7~ - i, , i f,. l ~.) ~, a
<br />U!vtrauur C'oven+ax7a. Borrerwcr grad Ixnder .,:,,vrnant and agree a9 foltawt.
<br />i. layn:eat e! trf>~W toed ItrtertN. Bbrrowcr shall promptly paY when dtu thz principal of a~i ,ntersst on the
<br />tndebtadrfsu tvitknctd by the Note, prepaynfetft oral late charges as provided in the iJare, and the principal c>f and ,merest
<br />as art' Ftrtttrc Advances sectrrtd by this lttxtgage.
<br />1 Faait ter T®as aed lasaeice. Subject to applicabk law « to a written waiver by Letdcr, Borrower shalt pay
<br />to header m the day tffonthiy inatd4oents of principal atxl interest art payable tinder ttx Nate, anti! tfx tiote a paid in fui{,
<br />a win (heroin "Freda'' equal to one-twrdtth of the yearly taxes and asfasmrnb which may attain priority over this
<br />~, .„a 3s...t;.d ~r..,n rtK prv~nany, Lr any. phis otx-twelt!h ^_t y~.-ty p*-+ttiV!t! imiatltnenta fnr harard itatuaffct.
<br />plus oae~eweNtlt of yearly praaium instelhntnts far iasunrtee, it asy, all as reatmabiy eatarla[ed itutiapy aed from
<br />ziafe to tune by Leader on the bats of areamenb and tabs and rmonabk estitaaees therajf.
<br />The Funds edfall fx Iseld in as irotiteaion the deposit: or accounts of which arc itrured a guaratuerd by r Federal «
<br />state agency tinctuding Leader i[ Lender is tech an iottitWion) Leteder shalt apply fife Fttndt m pay said taxex, aaaaafrfeats,
<br />itattraatx pem++iurm and ~ratad rents. Lender tray not eiw~c for w hMdin~ arts :ppryittt the Futtda, anatyzirr= said acoaraf.
<br />«virnityittg std axmpiliag said assesurxats and hick, uokss trader pays Borrower interest on the Ftafds and appt5e~k kw
<br />permits i.atrdcr to make semh a charjt. Br~rrowrer and l.eoder tray agree in writing at ttr tirrfe nt e:atartioa d deis
<br />1l[o~pe fbtu iateseal on the Funds shall he paid to Borrower, and tm7aa exit agrearaeata made « apptitabis law
<br />ragitgrs wdt inemeet to bs paid, Lender snail trot be rnquircd to pry Borrower any interest « earnings oe the Fuels. Lander
<br />fiaB Bire to Borrower, withtrut erfarge. an aamral atxoutNinR tN the Fettda showing credit sad debits to tbs Footle sad fie
<br />psepaee f« which ~ debit to the Funds wa trfade. The Fernds aro pladBed u additiooai aetavity f« tlr cuss aacrred
<br />bir er,w A/aryaBe.
<br />N rte rmotsm d Fite Foods bald by Lender. together with ttac tutors monthly i.retapmenL d Prmds payable pnor b
<br />the dm date of taxss, asaeasma.p, itrutansx prexniuar std g7nrrod recta, chap eseaed the ama..rt required 1o pay acid ttuusr
<br />rt.aaaraeaq, iautraaoa premiarns sad ground rents as they tad due, such excess shad !e. at Borrower's spans. eitYr
<br />pefatrptry ropaid to Borrower « etediad m Btxrower t>o atoatNy tlrtaBmetfb o[ Fttads. it the tesotret d Ws Fteads
<br />YM by i.euder shelf as w etttMeiert to l~ taxasr aeeesauae, ioeuraeoe pntoama am ooaati recta w meY fail drrr
<br />Btterusrer hell pay m Leader eery aawaut acoaasty to make uP tae deAdaeey witYm 30 days [ruin the delve ntstiorr celled
<br />by Lrdar b Berrnerr tet~ prymrr tltaeor.
<br />Upre Otrytteesu m ttdl tfr ttp weer crnred by tltio Marygs, Leedsr chap pwerpely serteed a Brrivwer ttrgr Ftssis
<br />hrY by Gcedsr. rr erecter ptsnjrap6 IS twrror the Prayerry w aold « fht hopertr is oanr.iee eowind by ir.rrr, t.Nar
<br />altaB tt~ry, m Wr U1ro ttaer/keely peter a Mc ask of the hopeety « fu aogtreitire by [.ceder. teat' Fuetk Itstid y
<br />trnkt r trr tier or a~erYre r r credit afeaset We cues aeeuerd by this Norepp.
