<br />Lftwrt•ruaax €:aw-en,errrs Pori^itwer and Letrdcr urvertant and agree as foiti*ws
<br />f. hyttaeat d I'rlseipal ai toreros. &srrowet shall prasttptly pay wren due the principal of and •merest ~n ttn
<br />rndebtedttsus evideaeed by the Note, prepayment and late chatrgs as provided to the Note, and the prisecipai of and ,neemt
<br />on sap Futt•re Advaatxs secured by tLris Mott;a;c.
<br />2 Baru fsr 7aa atad - Stiabject to ttppficabk law or to a written waiver by Lettdw. Barrowu s1,aU pay
<br />eo Leade[ on the day mootfdy ittseskmettts of Fritugral sail intetdt are payable uaa'.s: the Note: otuil the Notx is pstd in .`uU,
<br />a team thetsia "Funds") equal to one-twelfth of the yearly taxes and as.aarnertu which may attain priority over this
<br />MortQa;e. aad;rouad ronu on the Property, if say. plus one•twe1M of yesrfy premium itaataFtasants for haraM rrwuaaaee,
<br />time ~ ~ tftiy L,eoder on ~ ~a of aaeaanteatf: wand ryrooabk ott.nata tlaartgl. y m~~ iahiaity sad from
<br />7be Funds shat! be bold in an iastit:ttion the deposits or accormta of tshicb ue itrwet+ed w ;ttaraateed by a Federal ar
<br />stale a;enry (iaclttt6n; Lander if Letxfer is atach an irtatitutim). Leader aitaU apply the Ftrada m p.y acid tun, asaanaoaa,
<br />i~ttrsaco prmaiwra ttnd;totrni rcnu [.coder may not chug for ao hoklin; amt appfyte; the Fneda, anatyzin; said aaorxtt,
<br />w vuityia; sad oompilin; amid rwnasrnenu and bilk, unless Lander pays Borrower entaadt oa the Funds sad appiinhh hsr
<br />ptsratits reader to tttske sue`, a charg. 8orrosrer soil Lettdtu may a;roe in writin; at the time of etteesRlots of llt~
<br />that Latta[ oo the Frmds :ball be paid to Btsrrowa, aril aatas tauci rtpsetaaN a mach a appKw6h law
<br />aagttlrw stacb intatYd to be paid, Leader ehaLi tact be required m pay Bormawc say interest of etrttirt;a os ties Ftoda. Lawlor
<br />aiaN clue to Botrrrwa, wtthau char;e, an a,souai accoue•.iu; ~ the Rods sbwio; crodits atsd debits ao ~e Ftmda aed tie
<br />ptvpose for which coed debit w the Fttoda was made. ibe Frettrh are added u atl~tiood sta[[[[y !tx eLs camas aaeaeed
<br />hY tih MorgaM•
<br />!f dta ataomt of the Frrsda bald by Lender. toeetlnr with the fruttrs tttrosthty irtualimesu d Ftoda payable prior to
<br />the tfssa tLur d tans, asaessrnesa. ittatuarace ptsmirams and ;rowed tam4, tifa{I eaASSd tie smears[ regtaSted to pay tttid ttttlaa,
<br />aaraopnu, usataraace ptami~ trod ;round renu u they fall dot. such eatxr shah fx, at Bonowa's option, aitiar
<br />promptly rapafd to Barmwer or cre~tttd o Borrower as taonthiy iawtallmarw of Frasds. U tie armor[[ of tke Pttttld
<br />hold b Lssdar tiaB sat 4 attficiast to pay tarps. aasarrsser, aatrame prsmisms rod Btotrwl [[seta m ttlsy ltiB tleae.
<br />Bat~aia8 say asaoost neeassary to make ttp doe daB~iracy wiWNa l0 days how ties dart ooaias i maflad
<br />eegraaat>t payesaae [Lasser.
<br />[aril i psyaastu ~~ of a8 area sacttrad by the afortp;s, L.esdrlr aYstl praryttly tsLaed to Boncwrar stay *t~M
<br />afaaB apply, so facer utannsmedlaallya pa t ae tai t ~ a li` Prupar`y is odre"e a°°tttn'° by E.a~er. L..+Yr
<br />Lasdu r tea rime s! gplioatlas as a asdk propaaty or as aegmallian fry l,Jrsder, arty t'hatrda 1trM ip
<br />spina ttp stet[ aaeared by ehra trlort;aee,
<br />~ wpl~e r ~~ Uslar trppiieabh hw providw tstherwiae, aN pay+aettu reo.f.aa y tenar-r [mitt tit
<br />Plot sad 1 W 2 hwset dadl bs applied by Leader tiro is payosm of a.auw payabir to feadkr by trsrvrarr
<br />toiler paraerspi--reot, ties o lsaerara payatais m the Nor, tits m tie peioc~rai of ~e Pleas. nil tlw b iarwrat aatd
<br />ptaadpal oa trait Ftrsrra Adnaoea.
