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t.endt="x µrw:ten agrrettta:r€t w appiicakrte taro 8orrrnw+cr a€halt pry ikat attwuut c,f m1E rttort~a~e unw'arxc prtrn~retrv~ in tMre <br />manner provided utxier parajraph 7 hereof. <br />Any arnottnts desbursed by Locder pursuant to this psrajraph 7, with interest thereon, shaA tstcotnt additional <br />indebtedrtess of &xrower secured by this Mort;aje. Unless Barawer acrd Lender a~tae to ottttr terror rrf twyawnt. such <br />amounts shat? 'rt payable upon notice from [.ender to Borrower regtttsting paymrnt thereof, acrd shat? bear intetsst from the <br />dam of dish:er~rtttnt d the rate payable frtnn tithe to tints on cwtt:tt~j priecipai under the Note tmias payment of <br />itrerest at such rate wotild be corrtrsry to ttpplrcaWe law, m which evgp such stttouMa slutg btu tnterteN at the hij}teK roe <br />poreiesBle coder appiictbk -aw. Mothiatj cwttaiaed in this parsjraph 7 tdts6 requite t.endg ro itscttr any atpeme ar trite <br />any atdeae haeundrr. <br />C1t !t. ityepisa. I.enda tray matte or cattle to rte made reasttnabk entries upon and irtspactiotts of t!r Property. pm-ided <br />L'~ that Ladx shalt give Btxrusver notice prior to any weft inspection specityinj reasouatrk arras therefor rslaaed to Cadet's <br />x ie/arest itt the Property. <br />C !. Gsitfttoisw The proceeds of any award or claim for datntjes, direct or eotwegtteaiial, in contnx~tiert with any <br />cardawttsttlon or otka ttdtinj of the Property. or part thereof. or for conveyance in lint of caadattrtation, arc hereby assigned <br />:~ and shag bt paid b Lender. <br />"` Ia the evttro of ^ toml takiaj of the Property, the proceeds shat) be applied to the soots secured by this Ittottjaje. <br />' wkh tlr stccer. if say, paid ro Borrower. In the event of a prrtiat talon! o! the Property, ttttias Bortower and Lends <br />n, rsdrtw4o ttjrw fn weitiaj, eftme dtaN bts appNed ro the epos serrated by chi. Moetjye tatcit proportion of the ptoossti <br />f`- « b spot ro drat propaCioo tWtich the amount of the wterc eecttt+ed by this Morryge ~Y p~+' ro the dale d <br />ratio! tsars ro tlr fair touter v~itte of the Ptopsrty imatediately prior a the date of akin{, with rir belastcs o< the preossds <br />paid b Brtlrtowr. <br />It tYs Property is abaftttoaed by larrawer, cr if. efts notice try I.errls ro Burro ter that the ccMtdaaroor stilts b tttttM <br />sa award or attttk a claim for datrtajp, Borrower tans to rapped ro I.eeder within 10 drys aflar dse dttls awcl aotloe it <br />ettlaYed. Istads i ettthoriaed ro caBaet std apply the protxsda, st !.ardor's option. ettlror ro reworatiaa w ta/air d W <br />Property or ro tlr setw tlxuced by thin IMtxtpje. <br />LJuMe LaatM std Borsetwer otMrwiao ttBna in wrkirtj, arty tasclr appiiatiwr of ptouedo b prMcipd 11sB eat wMt <br />or perllona the the date d the ttt!ratthly iaftaNtrrrtb retarred ro in patprapM t std 2 htttftd ar dntgr tie ttttatrtwtt d <br />such iatraNafetMf. <br />M •arlawor MM Balsefd. F,stsnoioe at We ties tar pttyatsnt a atetBiaatkn e[ saaeeeiialliatr of tlt ttttae etatttN <br />by Ifritt llalws jrttMed by Latlda ro wY surxaeaer is ltYOeat o[ Boreawa' flraB scot opata/e b feMaoa. iff alt] eattnr. <br />tM BahiBty of tltt orlBinal Borrower std lattawAr~e aumtatota