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<br />Lateder ~~ ;uwi€t~ert agr¢;~etnaut .ax afrplt,:r.Fric law Ba)+°rawer whe~adl y t~lie xntitunt arf a,ti mt+nKa~e°°, iri,urar~ne a-~e.rtauxr°Hn 4r ttce~ <br />meaner provided under paragraph 2 hertat- <br />Any amounts disbursed by Lender pursuant to this paragraph ~. wuh interest thereon, shall h.-.nme addinunal <br />indebtedness of Borrower socured by this Atarraage. Unless Borrower and Lender ~groe to other te*tns of payment. ,uch <br />amocnts s.~all be payable upon ntHitt frarn herder to Borrower regexsting payment thereof, and she!! bear interest from the <br />dais of disnur~rrtent at the rate payable from time to tittx tm artstattd~ principal iutder the Alote Cutlass paytaettt of <br />interest 9t sorb rate would be ci,i.tiar-j to .pr36c;:bi= !:~•, in tvs:ich event s.tcb s:ssouats tst`~l bear int~• at ttz ~ignssi rate <br />permisaibic tinder applicalsk law- Nothing raotairud in this paragraph 7 aitatt require [..ender to incur any espeme or take <br />any actioit hadtnder. <br />•. Yepec9iea. Lender may make or cause to be made reasonattk entries ;tpoo and inspections of thr Property, provided <br />Chet Leader shall Give Borrower notice prior to any such inspection specifying reasonable cause therefcx related to I..cnder's <br />interest in the Property. <br />9. Ceadeteredse. T?te proceeds of any award or claim for damages, direct or consequendxl, in connection with any <br />cortdentaation er ether taking cf the Property, or part thereof, ar /ar cnrtveyance in lieu of condemnation. are hereby assigned <br />and shall be paid to Lettde:. <br />to the went o[ a total :eking of the Preperty, the proceeds shelf be applied to the sums secured by this Mortgage. <br />witPt the stcan, if any, paid to Borrower. Tn the event rl n partial taking of the Property, unless borrower and iwadq <br />otlterwiee apse in writing, there shat) be applied to the wttss rscueed by this Mortgage such proportiae of the proceeds <br />r is equal to that proportion which the amount of the auras secured by Chi{ Mortgage immadiattly prior to the ileac d <br />taking bean to the fair marFet vahx of the Property immediaeNy prier m the date of taking. ~vitet the batartce of the ptoaeda <br />paid to Borrower. <br />If the Property is abandoned by Borrower, or if, after notice by tender to Borrower that the cottde{araor olYrs m tmlte <br />cte ward or settle a claim for damages, B,~rrosrer faih M rcapend to lsrader within 30 bays after the date welt nethx w <br />sailed, l.etsdar is atr{borieed to eolYct and apply the proceeds, a l.esader's option, either ao rmtarwion or repair d ttbe <br />Pea+perty tx to Ste spins aectsrod by this Mortgage. <br />Uresa l.etader tad lorrosaar odtrorsriae epwe in wilting, any Brach ~piicatlon d proeaeda b priacipe! Chill teat aaMasd <br />or pacrpeae tla der Bats of the tttaathly MNaBrems r+ctetred to is parags.plss I sad 2 hgeaef a daags dtt aatoaatt d <br />sash iaauliuerru. <br />tg. raswsrer Net Reiaaeei 13afemion d Me brae for paytstent or ntodMcrioa d asee>isatiea d die tthaaa tteetud <br />by thin Ma1pP paaMd by Cecile to say twoocror in wtaraet d Borrower shell not opceate b raMace, iw Uary ttttttataar, <br />tTae MabAky d tie otighal