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<br />txndcr's wrtten nerCrelSaenY or applicable law. Borr„w»r shall pay" thss amocrn! of al9 mortgage in+uran::e prcmisrmw sn the. <br />manner prr„:.~ ~i ;ender paragrapht hereof <br />Aay arteou:tis diaburscd by Lender pursuant xo tl»s paragraph 7, with inu~'e!ct [hrtr:ctn. shall br_t:rrne additional <br />inckb!edttea+ of bortower secured by this Mortgage. Unless borrower and Lender apse to other terms of payment, arch <br />amounts short he payable upon notice from Lender to borrower ragtrestin; payment ttterart, ated shall bear interest from the <br />date of dihlwrae>netu at the raft payable from tithe to time oa outstandlnj principal andes the Note unte±s puysaet of <br />iatptist at such :ate would be contrary to apptlcabk law, in which event such atraetttls sltab hear inttre+t n the, hi;hsn[ rax <br />permianbk utedee app)icabk law. Nothing tbtttaiter d in this paragraph 7 shall requite Letrder to incur any etcpetwe or take <br />any acti«t heraueder. <br />i. YepxAaa. Lender may make or cause to be made reasrmabk rntries upon aed inspections of the rraperty. provided <br />that bender shaft give borrower notice prior to any such inspection aperifyin j rcaaonabk were therefor related to Cerdrrs <br />interest in the Property. <br />!. CawdetweaAtw. 7lre pros:~ds of any award or claim /« damages, direct or cotesegtaretial. in conttecti ~ with aey <br />COtdtmnattan or oilier taking of the Property. er part thereof, or for conveyance in lieu of crotrdsmnation, arc Iteteby asdjnad <br />and shall he paid to l.endar. <br />In the event of a total taking of the Property. the proceeds shall bx applied to the +ums +ecttred by thi+ Mortjye. <br />with tree e>SCea, it any, paid tr, borrower In the evrnt of a partial irking of the Property, urtips Borro+wtr and Leader <br />othenviae ajrae in writing. these shall be applied to the sums secured by this Mortgage sttclt ptopnrtton of the proeeadt <br />a! n oquai to chat proportion which the amount of the sums ttcured by rho MoAjajs isatediMeiy prior b dse rhx of <br />tacatj bfea~n ~to ~Ave [air errkq valor of the Property emrnediataly prior to the date at takiej. with the btlatsoe d the parsaada <br />paid b 1«rOwM. <br />It 1Le Ptopwty is abtadorted by Yortowtr, or if. otter notice by Larder fo 1«rrwar aeu ate oonearewor cure w treat <br />ern a+ward « satek a claim f« damabsa. Borrower hits ro respond to Linder within 30 days after the dose goat eotioe it <br />m.iiee. Ltndw k atttlsxxiaed to oobaet and appy the proceeds. at Laedrt opaen. oN6er to rwoetrbn « r.p.k of ae <br />arapaty « ro dw cams second by the Martppe. <br />llolla Lender and Bortv+ser oUsat~wise ebree in wtitittj. any such appligtion d preota8t to priwcipd alteb ttnl eslee/ <br />«poMyoar the rhw dale of the tttontMy iaatabmwts reteered to to partsjraplu t gad Z ntseof « tdwtjt ~ ttawr d <br />etaelt iaeeaiteesb. <br />3t. Msww« Itlee ^ailraeeL Exoesaiers d eM tiros f« peyatwsf « stoel~catioe of ataordaedea d dw ttsttes t!atrawe <br />by ~ ~VeM ~ by Laodar to gay attsxtsactr in