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~,(1ta~~ ~.~ <br />Len¢lers •.~ -;r.r3 -sgre~ement o~r ~applrcabfa law Borrower shall f:;ay 4he amount vi all mort~agr uncut ur,W~e per ~.~nri~rm .r; tMre <br />manner ir:~,-rrded andrr paragraph 2 !w_rrot <br />.in}' amounts dtxbursed by !.ender pursuan+, to Chia paragraph 7, wtth tnterest therein. shat{ tx~on:e add+Gonal <br />indebtedness a,f Borrower ses:urht by this Mortgage. (,nkss Borrower and Lrnder agree w other terms e•i payme,tt, such <br />amswnts shad be oayabk upon rtoiics fmm fender to Borrrnver requesting payment t:+ersof. and shall hear irrerest from the <br />date of dish.trsement at the rate payable from time to rims ort outstanding prirtcrpal under the tiote unkn p:ymmr of <br />interest at such rate would be contrary to applrcabk law. in which event such amounts shaft bear interest at tht higheu rate <br />parmiaibk under appicable I:w. Nothing csmtairred in this paragraph 7 shah requirY lender to incur any espetue or tab <br />any action trereurrder. <br />R Itstleetbr. [srrder may make or cause to rte made reaaonaMe entries upon and rnspecttons of the Property. providaf <br />that fender shall give Borrower notice prior to any such inspectican specifying reasonable catrse therefor related to f.endtt's <br />interest in the Property. <br />9. Caiwdearwdina, The prcxseds of any award nr clatm for damages, direct or consequentiah in connectksn with any <br />coetdamnation or other taking of the Property. or part thereof, +x for cottvevance in lieu of cr,rtdemnatiur+, are hereby assigned <br />and shall he paid to fender. <br />In the event of a told taking of the Property. the pnxeeds shall be applied to the xtms secured by thrs Mortgage. <br />with the escess, if any. paid to Borrower. In the even of a partial taking of the Property, unless Bnrmwer and Leader <br />otherwix agreti in writing, there shall be applied to the sums soured by thts Mortgage such proportion of the proceeds <br />u is equal to that proportion which the amount of the sums secured by this Mortgage immediately prior to the date d <br />takiag bears to the fair market value of the Property immediately prior to the date s.f uking, with tlv' balance of the proceeds <br />paid to Borrower. <br />If the Property is abandoned b; Borrower, w if, after nMice by fender to Borrtssver that the coedtatsnor oRen ro mrb <br />an award or aettlr a claim for damages, Borrower faits to respond to Lender within 30 days alter tare date loch rrotixr <br />mailed, Lender is authorized to collect and apply the proceeds, at benders option, either to restoration or repair d the <br />Property or to the srmu secured by this Mortgage. <br />Uotps Lander sttd Borrower otherwise agree in writing, any such application of Droceeds to principal shalt :rot exMnd <br />or poppone the due data of the ttaonthly installrnenta roferrrd to in paragraphs t and 2 hereof a change the astaamt d <br />such irMta(Jrrreab. <br />ts. Brreawer 1Vrt Relaraei Extension of the time for payment or modillcation d aescartauion d the sores wsvrod <br />by this Mortgage graaeed by Lender to any srrcceaaor in interest of Borrower shall not operate ro roMaae, in wy carts. <br />the IiahiNty of the original Borrower and Borrower's srrcceators in iaterost. Leader tirdl not be