<br />Leoater ~ writ[+~rt agnecment a agpti~:atsle la+v Bo. rtiwmr shall pay Chc arnottnt «f' ahl nsoet;a;c ittsvrunce prera;iaunx ir, the
<br />manner pre.: ia~« ttndcr paragraph 2 herwof
<br />Any artx•vnts disbursed by Lender purswnt to this pxra;nph 7, with interest thereon. shalt biome sdstitiona!
<br />iridebtedona of Btxtower axutrd by ehis Mort;a;e. Unless Borrower and Lender a;ree to utfter arms M pavtnent. strcfi
<br />uttauttta stall be paytsae uprwi notice from i_earder to Borrower rcgtrestin; payment tfiermf, and shatl bnr interest from tlx
<br />date of cp.hur7etnartt N the me payable from time to time on amtandGtf principal wider the Note ustkv ta}7aent of
<br />irgeeaw at talc[ rate would be contrary to applicable law, in which event Such twwuds sfiafl bear interest at the hi;M_st rate
<br />pe.-rzsiaaibk ur,S~r aypiiWttie :ave. Nothing amtaitsed in this pare;eaph 7 shop require Lender to incur any expteme a take
<br />arty acliaa fsereuneiw.
<br />R 6rBeedrs. Lender may make or catxe to be made reasonatsle entrrw upon and irtapectioaa of the Property, provided
<br />that Lander shaft pot Bottower [write prior to any such inapectiort spailyirK reasonable c:tiae therefor related w Lemters
<br />interest in tM Property.
<br />1. CawiumwtMVa. Th: proceeds of any award or claim for damage, direct tx consequential, in tbtteteetion witi+ any
<br />condemnation .3r othu [skies[ of the Property. or part thereof, or fee conveyance in lieu of condemnation. arc hereby aari;ned
<br />and shad be paid to Lender.
<br />In the event of a [Drat takin; of the Property, the procee& shalt he applied ro the soma eerured by [file Mom.
<br />wiM the excxx. if any. paid to Borrower. In tier event of a partial [akin; of the Property, vnlGSS Btxro~aer artd Linder
<br />aNserarite a;ree fn writiegl, there shall be applied to the suss smeared by this Mor~ade wsch ptopa[ion of the proceeds
<br />w is ttrrpad ro that proportion which the amount of t}te soma sectn-ed by tfiit Motes otraast#.fdy piton to tlr date d
<br />ntut; bass to the fair market wlue of the Property immediately prior to the ~w d taking. whh tls bdana of Nie proceeds
<br />paid to Borrower.
<br />If Sur theptrty b .6.oaorw a by Borrasrer. w if, after rtotfa by t erades~ to Btsrro+rer tit.[ the txadanaer ttden at mole
<br />an awaM tx sank a claim for tianrtbes. Borrower fei6 to respond ro Lender within l0 drys after tM der Sancta aotioe k
<br />mailed, L.etrdar b autlsoriaad ro coBtct and epplr the proceeds- at 1 r+der't eptice. ttitRer M :rstaralfat:: tx repair d IB.
<br />Property a to the wrro aeua'ad by this Mortple.
<br />Udeia Latadw sad Borrower oUteesrise at;rae in within;, arty stack epeliation d precool b pritaciprl Seel sat tttalsad
<br />a paayene the des thte d the eeotMM}' iarrhtlrrtpnr referred b k paraaepla 1 sad 2 Awed a tdaratpe Ins tarsostatt d
<br />aatdt istaaBrtsala
<br />M Beewwer NN Rived. @urraieo d the titse far pgrbant a modlBrwNon d uaarWeeeiarr a! tee weave aeerretd
<br />h d-k ttl'ttrted by Lwwdar to awy staet:aaaor in iatwert d Borrower tre8 set taperers b relaste, i ty worsen.
<br />the BttbBily d fist ariBietd Borrenaer std Borrower's saacewason in iatatew. [.wader Mall net its ts~rined tr eeahetlau
<br />Protsa.dlsOr atpaiitat wele wrocertx or rehwe b etttaad Slate for peyartN a tatlaaerriae ttodMr amorderdea d des awe
<br />ttasawad -' thk Morgga sr raaaen of say damrtad nasda Try Nra e.i fi.tl leenv.er and Borra.ar. sottso..sso.. is tent.