irteteaat d boetawer t!haB toot npywlt b ealwa le ~ ttteaaetr, <br />ate Babilky or fns etrijiaal fjerroear one Borro+rr'. auocaaaora in [~rtdr ttaaB eat e. ~~ a awr~eaer <br />protaadye spire tacA asoeaaacer « ttrAra w axeeai thate f« Ve « rtlMtrwiet atoelilf'' etaorBaaAott d Ar carve <br />ttr+taee by ttde b1 ttteaa of aeay dssaed dr by ate ~lorraa+w std bonw~a asotttetri i• f)eleeaee. <br />11. r.Au.wttt. b I~atMw 1Vat a v1al..r. At-y torttearan« by ht eiereittietg arty rij1U « teetae/y laea.tteerr, « <br />aiarwir. tdaeed by .ppbabls t.a., sMN na bt . waive. d « prtclade gee ttuacias of ~r twat r+elte w ~. <br />eta N.a...wn d « ar payaaerst of forgo « tMn.r litara « ~ y Lsweer anal eft be . w.i.e. d Lattteerra <br />~>~ ~ aL1.a ~~ proYid ~tait.t~ ai«~t .~a t:t~n~.nMe a ..y one. rieite d <br />,~r~r ftaetr get «.Aorded 17 taw « egtdly, gee ray bs aarrned ecteewtaetey, iwst~tte.ttay a wtawtiwll- <br />1~. AwrNetr rei Andptr ler4 ir4!t awe 3rww1 Lltati>~t C+lr~es. The ca~anaeti ttid apMrans Mole <br />txt.raia.a aM~ 7+itt4 gad ar ti~w hawratier ghat won b. ate tyapeeeirra aror7w«a sae a«iW eft Laaew sae ttewwr, <br />aetbjtet to the provisietes of ptvsy'aph !~ hereof. All co-enaeu anci ajreeaaanb of Borrows atoll tx iwte rind .r.vaa. <br />71te a@tions etad hadiarja rt[ tfte perajrapd d this M«tpje arc [« caeyoeietta only and are oa ra bt turd fo <br />intrerpat «eelitts rhea provitioea hereof. <br />14. ltlseia. fysospt t« arty notice trgxitrd tseda appNcabie h1w to be given in aeaher mateer, ta) atry notice b <br />borrower provided f« in this Moetjaja ahttl ba P~ by maiUaj such er«icx by cxrtibed mul addteasad to borrowe- N <br />be Property Addretsr « u such ahrrr address as Borrower may dtraijnate by rrcrtt<,e b Letder sa proerMicd hams. artd <br />ib1 tai etotice to Ieetder ahafl bs jives by cutibed malt, serum receipt reque:ated. to > chase's address ataMd herein « to <br />twalt atldrens s Lssr~r may by ttoaics b Bttrrswwsr w psatitbd hereb. Aay prrrvidsd }or ist ~ <br />Mtxfe he dsf ro te~x ! jivb+ to !lorto+rer csr l at±der evltaw jives b ttsr mnwr daaijnaead haewiee. <br />3i. 17a/eas litetijo/ts d+w+'t!ertlttf [stn 3e+raeeii~. 7Aa hxm of taottpee casbinea uoi/orm casaoaMS for atstinaaf <br />tore gee ens-mifornt drMpsatxs +rith litsiled tariMsotw ny juridtctia+ to caatit+wa >a witorm saeurtty M~ttpN j <br />nil prglt~ii'(y. Otis 3lortjttjc than bs gs+Yrned by the law of the ;urisdiciiert ir. vrleit•l! tier ~r.•pefij fe~a~- Yw Use <br />asarer gray Nr'a+7siaa or eussne of iisd tettastprp « tiro Alale czwrllw:b :rich apabis ins:, s+:cd "~ steal! sat slixY <br />Darr pravioaan at Mortpxtjt oT thee riots wltidt can be jivaas atfat:t withotrt the ~ prv~. aed b tbia <br />w4 tae p~ a t~ M gad ~ Alex sue dsr:iersd to ~ ~. <br />lfa lae~ewwas^a tom. Br7rto+wer short tvr leer ~aMd a ~~rtsted €Qpy of the Note aed of thn Ulortga~s at the ease <br />d tateeeite « afpr raeardatlort batot. <br />tT. 7tiaelaa d tit lralwlyi ArarapAeat. It eb « any pwi d fns Propaey or an msaraM thsrair ` gale « traealarsad <br />by lerrowar wknout Lortda's prier wrNten