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_ rttm_ ,,tt~„ <br />~r_v ~.. J 2./I,~r a3e,J i}"~"rlt f ~,r r. r- P.u v-_ r,bi .. -~ v,.•~~ary: -. .era. .a c..,,; .-,., _. i;r~ ,r putt ..~.~ <br />+s~~tt: tund~ Its pay suvir ,,r: ~- .urn i.i the ,ecr•tt erg q,i Htnlsing and I_than i.3rrrl.~}~+reer,t t*ursua~nr ., ~~thr <br />"tiauranui fiuustng A+:'t. a, drn4s,,rc~,t, and,rppl:cx=v.~r Regt+iatinne~ thereunder .,r <br />(iii -1 and so i~nc as sand Rote of even date and this instrument arc htW 6y the Secretary ~_( itettsmg and <br />l%rtran Devflofrnettt, a tttrrathly eatar[ie l{rt lieu nJr mrnr~e ptattroncr pr~mrrrml whuh shah be in an <br />amount equal to rxrt-nrelith t1l:2) of ant-half (1J1) per eeniu.n of the svrrage .wtstanding balance <br />due an the Hare crunputeci ui+hr,r+t taking inr,v ace: ant delmt}tsnreres or i:rrrray:rrnts, <br />(h) .A 4urr~ equal t~+ the ground tents, ti any, next due, plus the premiums that will ~xt become due and payable on <br />policies of Fue and other hazed inwr~ait;;e uwering the mortgaged property, plus texts and atrtessmeeu next dtu <br />nn the mortgaged property (af/ as rsrimsrer/ 5t• /hr atGXt~ce/ less elf sums atrudy paid iheref~r divided by the <br />nunrbr, of months to elapse txforr <;ne m++nth prior to the date i4~en such grmrrrd rrnts, }xemtums, taxes and <br />assessments wdl b+:cexne aitiinquent, such sums to ba bold by ).lortgagee m trust to pay raid grarmd rmta, ptt- <br />mn;:+:s. taxta and special astt~rntnts: and <br />!ct Ali ;rayrnents tntrttiotrfd in the two preceding subsecaons rx t:iis paragraph and all paymtMR to bt made tender <br />the note secured hereby shall be addrd tu~the,. and the aggregate amount thercoi shall be pazd by the Mortgagor <br />rash month in a single payment to be applied by the Mortgagee to the falhnvinit items in the order sat forth' <br />(1) prcmttim charges under the rontrtct of insurance with the Secretary of Ffuuung acid Urban Development, <br />or monthly charge lin Geu of mvrgirtte insunserr pmnkemi. as the cats may be. <br />(tt) ground rents, taxes, assesstttents, Rre a,rd other hated inwratict psamiums; <br />}liq uu<rest or the note secured hereby: and <br />(iV) amortization of the prineipd of said Hate. <br />Any deflcietn;y ir, Um amayunt of any such aggregate monthly payment shall, unless rrrads good iy tie Ithtt• <br />gages p„or to the due dart or ihs roxt wch ptyrrx:;r, ~.,nstitutt art event of default uadar dipatwrt~t, ~Ite <br />ManiDgeo may eal}ect s "lira dt^ip" not to exceed ft+ur ruses it/) fm each dour (SC) of tadt psrtaptt straps <br />rhos Ilfteen ! I S f days in areas to cover the extra expensr mvc+lvad in hsndi}ttg delinipeast ptgrarwh. <br />S. That If tie torsi of tie payraesta ~trde y lie ~lptRK seder t b I of paea~eyh ! pscv{~ ttittaH attaia~ <br />the uttattat of psymeste acttsaity .ode 9y rho Siatiaa[{ao for titeaed testa, tsxea asd aarataiaaawe r iwetrawaa /~ <br />~latae, u Me cue stay bo, wci excess, it the issn is cmretst, at the optiatt d tie ~, sAselt 4 it <br />Bits t» aaiwtpaat payesasta to M asads ~ Wo 11et~a}}tir, e- eetiwded en Me Mesw~o~+t, tf, iva+ovoe. is <br />trieaMly payaasta asade y' cis Mort`aglrs trader tb/ d pts~wyr6 Z pnt.