<br />17. 1ptAeasaree ~ Gtadar Net a tMSiaee. Aal' foelserewu by [.antic r. eaaroiainj aey A;it er eeaallt rttwredtr, ate
<br />oOserriae aBwded Ay eppBeali love, rlrB rrot hs a waiter d a pnelwde trs ehtaciw d rosy aaer nine err nmsiit.
<br />'R1s peosnraateM d iaasaasea of t!s payresat d arse rx odasr Revs err ehatp rY [wader rlaeB not !e a wdaw a[ Lerdte'r
<br />~ 118fIB. Baris dwrtYtBre. AB tatoadiae provided lain d~3a 4ergare distiet sad a~aakdre b atry atMr tint w
<br />aq.eajr tatadrr tlii BtarsBgs a aJfordad by Irw or spay, ma Say be etarriaed coxensatly. atlsp.tdtarllr err rromettiwlr.
<br />tB. Breaateew ttM Awt~s Bewadl 7tM [tad Bttweti tilitlrt Crldtsaa 'Sue ceveaae4 sad tt;wtastnr newel
<br />ootwiaad d+~ lisd. and the ~ hwssrasder i1a.B levee b, tlr respective wscowors std amass d Lwwdsr and Bertewer.
<br />stal~ect b tke prrwlroes d ptartdrap6 l ; liweot. AB tpvsanm and a;reaeans o[ Borrower chap !w joim tad several.
<br />'11ra t~ipNoas atsd heap d !le paeagapM d tlds Morf;ye ttro for convenience only and an not b M acrd b
<br />irrkipaea bt ds5ae Nan prorisiens honed.
<br />11. Nsllor. H,:apt for Say rtoeirx ragasind uadw applksek taw w be peen in anatl+er toaeear. (a) any rtoeice to
<br />tlrnroaer provhled far iu this Mtart;ye shag be jtren br fatdlts; wait nation by r.~ertifed mad atldreswd ro Borrower u
<br />dr Property Atidrwts tx at reel[ other address w Borrower ns+y dettyrsasr Sy notice ro Lender r pr~oridrd lseein, red
<br />~ wry nataite w t ~s~er sia~ tas =iwa by sw~ed tatil, reaaa sruigt ray9asaad, to twadsQ's adtlnts anted htee~a or ere
<br />reels edset tddiew a Lander may de~_ race h1t Bite to Batroeuer as irror'idtd iteteio. Any antics ttrodisd for iw tlais
<br />MoeytsBa att~ Ste dewued ro have !term peen b Bertawer « t.atader srlsea ;raven is tM [swerve dssiBatNi Meis.
<br />ifi. thMrrw Mw[dltPr CereattMlB Lem Beweeltrb• Tuis ftatsa of tarsit~e camrlsa ttniltam corar~ far tsstiaad
<br />ups ae3 ~w-~ : ~ tsa t~..3a' ~ :~€tar a sw.ifcsa t
<br />net grapa5'ty. Thk alt dsaR Dt ;tssruaed by the ~! d i ;tom ~ whitlt t!x Pr'a?~'-Y a toctrted. ~ le
<br />rvrw,t tstq tat pnrr~n tar ctauae tat bfa MatpBe or [tae tYeie et+b#tt~b wtlh appatehie law. sot#t eawlc; rireit wear aurae
<br />~'.. d ~ ~_..__~ _r tin `S. ~ w•'. -~ 4~., b o!-°• x ~ ter.- ...~~ _,..,.... ~ b !~
<br />s*R•~ ~ ~--" -
<br />awd trs pre+vi+iass of the Mat;a;s and the =Yore am dxlaratd ro he »~w
<br />ii, liaswswar9 Cai-/. Beanataer ibal7 it fwmaissd w cxtwutrated cc~ of the TteM aa6 of itltri ><iastfrtia at the Afae
<br />d aeecudoa of ittat teaterditlea raced.
<br />IH. Trratltr of M leMaMrs Awaglfaa If aM cM any part d Nee (heprty or an tettrett tltwela is soil w trfIM2M»d
<br />Say 1>erYOSrat tbillotn Lwedae'a prkx wetter[ consent, aachadYal Sal Ua cae.tion of a litre or ma'trwbraaor mboMiaaie ere
<br />dtis S/otyttBs, (b} the eteatiaa of a ptaichaaa moose ascsrity itaarflH for heuwhaid applfiaanr, tct s ttertatar h't' drvYs.
