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UN2Fs>RA4 (:ovar+,ta7s- iiz:rt~rowor uttd L.onciee ::i>renant and altrr^,f es fniiov;s. <br />i. Fa~~auet of PrMefpi aM Isferest. 9nrrewer shall promptly pay whet. duo the ~rincipa; of and :ntcrcst an the <br />itidtbiaaeeas evidenced My the Note, prepayaxnt sot: late char;es as provided in the Notes and the pnnnpal of and interest <br />ssn any Ftaure Advances set:ured hY this Martga;e. <br />Z 1-ai ter Tsw sad hemrarece. Suo~ect to apolicabk law or to a W,.rrfn waiver by l.e.^.der, Bc^.ower atsal: pay <br />to i..eader on Hr. day rttonthly instalhaents ssf principal and interest are payahk under the Note, until the !vote is paid in toll, <br />a sum (herein "Furtti'7 equal u, orte-twalNh of the yearly taxes aiw' aasessmmts which may attain pnnrity over the <br />Marge, and;round tatty w the Property, if any. plus one-twelfth of yearly premium instalhnonts for hazard inwrartu. <br />paw oeo-lsrelfth of yssrfy praaittm ittsufltmats F« snort;cep insurance. if any, all m mar+ortabty estimated initi:sly and lion <br />tuna to time by Lasdea oa the hays of assaamenta and hith and reswwbk estimates thereof. <br />71n Fttnds shell he held in an irtstinatron the dtptn+ts of ..~•ctxmtr of which are insured er ;uarantred by t Federal or <br />stale aprttcy (ieeludiry Leader if Lender is such an itlill.Ul70n). Letdtr shall apply the Fonds to pas' .aid taxes, assessrrtttttt, <br />i~aece pnmitsar and potted -srua Lender may nee char;e Jor so hoidit>t and applyin; the Futxls, analyzix; said aceowtt. <br />sx varifYia= sad eompdit>t said aaersntantr and bills, unless Leader pays Renewer interest on the Funds and apFticahk law <br />permits l.ertder to realer ttscb a char;e &xrowcr sad Lender may alFec in writing st the time of exectuinn of this <br />Mortsp riot ittterxat ov the FtaxL shall tk puG to Borrows, and uttlw sttch +pacment r rude or rppliahk law <br />ratprirea arM insateet b be paid Lertdea shall not be regtxrcd to pay flornrvcr any intereax tx Qa-aic;a oe !hc Funds. L.cada <br />sbstl pve b ~oeroster, witipat char;e, re annwi acmuntin; of the t=urtds showin; credits and Bahia [o flee Ftissds and the <br />` ptarpote for rdsieh saeh debit to rite Fuadt was made. 7tte Funds are pbd;ed >s asidititsnai security (or the steer aedered <br />by wit l-taeggs. <br />Z`j u Bee irotrn s>< tM Ptttrds held by Leader, tosether with the ftxitre monthly itntatltnarts of Fnada payshk prior b <br />~. tit dos dws at tattss, awesaroa, iaaxrattca peemiams and potttd testa shall exosad the amotrrt requited to pay raid tattss, <br />~ aswawsets, iettearoe prmruats sad yuund rents as they tali due, such exora shall 6a, at Ywerosrer's optiaa, airiest <br />C prxetpty nptlti b eerrosser or nedieed to Bttrtawer os tttoahly inalalhlstxts d Fiords. !f We araotar of tilt Ftrei <br />isld i! l.wdar siatl axt bt wAelttat b pal takat, asesrrtreau, itsstrratsee petrwnr rid pared rester m IMay fall iLe. <br />a lsnotat sWt pry b Lender say amotrtw ttecatary b nuke xP We ddicianey irithrt 30 drys front eat dlgt troller w enixi <br />~~ y laaisr b fbrrowsr ttigssaetit~ prytaent tbeinof. <br />isld L ff nndar ~ ~ «~ ascitnd by rftit Mortpp, Lttada sMsN pmrnptfy milted to itxraMar say Fwi <br />pstrttpaph la freeof