'l{rg ,~rr:ptc:llt! Ft, It,"F({#-~t !i.t'F!:~53'"•; ."STVJ) e ..rye:
<br />'7 rrat (hr `it ~.,rt r,a,;'.:r -«"f! {>~y the tnr3rhtrri n.-r.~s ctH hrxrinirr•frrrw
<br />t •
<br />Then the MuT2jrlerr is the dwaer d aa+d pro@trty-!n ~ ait6p)rtr asrA 4asrr goad right and irw#thl aatltxarity to waif and
<br />con>-e_ tree sentte at>d "hat tots at~te v. Eyre antf et~r ulenv Tien or t?tretatt"Er; mI ffii !l4netgator wi(I wrrant r~nri Frtrd ttmr
<br />!+s t: tlr to tattl prrsnis>Ys agar OtK !}fe t#dters nr atl prrtnns whrwnweve-.
<br />~i.
<br />r~ Tn pay ierrttertreately talxtat dial and payable Jill ~Maaarl 4ttaaai~ tazr-s, spw-rat. aax~.vnwnt«. waGrr rit,srgae, sewer twrv~
<br />ire charges, sad other tasea lard tt~ttat t patgastty„ lttie,~J~Mt levreri on tkx tieht re.~uravt treseby, rtaut W fWs';ryAdr the
<br />Mor(grger. Itpetn rer;uest, w##b tl;e wiginaY ar dE1pNrCafe t+~i;tta tltcad(nr.-Tier RMrt~flapt agr.w:, flat ttrrrr :harf iat• added ra
<br />ereclt monthly payraent rt~Nired hereumier err under -the evideoEe of-delft secured Irrre#ry aw amr.unt .-strmatecl by the Mtortgngw
<br />to Ire rulEityeat to rnabk lhr Mortgagee to pay, as flees bocgae due, all Pasrr. arsesarnentx. seal vmrlar cMrges upon the perm
<br />U1 lees whject t~retu• an} t!R$si~nty ttcta~ae= of the itsauftr.;ency .,( such addttionat PaYnct•nta shall Ge forthwith tlc;ttrrted by tltt
<br />(~ Mortgagor ttrjt3t ~- ~- uDtln t{rman:i G> the Mnrt¢aRea Anr ttrfasrlt unrkr thin paragraµfi shag err dtasrl[d a dtVaetit ~
<br />payment of (sere, teawttsmenG. nr similar ckarKrs n•ciuirrd h5•rr=rndrr "
<br />The !~lrxtgi;tx agrees fiat there .hail elan br added to each moat}t#y payment d pm+rspa! ar.d twtetM npuilird #ete.
<br />tatder ra areorwt esalrtabsd icy the Martp~ee to t>r ad6 leaf to rrrabir, tree Morigagtte to pay. as rt twnrmea dw, the taatnatrcr
<br />prerniaarr r>e any ituutatntr ptdxy rleliwreA to the Mortgagee •nY tteticiettey ItstVSelr rt1'the ittsut8e•soey d staple ntlJ~t*atl~}-~r-
<br />lorr.t~ stroll ter furthrnth alepr rttaKt ny th« Mortgagor with tlw Mortgt;ee uprrn demaruf Gy the Mortgagee Any de/atdt trader this
<br />paragnplr shall be afeerttad a default rn tha• yayment d rasa caner ptemiurtn, If the pdicy or pdreres •h;wrrttd tip pec(t as tearer"
<br />t>arlrrn or all rink poliri r. and the derst,rrt. err isutrAicirnt h. pay the roll re• premium. [hr Murtgayte« =vy apply flee= tlepeatt fo
<br />pay prrmrums ut nshe r<"yu~rrd W br• utsu n•r# hr tMs martrage
<br />Payments made try the Malrtgagnr under the abr>vr paragraphs stay. at tree option oI the Matrtgagee, Ge Mld by it std
<br />casnmtng!td with trtieer aw'h funds or tU own funds for the paytnent d such itetrts, and until n applied, aearh paytaera4 ant bnreby
<br />pledged se tteavnty for the un{atrd trlarttw d the mortgage itdebtedrtvss.
