<br />Urv!roxv Covevnrr'rs. Borrower and Leader covenant and egret as folk!ws
<br />1. Paytarat of Ptfac~a.' aad Irerest. Borrower nhaJl promptly pay wnen due the prncipal o! grid :merest on the
<br />indebltdrssw evidenced by the Nott, prepayment and late charge, as provided in the Note, aad the principa! of reed ~ntemt
<br />on any Ftttttrc Atlvnnces secured by thrs Mortgagt-
<br />2. IPeei tar Tear read Lstsattrs, Subject to appfecabk law or to a wnttcn waiver by Lender, Borrower shall pay
<br />ro Leader on the day monthly irntallmenb of principal and interat are payable undo the Note, until tltt Nae is paid in full.
<br />a wet (herein "Ft.ada") equal to one-twelfth of the yearly trees and assessatertu which may attain priority over this
<br />Morigade. aad ground recta on Jse Ptvperty, if aay, pew orto-tweffth of yearly prcmwm ittnalfinents for hazard trrsuratstx,
<br />phu tsttatwelfth of yearly premitnn innallmmtb for mortgage irtwrarttx, if aay, at1 as nteanabty estimated irtitially and from
<br />dme ro time by I.eteder on she bans o[ awasmenh and hills and rtusooabk atintatd tisereof.
<br />The flrnds shall be held in an institution the deposits or accotrMS of which are iroueed or guaranteed by a Faders! «
<br />state agsttcy (tncltading Loader if Lender is such an institution). Lender shall apply :he Funds ro pay satti rasa, atlaialCab,
<br />ittsuraace pnmiurm and ground rents, Lender nay as charge f« xt hofdtrtg and applying the Funds, anrlyziog said account,
<br />err verifying and compiling srid rsseasrrterr4 and bilb, unler Lenskr pays Borrower interen ou the Funds and apphcabk law
<br />parmib Leader to make such a charge. Borrower and Lerttter may agree in wnting at the amt of execution Of finis
<br />Mtxtgrge that lateral on the Funds shall be paid to Borrower, and unless stub agreement n made w applicable law
<br />rogwres such intmeat to be paid, Lender shall na be nquired to pay Borrower any intertat or earnirtd oa the Foods. Lender
<br />s6at1 give a Borrower, without charge, tsa annual eccotsnting of the Fttads showing credib seed debib ro the Funds and the
<br />ptuprtse for which each debit to the Funds wr made. The Funds rn pledged n tsdduioaal security [or the swrr resorted
<br />by this M«tpBe.
<br />If the amount ~ the Funds hdd by l.enrler, together with the future monthly imWlmtats o! Ptrnds payable poor m
<br />the due dalm o[ taxm, awmariteab, irsurance premiurrn aced ground nab, shall exceed the attpunt req:rrod to pay said tam.
<br />awpssartb, iawraace pnreirsar and gtwrnd tents r they hlY due. attch txcros shall be, at Borrower's optroa, aithw
<br />prssoptfy repaid to Borrower « credited to Borrower oo msxtthly trotailmenh of Funds. If tht tttaouot of tint Ftrb
<br />bNd by Leader shall cot be ssrBleient to pay taxm, tteapnadtb, ittruranu p:emrttrr aad gttottad recta r tfsey (all due.
<br />lorro+rm dill pay to Lateder aay ansottat oacawary to rank. up the deficiency within to days from thn drr sales N tariled
<br />try !wader m Borrower tegtaeating p.ymeat tftaeof.
<br />Upos p.y..at io foil of all woos secured by elm Mortgage, !.seder aha8 promptiy nfttsd to s«tower any Ptted+
<br />hMd by Lender. It reader pargrap6 It hereof the Property is sold « the Property u otharsvise trcgtrted by Iwndar, Iwedar
<br />tiaB apply. ao lair than iaamadiately prior w the oak of the Property « is ncgttirtion hY I.eatger, soy Puada held h!'
<br />[seder u the time of ttppiicatim r n credit trgaimt the soma secured by dos Moryye.