<br />tfesoaat tar ry tap~astora d law upon the dadr of a Ioret isnasn of fdt tbe;ram d any teaaareid irsserew d three ytrn or lee
<br />tbt as Opliee b ptandaees. Lander may. M t.eradrr's opaara, declare dl the aura sectt»d by this MOftsap b M
<br />aaateditttMy dae end ptgsles. Lender shdi have wafted etaci+ o*oat eo aosetwste it, prior ro the ads err tsforler, Laerder
<br />sad Ur pseron sa whom tM Piopwq is to br acid tx trarrisrnd eeecl+ sgtrewsanr ire writitt; Slat the credit d stack paesoa
<br />is sadsfeeaory ro t Seder awd Nat the irtiergt pwyah.k on Nat .win twrwed t+y thk Morygr shat) M err aasoh ear as Lradw
<br />step rrgrrM. it lriticr itas waYved dss option tc aaxtars:c prov:deA in this paragraph f', aei if Boftowae's wscs~.ttr io
<br />itNaeat here e>E,atuald • writre asatraprian st~eremant atxepeed in writtn~ IrY l.orader. l.etrdar slatdl eeloass Borra+aar trap ad
<br />trlllBNmra under Mia Mntt~e sad the Nttte
<br />tf L.atdw tsttarctats atrch opdatt to arxekraec, iendar .MII mail Borrower txtitcx ~ aceeMratarrt in ~a:ordaiecs wiGt
<br />par ti htaawt. 5treli nc~ica shalt prt»a#e s rit~i a< mat teas char. ~ days tram the date the aratice h mated widt~
<br />witilll ~tewr it~af !NI! Mtn wr tBfttMaM ire, tt Bwetttrv iBe b ~t wets tnaate Post is cis apltaliea d rtR /ttlNi,
<br />t.Mtitr tlrtpr, wtlBpai tihtMMt tactic[ rsr Atahetsl ee lsrteww, iarele eery nttrtfr pwrtgtad ti Nrtt;rtt;lt 18 loved.
<br />i~t-tixtfsvtat t~saraatta. ttwrsxtser aaa twassr tnrthsi coverrrn sad tlfe" as ft#laias:
<br />28. d~etifaet tiersadLr. ~ r• wesitai iw;eaalli+e/i 27 r:raei, [Spoil Beressrea-s lsaagt et srtp s;astesnt as
<br />wt Btltewws i tr- ~rhtBt+ MedrMtB Ar sereattrr b /~ wlta Sera aq amt sseessd Y; Ili M,.tBt~.,
<br />1wlrAr rMr tw tetetMeht2Aa tiatB maB taeMts Ia Bawaww r !tom i 11 tared gettbtat~ tit M taraaart
<br />1#1 Mfr tttMltw eslpitetle ttttwt [[Sete Msssa4 ~ a dtttA, wet ltsriwta iB dthgts ie~ trs its tie rein Y att2Bti M Btagwen
<br />ll' w~ItY eeti! tnwtda trtall !B aras~ trtd ~ Ad tlia w setts ati- ietaeM eve er rtrw dr iete aptw~tf i rtt eeMw
<br />tewy ietert tr traehrrdse a'ttierapa t.rserrd b ~ ttitrtltge, fe.eete..n b #~ rweanirE a.d a.i et tae herb.
<br />7M ataBitt tittB twitiir lrratiw Bttrtrtete e1 M ~ to selnlhtra ttptr aacalwellea fwd tee ~ r ttwtw i ire w.d.s.e
<br />Pwew,tBp M ass~ea d a lsiii wt tatB altar +IMtea e! iawawtr r aealrrlea ttri iwdetwe- R 4. rwatr
<br />Y tint rtuad w w itlrw /lt tltta a*pfrtd i tee aeditti, Iwrder at ILeadr9 gltew aey drettw i d dss sans waned ti
<br />ill[ MhwtlBiBt M M rrraatM~itbr tit era! i~ wiBrrt Berber dwtrwd sad rnrr ~~ h !~ pr«'+s~t• Laedar
<br />[SASH M aatRkd t. asill l weer Pawtat/ sit t8 atgwaws at awdasmw rarw*rB. bee save Betrd tw tear at decw..arry
<br />erliaater ereraer arri tMs ttepttls.
<br />!! Ber+tasne4 ~t w Bair/rhts. AMtwilltta~ L,eader'a ataawehioa d the wins awcured by this Nortga;e.
<br />Btxrorwer shtN lave the alit[ ro haw ray prooaedirta is++n by Lender to eafan-c thn Mo~ttga;e discontinued at any ume
<br />