<br />To pnreuee, Aehvrr lu, sod rrwmlwin fur the twneRl tr( lire Mortgagee dunrtg the life d lhn mortgage a>rigteeal pldiriss ad
<br />rettewaM elrtnoE, tirliwred at 1r+at teat dttYr bt{trsr tits espiawltan d sari atsch pdaciea, aaaunag apeatat Piny sad tttbist iaaaraMle
<br />SraalatitL, nasetal4sst std twetitegencMa r Hle Moetgysr m4Y requite, in an woad Meal W t!s idrbta~ler ttaewaaNA igr b11P11
<br />Martfpagr, and in otrmpamrs rcceptaMr to the Ma>r/gager, wteh lo. payable t~ause m Esrvnr •,! and in form antrprtaMe M tM Mtarga•
<br />iar. !a the ~ any pdxy is :xst. retsFwd r:, ar baEore err. days d its tspimtmrs, the rdv':.gagae easy ;rrttruaY rargi'liaGe nn flea
<br />wpeorelneatta, pay tlr_ premwm therefor, and +ut•h sum shall tteaeme rtorwedeatelY due amt payable with mtereai at the w4 sort
<br />ftrrlh in rid note anal peed and shall tw serttrtvl Gy thts nor rtgage Failure on the pert d for Mortgagor ta lurnsa6 etch rttaraerals
<br />r ere here=to requrred ur fatiure to icy any sunw ativsesred herruneirr rhatl, st the oplioa d the Mteregagee, aueslrtrate a tlefstdt
<br />uttdrr flee terms rd tttu mortgage Thr <ieitvrrY td suck prrliciee shall, to the event trf default, rntrgitute an asstgneseal d the tan-
<br />eartsed ptwntum.
<br />Any steers racttveet by the Murtgrges Gy reawn ttf itess or 6amage reputed riairrat rosy rte rartaiaed by the Murtjtyer
<br />and tttppipd ttrward the (rYrnent u( ttk: debt hereby secured. or. at ltte option of the Mttrty;agee. w~h wm. either whdly or in
<br />- part rosy br pared' oe+er to thc• Murtgasur to ere used to repair such Gutldiryts or to twrld crew twrkitngs to tlw-tr relator ;:r for any
<br />other pur;rore or ohta!+'t naUhfra'tnry to Ihr Mortgagee without efts: finer the hen nn the mortsage for Ihr toil wa,u nl .._. tr rr.t here
<br />by Ixfure suc•n pav mrnt w.rr tawrit µtacw
<br />To pramptiy repair. roslure ur rrtwdd any hurldrngw nr tmprorrrrwnta ~,. ur herealtrr ur. tlw {urmtrrax whr~9v may ba-
<br />ecrrne daotagtsd tx dewtn.y«r-1. to kwrp seed prrmrres rn good condt Gait aril reparr amt tear form any mrct.rnx-•a Irrn 5re ut kwr teen ar
<br />slum ul Iten not raprersty sut>,rn3:natrd h= the hen Kerr=5d rnrt Gr surfer ~.r #w rmtt an} unlawful use u1 err any nt.esartar to rapt t>a
<br />toad property :~ tc permit was ~: sad prcmara, ncr err de soy other act whetrt>Y the rr^txrty hereby eamr;sd tt~rst9 txemtne
<br />t±sa --___ _- n..r tr- t+rrrrrrr#5 ..r r _ tr .tz v-wt.rr by env art .•r :untc:u,n t., r5-t t•r rnm n#• uwrth al! r - aerner•t.._( =a.s week rwnret
<br />to the nloailtlgtu( larr~wr> rn.1 4t~ uar ttwre..l - - - _
<br />.,~ `:....5- := ~_~-_:_:_ parr t~r=~ {~ :~__ .;: hen= ~t :. rratr-n -? a..- -.:.t-ter : ,,._..~... ,.. -s.~..est;ixaz
<br />~' ...,,.,.. ...... _, a 'r a.=. - s~
<br />p.E-'eir~t C,i. ~ te.ndrr t}~ Mr: t`-t •-. ._._._____t ,ir_~gtr., „- .__ ____ :.e!ti`r rrr3rirter th.= M.: r#ga(trr"xhali tr:- anttf t:as~ _.- ._mnE=3lettr~,
<br />asatth. and seer =ether pa}rn+•:; r rrii<t tree error rear strait ire rn utim. ra its oµrt- r to r. , i .. a{ ++ _• r,.'t n wrruer an eta
<br />~. ~ oa-. ~tt.._; :r .,..~-_:.~,:, ~_, ".. r..rr.,. e.._ ..,....,,.,....~ nr ..r to...»55{ rn ,-.........,..,.. »:reh ~h~r TL, ~ .. .1„r^r. ,yn ..Tie
<br />cumpeosatprrr= awards. ,,.rrvrg.u ettht .,i »et,.rr. coat pnwrrrfa err txrwity attaigewi r. Ayer 1MteMiga;rw~. wtx. mAY aRe[ $a:dtNeft
<br />t#te5tetrwn di Sir rrµ.nwr., tr3.-~rr. rs:y u:.3..riz a.: leis::="=."t !:i it ,.: 3i>i%ty :tor ~rtt~ ..:: as.; :a+$etrta>"saa~r .sa'ur~.tt tsrfatsr 'T'•et: ~3cst-
<br />~I! lgaaw tb eaMtite auth Pureher attrtgnrwmts of tent tvrrrt{wnsstu.n awwr•fi damages anA ngttt? d artt«n anti tfrarledf r the
<br />'MM~gagw taaY ragotn
<br />That ra a:/aw 5.P fatkrre W prrl.,r nt rr., ..1 the v rtrwn/. tw earn the Mcate{aaase nu} .t....r. tt,r \(=•r 4trs••r twnrlt reefs thuig •-'T
<br />stir txwenantrsl, that tte.+ MS.rtaager mev arr. sir rr:r ri rt my deem rrra.•,wary u. µn,lari the hen tt><ra-cd. that ehr \tnrtsl~r wail ~`~
<br />.rp.y upon domand any nntnry+ (rut =,r ,t:.h:....~.! _,, the M.•rta rat•* for env .5t ttw alxwr pu r{u tors seal turh m.mevs trtgrttter whit ,~~,
<br />twMlwat 1hatT+ew rl tiro rrir pnnsde+l ,r5 .~... .«...~ .steal: =ra.w.~ ... m.t.-h rakt.tana,al .n+itebtratnaas irwrrhy rrrurtx{ ar+d ma.rr tat ip- ~.