+adis` suwil not be attffieiast ~1~f ~tostti <br />taeti. tstttw asd aarraewtsaNe er Inearaseo }rwtitttas, u Ma eoae ttrty+ w, aloe Nos aaeae ei4ttt tireetata tlrts tfltt~n <br />tulle, Maw die AMris+t~or sill py to the trey aeesr aeeeaesey 1a tuahe aM tM idlefoaa~f; ~ pt Nhra <br />li. itiw..s-eitr pttiyweat of e{.dt patted tests, tattax, twsaeaaewts a lestrate. ptenaiuaa aiaH b tir.a '~ ~ tt~+ <br />tiro Use Mettaw~ar teiafl tmstfer to lie 11ott~tt~te, la ucsrdasce witA Nee proa+islates of the tto4~ sotareed ~h!* <br />Aetl }ryasawt of iAe tislMe Indeibdaoss nytuetttai tMn~, tie ~trii, is gtahrtttlMa iltt aiiraetfl N asd <br />irr~dnrea, ert+~t ro the account of the Mortiagor ati prsymenes made titrcier tht pn+visiatia of r„/ of }ttstit~rrpir <br />hveef which the NsA,gagee has not becetare obligated b pay to ore ~ecrwtarv of Fiouity; aed t`rhtts Qaselaptaent <br />asd asy itsFaae~ reeadett4t in the ttsrM accumulated under the provisiany of (ci of parsgtapi 4 iMaef. U tiatc <br />ahatl be a tb[aalt ender say Af the ptnV}nitwN of th{i tsortgal[P tee•UlLing IA a lrublir ..ale o1 die pratsitaea cnvtyed <br />barely, or if the Nort};a#iee urpites the property utherwi.e aftrr drfaull. the ~tortKaRee riali apptly, at the tiara of <br />Nrr coarraernr•eletat of each proceeding, or et die lilac the property r, otitrrwir+e acquired. the bofaitx tMm raaaitr <br />uta in the fturd~ arcuasulatrd under ~ bi of pttrat}raph 2 ptecedin)ta a.- a . redit tiRareat thr asaeant td pritecipal due <br />raratsis8 maid render said note, asid piaii praporly adjss+t any payatrntx which shall have tytsae etadr ttwdatr +aJ <br />t+f p+:ttt}traph . <br />i. '}'hat the Mttrtgy}er Wid pay gruurr0 rents, was>, eves-srasnh want re+e. arnl other ga+vnaeiett<al g teaaieipel <br />;"~~"Q:, Wis. ~ ittsgisyttr?ts>•, f+±t +Ktri4# g_*ttt~?n has trot hxa ffiii;#4 it?ieeiri,ef:4re-, a~ rtr >~tt~±ri i)se!e'e3f ~ ~ "~iY <br />naY N1e ±trms- anp ihxt Iht! Ma»tlaeatr wti! pra>;rtuiv deirver the at>dtmi tecrpts theret+?r to ilia 41ort - <br />~.~ {.~.a,.a,... ~;.. +..,; - .~cc. s~m'{ :..~j .~ ,.-..u ::r..:-- ,,.~ ~Ic+::a.~cc , .+.~ c,. ri: ~wu .lei eai.:i aiw is.~v.F- <br />meats, aril whi.:h Rlay k k vleil tittaM this muruaee ar the +1tht v+~ured herebv ,hut only G, the eatawt Thal atrh n w_ar erehihr. <br />e!d tfy pv+ attd +uiiv t.a the aslant ttsei such rtN Hat male tMs k,an usu!Fr+latti isit earludir{}t am rnetawf wa 5t.te ar Federal. <br />aei +atsrrt- ~a~efs ~+et w+h ~rif ttrf +~sc-sxp rera~l :h..,ttitj s+~e~h ~vms«t ktih iltf ~i~i~le. +e~i+ 4'~~lsfstwt ~*~ ih15 itttdtt- <br />tataitt~, ar d the Maxt®yur ',, praMbrted M any wW aces ur hereafter e-isutig f coin pavreE the Whole err ana pdtwtr aN the afafe• <br />utd taxes, w ufwn the rcrtdcrirtg of any ctwn dfcrte prohiMtsty the pry rtrent by the Mi,ngagor w env such taxes, a tf soch env <br />,x decree provides that any amount w paid by the Mortgagor ,bolt be credrmri +m the maxegirtte +kW. the Maxtgagse shidl Mrt <br />the right to g,re notary days ,vrrtttn nwicc h+ thr .,urrrt of the mautgaged prctn+ses. rtQuirir{g tltf paytaem of rite mortgage <br />+ieM if each native he given. the sale .tet+t vhail br.ome def. pay axle and calkcnhle at the f arsrrauavr at stud nmetr days- <br />6. Tlat should he fail to paY acv wen or keep env ca.vrnant providfal for .n th» Moretwge, thin the Mocigage<. M its op <br />txm, snc, pay ex lurfotm the same..,nJ ail espemhtute5 s,.