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i~ '°?~~. <br />-~- <br />l.¢nrwe>at~t r"ovt~nnwr's. Borrower argrt t.ertcter ~,:,;vrn~ta,t amts agrea~ .ar~ toil<rw~t. <br />t. °ay~teeer ut Pritnlpat sad 1Mtrest. !z~>rrower :that', prfmrplik prey when due the prsncepaE of acrd :merest on tree <br />!rrtiebrednesx c„tietxxd by the 1Vote, prepayment and fate chargex as provrtead in the Note. and ttte principal of rod intersat <br />on any Futtrre Advances sxured by this Mortgage. <br />1 Paads fir 7'srae r>•d >anraaee. Sltbject to applicable taw a ro a written waiver by L.trrder. 13crrower shall pay <br />ro t.eadar an the day raoathty instaiiarena of principal and itrteraat are payable ttoder the Note, trot!! :he Nae ,- paid in tuft. <br />a stirs (betels ' F'unda"i corral to one-rw.•Ff{,st cf tfte yearly taxer and aaseasrrrptts which may utttn privity over title <br />Moriprge, and ground teat= on the Pttrperty, tf any, plus ooe-twelfth of yearly pretnium iaetalirnents for hazard isdtuatlac. <br />plus oao-hvsl[th d yearly premium ia.tatra..^tt for tnortgaje iawratttx, if say, ati u rY est!osated iaitiapy and from <br />elate to titue by L.eoder on the bole d uesssrrretrta and b!Ib and reasaubk sstimues thereof. <br />71c Putads abaft be btdd is ae ittatittuion ttte deposits or asxo~b cf trhich are istsuted v gtraranteed try a Federal v <br />rusts a$ertcy (inettrding Ltmder it Lender is such an imtitutioa). t.,eadet shall apply the Ftmda to pay said tua, maanrarta, <br />ittsataatx premiums and pound tenth. Lender may not charge fv ao holding sad applying the Ftmda, atulyriag acid account <br />v sad compiling said asseastamla and biUt, unless I.eedsr pays sot±rsrrer interest na the Portia attd apptirxbie iew <br />parmia Lander to make strch a cturge. Bortowsr and Lerrda may apse m writing at the time o/ exenttion d thin <br />INoryage that itNCest an the Ptsnt~ shaft be paid to Borroww, and traiw arrch apeetneat r made v applicable left <br />rsawra arrch intmat to be paid. [.coder shaft tra ba required to pay Boroaeer any irretrsat a settees oa the Feuds. Laadsr <br />ahtA give ro tiortosrer, without charge, as attmtal accamang d the Funds slowing credit sad dabih ro the Ftnda sad IOa <br />prvpoec tot which eacb debit to the Funds wr ntstie. the Ftrtsth era piedgsd a additional asptrity tar the coma setanad <br />try Ads Atartgsfae. <br />u tba amaart d the Frttsdc IsNd by Lsrrdsr, togedter wttlt the futon .orah-y MrR7Ila-Mb d ltrtr~da payable prses to <br />the flue data of taus, aeserateeu, ioeurartce premirrrr sad gonad rsrots, Wraq exceed tie sewer required to pay card taxes. <br />;aaareteea4, itmsraose pnmitrms anti pound rasa as they fall due. such excess shah 6e, at dorrosver's option, sober <br />prmptly rttgaid to ~orrowar ar txatited w Bvrowvr or mwtMry rtwallmartd d Ftrada K the amorsrM d Ate Ftteds <br />heH by Leader than rxtt he atttleisat ro pay sees, aatearmara, imrrraaoc pewirras sad pouted rears • flay fail drr. <br />)lorrmrer than pay to L.aodar say amount ewwry m mate up the deOciaecy within 30 days from the date aotica is trtaiied <br />by Latdcr b lbnotrar eagtrtttLy Paymsw thteewf. <br />Wd L,tlader. !t reader d ed stns second by this tltxtptge, Lerafsr cheN preaaptly rafttad b breeerer ems!' Ani <br />~ ~~. ~ Wet