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r--._ _ .__ ._- ._..~ <br />t _ l+_'s .t i .~, _ i T"~.0 R [ I7M l h tI E'~ : /, ~ Y Y-0'e•. <br />1 ~2-', ~~ <br />~r/-~~+ c,or= wiLF tr~ra:6gaKrrs ;ntur~ <br />~~~"~ LX~VE. ututzr Lhe :~rn~ Uq l~'~urdamrl~y <br />pravisior:a of the Nstiursai <br />Housing Art. <br />79- t1t,QH35 <br />7liIS MOKTC;AGE. trade and extcattd this 15131 tbty d FettrtlaTy ,A.ll. <br />r9 79 . by and rxtweea R~elnekh L. anti Vlc~ia J. Iager, tureband and wife <br />d the CoapeY d Ball , and state of Wetrrastra, Putt'' d the fleet qrt. busmatler wNeO <br />the , and Plus Inooa~sated <br />a eotporatior organised attd eaiuipg under the laws d T2're tktittid States of reaerit~a <br />PAY of tex uctwd psri. bereiadter called the Mortyegee, <br />VVf?'N&S.SETH:'ilut flee said Afortgapr, for and is comideradop d tlrs arm d(Sg~ippg{j5r-pq~}ypg6apd Pbt E'i.fty <br />~e~~i~ca~pt~ ~d-whicLn AerahY ackaowWged. bas Gamed a S~oM Mi 6t' lTieae~peseeb)~oas (~yo~M, i~r- <br />/Ye. SaH. Cattv~eY sad Co~1rm asto the 1-1 ih sttcoastott and atifs. forever. eke hisfor~i <br />radestaY, sittWed ip the (:oepeY d tial l . aM ~IMo <br />of Nebdslta, b wil: <br />'8ttte !ou!]t '!-reetty Six veld Fifty ~ISft3><edtlt/ 126.50? feet raf Lot R~ell~ls f I~ . aelA !'~! <br />~ 3ttis•ty zlsc+ee ate Fifty Btst~dtles (33.50? beat taoF Lot Ftxai>,ec+ ti4l a is <br />ffi¢tt t8) . !A Usivtttrsity Blaase an lY3dit#aet to tde City oir (~aM xsiaad, Snil t~Cltlrditye <br />>l~eia'eexica. <br />of tie f4inciP.l iiaidipt. copaetirtgw d <br />,,. ty <br />acres aa~ag w tioveeet- <br />TE3 HAVE AND 7Ct >It[A.D eks P above dateriba/. +ritb dl tke ap/~tasaxs cierntrw spd i.okrilitlg <br />u~~r ~a a~ to as torn aed assaprs, fatv#. Tke ~ represe~ to, sad wreaa~ , rite - <br />!w. A4R ~ leetyapr lees peed rtpt ~ ~ stall t t~ pnpp#us; ~ ~Y art free ; sad tip us <br />~ ce_ atl rypias ut bearsstead, arrtl aq war~rl t•y~bts, either is taw er it etNtrey ae_0 an atku itxas>Ka d do <br />w atui is #1w aba+'eirtbai Psasa~. ike iaMitNiae bsiw{ to eww7r bwtbY ae ~bsoiwe title. is fie siwgis, ir+adri~ <br />~~ a(boass4n+d, a4 ta:kw r~ and iorossea as aforesaid. <br />l7tOYtDED ALiVAYS, ad des prtstpts are execaled and delivered upon the (otlowipg torwtitlaes, a <br />'lT~dt fdort~~ ar apets ca PaY ~+ tkt Ma-tg~te. ar order. tkt prpteipai taaa d pt7g~t1, r'iltot]M2fd lbt~`•fltlfl~'etI tYfty <br />dose rrt dk rs~oT - -. ~p_g ___ Lbtltv4 tS `0 r 450.00 t. ~rMb irliDraK how <br />Hie uapld Ettiance ut 'ago Pn+1nA rgtrsu 6s pa> a!k tl t d PItld ~Z[e~~~tud <br />ip $ig16~7od, w'• 1~'~: . ar at stkk utker pt~s as tko bsidu d <br />toe tale ttwy desierute m wri , m mwttN\ trtatallwert4 of 'fit~e_FkYxired ply a~ 1,8 fI <br />41c+tlu~ +S lg ) ct+mme +•u the ~ 4t' e( <br />Aprril t~ 'g~ oa`tke rust day ut ew•b uwotA thateafttr uattl the prtr.ipal ttpd ar- <br />ttre+t art trey Paid. exteP~r 1~i ehr final patwtra of pnnr~a! sad tp~est, it tuu ~entr /±aal. shs.N bt due usd <br />/~l1y<'1~ie;~~ 2~ :dM/ACOM~4iM1lIIfMa/iOelM~ <br />tnrYsetwealawsMtelwea ettoosesdbYtlttsaidb~rtpper. <br />4trz;~tx sn.udtd ta.u. [uiiy w test tier accwrtY a elm ;+tcxt;tge. sgrees~ <br />t. 7'brt ks wr~l pry tks iedrkWesss, u hareitsYelon p-evidsd. fki.~ege h assured a My the debt is +aMoil, er ie ar <br />assowu etpr' b ees er wore esrrtbly pp oq tltr printdMl eere are text dot ae the txxe. ore the lbat dry d apt' taupd+ <br />~ . laee~vrrr. 71ratwtfiNea t+saioo d ar 6wedtp es tntort~ wsi Ptirtlge ~ pier at Ywt UirRg iBf! <br />a. tiaat, te~lar wAk, rtM ip additiealr.-tree ~taetkly laytitw+ta N red krerost peyaaie taatMr tie tests W tis <br />tale atateeA bmebir, tlr Metttpgo- trip pry to eke , ore Ato flu dray at a~rlt>t~h u~l tkt aw'/ atots is 15tMY Mid. file <br />tolbwin= writs: <br />(a? Atpawtrt eN3}~>•et to P+ravide flu boidsr beteot rrld hrttis to pay tie pat! ntorepape ttwtaoce orertutert it tMr <br />WErtouaret trod tfse M wed ksaby alp irsesad. or a fib' drrep- fbr iti of s rpo-tprpr inaatuaee P-t <br />ar6erel tf tlrsy aro beid ley tiu `! airr rill Urkre fit, as <br />tl} U acrd sa ksag w Wd pales ~ ewe ~ ~ tiffs ~atruwaet are iretr~ ur see rutsurev irmie+ the ptu- <br />vrstc»+s of the Natihxtsl Houstne Act m ntnount wiTicient to accumulam +n thr har+Js ai thr ti oicf.+ wtr <br /> <br />