<br />!. A~nYee of fa4eerera Uahw applieebk law providr othtrwise. all payertp reedwd b'f i.eedtr fester Yse
<br />bole and prrr~e I sad 2 besot shag be eppird by Loader flies in payaret of amonms peeyo6le to Leadr b! lllrrrvweer
<br />steder petrpapls : htseof, dam to iratet*ze payable tin the IMore. rtes m the ptietapel of the Vela. and rim a fettrst aed
<br />pr+eelpl ee treat' Fteaae Adeeaepa.
<br />d. t~cwieei Ilauc. Bonowrr shag pay ap taxes, antetwraa and odser t.ttarges, tins sad intysoakioea ttrilutabk m
<br />fis lwpuety wik6 tatgt rtttY a pei«igr aKer tYia M«tt>~r and leecslydd peyecnu « gr,amd eres.[ atq, la tb tttn~esr
<br />pastgdrd uedr partl/npi 2 hrreor «. H ea ptsid ie tsteY eaerrer, by Barrowar at~attiatg /a7urar. when due, dncatllp Mr tt)w
<br />ptf){MC thelrtel. Bnnwwr ttitaB MAY ttrruieh to Leadr all eoticsa d aaaouees due hair thw prntBrapiti cruel i IYr ewer
<br />Bormsser ahap Cavite payeent trirectly, laaretva slfap prcerptiy ttenfiah to Lander receipts tvidteCW tttreh lfayaaeats-
<br />/arrowvr abcll ltrwePdY ~~te saY Yea which bra priority aver thw htrortgagc; provitisd, that Btxrower shell oat be
<br />ratpraed to Qscirp say such pea q brtg • Borrower s11rB agree 1n writfog m the pyma++ of fir obligation secwed by
<br />wteh lie in a mztea aeoeptabk to i.eeder, « chapr Bond faith wMest aerch Lien M, or det«ad enforwaent of sorb lice is
<br />kpl proceadtop which oprsre to petvtfm the earorrteertretet of the trn ur forftiturt of the Property « say pert tlreeot.
<br />ti. tLtaard dtctrrexe. Borrower irhdi keep the impmveoaaots rfow exwtieg a hertattcr erased on the hapatY tsswad
<br />atpiast Icvs hi' firs, hazards inderded widen the term "atteefded coverage", sad rush dleer hazards a i_artder neat' regain
<br />and d suck amounts sad Sin staff prioda as t.eadia rant' rs provided. tit Lem shs~ oat ~ ttst rtaauet of
<br />'-~ itt1 that ~~t; fK ~ regmred ro ieaY itet sutras secured 6t' rfin aicatt~tpie
<br />71se iusrsraeea carries provigiw rite irrraece slip be ckare hY B«rower au6lwt w apiravat by Leader. provided.
<br />dart tarcA sll~m .hell set 19e vreeearBebpr witirhaid. A9 premiums oa iawr:nes pta{icua tiMp be paid rn the raamsr
<br />prtr+ridec ttntier parttFrep~it Z Iteretys nr, if aei ptit) 'tn t!en:a enctfner. ray Igr~.,,.~± lny ya-T~f v~ ~. rre:9fF ~ doe
<br />~s taattw.
<br />AB itateatascs ptt~ter ate teecwals rAreot aha#l ha m roan acrrptame t~+ Lrfeder amt fhatt :erctu~ a stas3ant nea~ge
<br />m scan ns as€'s in s_.. x' to /rte. i_€n€± ~:l :rs,~ z_ riot _- - - --,4.... a.e::~R-v '~ `*,
<br />uad lettfawtr aieatt pn~tly furrrsA m Lea4rat aN rrta+.al nr~tah's amt ail rrretpta~ut pad prrrniunis- in the cvepi ar lost.
<br />Batorrr shat! grw pramp notice to the tareuarfcs carrot and Loader. tender may matte pouf of tin ii ere nadir ptue~ty
<br />~' tarro+"er•
<br />Hader Lsodrr sad Borrowr olherwtss agree in wnuog, ururrnce ptxroeds chaff be xppMtd M rrsaxation or reprtr d
<br />the Pea,stty tlamtysd, pwvtdad atsrD restorMfoe or npatr u ecorsaerically [enable and the aecuruy d tMs IMortgara t.