regrind to oawttwwroa <br />proceedlep agairot atrtdr aaxasor or nfua tp aatsmd time lot payriaent or othsrwisr modify aerortisNiort of dra suety <br />aectrted by tlris Mortgya b'y reasotr of any daward reads by the origied Borrower and Borrower's taxeeason ie iseerrax. <br />11. Ilaeiaartwsee b Iww6r lrlttl a QrlvsK, Any forbearance by Lender in exercising any right or resrssdy herorrrdar, or <br />otherwna afforded Dy applicable law, shaft not be a waiver of or preclude the exorcise d any such ~ a rtwrtady. <br />71ac pracrrrewent d ieauwrsoe err the payment of tun or Other liens a charges by Lander shag nd be a waiver d Laadw"a <br />right ro sccekrak the rmtarlty d the irrdabtsdrresa securod by this Mortgage. <br />If. Reweias Crwrlatlve. All tsrnsdiea provided in this Mort;age are diatirnt and crrwrutativc ro gray other right or <br />remedy under this Mortgage or affordd by law or equity, and may Ire exercised rnrrcurrenty, inde{feoddatly or stacsxnively <br />13. Brseersasg tad Aa~a Bradt Jane stwd Brrvearl Llai~tyl C~rwa. 71rc covauna and agreamwb httaeisr <br />trontairred slue bind, and the rights herourrdat shas inure to. the respective sraoc~on cad awugm d Lrrwkr sad Ztoreower. <br />subject to the provisioes of paragraph 17 lraeef. AN coverraeus and agreements of Borrrnvar shall be joint and several, <br />'ITe captions and headia<s ai the puragrapM d this Mortgage arc for ctanvanience arty and are not to lx trssd ro <br />interpret or deMre the provtsiass berm!. <br />11. Netiee. Extxpt fat any aeon required carder applicable law to be even to awrtrer manner, tat any notice b <br />Borrower provided for in [h& Mortgage shall be even by mailing such nnttcc M certiAed mail addresard to Dortovver u <br />ttre Property Address or a1 such otter address r Borrtswer may deargnate hs nOtKY to Leader as provided herein, aed <br />(b) any noterx to Leader shall be given by certrsed mail, return receipt nquesesd, to Constar's adsiresa stated tsarehr nr b <br />oleic atlty sdd:rws ate Lender may dedgnW by rsotlce to Botnrvret as prsavided lrererrs- Avy taaitt provided for is this <br />Mtxtgage dsa#} be ~ t^ bout born girtm to Btxrowcr Or ! Etsder w•lsen giver[ in the marrn~ dtecl trarre#ir, <br />1!. UaM~ersr C.erwdtrg [awl fnerr~lty. Thrs torn of msxtgrge csambinur undorm csrvenants for va/ioeal <br />use sad oar-unitomt covettatrts wiM Nnsited ranattom by jurisdiction ro corratitute a uniform socurtty in¢tstment cosetirg <br />Taal property This Mtsrtgaga shaft br governed b} the ia+ .+t the jurnalrsiwn +n which thr Prupa7ty rs iOC-sled. is the <br />avant ihai any prtsviuan su cLsmr ,sf this MrsRgage v tt+e Nsvrs• canttis.'t4 with atanlic•ahM !sty seecA <•nr*ffirt tAsM .!cat airyct <br />ttt6at press•asioro of this Mer3gagr or ttra 'altpe which .-an ba gtvan rHect witha~ttt the cantlicttry provtiiort. aed w Nri <br />and rise previaioas Of :rx atoitgaga sad the N:ee are do tared ter. be severable <br />If. Marwwrr's Coy= Bratvwer shah be ftrrtrrstrxd a ctantoraied copy of the Note sad of this Mss as #ht titwa <br />of axecwion a .oar recordation hared. <br />17. Treelae d the Paarth; Aasraplw. It aN or any part of the Property sx as rnteresl tllerela is soil ax ttawshrred <br />bT Borrower without Lender's prior written cornrnt, excludhrg Isl the creation