n<rt, rrx'tanui ~ ra~~di,~une ttu^ siu:e ,,t~d,er t~r: ulitp =atrrsti'riv tnat;roftntr~nre ^rvitptred r^~ t.t y,t~a~r:ti;ra;:iin q ~~tttd '. ttert°oi t'sr~
<br />ri~~an;~e thw a.r.~¢nxett s~.rl ;rash in~+tailttfe~Gw
<br />l0. 8tarrcw-ar ltlot $eiotrsert. Erctarrsaiota of liar titnc for t~yrtterit or enadi€tcation of art:xttrtisatiw, rsi the sores
<br />secured by tfrnt ?lortgage granteai try L>~xtter to any ~ttree864r in ittterer# of Borrower shall trot opttate to rettrae.
<br />itt arty cmttnter, t~ iia6iiity of the tsriginai Barrawer and Borratvret's ~ is interest. i.setdrr ats~l rat be
<br />required to eontctertee ptercedisgs s~itnt such suetessor or rtfuae to ettt~i tints for payment or ~a Y
<br />~ arttortisataen ai t.be atttaa atxttrrtf my thi4 \Itrrtgsgr by reason o[ any dentaed trade by the origirsat Borrower sod
<br />~ BtrYrea~'i ta~saessars in ittferek.
<br />~ 23. 1'irfssaartee br bawAsr tgat 4 Yl/sdtrer. AsY farbeArsnae by Lander k tntereising ass tight or tetesdy
<br />~s herewoder, t#' othae'suise aftorrldt by applicable taw, shall tier be a trsfver of rtt pree-little the ereteite et any right
<br />~ ~ remedy hereunder. The pracultemettt of irt~trance or the pay~t of taxis ar other lime or e6as~a by T.~d-r
<br />shalt not be a waiver of Lender's right to aceeterate tiro tsattttity of the iadttbtedness secured by this ~o~i's.
<br />lR. ltartadias Qra~si. Ali retttediea provided in tttitt :4fartgage are diatSn+w and cumulatiee to as9 ttlLst
<br />~ right or rm-,edy under this tfttrtgtegt or alfaxlcd by lair or tgnt[y. attd may bt exetaated cortcttrrently, id-
<br />h ~y2d. anweerssas~s on ttssippr Boned: Fiisu ttmd 9e+rarad Liafo~tr t;sytisa-, Tito set-crisis asd amt
<br />ltsraiee atstttatined simtl bind, stir: the rights iteteatrader zsiull inure to. the respective aucceasers acrd aasi~ss ad Lerch
<br />sad 8otsower, tatbjeet to qr peoviaioer of partttgtsph i7 ht»ed. Ap covetatnta and ageett of BsattYaret ai1a8
<br />be job, std several. The captions and headings of the lxaragrapha of this ~tortgsgs are for s+otveniettet esttp raid
<br />are ttts6 to be tied to ietettmt ut efefine ttte txmvitiona hereof.
<br />lg. lKoeSes. Any notice to 8tamwer provided for m rites ~lwtgagt shall be given by tttaiiinR tatett safest by
<br />t~rtified trial! adtfmRSed w Borrower at the Property Addrem stated below, except for trey notice required uada
<br />paragraph l8 hereon to trc given to Borrowo in flit manner prescribed by applicabk ;aw. Aay Delia ptwtided
<br />ter in 6his Mortgage shall be chewed to have beta given to (lonewer when given in rite tuaiwer dtrai~tgtrd Muria
<br />li. ilwlhwr lMrpgsgar tiotrswia~ Ltrr: Sowwlt~lr. Phis toner of ttseskgtse ttetaxtiiiwrs rsigrsrfr 4itwlMMYwIr
<br />tae saliaail tees sad iron-tatitasrrt coveasata with limited variatiore by jtnisdiotion to oNtptilsft a ttzaitaewt Mlle
<br />rjb esotruiag real property. 'this Mortgage shall be governed by the !sw of tips jrradilsllaw ii rtlriN-
<br />ilia Firprtrt,~ is ioeatad. Ia the eveat that any proripan a alwe of tb» Adar~ttgp ar rite Llaflr e6lt~iale.~
<br />agg{ifenbblp Yr, wrh tauAial shall rat afi~i otbar provisions of this t-~ ~ the 11s1t erfgsh sae he g~
<br />steal seller! tAt proviaaoa, and to thin end tM provrsiorts of tJr tJdeslaagc turd Lett Pkga set dan~M
<br />~rift~rrt+rrlllYia.