the Property u attid or the Property w otlserwiae capered hY l.erdsr, Lstedsr <br />1\ eieif epl~, aO klsr lira iratiktYy prior to tie ask d the Perperty a in segeieistoet by Lender, any Fsads ita6i ip <br />Lttet/sr M tis Ubr a app6eatlae • a taedk apiritt Mta seaas seetsred by Mss Martyye. <br />1 dwifiltttfae of ll~..ta tiakr appfiabk Sari provides, of paymsNS teceiwd try l.etrfir tttrdsr ties <br />1Vaes sssi psrapapis I Led 2 ieseof shat! be ttppiied hl' l.eoder fret M payesae of a payable to Leader by fist <br />seder' psntBrapit 2 hyrax( flee b fasaest payaik oa tie lVete, fiat to the priwcipal of the Npe, sad tlesn b igrek stsd <br />pasdpel oa atsy Ftt4e+s Adrsexss. <br />L taaef~ iJsea Bttiroster shall pay of taaaa, aaraaaseatr std other durpr, fns sad trnpetieiows atOibresteet b <br />tis Frxperq isliti as'r etuis a ptriseity osar this llttrtp/s, ae/ Issetltoid ptyeran a potsatt teats, i[ rY. M fix ttateetw <br />plnldad tnsdsr 2 hoed ar, if set paid m ~ taatwttr, hY Dorrosrer ~ payeesat, erica Bet. q ties <br />pa7'r ~~iaY ptaaarpgy tttaith b [a.dar atl aoeew d atwopa dw tmdar tiles psespapte, W it rliswx.t <br />lotPOSrer shad etsfte pryttteb sfieetlty, Bottetrer shat prumpKfy ftunialt to Lender receipts evidenelq; sttclt paywssnts. <br />ifseeoesr sidl progtpt~ discbsrq soy ism which hss priority over •his Mort;s;e: provided. that Berrawa sltrf tree be <br />~~ to dieehseBe eery such fits so -aV r tliortosrer shsN epee in careen; ro tht paymsat of tar ohibstioa aenered by <br />tetra ilea in a taaruer sowpesbir so d-eodar. or shat is =ood faitA coatw such ltcn by. nr did mfore>eusnt of sue-! isa is, <br />kpl pracwpmfs whidt agerate to pmveet fir tafotceoeat of the lra or fwfatum i,f the Property or say part ttsareof. <br />!. fBttmailewsases. Yorroxer sfesN keep tAe iaspte~memts now axiality or itarosfter eracsed as ttta Property ittwred <br />tyshrt lea by fee, hmrda btdnded within dte tercet "extended covera;e", std such other hazards as Leader may requi-e <br />awl at ttlrti ash and fse such ptaitsi as Linder ~ sue; praridtit. thr liatlerr ~ tsaa ties the a nt <br />such rioted than asisotrt ed cO~+tla required to pay the soar" ser!wert by MA lbtr <br />T1kt iaaaeateos cosier pet>ridity tit iDemaeae tiatl he thorax by lkxtawsr auhjacY a approval by Leader: prattided, <br />fiat staED slat xot be eanraatWih>y eriiiNd. Ali peetaittrd an iueurstt[te poiicir than be prid in for craw <br />praei6sd t~p~ 6 ksz.`ii.~r. i€ real ! ie ~F_h Rtae.nrr, f.y Ltnrr*..ver mstr~ paY!ttrat, wft+le date, tt±sa+~ tr ~fse <br />ittstuwoa wtriss. <br />49 esaaratta pa>t:rtr sad ntaewtda tharat stall ate ra ftsrm atx~abk acs Leerier sal ~l u~lyd€ a stattdin! <br />.a..... ~ a...... ~ r. ~ .._ .,~ L~_~ _._... _ <br />,,. . wp..~ •_ ~ l~+ -- n-'v~ gns :~ ;_, f~?as 9ns pt'x~ r~_*.Ew~ :+'ta*>_~, <br />sad lasrosaa shall penmpely tursrh to Linda dl reaawai sot:or sad aH feXtpta of f'~d pf Is tls~ Eswt .sf ion, <br />ftermtvtar alaii ;tve prstupl ratite a rise iauaaacs carrier atsd Leads. Lender tray mike proof of for r trot rttade protapdy <br />f10et'OMaa'• <br />Utuhas l.estder sad sorrow atlrrwtse sires to wrath, imwanoe proceeds sltatl be applied to mataxsti:n or repot d <br />the Pra4eay drtwpd, pruvidsd such teaoruton or repair is