tlao patapep6 td taertof the sale u cold or the hoputy w aArrrice aogwrad try Ltladtlr, tart <br />LaeMr M Ate first of appBuAoa as sae a ~ to the of t5s !'ropeAy w iY ao9ttieireat by LaaJe-. say !Wa hsM YY <br />apttct the coots ccuwd by IYe Moryys- <br />1. AAlrrallea ttf ~ thrlecc spplicabic law praridee oArcrwics. alt paysrcar naciwd i7' l.etir otsttrr Ale <br />Iie1e eed perttp>~ ! std 2 hesax!f tthsl! Ir applied hl L.esda first ~ ptaytasat of rte;: payatlic to [.asdes bfi loena+wr <br />trader pwyryir : irtwf. thce to interact payshle oa the Hole. then to dr ptieoipcl aA tree Hare, sad then M ieeww utd <br />prieoi/si ar troy Fortes A/vasoce. <br />d. ~MeR Ile. Aanoassr shall pug aN texas, ascstesratb sad ndrer ~ tl~u sad impori4oac cNribrstahls b <br />Mr lnopseEY which ny seals a priority ovu Asia lyoregye, sad leaeehaid paytsem or grsrrtsd testa, Y ear. it AM rssser <br />provided radr presaph 1 hctaef ter, it sot pad r ttach trasssr, !!' terrotrw ~ti !• •'Mn dot. duaet4 r Ale <br />pays Atttrsd. ~ortowar aWl ptaslptty trssich to lweder cA seticss d auwres tits tasdtr chic pantArapY, asd i• Acs want <br />iortsertle the tashe paymest directly, tartars sitnA praeppy trarrich ~ lender ntslpc erideseieA etch Pai'~~ <br />r~mssae eMeN ps'auptb dieehwfis say Nw whidt Ire pr+arwy haw title IttenAttge: provided. tkM Aertarsr theM trot rye <br />e+quind to diet:iarp a~ tasdr lien >r kteg r ~erroaear strati agree r wtitgts to the gtyarut of t!r obligation secured by <br />ssch lies m a tsesaer suoepabk ro Leader, a sletl ~ ptxd tattlr oeaieY crtett titan bY, a de(esd esitstosmant of ouch ilea ia• <br />Esgrl proaedutgs wtticlr operate to gravest the eafoatoeaaeat of Ate liar or forfatwc d fir llroparty v aey part therad. <br />5. iar'd inartccssw. Bnrravrst tthaA keep the now exrwag v hcseofaar erecmd m the Property tawrod <br />sptrp loss by firs, haaasds iusiwied witiwr tree tattta "axttattdad covsrars'. sad su+clr orbs hustle r Leader stay eegaue <br />asd is srsch atorxraib attd td aaci periods r (wader stay ragwns: provided., tits t rrwier abed tract ragturs drat the araottet of <br />tastlt ootnxyc eacaed that aerotrett d cov+rtMe ngsexsd w tray the farms aacrsnd by shat !/orsgagr. <br />lit iucruacsas tnrrir pttaRitiisg ~s istrrwor siaY ha ciorea hT flianVwar titter b afrpraat b'!' Lasrdtsr: ptw.sdad. <br />Alat each trlptprai aWi sat ee trrsaawabiy trritlriNi. 11li prtearrus oa aaea~aaaas peiaci shag to paid tw tie ntatactw <br />preatiei wwaver paragwpY 2 tttaad ar, if sa paid is s+srlt tsstssrsc. by 1lerta.vr 'fsatisi ice- wlrw dec. dirar~y as Ha <br />itarauasu s.~l.t, <br />Af faworasoa laeth®e^ and raeswab t stub rte r ttrrm ~~ _~ ro ! utcirr t~ : s= a ~d arire <br />i +3 2.Y.~.~ ;: ~ s.:.a~ ~ „r I.+~z.~f. Isw~ .l..w hs.s iwc ripe t~ au~ rli eau tc~ iir.r~sw. <br />ad I~rIlIrM mail praerptlt ftrtsiah b lasattar ar r±t!awal .oar~a ad ,ul loeeTeu d_ ~ ....e~n.s. !., t#e e„a.t d lest <br />iMfaaMr ihaH pva praaapi natrce ed tie tattmascs curter sad Leader t.arrder mar mate prom at trw N nrr made p-r+twptty <br />t'y ~- <br />lisiees Lasdtr aM Aaetowr atisrwrae spas a wrtantg. rncrrrarce prooeada atraN Lt ttppited to t+acerrtien u repair d <br />Na MIS' dawged, psvrided scxdr tsstaatioa or npau r anarrnesicaAy ttrarbk sod cis ttccuray d