<br />!. Ap*BeaYaa eI lgmeaY. tireless applicable law providr «harwir, all payments rec,aiwd bl' Lander order td
<br />Norc trend paragraphs i and 2 taenof shall 6e applied by Lender Ern in payment of amwab payable to Lender by Bterowr
<br />trader pttteBraph 2 hataot, than so intarete paytrbie oa the Note. then ro tl+e prmtapal of the N«e, and rhea m iaMrat and
<br />priodpal oo soy Farm wdrancm.
<br />tti Cirgeq [lease. Borrgwsr shalt pay all uxm, aaesamems aad other charges, fiam recd rtnpoaitions attribtrabM b
<br />fir Pt+oparty which nsep ttttaiia s priority over this Mortgage, aad ka.ehadd prytaems « gmtttad tests, if soy. io ter arrow
<br />pao+ridad twdx ptret~apA 2 heteatt a, d cot paid is such tenser, by Borrower ttukirtg P•yaeat. when drs, di»edy m the
<br />Pa-aa titaeot. las+owar shall !may frsaieb so Loader a8 ttotteas of aroouttb sue under this paggraph, and m the enact
<br />Boriosasr afsail hake payoant dYecsy, Borrower shag promptly ftttstialt to Leader rocsi'pta evidetaCiltg sudt paymeab.
<br />Borrotsar sha8 peoaptly discharge soy lieu which br prrottity over this Mortgage: provided, thu Borrower sba8 not be
<br />tapinti W dieeharye any sittdi Iten so {at{ ss Bttnosrer shall agree in wrung to tAe paytttaeot of efts obligtstan rrrred by
<br />such line in a manner ataceptable to l.eadet, « shall le good faitA consent such iron by, « detarsd tmforcetttent of such lien io.
<br />{tKat ptouediags which opiuate ro precast the enfotsxtrtesit of rile lien or forfeiture of tlv Property w any part tltcravf.
<br />!. BoaaN hsawaea. Borrower shall keep the imptovemroh now esntmg or haea(ttr erected oa tlhr Property resisted
<br />agatost lose by lire, hazartle iachtded wilhtn the term "utended coverage" rrid sucA other Aasards rs f,erider may regain
<br />std io with atiOtmb and for with periods as Lender may regwrc; pruvideu. that lsrider shall tie require thu the amount rd
<br />nosh oor~xye erased that amount of coverage regtnnd w isaY the auras secured by thn Masrigage.
<br />The itrta+saaoe curies psovidkg the easuran.e shall be ct+rretr by 'torrcrwtr subj~t to approval by Lsrtdtr; provtdt~
<br />that atsch appovd tthaq cot be irreea«iabiy withhMd. AH praruirtari rwi irurance pdicir tilsaN be pad is the ~
<br />prcpvdsd wider paragraph 2 hereof «; d cot pitid io such maorier, by Borrower taakrng prytneat, when due, directly to tM
<br />iarwase ril[rip•
<br />AB ieetmaer lre+iic+e3 acct rMlw.ab ttse+rrst shall he rr! (orm acee~lat?te to l amtrr ,sort shrtl rriciutk + srrisi.iatd
<br />tierces in tarot of aad is forte ai%rptable to Loader. t ender shall have the right to tisdd the palicisa anti rcriarvals tAsrrrd.
<br />and Borra*ar sfsrl; psa7mpely fursNah ro Lrssdet ail sr~iev+al rKrtics~ a:s,t ill ~erptr .?i paid fveattum3 In rtw 6:tnt of iom,
<br />Bart+osrar chaff fpm prompt entree to the ttratraace ziritaf aad !slater. Ltxidef may :natE pt=.x?3 tt tr7r it inn trtade prcmiptty
<br />by Borrasrer.