ecottontically feasible sad the secu-xy of floes Mortfys u <br />oat tierehy ttsltaired. u etsclt rewxrigxxs a mpaer is trot uonoatcaly f+aabie or tt the atcuraty of air Moryya wtsald <br />be ietpaited, tis ianrrsstoe pt~ttoeeda mail tK applied to the stt~ secured hY ties Morgsre, wtth the sttwsw ~ cry, psd <br />b fornortror. u lute Ptttperty r ahaadoaed by Ikrrrrnrcr, or ii Bnrrowar fait to respond a I_eatkr wtthtx m t1aYs front tie <br />dare eatiocr ttsWsd iy LsMk' to fbrratnr that the rswrarta earner ofen to settle a eJamt f« iasrraaoa lteaefes, Linda <br />M autioriatd to ouYaet tted apply ties ntsitrsttce prceeeth to l.easiar`s opttos atMr tv :rrbrattm « reptsh ~ tie Ptsspert} <br />a b tpte aanr sacteted by data Moryr~t. <br />[}Litt f.asdsr Lei iutrvwsr odtsrsvne a;res in intro;. any such t:Dplleatlda of proceatt to pr+tsattprt shat out snucwd <br />cu poatpase the dw Jose of dse tnwuhq wtallmetns re[ermd u+ to panyrapht I anct isrrati or chatgs the atwouat of <br />such instNlmratt, IE sttd,# paratratd+ ttl therof tlx Property is acyuered by Lender. alt rt~tt, utk and intena-t of Bortovrar <br />in sad !e sty ieiptrsacy potieir tad to sad to thr prua.-aeds themol isauinty from ttantap to the Property poor W tttt sale <br />~tstsrtiue siwtll ptu to Lestkr tj for extent cN the sestina seeurul by rlus Mtonjadr ratnted,aser,Y phut ~ sitcb tale m <br />i. Ari1-rrliMet, ttetf Meltileeneew !f ~r.~r.~ Leewieiit Cetrdsetidseeq plsarsd tier iitraieNseea Eaeeeraetr <br />tt~ ftitap tic Pr~srtts ~ ~d t+ turd asst « t ltra_tt « d esf ~ Fs=i~ariy <br />sssd ehalf atars~y wiffi the pry M say terse if roes Mertptfe n set a ie t! thts Mtxigs;e is ors a ;Writ in a <br />a'+OOtd0011aVpfYt iM a ptrieaeai trees dwetxpeaent, ilerrasavr slrs8 paA«m of of hrtutver's obie;atiora under the aisciaratioe <br />ee eeaeeagsse4 ereatixf « fevxrxtie; tie a piatmad tart daveiopsaaw6 tM Ity-kris and re~sdona d /ie <br />ooedoeaieisw w p0enaxd reek dsvekpeoest, and cosrtipsrat dsassteees. It s condxsoictfstb or plaited troll dsvs4apaseat <br />tidsr is esessenxd tq leasaasst Lai reesetls/ tsMria wNh tits Moelygs, tie ooasaaea sad s~xs~ of seal rider <br />tdMeil M itaeaspae+sMd nsb ace/ stssR atneed trod sttppiemast tie eoveassfa trod a;eeeessen d tits tdorgs;e as tt tht rider <br />+e s aft fteteat, <br />1. Fwtrslirs e[ Die's ftteteslq. u Bsrretaar fail a parietal the oosexanu and afreemettla .battitssd tx thr <br />liorgap, ee ii cry statoa or peseeedinf u weeneaeat: wbiiz:h maesriafy afb:a Lsatler's aataaest k [rte Ptapetty, <br />ineitifa;, taed tsar kaieed ks, aaltiaar dxatrtio, imofveacY.:oak attiorreanat. of arratyementr ix prucecditys ~nvole•iry <br />baakrepe ar dsoedeat, thin Leedar et LaatM's aption, upon eeatieio b Berrtrtter, raaY make such ttppenratxxt, dtsMuse sits:h <br />tsrsaa fwd stab met actiaa r k tteoeseary to prance Caries's iatereat, ittdtsdiaB, but tta limned to, dtabursemem of <br />eesssaalitt attxrarsyy's past east apse is Ptepe:ty b sadte repein. !f Leads inquired rtrort;:;e inaurarsct u a <br />^w~a of the awn sensed hY this M~#rye, Borrower shall pay the pramhutu requi.=~.' ~: mainta:r su.•h <br />iaeuaale in affad ta1W ttsclt time as the regeessatat far titch ittsprarsee terraetaaes in acrotdan« .,,ih Anrrc+wcr'v anti <br />