tits Mmyyr r <br />trt ttlnn-y Itegarsad. It auci raaetstiorr of repast a cwt ecommrcaMy feaa~k or tf ttr atkwm of the td:+reptge would <br />be ittepuind, tic ttsatwasoe prortreds t~ bs appttsd en tie arrma aecttraf b} tins Mortgage. with the ssxrs, t! any. pod <br />t0 iit-ero+ar- tt tic lrropaty a aiasdtttred M ltornwrer, w tf 9orrotrer (ati ta> retrp,xd w trader rrthrn i0 days trasm ttre <br />data aotltx u tssiied bi t.sadw to Aorroar,rr that the trwvance canter often w settle a ctarm tar ,nawaaae tretrtefld, t.errder <br />i- atelioriaaA as coilatu sad apply tAs urwrsars proeeeda at Lender's trerttow ttsthn to twtxuroa nr teparr ei die Property <br />a M the srttsa tteeasad by ttNs hlartprfae. <br />lldtaa Lstoder sad iertowar ntlrerwrre agrror ~n wnutt=. anti such appiisutm d q.n~eeda w gterctpal shdi nut exmat! <br />w pQetpas~e thr +ace dated the tmatfrty prxs!!.^.rrntr rofr. rte! t. :n paray,:aphx ! astd !eersad :_: :hanae ttw ansrt:n: crt <br />ruck iasratiareah It under peradrapi Itl trnteuf rtre Pr.~pan> a acyuued D} twnrkt. ail t,ght, t,tk anJ ,ntercat ul Ntrrnwer <br />Ia sad W MY NYw~anrw pdtera and m and to the prr~.-eed- therml reautttatl tr.,m Jamage tc~ itre Property to rot to the axle <br />or ifi4tiKtilaa ahEsU plat ro t.ettdar a, the urea, et the sums tecwed by this Mortgage unntethattiy prwt t. su:fi sate .*r <br />~- <br />~ ~fwrN'giiir taafi MtYinttw at ~~ec~t WntAriiitt Casdrtiirtsti llrssed llttit 1lacelgertlttr. lortssat <br />tieiE Map Itie 14apeApr ia'scd hair ttsd sW sot oottntil wtrsM or peetrrif itwprrtresrt ar derrioeMiea d IM prs~petty <br />alts sAttM aorapht lclll- Mc perrlswac d trsty Mcsr rl the t/tatprg. w •ta a icaeeioid. U this iMertgaga i on a tray a a <br />w a greased trait devr!opare$t, ltlarrctvrar .hail psrt.ll`m aU of lorestwsrr'tt .,biigitrrTUa undo tiro dscl.rattvn <br />v ~i a ~y ~ :~ _•--.`-..,-' :.: piartac.i ~ Y A:veitrpaierw. tSe to-live urd t~uiaiwfaa of tiro <br />u pissecd traH daretopmeat std txrrrtu:iusent doctaa-araa. !t a t.'atrdt' v p!tasrrad unu devekbpntcot <br />titllr tl estrsaACd h7 terrtorter and eamrdad wgNtsu wrrh flue Mortsapr, the covatsaab and aptstrrrnrta of attch rrder <br />eYeM la iroaporated itre trtd tthaY awaad asd auppiasrat de oetvasaata sad apaeoatrr d thn lftarlptya r. d the rider <br />ware r part htrtsetf. <br />i. ~ of ~, if fiat*~wer taii+ to petf±,rm *~ rnveaartls sari atrecatcza e~stat:.rxi ::: the <br />~, rx id say atxios a praoesdisg n eooanfmoed whts:h tsaseriaity aflecta !wader's interest in ehe ~toperty, <br />but trot ihaitsd to, aatiatsat dtatsaia, taaotvasey, code gtthraraasttt. or arrsn=sarena or pro.-ead#nga mvotvierg a <br />1Miltre,pt or diaedeat. tlrtr t odor at [.eadar's option, upm ttottce ro Forrower, may make sucA appcanm-es. dntwrtc such <br />semas sad take ,web active ,a is estates y ta protect Leader's tnteraa, trtctudiafl, but trot lunsmd ta, dtsbursema,t ut <br />rt,aemalba: atletaey'a tea aa3 antxy upon the Property ro make repairs. if Letttirr requited rtKrctgage tmur.,:,cr rs s <br />oaaditl9a d tsttldty the toad secrread by Ihia It{ortgye, Bottower snail pay the premiums raqutted to munta,n such <br />IMiraflea is tdiaet irtd streh farce as the roquiraarnt tlr tuCh uu......r~ termxrates m act~ofdfnee with Be_xp,we±~e anII <br />