<br />4. CiaapR [dolt. Btxrosrer shall pay aq [roes, maetaraeeu and other ch+rti+>t Dan sad itapnkitam Mtribatgltle ao
<br />fie Raapaelf lsiiai tiaq awls a priotfry otar tktia MartfPB0. awl isaaelaeid psymrw w ;miaad tarots, [ asy, is ifaft asassar
<br />pawtidad tLeadn' paaaeraph 2 haesol ar, i! sat paid m sq~ soaraer, by Borrower ttaattiae paytartt, wise tie, diaaip p ties
<br />pnyaa [twos[. Bpnawr tfiaB promptly fQeish is Lttsdar aY sotiaa o! aamtrw dw esdrr [lair irwerapir, aatd i• tIr west
<br />Bttrrosasr shill make prytssa diaectiy, fiterosver ahaN Pt'omptly fterniNr to Lemhr reseipu evidast3a; staci ptrymeera.
<br />Bertoswr abW psemptty ditclar'e my boo which has priority over this Mrxiea;a; ptovttlad, that Borrowu tr sat k
<br />tspdaad to diaciagt any such rise so Lott; at Botrosrar dal! a>eree in writs[; to tie payspet rN tie oMi;atinw sacyred by
<br />sued toes in a ttsasau aera~teade to [.cadet, d s1ra8 h ;nod lsitC cretnt each tier by, or dtaaad adaloeassat of w«h Lisp is.
<br />heal peocaedtn;s which operate to p[[[uce[ the aatortxtserrt of the list[ or forfwtwe of tM pmparry a say put [derail.
<br />!i. NaYr'd lresatooa. Borr'orser siatl tap the iwpnwmerua [tow eawrn; .a hereafter erectwt oe the Prrsrerty raatlreid
<br />a;aioet !au by fits, haa;arda inchtded within the term "exteaaderl coveryr", srrl sur:h othsr iaaisrds a L.eariar twsy [spars
<br />and ~ [stets smctw~ sad For a~ iavacrlt as Leaadas rosy regtrits; pavvi~d. that Leader siutl trot tegaaiae dare tfae soonest of
<br />soh ~~ t!,at s:~aet ^! co+ca;e ttxttnxt~ tr paY tt•R °- ° ,~trpl by tt•,~- M;.t
<br />7is isstraera urtiu paovldie; ties imutaaws alb V choaea b•y•Benstwav wblact ao afR~'r h'Y iardar; provtded,
<br />tit [[sett yapsovd rriaa8 sot be uarrteaoeably witklaald. !Ut pateattttma on iaaurance pohcaaa sbril be paid to [tae mama[
<br />pravi3eai [[goer petrtrgagh t aasof ~, tf sot pod ir. xscfs ^~ , by :ta-rovax rwk,a~ paya~t. +tasa, .#ae..3;rs>ti.tly w ~
<br />foEaisn'~~ raasrn6r•
<br />t i ~ pnft,~ m3 rseaTraLs ttrerec+f shall i+e m !aorta :.'~tataic rt L etscicr artd shai# en.itsde a :tan:iar-d tmtlges
<br />lavt*r e? tme sn lor+.n ~ m E .adw•. L r~ ~. . ~ r;y'st t.~, :~ y-..i~°:~ a- ,~.v:La t;wr~.
<br />sail t)terroas«er ptly turairlr ee Lender raraS ttett€ss try ah tea c?t prswta:sas le ttn avesu ctf kssa,
<br />Btaereaasr aiaN;tre prompt solace to the raswatrx carroty std l.aedar !crier may [[rate prstsf of koaa rf nil [[soda prornpHy
<br />by B~ter+orrer.