in irtttttrast. [weds shag trot k tMtiei b eatMMat4 <br />ptettttet~,a~iaee tttttpl rnooalear or arils to afttwd time for pftynserat or ollterrsie etodb ataoftiardoet at1 t/ta tttffas <br />ssctaed by tlds >ttsttjgs by ewon of say 4eatarrd sods by ebe Borrower sad Borrowar'~ ststswea!n ist iatwoot. <br />ll. /!ffMftta~sa Ip i«oatir Mat • Naiva~ /-nT fotbnrartee by Lender is autciein f arf' -ipltt ar nee~t feeete6tt. of <br />otMfwYs tdisdad ly appNeaeM hw, t!Irlf tat rte a waiver of or pnNads tlts assdfs of arty swch rirt er tttw/f. <br />91a pweeeatte++t a[ hteaeaate or ~ pttyeap at toss or otlrr Craa ar eltatBee try [.ands tthn>i tat be a wsivs d I.ldr's <br />~ 1?~ •swie C i% AB t+ettteditte psrDVJdeti in this U/att~e as tliYinct ned +csewiadvo to say sofas diet ar <br />r~ted~ tetM' tltb ifae~t~e ar ttAtrdsd by ffw a Bahr, std tray he ateraissd coadxfeeply, iadepardatxty ar ~- <br />1!r Baeawta eti -Mtratt Be~tR leiat aai Ba.wnl iJalfB4s CapMeae. The wveeettb trot a~eaeltttr Mwia <br />ceetwsd also hind, std the tigfiet ltaetptder tndt torte to. tAe reapectivt stt~rtn acrd aat~tr of tsader sad Bt+esvwa', <br />tttthjsc! ro :lre pw•oviiaaa of pf!tratjratpi 1? hotaof. Ap oovenaraa and ajreatsea d Borrower aha8 tx joint and soveraf. <br />'[he captieksr and hntlittps d rite ptwttprap-ys of tlde Mort{adc are for cemasieace oaty sad are trot to ht ued to <br />ispaptet er deAree tale prntriffaaa hfsea/. <br />t4. NMke. Batoepl for say ratios required tlwder applicable law to be oven in soother martasr. (a) arty ftetloa b <br />Btxrosea provided Uor as skin kfaredye shag be pvwt by mnigrrj weft notice ay ;,e:tiied mail addreaad m lortovra at <br />tlr Prcgterty Adtkeas a at such other address s Brtrrosrer troy desiptste 9y ttoticc m Lander a provided haehr, and <br />ttlr aeries ns Lards ~ bee jiaat b- t>~ tt~, rderrn r>xt~ s• >a Larder's sdt~ea stare! kerttrr ~ ro <br />trey s I~3~ t±ay a by tt+?rir€e M lonctwor as provided Iteroitt AaY notice ertnviied bar a tkie <br />ltotlNttae fisA he dltteed ro hart rtes jitrar a/ Bortorrer ar Lseda what jive[ bs tlae ttfsrars tladjntaad taseit. <br />Is. IIatBaew 1t(a~r Cveieaetittj Ltwrs 71ww1i1y. "Ilus form of tnottjye anasbittsa stailore eoeeaatMa fix a6tesslt <br />'sac sad ~ttztat -.x:" iaetiesd rss~tsit±xts by jte•.~.iictie+r+ ~ e~•teiiiute : ~!!±< ~ 4 <br />sat arapsxr, rtls ltlQrsae Ptah i+s arm T+f itte taro rd tlw tures~iictluii :r, vhtc# _.,a Ptrspaty w tom, Iu 'fie <br />i+raat ~ p ~ #astse of ~ ~ the ~~te ctadttcrs whit ~ taw, such caatist:! s~ set aBacs <br />.. .. ~. - .. .. .. ~ -: - t+~. <br />^..tssee or _.,jstje _ , u'.. a . € :_ _ _ ~ _ _ ~~ _"_ _ g.......~_ v ro <br />iY 'ffi- `. -~!! vn~n ~ n !~e ±v~t €*tE='t -wnnnrrr me csw~rtr:t~ '"- <br />tard elr ~ Nor[ ~ #rrd the a3+wa art ft~tattd ~ !