Borrostwr cod laetotrer's rastxaacors in inYreat. Leader shill not bs tvt~ad to aouauwllea <br />proaedYap sgaiaet twc6 suotxror or telaae b exund tithe for payreM a otbier+iae raoditY asaortisatioa at dr earn <br />eased by tlfrs Mortgye by reason d say tieaartd Cecile by the origiaa! Bmrotrer and Brrriower's suaoewon is iegtreet. <br />ti. lrasieaaarce b iwwiar pled • g/trlws. Any forbear*ttce by Y_eader w eaetcitiag say right or rstsrdy Mrwtadr. m <br />eitbswiis afadad by appYabic Ise. ahaA not b a araiver d or prcehds ilia saadss d say sad rights ar reetaadl. <br />91sel d iewaece s tie pttyreeat o1 team or oths liver ar charges by l,aader slag net 6s a wiahas d t eaderh <br />~ b asssYrale tAt ttairmarity M ffie ntdebeedrtess stxutad hY this Mortgage. <br />1llt- ils~etrea Lluaaafltlta. AB rercdiea provided in thin Mastgaga are ~iact ttad curnwtlvc to say dhar right s <br />reaaedy Nods Mies lfortgtye a arsadsd by taw or ettpAty. sad may be eaarciaed oaecsstortdy, indepeeieadY or ww~eaeelvely. <br />1J. Buoa+aaaae std Astt}n iartit laiat std gcvaaal [iairp: Capraae. 'ifse cevsaaeaa sod egraratet{s herein <br />ooetained bind. sad the rtgitts ieereurtder a)tall iasrre to, the respective sttcom{on and aaigee of Leader sad Borrows. <br />subject to the proviaioos of paragraph 17 itseof. ATI covenaab and agtearttents of Borrower shall 1>• IoiaN sad sevarsJ. <br />The caption sad headiop of des parapapiss of this MoKgye aro for coavarseerece only and rre sot to be treed ro <br />aeterpret or deil~ die peosrimass hreeot. <br />!t. Nerke. 1?~vpt for any aotitx sequirsd under appticabk law to be given in aowher ttsenos, fa) say notice to <br />Borrowu prorkted for in th6 Mortgage ahaA be Biwa by mailing stub rxxi.~ by certified mail addrerad m Borrosrsr st <br />the PrepMy Addross ar tt web txlter address sa Borrsswsr taay de+igaate by troticc m Lender as provided Itereht. tied <br />{!rt aey rtr~ t; Leads t>E gi++ert by sst~l, restarts repcipt r~tst~al, M t.sadsss addr: sired hrs x ~ <br />ertelt outs addncs r Leader star Aasigwase tw reties to ierremer d erevidad herein Aar acstiee ereeidd Rer is skis <br />lfc splalT be deetaasd m bare been peso ~ Borrower a Leader when gives to the tttatmer dasipasaad basic, <br />if. RlieiTaet. Mrwgegat t^reeeaig iawt BevaeaYti?y. This form of taortgage ccxa+hirara uniform awattaeaa for aadoaet <br />tree t~ ttess•c+ree^^. c with ~itsd variatiaars Tw jurisdietirn to eenaritst! s +~t±f= r±.± arettr)t.:n±rrL.+tvtrs c <br />resit pru$itiy T~ }.Ivrt~i atHe'r a govsrwed Isi the ia: of its uri9dictiuii in ~laRti the Pr~ssYY q :oEiti~. !s 9u <br />eseat ~ ~' 0=rn or of tide Mortgasge ~x His Noss :ctattiets with ap4slicatfie law, {ueit roafiet dtt~ rrtx sflcsx <br />_. <br />-°-- -- '-'-- ..---- -~ "-- '.rt. can ~ g,ve, -t wirh,,,,t - .,~ - - <br />~~--~.,s :,, pr.~ ---~,+_ =r trw r.~ w.,--~- - --~ ttr~ c...t.t~_ ,....,.-,~... <br />_ __~ - .- <br />rant d!I_{ proviw3au .et the Alc+tt~t ~ tree V.xe are_ .kas<)ared tc+ tae ±ever able. <br />lleaswwwrr feq, iornaw•a elan be twnratted a coatornaed copy or the Ncxe sad csf [lies Aortgage at tie tiro <br />of aaecwiow at after naewddae bsrsr,/. <br />17. 'haactsr ett fie h1~IT. Aa~ca It all ar soy part of the Proparsv ur an interest thsraa is sNh! tx ertaads»d <br />by Borrov.