<br />e1wLd in YsY decry rtxrelosing that mortgage and t,r paid .,ut ..f th« retrt+ w pntrerdr of rnk of vid pre+ttisrd Ile not atherrrtur ..
<br />pdd, ikat it r:taii m=t Ire r,Migatrsrv ±,{a>n efts lirrtgager t., rr{.:err men The vslidit> or env Iron wnc•umhrsru,°ra or claim in ad
<br />hove hc,n._a h..r m.tkn,. tw=*, r.: .:ntau>»d hell M ,:,rut nr,A a. nvunrutr ttu~= Mt. nrr.+ t„ rA~+rruw env ,"'
<br />rase~ng rttsarrys ass __- ~ - _ e fir-.
<br />rrtttttrys fur any sea 'h par{ws.~ nor t„ ,1„ rte,. ,., ,, ..,, ,..tr. rnri e.u.sN o.tgrr~•+ +hd; •...t ~.,,. ,r sn i .,~,n,a ~~ b.-r~~~~., ~ .:.. ..,r,.r ,a tie.
<br />th+ag N foray do iw terser to ,I.r MreunA«t
<br />to the + -+r+.t td tt+r :tefYrrit [r> At rw 4d+gtrer rn ettr• twYS,w ri ,=t tray SnHalinsrnt q rr~yNltwi 6: tFi. IM'W1, tIWW,4kae,wl iANW'e+ity. 6e
<br />t4°I~'at al./M fNtlt~gglM lA prU wartQltM- of t~ 11(a ttaM autltlrir YtwllAlt. W Ntw~~r ailliP iM"tll~ll 7tt ~MW~R.~!
<br />Ja1M aoanrad btaa4r rAsr atad pn9ltWt trititaett aaUiael, an~i lErt. Marp~r~ g~M M atlWigd at w a+~la«, wltlwwt eweirr, aitJlptt^ rr 1lwIM
<br />or !gr • tatt+etvs Yn 6r rVptnnMtl by 4he rawer thereof earl without eagatd ta> the atlaptMry or any ratvrrty fear tlx tltdatrtldtlsaa r"
<br />rt{rcu „ ar. ,5R{rT LI>Qn 64rY-r [}aT p••3#N3~1Y_5!+ 5.f Sn! »?5tftga~!•! pr[llt~rE, otter ~~ 5iy lP5't 9n+! r.~.->'+vs . n rrn.R awwy.,.n e~p;. N r.~fi r.
<br />'~~'t•~t~' .:....... ~: ~.. _a .»..e..Y.,.._..,~ ..net«t>..,t »:..n t~,. 5n5kl.r...tr,..,...-. ,.re:t t F,,. , - .:. .....,t.
<br />tasters" tmd, it*cNilia ha-ttg htrrtahy ta} tM Mtrr~tprr >p Pttrthe- rror(ty Poe Me paYmertt d aft indrlttt•ttWtatin i~rit nererl.rp - m
<br />- - - -?ha Magtpt/M draw ltaw ilea paptr-tu +NPpdnt ang mast at aaetrs rt trey tieatre for irw µu. t•. wr~ ,~. ~at•.•+~ ~:+s ~.:..~ t,...-o,
<br />lass: rrMbOg the rpme; t;rlisehae~ Ilre rrn0, tereteltaa old IareaM. Md K trtr'Y •/M! ueM tr( aid taearM aM raperws ia[Qrastl tp feat-
<br />beg and rttana~ttg Nrr sarnr and et t~.+11Mi.~ Hie radials Itpeelrarw- TM balartre remalnrng. rl tens. s-rtl err applied toward the
<br />sliatiaar{ga a[ the arosaptwt- tmaiOMWitopr. Thp etsaiaraaaent .. su teftre~te anJ Gre.arxe suit rr«i ..,n. »~ : +=.~r» ..,~• ., .=b=
<br />