tc>jtether with all tenements, heredrtamenu and appurtenan~~es belunxing thetctu
<br />TO HA4'F ,$NU TC} H(1Li) the ai>•rve ;ke~rihe,i }`rrm;wra wrth a~i tl,e urrvrteges and thereunto baleHtgina ituhrdgtg
<br />all rents, ~~..uc..end prntil. thrrr~~f un;<> ,SA~rrt;!aere, t~,~evrr_ An,! L1~~r!gagor herehy covenants that Mortgagor ~ wall and Eruly s~d.uf
<br />a Rood true to the prrmtse> nhnce ;,ar.r}-rc1 m the law, ur ter simple, and has gourd nght and lawttd authority to conmy the rptte, put
<br />r" th;, ~~., title so convtyed is vlrar, irae and unin.umixrcd : ~:ei,t ac otherwise noted and hurt i~.xtppgar will farerer warrant and de-
<br />~ fen.! tht same u, Mortgagee agairst ail claims whatsoever,
<br />~+ 'This M~.nipge is gr> en by Mortgagors to >ecure the perfomuncc of tack agreement eantaineu ttaratt, and to sews the plrrneet
<br />-'"' oi' a iwttt in the amount of rite Total of Payttx`pts .hewn ahuve, which loan being evidenced by a ptarrtipory ne»e bpritt;aeo 3ata
<br />~ herawath and whw;b u further described aheve.
<br />~ PROViDEU ALWAYS, dn.i thew presents are upon the e><pressed cwrditiun, that if the ~W~-a~PN' in f4ii W Wt7tfq~tt-
<br />n ~ a prcrrtiasuty nota hearing avan date harawith m the atnrwnt set forth above, payable in in:talhaarb tttxotdiq w Rwp gfrntrr tliuwa~
<br />elf tapether with ~sterest as set Earth IherNrt, and shall pay a~ tartar and naesatttettte tsvied trpart nU1 eaal eiY~tsta 6ufaart t11e ttttata w
<br />easrteedeMngtteM.aod keep the btNidatgr nn urA pranram insured for a rum egwF to the irtde~h tedrtare ttaeatrni hRr•b~r.°Mt~aliF'rMlr ~tt~-
<br />ab*.e k+' the iWd Mart, titan tfiesr pteaenb to Ife t4uN and cord, otherwise t8 be and rettoin in fiD ttteoe. "°
<br />775' 11pltTGAt.,E tS AL~D 70 ~ ,AND C'~ONt'1NUE YO ~, FikbM 7MlE TO 1'®MLt: ~ ~ ~~'
<br />OF Sii('>il!ltilSlit 4R SUMS t3T' MAhFY AS TftE , ,R ...A~~~,~_~.~.M!t~-Y_F'~,Q1~'RAN~ TO Tlf~ 11V'ii~ iFtTTI.'lC8 AIiVA1WC1& T!)'1~fi
<br />MiliCTCAG©R. AND i~YiDENCEll QY A $tJ~~~At Nf}TE OR tt0'f'F~. [UT Nt7T Ttl ~CCEED 1'(! TOTAL
<br />S dS,fl©O.DO............ !l7[C81•T ~R ANY A®1fANt:BB THAT MAY DB M,AD6'1!!~ 1M>Q7'DCI'Ht !t{ ItC-
<br />t!tiIIRA,At1CE ig77t F>~ T t7F TMIS M#~RYTxAGi6.
<br />Atlditlanal Terms and fanditranr on the eevrrx of this agreement are made a part hereof and 3*rcrxporated AereFtt.
<br />tN 1Y17NFSS WHER~f>P, the told Mnrtga(;s>rshave executed these presents the day and yar Rrrt alxsve written.
<br />,// ` ~~q~
<br />T7AT~ ~ NiASiCA i
<br />: i ~i.~
<br />On;titlt_ y~,i [+'brvarr~___.__._.____ --,.---. i`!-'~ txt,=tz err, the ratderstg~ a ~ss~q lc,
<br />~tw~slr+ntd and grtahiract inr .rte rr ,aid sttnr and --.runty. txrutnaity ama °„~
<br />_.
<br />~~ kuaw•tt tar be the idsgtikal pets+>n t>r pcrums whose name is or names are affixtd to tht f bptruesrY. aed aClosatt'lett~ad
<br />~ilsttwterntiexr thaeaf rn ter lda, ha w there ve>luntary act and dacd
<br />end Notanal Scat the .L~ an.t sea, lase afi..a~e rvntt
<br />~iarlat se;,yv . lone .' e.. _ _ ~ _.
<br />-T .+~.~ .
<br />My crxtlrnYtri!m eat ecru tht _ day rr, ~i~~ 14 ~_~ ,
<br />l,~iit:. ~.t: ~ziti}i:~.:i5t !+1N U!!}iil!!\\I itN\lt+~\!?trFhU!li,r's".
<br />into- ~-> -
<br />
<br />
<br />
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