+er witlpW l.andea's prior written ~-asnaom, caCiwllrtg Cal the caation of a lien or aacumwanes sa!>uneAnats to <br />Msrtpge, fhl the crpttoa of a purctta{e mossy securuy interest fix hoixehold applianess, trl a rrcrrfet by device, <br />de{caai s taY operation at law WrMe nc~ death of a jant tenant or till the grant ut any luaehold inarsrt of three yeah tx teas <br />rt01 caMif8hlg ao optiwn to pundteae, 1_end¢r maY.:1 Lender's aplion, declare all the sums secured by dais Monpge m be <br />itwus~ateFy ilea sad payafak. Lastder shall hive waived such upttute to atti~t{taate if, prior to the saY d< traaQsr. Corder <br />rued the person ro whor the Property n to be acrid <x trwferred teach agreement in venting that the credit d wilt petcoe <br />is ratiaftecrory ro I_orubr esd Cleat else utterca: payable :u• the sutra secured by the Mortgage dealt tx u Hach me r l.,etsder <br />shall nVwts, If :eradsr has waivwit the .+ptixe to xreleratc provided in This parrgraph t 7. and if Btmower's succarnr in <br />Mtereil hn oatiauad a ~• •ien araumpttun agmement accepted in wrinng by t enaMr I..ender shall rokase &uTUwer (tea a0 <br />obttgitiore{ wader this Mnrigage and rice V otc <br />it Leader exorcism tareit erptuue tcs a:ceierate, t.tnakr shell mad &rrrower ttotxx cd auataatton in acs~nro with <br />~ rh i9 ht~at 3stcch ootr4'e s5sii prevnir a perrtni of acH 4s{s tbatt 30 days fnstrt ties ~ the txttik'e pt mtdad wi~tia <br />srlf~staowgr taMp pyt lie tuna ~atdaaeel des. 1/ Baerotwr ides h pray ausdt seine pales a the attdinliau d' araeb Naritttt, <br />[miler tarry, sriMort lurdts meioe or ttlcesaed oa Borteiws. iavele say ntstedtae pttttteiued by peesgrap6 fg hseal. <br />flax-llt{tstaaa{ t:5watv~arta. Borrower sad Loader itutbsr esvsaaat sad apes of fuitoses: <br />ii. ,:asiarai..: rasaaisa tom: is pnasiiad t• pwragrap~ t3 bacaf, t*sa Berrwwer4 issarb d .ay ewcaaet w <br />egeeerraR of Bettararrar Y fW #lecrtgc, YaYirg tic awv.w w gsg+ tier drr aq rrar ara.ed b tiY <br />l;aetlar gtlwr Me aaeagraraw tdrtr wi rellee to Bawwws Y ptrovNci w Naeagtn¢ li laced spe~jtip f!) tic bawaeit <br />W tM atlBau eapitatl M auw atri bcsrsM F7! • Jcgq set Yea tMa g! dqc tYatr tits dab rr arAcc Y eared w Baesawar, <br />b teiidr ttaeA tMeslt /1/111 b t~ aatd (g1 for MIMe Y esae tturi iaaaai tees ar Muse M daY retied Y tic tlerre <br />Ile ta~lte ~ 1Tet~M Yl<Ona ~afaa#a[ a~ r~l to Itl`II<re aee~tM~M east ~ eNMt dM ~arM'YeYO <br />peaeaetMlr g!e wM~aai{Mwaa A a tYgauM tar ttatg~ aAes tTtNarfac ~ rasswwar Cora aewlarcglea sad gesaeleaaee. ! Ae besacY <br />Y rel swd ea s bir4k.. des IaMe • !Mi w tM ertiea. fader r laatder'a npgYa ray tYsYn ai ag t!e swra racsad -r <br />Aire lBwgggrt tt br taaresr>>ygaly dre teed ptayalM tsfaieae fartir tiaasawd cad ray tareclsre -y ~ proceeding. Lads <br />ebttB tr eetrtTed re {rreee y sae! ptwawriB eB t{tpraaaa d [a.aree..., wdadl.g, br set Yesibi te. cars ui iwearectary <br />trrMsce, ateiaela clad tMe rp..«- <br />1i~. Beeawwsle ~ M raiarrew NcetsiriMasaaditsg !-cedar's aocetention of the wine secured by this Mortgage. <br />Btirsosas shrill have the right tq have say prooeedwgs begun by [.ender to tattonx this Mtxtgage diuonuntresi st any nine <br />