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lf'.itutlCC ~fz4rar~rxpd: IS I'yrren.r; ~Pfe° I ra7i~'~"rig. 2 ~l~l Ear fl:a• Prutlep'y.w :r, uCt -rv:f~,a,~ a }~tlr,~: '~ ~. . ~~I~.ur-!. <br />I vfli ~npiuF ~ ~ 'aita)r rhmru itntnednek~E^ly gertctla~ tE.; r ;, sakir o t"'~~!roi a"', a-rr a f,1E~fif,tlt~linr'; I,'~ ,, .,~ r~~x,r~i. <br />~lt`i4 ~)Vr i.l aJ ". i".:Ll f,i7 i, 71C«'.tu' (1u ~ti)j ~::. LY{.fuse` .1.k'. :d I'I2. tl!C 1!b,';dtl IhC (lip hE;lt a'~II'a,.i ~ !('l l~- ~ iE 'f ~:'~.... <br />:t. Appli~catilon of Porytrnea#~. 1,Trah^!+r..r!iry~dl+'ahEc 6lavt~ pirovide* EattfcErµ°I~E ~tld ~,;a4rnf:+.'~C.~ n•Et ~~~::. ;.'.' fa~e'rrte!r <br />under th;:t ?!lute Fund iueaw~'r~~str~I1>< 1 anti 2 a'7ed~U~tl' iF}s~~ii hr {~tl,>trlieai by f.e•nEfrr !4r^t in }+ayt'nanr. fel~ Ana=uta-', i.~3y~al'yie to <br />Lender by $orrwrer under prragmph ?hereof, then to intrust trayrble orE thr ode arni or, Fu+Lre advzxnces. if <br />any, atxl then to the prineipa! of the ~cae a:rd to file priaciita! of Future :ldeartce~, if ony- <br />4. £~q~: Liana. Borrower shall stay uii tuxes, unierttte and other eltarges. fines and impositions attrib- <br />utable to the Pr~erty which rrray attain a priority over this ilortgagr and gtcumd rents, if any, at I~t~er'e <br />eptioa in the manner provided uader paragraph Y hareoE ar by Air-vtrrr tnakinB payment. whets due, directly to <br />the pyee Chereaf. Borrower shall promptly €untiah to i,mder at; ttotieee of ama,r~ta dnr under this paragraph. <br />and in the ever.. Borrower whglt ircake pavn;eat directly. Iorrower shall proraptiv furlish to Lender rleetata evi- <br />deneiig such payments. Borrower shall Iromptly discharge any lien whie6 has pnaritp over Lhis \iortgage; pro- <br />vided, that Borrower shall not 6r raluiml to discharge any such lien so tong rs Borrower shall agree in writiaR to <br />the payment of the oWigstaon secured by such lien in a manner atxeptahic to lender, or shall in good faith aoatest <br />~ lien by, or defend enforcement of such Tien in, legal rroeee+iing» which operate to prevent the enforeanunt of <br />the lieu or forfeiture of the Property or any part thereof <br />5. Iissard LesurEririoe. Borl'tiweP shall itEeep ti1P unpravetnents rrow° existing or tetaa€tcr rraet,ed on the Prr~- <br />erty iasirreel against foes by fire, haxardn inohlded within :he term "eztettded twverage" aad such othE~ hasarde its <br />I.endir may require and in sneh amounts and for sueli i;criais as Larder may requizc; provi3e.l, that Lads shall <br />nett require that the amount of stmh co~enrge exceed that amount af' rnverage required W pity flu sums treettsed'bY <br />this itiortpge. <br />The iasttrance carrier providing fire insurance shall be sheen by borrower wlryEeet to approve! bl' Lewder; <br />provided, that such rpprovi! shall not. be unreasonably wieh:teid. Ali premiuar on iaaorataa poiiailo shah be paid <br />at Leader i option in tae manner provided under paragraph 2 lxreot ur by Borrower milting paymsac, when dire, <br />Y to the imvrance carrier. <br />Ill the scent eery policy is eot :rertrsred tre ar balsas tae ~ t1t itee ~liea, iM Leek iw /lMtltlllf <br />its inta~al, may peruwe iewtraace Eon tlx iaapcovameats, pay the p~ and ttleeh taro tdeaN becar <br />immrdiatety epee and patyabM with inttawt at the rata sat Eoets it arft awe mtil paid aed e~ bt <br />aettead by thf. I-lortpge. Faitme by Borrower to coeeeFly matt. at trpftieee el Lnder, ooetrtttaele • daiaatit <br />wrdrr the ttttme elf thin Itdoetsa~e. <br />~ll iaeaxaooe potistiea and aenewsb thereof shah Ire in foam ioceptabk to Lender and ehdi iaelader i EtYt>fMld <br />mosfi~irBe ttistwr ire iss es~ et sad ~ few ace+ep~ie io I,erittEr. Loader eirai! trace t3ie rift tv iraid ihr ~ sad- <br />trwlaraM tlealeof, end Beerewa•,hal~ pranptly fas+eiei to I all reresal notices and iB ra«a~r..r 1> <br />,rl~ma. Ia tie ewe of toes, Borrower dive prompt netic: to the insetrawce and Leeds, aed Cattier <br />nate~ ettaba peoot ~ ~.. it nee made p~tFp M - <br />Oaiaea I,fmd!! and Burrower atiler+-iee +t~ in writiag, inaunttee prooeede shfli be E+S ruaa+rr <br />npait erf the Propeetp darotipd, presided eseeh restoeation or repair is etonoatieallly feasible aced the aeMltrl'hj d <br />tYa)l~etp~a i, sot Hereby impaired- It wch restoration or repair is trot acortomieally twills or if the etasle~r <br />~ this Atattpye aetsdd be ielpaind, ~ iaoturrre Ieoessda deli lie applied to the stuns aieueed iY file 1Ileat~ge, <br />w~l tie e{reses, if any, pad to Borrower. If fate Property at atiseteiorud by Borrower oi' if Bea tower fills to reaped <br />to L within 3fi days after natiee by Lender to Borrower *hat ttre irrunoce carrier dltre to settle a eiaisn tar <br />ieaYaae+s ba+efits, Louder ie antiorisad to cerliaet awes apply ~ixtnntra[tce proeeeda at Loader's etpiiaw attar Y <br />restoratioa or repair of the Property or W the sems eeeured ay this Mertgagr. <br />Uakrs Lander sad Borrower other+riee aRaoe is writing, any such applicrtioa of proceeds uu priaeipal sisN <br />wet efrteud or pertttpaoe the due date ~ fire retmrtiiy inetaUmenta referred to in paragraphs 1 and 'l hereof ~ eittarge <br />tht ttt ed ~ - <br />If !asdsr aatraarscsh t8 ts~sef ~e P:erperts ~ ae+gstireei br I,wtdRr. rH rght, title and itat,srsiA of Darrwer~ k± <br />.ad tfa sett ia:ruaa,te;, s~ u sad to the p thereof tm the atttest or t3xxp cures >~~ by liitf <br />~.,itli~ parer tfi. Wait laiQ or aee}yMitMr1~ rASUlt qtg from .tarrlagE t0 File Property t~1'm- a tits ease ~' <br />i+~A i.9at1 ~ Lv L>cr,3cr. <br />e+l tltrap~eetT= ~ itn:••x.>L~o E.h~t! M+_+e~* ttsEF <br />ett~ is good repair atri s8aii not Fwrrau w eoetfmu waartc, irnpaitment, or detenontieat of the f'ruperty sad itiill <br />~7 wig t~ prtn•~was of sap lease, :f flits 'siESttpgc is an a Itafliloiti -tf ?htt: Nertgage x oa a <br />teat, $~sawrs ~±? ~E~_~ sii Ai tamer = ~i~ttE~ ~-_nder the deeianatrEU of E~iaiuat .