ooaaeett, aultteby (al the Crtsuioa of a qta « wc+sstbrettoe suboedtear t0 <br />ton Mortjye, tb) the rrwaien d • pexcbaas eKary stcwity ioearten f« hanatttW appli.eae, (c) a traeatar by dayia. <br />agorae a cry ap.raian of taw apon the aeon of a IMr~ teams or ld) the tracer o1 ,ey iaasrhaee itwtrwt d t}ese yeas « lave <br />cot oeatainiej sw option b ptrreleare. I.awrda euy, u Lender's option, dsclrtrc afl the usnat sacextd by this Iriwlpje ro !rs <br />ertmaeieMFy dug sae pryabM. Iseder shill have wuvad each nptbn to aocekrate if, prior w Use saM « traataltr, Coarse <br />!sea tot perusst f0 woos fns Roparty is to be sold « teaeelsrrtd tsech apeaaeot ie verities j that tM ct~adit of ww~ psrlios <br />x taAetaetory b Lander aerl U+at the ietaraa payable on the auras aecsotd by this ittortjge tisab he at aa~ rMa M Laaew <br />YtaB otgttsst- It Lae9er br waived fns option to accelerate provldtd in inn parrsjrapn !7, and it boasa+aer'+ astcetaaor ie <br />iasaOt nY faaCWad • wrasae teaatatptiea trjrserreent aaeepted le wrlltnj lsy [.easder. Gender shvl rsita+t lior+ower fran ab <br />aOYSatker ceder Ups i/crgrtp aed tlrt Nets. <br />!i I.attder zaer,:iaa, such +~tiua u> wsarlarstc. t,enlet slut{ mail barowu adree of sccaeeration is a:cordaoce +viM <br />pa~h IA hsrsof. ~~~atyy+Cb eotics ~l prortdr a peeled of ea leas there 1o days In+m the dot the rrMlce is ataiied wisnin <br />littu!awaas racy itllMat teteliea at dwrnei an MetwrK, ineett talc new MrwiMt! b /rt~oM ti Mat. <br />Bair tlttt/e wi1MM <br />w~w~rt+n±trw 11e+~r±satns± bor*owar awd LaeMr frrdsar eurvreears: aai a!w w IaAtwa: <br />!i. :dtxtleetteet~ lawMAer. >m!aejt r rfs+Elbd lee pteteAtapn !? nw:eR, ttjse lr+awd4 ltsearrn ate rY easwaeM ire <br />i~ t M atlM~eaNa ittiliwda~rswww ~ttsiW~lt pterbraltlt tai Mue/ ill At 4irfi <br />A!-tratlMa tilrlwilai ~ tuustlnU ~ ~! a wtMt, fret lem 1pa >y cep heaa tin ieM eit attiar< # et~IMe M >ttrn!ewae <br />4 ettMi tlanR •eteftitteratd M-atawdt ttee!!11 Art UMtaa et oleo ttrei- aeaaea as err Mwe Ar fire ~tteMtt n- An attteiea <br />~ traeM M •trltaeMeR tfYt wee tttseartre b tale Maet~e- larnelrtaet 111 M~y+ MwtrMq std de d tot laaltatl~ <br />'[Le ae~6rea Afn~te letueia > d As dijld to t alter tseciesaaae ttsd ate t!i~ b amt ee tae Ilssselaassa <br />jgeseeiip tat atw•etiMraa d a Mldt at aq tAtr erletre at 1)ttaewte to aeaMtttMta tea/ 6nrlewat. s Ile Itraatei <br />it [tart awei aer ttt iAtn An itit ttjatilt! it tibt aeiaer. t.tatla! M lsaeetrt gtAua rtV etelar: ai at Ate aawa stntaee y <br />alit lifaeMt M be MtrartAra~ltr ase sae pV'~ ttrlatttt tariFte faaaaae tae aatry ~~ h l~ lawa+t~s• t.sadsr <br />rtttl br attdfOse a adtcl M vends #aaatrlF A ti ergitaats d ftrarNtaet, rida~ boa ttN bretYtd d craft of iscesseeNry <br />serleratt. /~ aai tilts reltrae. <br />1!. iawawarrt ~ M >iseraeeea. Netwitltataodistj Lawdts's ace+derttioo at the wins secured by this Mcxtgage. <br />bclrt+n+of lirfl have ilia rijht M hays aey prptssdtrrga bejem by Leader to en[erce flies Mortgage dtscontinered at any trine <br />
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