<br />-r,. n ~ n _ t .. i , ..~. .~ ~~~s,,> T-.-~ ~fnrt,..t;~'s,n, s i ..~;ri, { i ,,.-iris g9-,r~~;,aY,--.r .r~~ia. t _ ,
<br />a7d .-r,2rnart:= with, 'hr- t1.,rtg:+g.•E•. that the, }}nrtgugor has yt=V,c! r:ut,t t,~ .,,-li a::d ~~nn4~ec~ t;2i,: ;~eena!~e=,
<br />that Lhey art? tree fn>n: E ,.cumhran<~. ex::apt as herein^Lher~~ tw recited ;that the Mortgagor .~,':i t. arrant
<br />and '.eferd the sarnc ag<.:nst the ;=::. ;::: cl;sirrs:s of a?+ persons u hcsmso::er. !Nortgage~ h.~rehy° rs•linquiahe.=.
<br />ail rights ,., n.?mestead, all niarila} ri~li~, either iff law cr it .1;city, and all cater contu.gent interests of
<br />the ivlortgagor ,n and to the atto~e-described premiers.
<br />PROVtDgn AL~4"AYS, and these presents are executed and delivered upon the fo}lowing conditions, b
<br />wit:
<br />Mortgat'3•r agreesto pay to the Mortgagee, or,>rder, the aforesaid principal som with interest from date
<br />at the rite of Nine and c~ half t>t~r centum (9 S` F) net annum on the unpaid balance until paid.
<br />The said princ,Fkal and interest stfali he payable at the uHice of I~rtgage Pl;ts I:icarpc)rated
<br />in F~fglewuod, Colorado , or at ,ugh other p1aAe as the holler of the note may designate in
<br />writing delivered or mailed to the Mortgagor, in monthh installrtfenis of T+~o~-hta~ra3 Siitty and 71/100tha
<br />t)o-lars (E 260.71 ). commencing on the first day „2 APr•~ , 19 79 , at.d cantinning on
<br />the first day of each month thereafter until acid note is fatly paid, except that, if not sooner paid, the final
<br />payment of principal and interest ,hall t?e due and sayable on the first day of Mart3+ 7009 ;all
<br />xecord;ug to the terms of :. cert~ir; promissory note of seen date herewith executed by the said Mortgagor.
<br />The Mortgagor further agre'<~s:
<br />1. He wi11 F?ay the indebtedness. as !fereintxfore provided. Privilege is rraer•ved to prepay at any
<br />time, without premium or fee, the. entFre indebtedness or any part thereof not lees tban the amount of one
<br />instalir>tarft, or one hundred dollars (1100.00), whichever is Ors. Prepayment in toll ehsll 4e craaldllyd as
<br />the date r-retved. Partial prepayment, other flan ota an iratallment due date, need not he tsadiled uetll
<br />the ae:t tollowitt~ installment due data or thirty days after such prepayroettt, whichever is etFe~.
<br />Z. Toteether with, sad in addition to, the monthly p~yrrtents of principal sod inter~ert parable mdse.
<br />the terms of the note x~used hereby, Mortg~or will psy ka Iw[ortgageF, as tr„steg, (under th€ t*rm[ of this
<br />trust as hereinafter atsted) on the first dsy of each month until acid note ,a fully paid:
<br />(s) A sum egos! to the ground rents, if any, next due, plus the premiums that will neat Qeoome daa
<br />sad payable ou policies of fire and other hazard insurance covering the mortg~sd 1$,
<br />plus taxes arc' aasesscnenis next due on the mortgaged property (atl as estinasted by the Mort-
<br />gagee, and of which the Mortgagor is notiRed) lase all soma afre:ady paid therefor divided b7
<br />the number of months to etapae before one mouth prior to the date whoa sarclt gr~oand tarts,
<br />premiums, taxes and assessments wil! !u=came .fell*.Qneat, such anzna to be fim)d 6y )~artgagee
<br />fn trust to tw.y said ground rents, prrrn,unfs, taxis and specie! asaesamenis.
<br />(D) 'Cho aggrr~ftc• ~,f t'tc- anwunta payable pursuant to .ubparagraph ia) sod those payable as the
<br />note secured h,•rr•Ly, shall tn~ paid in a stngk• u8} ment e1i h n,,,nth. to be applied tv the foik?w-
<br />a,g items t n t t„• ~ order stated
<br />`s! gr:,un,t rents, taxes, assessnrenta, fire an,f other ^azard ,nsuran=e premiums;
<br />t Fi t interest on tFie note 3ec'uYrd fiere=by ;aria
<br />etj ~:-::ca:- t.:siiu[: u- the Fr;nc;pal 3[ salt! fte.ta•.
