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ri. .. .aa _ .,i ~ -.., ~,r.=~ ~t • .:,s~e.iaat. i~yr~~•:;lt-~ •.. {,:~ia [.,- ku,~~,, ~-~+ ~}-~~r':~~,~'v~a~, at. <br />tta vp€iurt, :say l,Ay is I~'k ".r, ~_...~ #a?rl~, a d all expcndituY~es s~ :.xadr- ~nza b:. ~ . _! . , _r.e w.~_ ria.patl ears{ <br />pit+'tttg vn the shore note. :i{a~+ h. ;,,.„t , .., cby, and Shari hear inter.•~. un =:1 paid at thf rare prev.tird <br />fvr in the }+ri-te~ipa! ind+rbtadrtess- <br />;. L:l,,,r, , r~utst ~:_ u.c 1urigagei, Mortgagor shat! execute and deliver a supplemer.La! note or eo±~ <br />for the sum or sams advanced by ikct•tgagee for the alteration, modernization, or improvement made at <br />,rte :Kvrtgagor'v t'tK;uest, or fit:- maintenance oP said premises, or for faxes or asacasme:tta against the <br />settee, and for any ether purpi,se elsewhere authorized hereunder. Said Hate ur Holes shall be secured <br />harsh>- oa a p=;:':ty ~a•ith and aw fully as if the advance evidenced thereby were included in the note rirat <br />described at,u•. e. Said supplemc•nta! note or notes shall bear interest at the rite provided for in the prin- <br />ciysl :ndehtedress and strap kk tucpnb!e in approxrmatt"!y i~ua! trvnthly paymanta for sash period as may <br />tti~ agreed upon i,y the Yortgage<} anal Mortgagor. Farling to agree on the maturity, the whole of the sum <br />~., sur:ts sc; adva:tc•ed st?a!! !,e due ar.d payable thirty {`l+rr clays after den?.at?d by the Mortgagee- In no <br />event shall the maturity extend beyond the ultimate maturity of the note first described shove. <br />8. He hereby assigns, transfers and aet8 over to the Dortgagee, to be applied toward the payment of <br />•he note and all sutrw eecur~d hereby incase of a default in the performance of anv of tree terms sad cottdi- <br />twua of this mortgage ~r the said note, ail the rents, revenues and incvme to be derived from the mort- <br />gaged premises [luring such time as the mortgage indebtedness shat! remain unpaid; ar_d the 1ortgagee <br />shall have power to appoint any agent ar agents it may desire for the purpose of renting the acme and col- <br />lecting the rents, revenues and income, and it may pay out of :aid incomes all necessary corrtmiesiotts and <br />expenses incurred in renting and managing the two and of collecting rnntab theretrotn; tAe baianca <br />t•omainittg, tf any, to be applied toward the discharge of said mortgage indebtedness. <br />9. He will continuously maintain hazard insurance, of such typo or types end amounts u Yet!tgagas <br />may from time to tune rec!uire, on the improvement row or hereafter on said premises and esospt wAeta <br />payment for all such premiums has thentotore been made under (a) of paragraph ! henot, ~ psky <br />promptly Wh._=n dtie eny premiums therefor. Upon dstault thereof, Yorte:rgi•e map eery the satlM. Ali <br />insurance shall be carried in eampattiNB approved by t13.i ;iiurtgag~ee and file talkies and renewals tJseraof <br />ahaU be held by the Mortgagee and ha~sdted thereto lout payable clauses in favor ad atad io taeza <br />acseptsble to the Mcrtgagec. !n even hart ltortgsgaif ifW give immediate notice by teal! bo ttJbtt 11rseQ~ <br />gages, vw hl, rntty make pri>„f of k>aa It n made promptly by'$ortsagor, and each insurance extmpany con- <br />e~errtad is hereby authorized and directed to make payment for such toes directly to the Mortgagee ittrkead <br />of to the Mortgagor and the Mortgagee jointly, and the insurance proceeds, or stye poet threeeuf, <br />may be ap{tlie•d by the Mortgagee at its option either to the reduction of the indebtedness harabg asaered <br />or tv the ra'~toratum ++r, : -pair of the property damaged. In event of forerlusure of this mortgage, or other <br />transfer o* t;t!e to thr• nt++rtgaged property in extinguishment of the [nriebtedne;s secured hereby, all <br />rrght, tltlr• a?;d interest :kf ttia• lfuzigagor in and t0 any insurance po!tci, s than in fares shat! pass tA) the <br />pu chaser or granter. <br />It{ A~ add:t:~+n<tl :t,'.