Of a lrcn ax arstrmbnsrce atabtrrdrnale b <br />this MsMgage, (h1 the creation of a purchax msxxy secunry !merest fc,r hr,usehod applrarrcaa, tc! a tnmfer by Qevfae. <br />dsetxmt ~r by operation Of law upon the dasth of a yornt !errant or tdt the grant of any teaselrold mreeeal of ihres yeah sx less <br />tea coiriairaing an opton to pureAaac. lender may, at t endar's opttrn, doctors all the suns sas urxd by thw Mortgage ro Ne <br />tmmediuety due and payablr [ender shall have wrtved unh opttnn ta+ accelerate if. pttisx to the sale cx trarr.ter Leetirs <br />and IAe peraar ro what tlsa Propany a to er sold or tranahrred teach agreement rn wrettnj that the credt d such paeaaa <br />a satufa..auy to I.ewdar std that the (Merest payable on the ,rums secured by this MaMgsgtr chap tae u such rase as l.srsdar <br />shall request. If ! errdar has •vuvad doe .spttotr to as:cektate pruvraieJ .n this ptngraph f y grad if Brsrrawer's Yaa,Oaaaor in <br />inregwt bas axectrtes! a wntten aagtetpttar agreement as~ceplad to wnttng tw 1 enalee l.enater shall reteese Baxrsawer from dl <br />abligatrrgrrt under this Mortgage aM the Noll <br />if larrrlar er.erciasat such aepttsan ta+ asxrkr arr_ l.enakr snail mat. tk,:ruwsrr naM w.s• sat u-a;etHa[ri>rft !n sccrxdance with <br />paragraph 14 hsravf Ouch rrottce shall p[OVtda a perxx! of ram leas than t0 dove tr+,m :he Barr the ~sariicr a madud wtihtn <br />which Brgrowtr gray pay the sums det:laral due. It Btxrswa tads to pay ur~A awns prsur w fir eagiraaa~ d ataah prsul <br />tewdar way. w~roat htrrrsr raaise a tlswrard oa Btrrower, tavoke uy resrwdias parsrlard by trarwgtaPi Ig Isearr <br />!,less-llMtr-0eM fbvaraaray>. 1 rrrs,we. ssrd t ntrder fsnttrer c~t>drnsen :sad agree as frr!lnara <br />!!. Aeealeerreag B'aweraa. Lhtespl r pvsNtd 1. gwragrgi IT hsteat, atwst Brrsiwer'i bewrl ei nav cwersrt r <br />tyaetwsrl air MtruMVa- b rg. Mtsatf•ttge, taelrgl~ tie .wseaaw to Pal wtssa Aare ..y wsw saewreA by tttls Mlrrt~a, <br />Latatlar gaiar w auarirtglar sirtl rraB rarce t. Mavwrer . gr..iw to t~ Id !weer rl.eittdats Ili tla trwwsit <br />(>U Ms tserlgw tMtllrld M eww waY tsw radtt lA .drier, out Isw than >• dagtr !sort tlaa dwa tie worse i ri/ w Macaw. <br />b caw! !tool gaaawi ascot fla asadt ~ fN ttsat Arwn b ass ewes bastes M tx Bdrw M carte apds.+ r t4 care: <br />!case nraM 1a acarlarwraes of tie !twat wasvrtl 1-e ttiYt Mrwa. b++~' b 1~ N~~g !tad srls a! tM ~9, <br />1'fe arlke sMr Irsetia labels Bomar d rr !,gilt tr selarwaM arse ~S and its right ere tssaed it sir iereai.ese <br />pwaaing •e warattArarea err • ru6wrM err sae arrwr ttatarre aR Baessww w accalasriaw ass twciwt•.. d tie Yaere>, <br />Y rsrt !!cased ew ai -sbr tie i1N tl/aaMtd r tie rarsw l,ewdar M Lardwla tagdias rl daeiare sl d tie acres aartred iy <br />rtM Maergaga M b ~ tare r 1 ~rYie seYierw rrrtiat dassawd awl wq fanelw by JrAeYI lnaeerrg. Lesdei <br />siaB M earNg w aeiaay r twat pwaeaieg r earasrss car reweiaawea twelrirag, twt sat Ilwrltasl M caste serf ~ecsrsessary <br />evlinse, rrretorarb and lire wpat <br />1!. lgtavwwttre tit >r I>fritwltlw Netwi~weditr 1_esrdet's arceteratren o[ the sums sourest hY thrs Mortgage, <br />Botmater shell Nava the right to hove eery prnteaditags begtat Mr I ender to ertorce this Mortgage :fiscontinurd at an} tn~ <br />