<br />sot tberaby 6uparnd. !r suck resroratton or rtepatt is nex aorwrmtca-ty teasttele .x rt she tocurtty d thn Mortgrge would
<br />tea ittapsirtd, [he inarnraoe precwd- shall ire spptied to the start wctfred by thrf Muryage. wtth the e+ttxw. tf any. pad
<br />la Barrtrwer If t-e hvpaYl. a •brtfdoreed try &xrower, or rl Borrower tart to respava: to lender wtthea 3U days from the
<br />daa ao4os es aeadad by Leader 4e Borrowtr tMt the iaserrrnce carnrr otters to settle a clam for trsuranct ameftts, t.aedrr
<br />is srtQreri7ed w c»IYact and apQf) fir rtxittsance pocwds at lcnrier's optk+e arttlu ro teaaxatian or repair of tltr Property
<br />ar to tits rare muted by ties lltrjrtBagc
<br />lieMar Ltndet and Borrower axhrrw tat agree .n wrrtmg. any such appiicarear .+f pm.•e.aftt to prur-rpai snail oc5t c~eietYd
<br />err p,sstpter tlfe dun der of the rrarrrthtY msttdlmcnh re-fcrrraf to ,n parafraph+ i oral '_ lxrea>t or ahangt the amount ut
<br />,wkh tnlirilnfe~tx If utxiet prra;tapA l6 turcul thr Propert} a wqutrtd by Lttafcr, sE! right, t+tk aril ~rterrst c+t 8arrc+wer
<br />Nt aed to say rtt~aYtrrfce peffetea and m rnd t., stet prxerrts thereat rcsuireng front :ta+nage ta+ tht Pmpenr ~s.vr m the sale
<br />!halt pass ts' !,.ender to tAt e•rr»r ,%f itte ,turn .-retura.i F,) th,e ki:.rtgagz ,mntadtatziv prat r,+ +uch sofa ar
<br />R hrew+~aMtea test Pfeirie.r.eee elf Irc.~etYt i....eB+itl C..drertl..fa rfea..d IUdt w.d.p.ee.. B«tnwt
<br />p~;f },ma~.~yg ~r~ ~; ~e -~ ~ ~ ~r - ~t r ~ d~r~~ t~_t~e
<br />iW trlia\ [.L'YL.j Fj st till U~ WvYaaiaYeis- .= a'xiY :.• 'r rA,s ,!'1 ~,rtr^ri~: .- _. • ie3Y•hn1A lr Mrs -t~irei.3~. rf _ _ t ,rRrr M a
<br />catedaceiaittm nr a pkneed amt da.rkprtteru, Borrawrr stwtl ptAurfn alt o/ eorrawer's obYgattaes ejnder the dectaratrtxt
<br />« twartlreq ereamfi « govwteisg the coedorn<npmt or ptannod unit davelopaoaat, for by-taws and regutaeiwu d ttr
<br />soudradeisme « ptaeeed uaft davcispreeet, aed caetrt'tueat docaments. It ^ coedorrrinitses or pfaerfrd unet deve{opmam
<br />tgtter is setlerrlyd b! Breeetrer asd nreeeded togetlssr with claw hlaatgrBe, fir sod ageerlsaaas od aeecY eNsr
<br />sArB br wtsaaQprerftad Yno sad slap arresd sad wppMcfxet tlr toovamtsuq sad wroeearnts of ~w r tt the ricer
<br />vase a ~ rlsartaaL
<br />7. ><eeraetlece at leders Brsatslry. If Borrv>trrsr /aik to petforsa the wveoseses sad agteesoenta coeftaurad to thrs
<br />)KortgMp. a ~ aed attics « proemdielg ae aaetsfanced which tttitueeiepy attech t..eakr's iaerast M the P+apany.
<br />iacieediag, but sot tirrrfad ta, amiarre dtraeaio, utanlveacy, oodn eetonmaaft, or arratfgemsnts ur pnxtrdings ,nvad*,nR a
<br />«tkcedaft, shin [.alder ai iaeder's eptioo, opus entice ro Borrower, may make stern appeverarttxa. dastwrat such
<br />stew aed take web antic. u w ueees art' eti proax:t Leedr's wmrwt, tncltrdiag, but not ttmrted to. .rtsbursetnrnt at
<br />reaseeaMs atmra~ry's fees mad entry upon the Pmprrty to noire repairs. if I,atder requirod mottgagt insur_nre :~
<br />c~fntt+iian of matititrj ~r kwn atwtared by this .foripgs, Bat€ower shall pay tht premiums ref:.,rrxt te, r:.,,.,.,..., .r~.h
<br />iesofrsace in eBctt utitit salt Nrae as the tequiremeret for wch rresurstfre tcrminatts rn ucnrdame w,rh &.r, .wrc'a a.-_i
<br />