<br />_ 11. ltZagarMr~s Gam. Hotrs+wer ahsU be [ttrnirdted a tostoersed aPY of this h4ortlge at tits !lass tst arsae~
<br />ttitlwtrttltAl!r•Malydarian 6aes1,
<br />i'# l~Mltlse ~ A• tJsrprltr iastrgfias- It alf or say psrt of tJts PbtpenE7r se ti iwlasrai ~ salt
<br />a tiNlt[tsr!ed bT Attrewter withart I,esdar's prier writ3ep eoaseett. o:alediag ta) Ehe eteaGan Od a lilies to +1Mr-
<br />bsanwWrtiios~slato his .Ee, (bt the esrRioa d a pmsAase mesa eauitlr ietasost Bet lraaelitiiel`ii~F
<br />+wa. ft) i tatawstar ipr revise, tMaaenl tw tiry sgiratioe of law ttpoa toe death of a 1~ ttura>esl re C~ W-pae! et
<br />~ lnprlrid ialrsral oBlhpaa rrara a IoM was t>rrr~g +~ ~ Pa+'d~. ~~' ~. s!l 1,/asisl"it rl4ipla,
<br />dsduss ill the air suettred ffY this Mretra{e ant be iaatnedia~ due and psyabte. Lend>rr + have waitrteri sbolt
<br />ttlMMi is soalaate if, prior to tAe asl!e or ttitssisr; Lender sad ebs {rersmt w tvboet ter Pttpstiy it as be seed et
<br />t~asdesztd reach asttesfbnt is writing that t-e trredit itt such peraai is sa6ietactory w L.seadat ttad that tuts islersttt
<br />payable ors the Kuma accused by this Mort~tfr shalt be at .ueh rats; as Lensier strait requseet. If Lttwist era waived
<br />the opt+gn to acetskrate provided in this parrt=raph !7 sal if l3aror~er's suoteasat in itttrrrst bas aaatt~ad a w>fit-
<br />tea aastssreption rtgrtssaent attaepeed ih wr~itsg by 1.ttader. I.eatler shall saiease Borrower trees all ohtiAstieaa tatdar
<br />tllis• astd the 111ata.
<br />ti? liraelat esrnossa stmt option its ace+ierate. Iaar>~r shall resit ~rrnwcr nsRiae ~ eta is qes
<br />w~ psaArgr~h l4 relies sal prntndc a of not kit than 8tl dayr tress qtr testa the »atiaa fi
<br />stri)pd tttit~s which Biorrorrr tray pay the ateur deelartd due if Iiwrrower faint to fiat/ sums sines pritr tt tfte
<br />r'tf .'tizL ~3'it3i.. L€stirr may, without 'urt:*tisz rcrt x ~rttfaltti ~ fia:tvwer, in4'oi:e t~ lr6r_
<br />~ qtr t~t~x44 tit
<br />doer-Fitsrsrrrae i~+v€aarva. t3srrxtarer sad ins ftrt~i~r t~+vRrtant and ~Fr~ ax €tsi~rw:
<br />Ii. ~ioaipruiimtr iiasrse~isa min as pros°xttd in iwratrwt.tt t i htreoi. upac Bwrowere F>reaeo ei anp
<br />C611'!lMistt Ot ag#resasnt cif Horrswer to that ~itrrt~r, tttttutixne test ettveeante to tyy wixtt dot any tctasas serntrnd
<br />by tAis aterlp~t, [,etKivr t+eiar to aptelerytptn ,<twH spoil txNxti t+t ileeeoa~rr as pruvicbxF iu par~pph li Ne-vot
<br />ttpeeityir~~ ttl the t>eetrh; t?i the artern+ mpttrtci tat rurc such tuesarh: tgt a-date, test fetal titan thiKy days
<br />fterrt Elie dole the rxtttee iw nwiteti sa fiurnr»~r t» t.;ttt#t >tn•#t tuearis ttrutN lN• rurrt#, ami tit resat lailurr to sure
<br />atta's breach tut qt Frettrre the dalr s{+rrtfir.i to tttr tuxter rosy mswlt to aearMrstaan of tttr a.wnn ttecttnal 6y tJtia
<br />attJ +taie of the Prdpertg. li t.»~ k.trearlt .. ua eare:# art or lrLurr tbtr Jati .taertftc~l to rile ttoiwr, L~tairr
<br />at iaettder't option spay declare ate ire tttt »uttt, *teurwi by thu Stortp~ to Fie tetnttvlistely doe aed pay!tbbs
<br />without futy.F-sr eiertsaad sat may lotrrlstsrw this ]lan~ttge by tudtetai luraresduyt I.esxier tthalt he rotttled to noUset
<br />in xualt tttviceetinta iii raprtxtwar~ of iw~rri,.wusr- tnritt.iutq !art t>.ri ;ut+ttcyi it, ~•tr.!e ni ,taruntrntrn rvidruez.