<br />Uala Larder sad Bttrrowu otietwne tt;rsx w wntrq;. ttasutaacs prot~rda sha11 Ee applad to restoration .x repair d
<br />the lRopot•ty damaeod, prordd ouch eaatoratroa p rcpax n eeateernuaNv teaaaMr and the aecwrry• d the Mort;tree a
<br />not daroby itsprnd. If welt rdaxatmn or report a cant es'atoastcalh feastbic .x tf tfss aecunty ut thz- MortPee would
<br />be ispsirad, t!e iaararaoos prwaeds she!! be spatted w the arras retvred by tttu Morreaee..attb the eras. o ant, pad
<br />W Bmrtrrrs~r If the Yropeery >r abatsak.mu.t hs 6urr,..ret. or rt Brxmwar [arks to rasptxxt to LerKier wrrMn kl days fr..an the
<br />date eotitx w nulled by l.eadtt to Bwrowcv [trot the ranarawcs career cHhfa to sett[[ a cirtm for etgwencs baeellu, t.arwler
<br />a urboriee4 m collrct rail apply the tanurarn r pr.,oersis at la,odw's opttvtt aitlaer w rwrurataon or ratpaur tsf doe AapMy
<br />or to rite sstatst twcwc•d b/ tt•a klorieyr
<br />Uakas tetsdar sad tlatvmer uthrr,rrse s;tee in wrrua;, an', staid appditattnn .>t prtaeeata w pr,tsctral ,halt red [stead
<br />ur posepon; tin due airae ctf the rrwntbly nrstalimertta ret¢rred w rn parrr`nphs ! artJ _' retort or ,han~e rht arrtawnr of
<br />such rnatatltrent,. !( uta.tat txtrrdr atrt! ;a iw: ~!t tltc Pt uperrw u aiyurr tx! hr (.puler- sit rsRlrr, ertk aed ;s::v-: tat .,# Lic?t ra,wr;
<br />to area to .oY srawruwe ptrlacaat rna) sa zexi r„ !tn: pri..aeda [Leta,[ resultenr tr'lfti ,ramose to rAr P.t,per,~ pncv tv thr ank
<br />err ae rttcta shalt W Lander tc the ertsnt of the soma spattrrW b} iraac l~utea;a .+atneaftaieiy ptaaa Mr ata~A aais eta
<br />fi. llawesrrr anti A/aYalasen at $ l.aesairidK C.wUrarlrlttswt Rassai UtW Dwaiapmae~ Bartoaver
<br />~If t l`:<~ff~ r ~.~f tamer -3<.t- r au ;nil ;13stt ;r ~rtiist ertaytirt ~rr irc~uv+r :.; i~ L zu~i;'
<br />aria absrl! "t~y xith she {trovisnra- is of airy 2Gwsv st ihtf Mwsatauc rs un a .'aaaaEaiid tf this S.iuctaaac n :w a unu in a
<br />ccttttktminittm ar a planned trait tkvekspntent, B.uri,wcr sltal! perforce aU at 8orrower'a ,abtajatixsa under tfn t'a~°lustsu.^,
<br />or ttovaetter etsatiee or ;ovasir~ e!p atrdorrtitaiws of piaanttd utut tfevtefopotent. trace by-Laws and ts;uLatwns at the
<br />cwdoa~mtatar or piataoad [[tilt davoiopaesat, [tad coetMitstant dacumanu. It a ceadotnmWm d pJreraad [sort .ieveltpmarrt
<br />rain h traeestrd M!' Bturettw aril rscotdd oeatltar with ttta Mat;aee, the covseasea arw aBpeseats of such rider
<br />ttiaM M iaoerppsatad hie sad sbaB atrrssd sail ss~pi~tsm tlla covedaafa sail agerapau of tips k1~ye as rf the rider
<br />iY~+ai ~ ~ 1lmttwt.
<br />7. paslaallrs e! Lasda+rs ~• if Botrosatr faits to ptxform the covwads sad aersaoertes cttuattrod to thrs
<br />I/ottppe or if asy . 'Loa or prabediae is tesaed which tmterially aBecu tledea's ineareat in tln P*uFem•,
<br />laeXadine, bra ltd limited to, saunu.c dtatsaitr, itnaolverrcy..:ode enfercement, or arnn;tmasu ~x proccedlnn rnvufv,rrg a
<br />~up't u decedent rhea featdu at L.aradar`a r,ptinn, utra+a twarae to ikxrower, may note such appeararxr _!~sburyr stn•h
<br />ataru and rlte srst~ action u u Y sra ptotact l.atader'a iatsreu, rnCiudia;, but not lirmted to. ,t,sbrancmen• „t
<br />rsYmrbh attorsey'a tea sad arttrp capon tin Property m auk[ rapain. Ii Lender required [non;a;e msurantt ac u
<br />eoeditson e[ asafcia; ibe [cart set-wad by [tad Mon;ags, iorrower stroll pay' Ede premrutsss reyutred :~, maintasn such
<br />iststuaacs In tdlect txttlf attch titsae as tix zegtcireaaeat feu s~ ansurtutct tertnittates ;n accarciat:mac we!h St,ta,wcr's and
<br />