~ taarttr dared, <br />tie sad regulations elf the eotxtowientum pro/art sad eemstttuan doctttaa~nta. <br />)lieleadola el Lender's if Borrower fatir to periorrii the eovruants and agreeeeeats eencaiaad a <br />this llt+ttrt;iap, or if say action or pt»oeedtng is canmeaeetl which turtuull~° aAeeb Lender s iataerl in the ~- <br />erty, irxtttdiefg, but tau limited to, emtrent daairin. titswii-rncy rodr Emforrgment, aM srrsngameats or pro~seed- <br />itrrs involsisg s bankrupt of dEeoedrnt then tender st (.ender". aptton, upon notice w Burrower, may roske stlab <br />:.ppearaneea, dtabutae such sumo sad false surlf artxxl as n necessary to ftnuert l.eextrr's intErreet. itieiediag, flat <br />tN1 IialNed fro, disbnreeeseelt a roaaewatrte rtt,orney's fag and carry upon tht Isr'operty eo tasile rtpwa. A,rlq <br />ate dwbtrtesd by [.eider pnaeusat to this i,araKrapli 7, with iatetnet tlureaa, shall beoeate redditioaal ialda64- <br />adasss of llorirosrer secured fry that Mortgage. tSaitass Borrow:r and l.ettder agree to osier temu of partoeett, cost <br />amouaia shall be payable ttpun nonce from l.e+rwler to Borntwer twquestiag WYment thereof, sad slap treat isees•- <br />ost ft+sa the date of Jisbureeeaent st Lhv talc .,fatal to the \utr nukes prYiuertt of interest at etpdt eats woetld Ee <br />eoaft.Vy to appiieablr law, m whist: event such amounts shall tier interest at the aighaet rate perm by <br />4 is`+<'- ~ t~atJtlge3~ in th~iw }E e' rhali title 1.t'nd4r t4 tn~tlt er <br />1~#~~ i~t~ i{~`. lr CNMa t0 iC Iw~C rMYAn~Ia lwlTild~ t~lp X43 ~ ~ ~M <br />~. ~~ a~ oaf L>~ ;~st€ = P -rFsortr `~tir~ ,,rla• Eo 3a~t =s~-h ir>~i '~atilYi 'ale € <br />tltril~r .related is S+a iaterast is the Prvoart. _ <br />!. C+aeideebtltlWale. 'lUo pcfaeiede in ateaj awlwd ar oisitn for daroaflea, dnont ~ w~, hn eoaaeutlaa <br />with arty ~n.err•et~ tatdeplt a tlwr 1?ri~aartp, air part ebEareof, or ter aoetwptteter a lieu of eondese~a- <br />tiaat,tat bawbYani~ti sad t#N be <br />It iha ~ ~ ~~. the peaeaada stall ba applied to the sepne assured by tits MEettb <br />gigs. with tiw~~ o ~astratr: try ~e areal of a.~tuBii t7s~rg ~ fix !4-~;rrtr, wirissa Horaewsr <br />~ t!aiaaaslra r-Ywe is Wit. theet+e tkiiN`~.~t t+ tMe r+l`liittured by tl+itt Mert~e inltlt ptetlor- <br />. a.n.~ ~le~a.tlaad~e-seta ~ to tb .t paplcxtiaa wh~i tba ttaala~t el tlla earwe aeeuesd by this Mteltpil'e inosso- <br />d'ateFg pt3tarta tin date et taking bate+t to ti+e fair market valise ~ the Pretperty itnrrrediately prior to the daft of <br />ei~ wills tlit€.~ia at till pir~ledtt paid to Boeraaer. <br />ha ~ ii abaaelcsled by Betesatwer er B after online bs Larder to Borrower that the eondamnor offers <br />lts aldl~e tlrt ~ or settle s tt~dtm for ttiaa~er ~• fai#e to rettrpetnd m I.erteter wsthir. 3t) days of the date <br />ally itee, ~ is authorised to ~ tla€I apps'y the pr~eetts at bender'. option riity~r :., rr.torati?n ?r <br />t of the Pete m to tlra attms titxnre~l Icy t~ _1lortg>r~. <br />L'nkss L.,nder artd Burrower otlurwi~ agrs~z in writing, env such application of taroce.,..~ fEf tern E•tF1ai :iEai: <br />