaittt p; La.t .. i,. Ss 1ai~ tie
<br />l lliMratMws eed Mtdeltetea M lwBartrt t.seatAaidst Crrdawteiasg 1'laeead Hall QrraitMetretr. Bortaasar
<br />alfdl ~ Bee Ptepitsty ie paod t+psait sad sire oat esatireit w,pte or paraut iatpaanesat a dtttKioratiar at dss Property
<br />EH.~ rill!!! ~aaa~>iy +..rwit '_t! pr~.p~e~ ci awy .r area. 3niaigsye ~ an. a :vra~tta+:at. t ib~ fdsresa~r a za. . ..~ .
<br />oadctasLaaast .v a oWlori trlr rlercl•tauwii. Nax rawer resit ucrtorm ail . t Kati tatwsr s .tAltastatawa artier rite aia4.lat atli+rt
<br />:tr euraSaut: crt:atia~ to iu il>S. cntdcri:cniiutt or ptautt€d unit dr;vekspasci+;, iL,E try iaw~i sari regutatm:ts of tfsr
<br />carid+ cr pitnatxl tmk da7raiap+sartt. wd conetituznt tikxunwrtis It a spatcluatiaium ar plaerled tm,t devetolxacat
<br />ritlat k N4aaatrtrA 1d' Hrfltoti+rr sad teeotded together wNA this Moatgagr, tic ettrcnanta turd agtremerits of sueA rider
<br />tl[di Ee igporpotaasd into aed shall saetand and ssippieasem dro CoreMgts and agraaroerb of this Ii/ortga8e g if the rider
<br />vivre a part ierroR.
<br />4. Irnttelrre 1 laet4rs 9rrark). H liorruwer faih to patrfttrin Me t>avata>xs :tees tsgreeanents r:mta,r+td in the
<br />hlartprs, rte B say aepoo w potxeth>ag as coauaettoed which ttaaterialiy aRxta Leader's ntiYrtst u, the Prupcm.
<br />irchrdi+u- her err kixsite+A rr. ±w+er~! t4yt!t3m +»s..lwt.ey cCdt er,ftarctnsent. or zrsitgemrnts .;f pr:tezd;nga revolving s
<br />bankrupt ar detsedserr that ltrtder at tatoder`x nPtion, upon riskier in Borrrnra, may make such apprara+t~ts, dtshu,x ruin
<br />attmn sad tieke aueb striae. is nactssa~ to protect Ixadcr's inttrtst. n*ctttditig, but mat ?im:ie,? t\~ disburxmtni „r
<br />twia»t~ie Ntorney's Fees std tarry upo, th© Property w awka repaus_ If L.eitder required mnigagt insurance a~ a
<br />condition tit omltiag tilt loan saw'ad by date Morexagc, B.krower ahaii pay the premiums rcyui~td to ma+nt..~-~: such
<br />taitifaitte in tf[aet arid such amt as the reyusrtuiaat for sueb iruuransx ttrm;nates in acc-c+:darue v.+tA B..r:, .:_, an.l
<br />