<br />Any deft~•:.•nc> sr: the snuxu:t of any +ucr: aggregate mof?Lhiy payment alfali, ualeae made good
<br />ufaaer u,!_<_ 7.;;,>'*_stagr. sit ~orcgagee 3 []f,[ltitl, vtrrigagor M'Ift tmv i; --fate P1a8rge~ na[c -
<br />ing four t,,.r :solute[ t~i`,rr t pf any` inr[Li[liment when pwid toots than fif-teen (l, alay,~aiterthe
<br />due data th~<.,.•ttf to r~rr the extra ripe=use in~-t~i~-esi to hauttifug dYlFnyuent psertfeata, b~atseh
<br />":ate: c..a. s. " stroll :.ot bs: payable ^ut of tl:c prt~cda ;:? any sacs- rusts to sate#y rho iscl~#xi-
<br />nesa st~cfrrcci hereby, unie~as such pnrccre:is are suitlc[rnt to discharge the entire indebtsdneas sad
<br />all proper costa af:d expenses se.;cureYi thereby.
<br />3. tf the trftal of the ~vneents made by the Mortgagor under ta} of paragrapfi 2 pr+ecoding shall
<br />exceed Lh« amount of payments acKUatty made by the Mortgagee, ax tn.[stee, for ground rmf2a, taxes ao+i
<br />errfenta or ~ffsutanee premiums. ~x the case may tar, sorb excess shat! be s:l^Pditetf by the ffartgager
<br />on wbrequent payenenta to be mx+i~ by the 1[ortsagor for such items or, at ltorfg'a optson, as trrat~,
<br />shill be refunded W Mortgagor. If, hoa.4er, surtt monthly payments stfail not he suftkient to pay such
<br />itrriraa when tits 887rie aiu,li i~[.vifa• =fur ,.n., payat;l~-, the=,. •he :-isrr•,.gagor Aha{{ p::5' ts? fire edAortytige[-, as
<br />t.ruatce, any am<ntrt n+resnarv to rook.. up the= +le•itctert, 3 ..,th,n thirty ::,11} ,lays after wrKL+~n nt..tfre frcxn
<br />tf;e Idortga},'ne stg'_:rrft ttfe ~n~:s~fe':. t_ f..r =t,-lx ,r-rfz y, whle it tssd:a'e luny !w• s+!Yru 11_e awil. .f xL xuy tittle
<br />the '~2ortgagczr stluil L.!ntlc'r a~ .1+~ 5a;;.tfLa{Fc«r, :n ~aaetrnt5ntr .etLh the. ;t r+-~,~tutt~ :.f flit nsrtc Sec:~rttt
<br />berms, !dA psyofaat o[ tht entir+s inde00s~sMS lra~aeMeed riteete0r. fill! itorttgagsa, of atawes. atWl,
<br />in eae-pating the amount of loch indebtedness, credit to tl+e soooant of Me lterfgagor say reedit halaace
<br />i,...,y^„lzf.,w .. ~~ ,..~..~.F,,.,...i t„y ..f t~*+t~!t!~!± v fierv~f if t1...., ±,1.a1t !. t, Aw+tf~nlt t8wa~.r an.
<br />-- .__-..---- w - _ r,c _ ....,ye ;. tie
<br />Ja the ~j viivrrit5 iii ti.ia'Triir't~itgf .i°5u „a a put;., e~t£ ., - prr~:ttaga ~..';-`^PLt !+f T'€'t.1y. ?r ,
<br />Motza °~ulrea the property :~th9r~°ae attrs dcfa;:I2, fire 3tartgxkmh. as tru*t.~-•, E-±4t1 app4y• at the
<br />base of ttte earareerft of at~f prnceedinge, or aL the time tta property is c!ttrrr'wise aegnired, the
<br />aeaouat than rmxaloilag to eradit the Mortgagor ~aisr (a) of paragraph g prefcediag, as a credit on the
<br />{ntetrat aaxrtred soil unpaid and the balance to the prin+rlpal tifen r+reatia4>ag utnpatd on said netp-
<br />4. The Iten of thin inatnrment afiali remain in fat; foyer and et(rct dunng :nr pmtpottetnent or exten-
<br />sion .tf the,tgna &f payment of the indebtedness at any part ihereaf eecurvx! ficreby_
<br />5. Iie'vditP pay ail ~-olfnd n*u: ,taxes, aaat?aam~nta, avatar ratt~s, an::i s~ihrr Fp,v.•rrun:•ntat ur munfsr-
<br />pal cilarXsa. fftu.,Y, ur impositions, ,al led upon said jtl~ilaai and ttf8t tie will pay` ai{ tar.=s {e•ti'ied t.F~tt rifle
<br />msrrtga$e; or the debt secured thereby, loge they vrith env other ta:ew ar assessments which :nay be levied
<br />a,, acx°r the 1ax>i c;f !~et:r,.-ka ag,nst th;3 ?4t:lrtgag~, n- the t holler :?* said ; .nc:r9i ntr!e. ,? aee!*[Fnt of
<br />this itsds~tedv~+; except -k•tien p~;•ment fs?r ail eu^_h item, his ±F+rree„v.,.P t,* n rnx:te ntte~'!,a) of para-
<br />graph ,G' nk•tzksi, sled i,o .,iii pro[n ptic urii~t•r tito :.iTcsal r,.,, ~{<<.. .iu ~=,.~r -, ,~. ... a ty-,.° - ii, urfauit
<br />