<br />Utttisss Lander aad Borroww oti-erwiae rgree k witting, insurance proceeds shall be appled to reseoranon ur repair of
<br />else Property damaged, provided such tatontion or npur is aonomicalty feaaiMe rrid the socunty of thix Mortgage is
<br />n« tbeseby intpatred. It sucA tmanttoo or repair a not ccorioratcrily feauhk or rl the county of thu Mortgage wanrid
<br />bs iatprnd. rho iasttraace proceeds shill be replied to the sums secureal by then Mortgage. wnh the excess, if any. pad
<br />ro Batowar. 11 the Property n aourtsl.triod M Borrower, w rt B«rosver tstla to caporal to Leader within 3U day.....n the
<br />date notice n mused by Leader to Barmwer that the uwtuanct crrntr ..rftn to stole r .!arm for ~nwrance hariefits Itrxler
<br />b atttltoriaed ro ooBeA sod +vPh' rho irnutarue proceeds at Lender's opttoa ether ro rmtwuion w roper of test Ptoprrty
<br />« b tM teams serwwed by this Morytye
<br />UR'ew Leader aad B«rcwer otiierwisr agree rn wrttrng, any such appficrtiun c.1 prrx.~fads to priiii:rprl .haft na?r eatead
<br />« pweptrte the dtre Jaee of the ttwnthly inrtalMitnts refarrati) to to prragrrphs i and :. Aern.f yr :hangr the amswnt of
<br />tuck iosesUtnsnb. I( utsdet peraarapA IN hera» thr Propsrts t, a..ywred by IKtwler. all nght, trek and rntrrest of &urower
<br />to aad ui aay itntrraace pdtetm and in aad ;., rho pro.~aads thcrsx*t rtwttrng trr.m drnsagr to the Pn?pertt pt rsu tV tAc vk
<br />« aegitiution sAall paw to I..aticler to the extent of tt~r sum. saxured by thrv 4iortgagc onrrriadtattfv pr+ur ~.~ srxA uk .x
<br />dw lraMtnaMtw treed MiMaaaea of Ra*rtyt Iwarsrtelrtit CedasriYnras g7aaad I1aM Owelgrenr. Bortosaer
<br />tha8 ~ dte ~y rw good repay sad taaY twit comasM waMr « purmtt impetrtaaat « datertorataon at rtes hopiaty
<br />aml ahaY cctwspiy with thr prorrswtar vi ray isara .f t8a, iat.rtgage :x .rn : ia:ieliuid. !f then liiutia~ to rn a tiers t: a
<br />sntrdo~ai!etrrn w a piaaard unit Aaveiopin-m. Borrower shall perform ail ut Borrowu's .?birgatKxa uadas the rkafaruraui
<br />« oortlOaaite rxeatutg a gwetniog the ctMtdorttmtUat or plamtrd urn deYeloprtient, the by-laws and rcgulatwsm c>f flit
<br />C«-aatWwm r pianwd art dpyWpwsent, aad v'Oarlltuent documems. If a cavidamiaitsm « ptaanad rout .kvelupnimt
<br />tMltt k assorted fay Batsovrat and recorded together with tAu Masrtgye, the wvaaanh and -greuaenta .?t such rider
<br />tMb Ht laoeeponeei lean and tha8 eased aad wppiemarr the coveoanh and rgrewttaih of true Morgngc as .( tAt rider
<br />wen s pest Meat.
<br />!. fYseleteties of IwttaYel 8acasily. !t lfttxronrer fait to perform the coveaaats aad agreettteab corrunal in tAis
<br />Atotgye, or d aay awoo « protrafiag n ooraratatxd whrcti tantetiaUy attach Ladder's ituermi in the F"roperty.
<br />iucindhig, here oat Waite. 'a, emtaettt ri•iaatutt, ittaolvottcy. trade eoforxxmed, « arrangemmtb or pmceediop invdv,ng ^
<br />baakrupt or deeedem thai Leader rt l.:adtr's optiasn, upon states w Borrower. troy make stub rppea.atnea. drvbune .urh
<br />timm sr1 ukt such eetian r n trtxeeary to protrxt t.endr=s attract. iris:ftrdiag, bw not hmrteA to, dtst..rnement of
<br />Sensonahis att«aty's hen and entry uptxi rise Property to milts repairs. if Lender required mortgage inaurame a., a
<br />canditiea of ranting the knee catered by thu Mongrge, Butrower shall pay the premituw rcgwred to maintain such
<br />irararanoe in eBaet t>otil such tint as tAe requuemtaz f« vetch nYtrraDt'C terminates to rccotdance with & rmwerc and
<br />