~i + oilatrrai security for the payment of the n,~tr des rill, d, and all sores to be~vKrte <br />dt~ ~::dgr tttr Ytor~g_;;e „~. ~lcntgag=~r hereby i;ns tc the Mortgagee aril 1='~t-`~' ty""!. pruf4ta. r <br />,...~ ?s = ~ . _ rknr t~.n.>ks,~ a~t.t: ~ r - :r,.. rM,.rr,.~g... ~.... - -~ a an_ - ! an.i ?r~~- <br />nc:w, or dsrtng enr trt+ of thrlt mortgage, exeettted`on Bard premises, with th« rtght to tr,?eetv+e and receipt <br />£¢:r tlt:= ~nts~ 3r:? ~t;;:?: Lu.~e;l tea said isrtr~tizuss ~ sell turfuee s= af!x:~ syf~u!t itr the, c:ure}s~it,i~ 9f ~!;} <br />...,!'t-~i~r~-. _,:1 !h !~.,e-r~. ~ ,~• may ib=resa~trt; se ft>r ~re,i r'r<,4,•r an~• - ~,. t: pa4m rt.< ~ht~n :t:zr. ~,rxd - <br />atFiz°, ~tl! staff!; Hatt Li• ~ ... :! #:.' trf 12::- ~t??!9 .`1.~E!}{?ttn'??t :_. ..t r.~rn?s!?3tt' an! ti'.'l'??`£• nom!! tiftd _"Ltd open <br />..... «,.~ .,, t,.,n ......:~ ~ <br />..,... it .. r,s ,.,,,.a r.:i _.r .:.. r•ri: ii Wit, x tit-ai ,.t ti-~... _ ,n <br />t t. li ~ ...... ................ ...... _•aots• s. nsi..~~... , ;;x _ .., hex. .c?saltine. as at <br />prcirent, ressottable ~,cxr an;! tear ex:cptN#. t!pvn any farturr tv :Ua matnta:n, Mortgagee, at its uprise, <br />may cause rPasonahi~.• eta{=ttr Hance x•orii. to be perfortned at the cost of Mr~rtgagor Anf amounts paid <br />tne~mfur G~~ lal+1'tgat;cti~ shall i,rar tnG•ra•st xt thi~ rata provuied fet' nt th,~ to;nrttutl ntdebtedncrae, shall <br />thcreuKu,n LSK,uar• a twat .+f tttr :nrletriednras seK•ure+l by thts uwtrument. ra[attac an:t ti^ a pariq• wtth all <br />Mher rndeh<wnew.y w.rurwt I+.~rvli4~ a:i,! ,,halt M payable thirty I;inl days after d.'manr! <br />i:?. If the t,mmi-~~_~. •,= ant part theca„t, tk' ;.+rrrttaremerl u?uler the {k,rtrr I,f en?inrnt domain, or <br />r, elute. d t-'t,r .1 !,+ul,{~, ~ri,•, ?t„- +iuu;,~K,'-g ,.t ar,!e..' tfke t+r.,+-e~r~irt for the txktng ,kC ~+r khr• rrnKiaieratian far <br />~., r!t a. .,,.~.,., ., 1. !!.: ,.. .,,f et-,. 1~,:!' .,. ,. t!..- .......,.. nf; ..-=,.a..! ', ;irt-t:•.!t.t _., .,. sat try tr,l` <br />n;.~rtgagr• ,+r n,~r.•L+. :r~;.iKn.~~t t.- t.. 4t..%t,~aft<',-. ins! shall tH' pA~ii ',vlLti+!h t~~ .,,iut bt~~.,1~;zaare, tt, tK• <br />sttt - - +~ ... <br />i:i ~„- -! --~'rE~'r- ~ -.,--' .,, ;~~t•.'r -- ,_. ,+t,F{..!ui°, ,,, ... i;-.:t?±,4 :-+[?t?6r#y ta!ttt arty <br />of the cunditiutu oz agreement cuntaiunl in thin mart;agc, or the nuts K•hirh it seenrea, ttfw ~ <br />entire principal sum an+1 accruett interest shall at once t.FCe*na doe and psyaklr', at the ek+ctitxt of t!-e <br />I la bh`ht. k.,l s,'i tai t'"t. „+i iilu,t,Y it-• v.5t .+ ~`Stt'[{it llii[ [lt' il•Uus"ll sat ul tills' (kiii2i [(ir! ,17i4` ail t~lirt HIt'StL- <br />~t? to Llie tUmr'.,f ran?[??t:ncan~ atach >rl~rt, x era-aonati!r' attl,rnre h l.~t. hi{,1 ah, rnrt~ {lalit br ttn• b`rtrrane~ <br />~ldmin?`stration on accvtunt of the guaranty ur insuranrr of the- realer{h~dn~s+ s.~ n±rd hi'r.•bp. sH of which <br />slutll rte incttadaci in the assess ut' fotwcle+sure. <br />id, :f the indt±M.edn€~s secured hereby be guar:lntt•raal rte in:?ured und.•r TrFlr ~K, t'•niteri 'titat•ts t'txie. <br />inch Title and ltegtttaticxts issued thereander and in eReci i+rt the Itatr he^t'e.,f ribs!! gaivrrn the rights, duhra: <br />and lixhiiitiea ttP the artier tteretn, anti arty prtvisions of this or ether inatruntents ~xrcute-at in mnnee'.son <br />with sand ittdehtednesa wh:ch ; re inca~nsitctent with :gait! Title tn' ?{:~gu!:tti:}ns ;1; ,' !?rn~hy nmenderi t:. <br />conform thetetn. <br />The covenant,4 hetYin ctmtained shaft bred, and the benettU and sdvantxges shalt inure tar. ,.?c <br />