>,t srssrarabte <br />K. BetfwweYa C'apy. Borrower >!laif Dr furntsared a conetxnted copy of the VuK sari c+f ttsn Triartjege sa Ub tier <br />of ar~tiaa M afarr teC+sdatkta kaertt. <br />I'f. '~ at lie ~reMeRyt Aeftto~lYea. (f all M any part of tltt property or an Ittr/eet iMeitt ~ sold 6r trarlefpred <br />by Borrower without Leader's prior wriaew soretcrtt. ettcitdina Ia) the creation of a lion ur ertcttratxrtscb wtbarttleMs m <br />dtis hte«etjare, (b) ter crsatiou d • purchase ttwaey ecurity interest hx household apptwwcra, tct a trarcfer by dttvhs. <br />dsaoetM or by openstion of law upon rte death of a h~+nt tenant w tJt the (rant €,f any Ioaeatsotd tMC;cat of rkrse vean or iasdt <br />not comairtinj as optiett ks wc+rcbeae, Leruir, nay. at t. endrr'w r,ptlcxt, Aare all t1x wms sta:ured Rv thrs ltortjaae en be <br />itataadiatdy that std payahk. ientkr shat) have ssatved such c,ptiam to aa~eletate if. prig n+ thr ,acs x ertartter t.ett~t <br />and tkt prrarxt fa whom thr PrtyxrtY h ter tx soli .a trsnsterred reach ttararmeot .n +rt€rtt ttHt +hr tra~dtt of ssr-h pafaw <br />is zatsafatrn• to l.rndtr and tf+?t the tnttm+ «:a,'abk :+n thr terms sa:urat by the Murt~aee shall !!e st sttrie rate ss ? ~ <br />ihatt regNtel (f t ettdtt has war,+sd the .~?x «s+n t~• aa,eVerarr Mc.vxte«t .n Ihes psraer7r`rt " strri «t Snrrrwrr-, sue-i-wtsor rn <br />!ntereat has esnvttd a wn[ten sastunptton 4gretmtr+t ac.rpttd 'n ,.rx«ng hs' t cn:4r t troth .hall :rkasr 6r~*,~wer from dt <br />~E11ig;atuMts ul~.r this M.,rtitaae rd~ else. ti:Re <br />[( Izttder extrr~csEas xtxh opt_uMt t€r acs rter qtr 1 r«utc~e •tral! ma«t It.xr,rw.rr rkw rir ~-! aa.-.t4rai«r.n .n aF;nrrdattct ,xrrh <br />yerr 1.• rctYUt. Suds tttsttec sba}! ptovrsk a psrx•st ,.~ a:i_ ?~s~ eha•r trt ,i3sas tr,.n, ,tre drre t~ ranirr :} nwifkd wahrtr <br />ttA!k~Ottlbvor atyr pay tM furor dacLted dw. if Beenswar faits M pay salt rota prig b tM oapkaNiea d fast pentad, <br />laatktr say. wttirottt Alrtk«sr rtsxiee rtr daaprtsd oa Brxertwar. «nvoke ar r rewtediw prmpted try iaargssplt !!E boreal. <br />Natl:•t,itiirUllM ('JVeNAt+t`a. Btnr~w~r attar )•tidef ftriitr«H u~.Enasii :nd i/tMr as tat#ctws- <br />li. AteUllYlawt ta[7ae~ta, lbatlept i [ArMei r par~spt- t7 ierwaf. atpaa Barswsrartt hewstr atf tetq aw:i w <br />apswleat d Beertesrar Y flit Martyape Ieelattliaj the cwwarrs r !s9 wow tar rty scat eaeswed if' tits tltlte~r. <br />trttaier Nler to ale.itretlaa eilii ettB .trio » B.eawer s. pnsidei M pargsaph id i«e.t spelltitjs to ttw iteselr; <br />~ tiro arQaa tttsgttjafi 4 ewe free! Mttolt !31 • [414 cast lea trra 7i dtp+a Ar cis dttr t1r waits n asaNed M Baswwr, <br />iy trt}lttlt tech Mehl tfAai le tfgedt toed (A) riot itirse M setw +rti ie~taA ttfr as crapes tie rMr ~rttNe/ hs tie teMn <br />raft! tzasl ffi tta>d€t~st of tie tAUas st!sa~ i7' tt~ ~, #ere ~' ps~atesrtlaj add se4r al thra PsaPrwv. <br />its tnaMle aiaB itsMaa itlae Barowsser el fir r11M- a. etlatiate ttAer asfdsatlow tfri tls rfjit to rresrt i t!e tateairarn <br />p[attsfrBt!x M ~^' ai a dfjaaM ar ttSy stiAttr drpas wl Bafswwes M tleailsadoa efri taseslas!ts. K tie iaeaeh <br />i aM asad .« ar iaRase tic sMes t!peaMe « b tie rooks, i.sadar ^ tewisf"s apllaa say ritlsre ai d tie tttt.r .vend -y <br />tlliit ~ b !e latrtodleeo(y doe .rd payaile teYheee twrtisr tYwraad eta! twD' 4andese by jadkiai leoeaadistl. t.wie. <br />tt1rB 4 stttliBed >. setae! tr ttrda pseeeeditj aB •^M~ rt pnciesafs, iasiadittj. ..t grid to. c.ea of setrsrt~ery <br />seireate.+tielseit ttwi tiYitr r.paer. <br />I!4 Bareeyrery ~ ~ lldtesielr. Nawitkaasdiwj l.etrder'a aceataratinn d eke sums secured by «his Mortgage <br />Borrower stall taw tlr t$ght to Aave tmY ~ bs3+at+ by !.ender eo encores rho Mortjage dnconum«ed at am tone <br />