= m:+de 4ha11 t+t rdJed t., tsar to ua:ipsi slim :corns .ra rise ahp4e aWe. <br />shall ire xctued ittrel+y, anti shaft t.rt4 ~nir~ r.t at the rate kr f+xth u+ t:x ,std ttaar. until par,l <br />That !'M ftKehv ss,rgrt• Iran+irr- .~r,.i ,ei. ,++er to th[ titartgrges to f+e applied IawaN the payment a( the Hale and aH <br />.ems soured hereto m rose ,++ a detauu m •ne nrrrt+rrnancc of any ui the term. en•1 :v,ndurons nl ties Martgagf or the sold <br />Hate. all the rcnr, rc4enues :w+i iniame a, to Jr~ in•,*~ thr m.,ngaarJ during ,uch once a. the martyige tndet+Md~ <br />nrsa sh.ti rem+rtn unpa+d. nn.~ the Mortgagcr .haR ha,e tv~uu to nppa+tnt ant anent .,r agent„i ma} de4trr for fire purppae of <br />ifpairrigi ~ prtmsses acrd ~ re=«t,na irx -.....r -. . ,,lsr_rrna tM rcnt. :r•fnuf+ sn+i vncame, assts rt ma>, ;sa: ,air a/ sand in- <br />cs,mfv ail eapanvss of rep:+uttttl aid pre+ni•-c+ atnt+neaes,ary ~u,nmrasxrns amt zapfn±,cv truurrfd ,n cantles arxi snarA~ Ne <br />aatsw esaC tit viiiwiia~farUiis tisird-aw: rter eralswav, ra,warasrr(!, f aeg, eau •t~Mtse tswtuat tits rsagnra at• ttttsi aagt#r <br />iadeieathtns. <br />aG Titer Ira mill taap the itpptovEtrega rwya exiat-ng a havatter craved uw the t+-a+perha iestred Its atey is <br />:T.~£aL a:R;E t i+a~'ic .as ~.. a}it~-c 3~3iitSt - iyn~vi4a~,a a<tra-A <br />. ~ •-: •:~ .- ~ -`_ `.• 'wYa~ :,y role .tart a.ili2i i"aria'rats ar``t+cx olio ~+Ys3 id <br />a7t!tt}T and firr >raLA ttetards fors ntav iY re+a+ured by the Mariaaret anti rill Pe4 a(i,rnP214s Knen +ttK. an4 nttmlUms rm stair <br />itrsntancx provisitMt ftv payment vt .vhi.:h Ax+; nix bean mtele herrinbttart ~=1N insuratxt shffii h imried in ::omptnies ap- <br />proved by +ire Matlprg{tr and the policies vtrd rtnevais theread shop he IoW by the Alortgagee and have atta+:hed thus:a has <br />payable citirarv ore fever cif raid is Iotm ace-eptattia w tie lMartgagea. in avttu ~ Iavs #Aore~nr wrN gene inrnredwta ttauct by <br />aaait es pre Merygas, vrdstt ttaty ratio preoti' of bee ~ rtet made prtitttpNy by Morynger, aed each itrerraece company cun- <br />txnN is ' twdtoritte~f and duetted to ttsa#a f+aYtratu ftyr sari lam ~ to Nta ititt-~1gre lwatead of ao Nrf Mawtp~er <br />~: tilt Mtut~ diii , ata+i ilea if~+iia#V,r prtda. ~ aoy taw t tletetri. aaay ba applied by rite atorlgagex at ns apuua curlter <br />to the redsetian at the mdabtadness haeb~ secased or to tie rxstantioa ur repair of Nor property d+smaged. la event of furtck, <br />sure isf ildtcinatt~aiptw nts'tris~ard•tiNe w the mortNtt~d-rupefty in txhtyuishmant of the +rsdabtedrifss yectuod hereby. <br />-aR right. Ntk end intrrcst of the Mongagw in ant! to -rrry inwrattcf policies thin in ford shall pass to the purchaser .u ytrxntec <br />9. Thal as additiwt ' a+rd casllateral seventy for the payment asf Nie rttrfe desc»lxd. ann ail wens to t+e+:arne due urrdrr thn <br />mivrtgaM; (drirty~as herthy assig +s fa rite Mtyrtgattee aH proftts. reventsea. rt,yahifs, rtgMv and tventflts accruing u, the <br />Morgagur utt$!r eery end aN tai aced gas leases nn said prcn:ises. urith ihr.:iiilrt ro rtefi4e and re~etpt fax Lire came and apply <br />rhrm ±±+.aid itt+feMedness as weN hefrst ss after defauh in the eoadrt&rtv rf chi, mctttragc. and the Nortgatgee niu ~, .ic *nand ,,r <br />fcx and rrcaver any stub payments when due oral }wyahk, but shah Hat lv: rrquurd .o n, do This as<tpnsnrnt „ t.. term,natc <br />end lx:amr nest znct 4:,+a upon release of thi. martie- <br />