<br />abetrtwir and titer tvportn
<br />11. lassiwir's #egM ett lieitra~s. '.:=trtt!=e.tat~iusr, la-::zir:. srevi,wtutwr st! sha• ntsrn, aerut+ecl try t#s
<br />'~loa~ags, Hnttowar dtet# have sh:, right to txavr r<n> s-rocces#sttg» t>~an by I ~tirr to enturrv this UoKga~ tilt
<br />Iltt~fp~i~>7*~~ t(-a }~e/B N li~B ills tf: tit (lattt~at~. .~il~"
<br />itlapsi'~slillt fre Alps tl4t nMiat Iltls ldosliptge, tlr art! lapis tsatnratrttg i5strre A#trag+Mr,tiY~i t~~tlll
<br />attrsMaldint aMtlswwdt tbt 9wwsn'tt tarrtre sit ixaarbee of oar oeAar taveaastts a sarststttatt` ts! Sasrsasat ars~
<br />laiaad in title fdrttslagrr; ter Igtsrruwer t*ap* alt rtaswtabtr rxitrrrse. icmutnc~i ItY i,en.fer M entarriag t>yst ~ttiaiRda
<br />tra# irpwww.is ti€'ersiewar ttsd in .:tie aBtKig~t erne in tmioreirte l.rixior'tt rertte+tiias u ptevivad ra pttrt~
<br />1<lwetrt',ita4ies~. bier rat EiteBad to, raraetabit attorxsy's ivwtr; anti td~ I3Mto.rcr tstnrs +ttteb aeNsa s+
<br />ssa~ tt#IpMrtair¢- ks-assess tbit Nis lip ot( the. ~tflrtgtytx, l,tridstr's #ntt:ratt in the Itropmty cud.
<br />IFlslt~sns+!r~ t4 ii!y~1Au~ttptwa-a~glrtbd bj t!<a rttrt-il ssallart tuiwpiired. t?pea +~ f
<br />aad~trs lrt€-IMaMSp~st, ills lltar~s a the ices e®ettrt+tt )teaaby sisal! reuain k fnfi tstetse ant! e+f-snt as if
<br />wetrtgr~siYleWatulpspspi. _ _
<br />-fit ~ ~! ~sstft~lss4 I-_ irp ~Mnissldee. Aa au~ieioa! esattrity here-
<br />. 111~t71r. `",~la tq 1:,gp'+~ tlitd ritellp df"~e {rlq~t!#r. frl~etvitie.+tl ib4t Bt>rrowrr altait. ;triaav to soaeier-
<br />atloe ~'~ BraaptgFt~p 1; Itenei of abarxlaistewt of the I'tapKty, have the-right to colteet and retain each rants
<br />as ~ItaRMt# dptu aid
<br />aaaeMtwtiae ttndtr ~-~ btarrf. ewr ~ of rite Yro>3etrty, ieoder, in prtsen, i»• rtgtrnt
<br />ec Mr ~~r rseetttet'!t! arettit~el m tiattr . titre litxt+ nt And ntatuttPr the i'toaertq
<br />anti to aaiifsat the rra4 at the Foe!psteY~ irtsladittR titase }test .iue..3i1 reels cotietttd by (.ensitr or tht recover
<br />sttatl be rfspfltttt first its nat!'ALt?ttt tlrf tbe a cti t}sra-ta.~tstetsi o[ the ~pPrte an+i ~~ll:•rt .n r,t ~,..:. n,,!udtnE ..,t
<br />- r
<br />not iimitott to, rtcrtver'e iren, ttremtunta ort receiver. i~nst± an,i r.•a+t,nnhfe :sttornet ~ „• , ~ ~ ,,, ~ hr ~.iiu.
<br />areurtxi by lhix ~1os'tttaRe i.«ndcr and tiuu rPCeirrr ;!tall hr It:J,i. !~, grarJUnr ,n,it .nr r h.,..~ ., „r, ,. n~ ,! t , ~, r ~ r
<br />