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09-- t-1.-l~1t~;{.1~ <br />i.cruder s wniaen agreement f,r applicable law. Burrower shall pay the amount of all mortgage tnsursn,:e t+rrmtums in the <br />manner pt'ovidcd under paragraph 2 hereof. <br />Any amounts disburattil by Leader pursuant to thin paragraph 7, with tnt~rest thereon. shill txceme sdditinna! <br />indebtedriesa o[ Borrower stcutnd by this Mortgage. t3nkss Borrower and Lender agree to other terms of payment, such <br />amounts shall be payable upon notice from Lender to B«rowtr requesting paytttent thereof, and shall bear interest from the <br />date of drsb:rrseatent at the me payable from tithe to time on ountatdhtg principal under the Note unless payment of <br />ittterdt at each me would be contrary to applicable Ixw, m which event sc.h aatatnts shat) bear interest at the highest raft <br />permituibie under appliable law. Nothing contained in this paragraph 7 shag regmrc Lender to incur any expeetse or take <br />arty action hereunder. <br />B. iespectiee. Leader may make or eaten to be made reasonable entries upon and inspections of the Property. provided <br />that Lender shall give Borrower notice prior to any sucfi inspection specifying reasonable caux therefor related to Lender's <br />interest in the Property. <br />~. CeeieesaMen. The proceeds of any award or claim for damages, direct or ~•sxasequential. in connection with any <br />condemnation or other taking of flat Property, or part therrof, « for conveyance in lieu of condemnation, are hereby assigned <br />and shall be paid to i.endcr. <br />In the event of a total taking of the Property, the praxeds shall be applied to the soma secured by this Mongtagt. <br />with the cities, if my, paid to Borrower. In the event of a partial taking of the Properly. unkma Borrower and [.andrr <br />otherwise agree in writing, there shall be applied to rho sums secured by this Mortgage wcA proportion of the proceeds <br />u is equal to that proportion which the amount of the soma secured by this Mortgage immediately prior to the date of <br />trkirrg bean to tAe fair muter value of the Property immediately pricx to the date of taking, with the balance of the proceeds <br />paid to Borroaror. <br />It the Property is abandoned by Borrower, or if, after notltt by [.crtder to Borrower that the condeasor aRwe to mane <br />an award or settle a claim for damage, Borrower fails to respond to Leader within 30 wys abet the data such notice it <br />etailad. Lender ie atttbaiaed to correct and apply the prncceda, st I srrder's option, either to rest«atiort « repair of tbs <br />Property « to the soma secured by this Monpge. <br />Uttlau Leader and Borrower ahmriae agree in writing. any wch application of proceeds to principal a6aN trot exawd <br />« pot~orte the due date of the monthly itataltrenb referred to in paragraphs t and 2 hereof « cMttge the teaotett d <br />retch itxtallmeats. <br />iR Baearsser fret ltalatYei. Extension of the tiros l« paymmtt or trtodilcation of aatonifation of thr sates aaewei <br />b this M~rtpga greeted by Laedsr to any wsooaao- in interest of lorrosrer shall not operate to telcata, in Yty tw~rtr. <br />the liability of die original Bonower and larowsr9 ettccestors in iatwen. Linder shall hat be ngtrired a maraeos <br />prsoaedMrp apietp wch ettccwtor « refttw a extend tithe to paytaem « dherwiae modty ateonilra8ott of Mfr toter <br />seeserad by this Matpp by rwmrt at aey daratrd tttiade by die or{gitwi Borrower sad Brxrowefs atasteesera is Mlatil. <br />11. iasiaerarer b) I.erisr (rat • Mabee. Any fabnrartce M t.estder in exstcising my right « rwstady Itcnneder, a <br />odrrsHae altordad by appkcable Issv, shalt not b• ^ araiver of « precMds the exetriec o[ any such right a may. <br />71te pracwienteM of htwertce a dse payaeat of taxes « other liens « clrrgea by Letsder sMB not be a waiver of [wader's <br />right to srxxkrate the tesaturity d die scarred M Mis Mortgye. <br />11. Rswt*ea C~tisMra AB rtmteditn provided m thin Manp4e arc distiect and ctanulattve to arty other rigls « <br />eprtedy trader this Mortgage « a(lorttad by law « ea)ttwy. and may 6e rxerciaed concurtestly, independently « ettxwsieely. <br />11, leaaaYwr tai tlat~n Mttattl leis) ttei lewd l~z Gees. Tlse txsvactteY std agreesaeu hernia <br />ooetaieed shag bid, sod the riphas ttrssttedgr eAeB ptttrc b. tM respective etscceaait ors and assigns of [,cedar said Borrower. <br />attbject to ttte provbioas of paragraph 17 hereof Ai! covenant arwl agrearetenta of Borrower shalt be joint red several. <br />1'he atptiaw etd lnadittp of the paragraphs of thin M«tgagr ate t« convenience only sad are not to bs used to <br />intarptet « deAnt the proviaiostt -tertof. <br />lt. IreNce. Except t« say tontine ngwnd ttstdar applicable law to be green i~t another mattser. (ai any notke to <br />Borrower provided (« is this Mrrrtpge sMp be pest by rttaidttg such nottoe by axrttied mail rdthesaed to Borrower at <br />the Property Addtas « at sash other adthep w Borrower tray designau b}' rrorice to Leader u provided Itorribt. and <br />(b) any notion Io Leader ahaB bs gtvea by orttitlad mnl. rquro receipt regtrastrd, to lrnder'x addres staled Amain « to <br />saris oslssr allow a 11eder may datigaafe fay notice to Brterawet as presided herein. AaY watics proridrd t« to tbla <br />iRc' cgr~t sisaii ba de+tnsed to Aavs bent givmt to Borrower or i.ender wixn grvca es tAe rtsanner d~gaased Aerein. <br />!g. lltstiaeae tiaeereitl I.awt lavwaBrtt. Titb frxm of mottptge ccetsbhass trsitorot crnattaats for tsatiossal <br />Nw Yid toe-aai[osta Ci+vfeeal! wdh ~ vutatiaa br }aria ~~-~ W ,-,•••••:~•••• a uetltsraa srcursty ~ asre:ang <br />real property. Tina M«V+~ snail ha governed by tAe !aw of the turtsKhctura in rtHtri the l4apmtY ;a tossed M su <br />eoextt rust any pn+visi~ -g _4a~iac of th-s Mort~+e ar ;he Vcre __•eflA-ta a•*.t}± appli~.abk lass, ir~h _on':~=--: sha33 tt~ afl~-t <br />dbrr provtsiorr of this Mortgye « the Nee which can 6e given elect witltswet the cortiictity provision, aed to chi <br />eyed the provieiem of ebe Matgye sad rite Mote ate dsrtared m be seve-ablt - - <br />1;. Mrsaiwera t:.eBy. Bsxs~ shall be furaiaiicd a «,eforttsed copy of tea Nrnc amt of rA.s Mortgage at the tune <br />of execution « afmr tecordatioa Amen[. <br />17. ?+raeater d tb. Est Aeaeet~M... if all « say pert of the lhopsrty « as ineeteY chmeeiats acid « erandarred <br />by Borrtwer wHhattt Lenders prior written cor»ent, excluding let the cesetion of • lien n eecsteabtarvx wbwdenate to <br />this Mortpge. (bl the crcNtm of a purchax money security enforcer for liottatitdd appliatanr, Ic1 s transfer try dsvYC. <br />dearest «by upsntbn of law upon the death of a inns tenant « tda the grant of ray lswaeltoid interoM of three yeah sir ewe <br />not containity an option w purcbax, I.cnder may. at Lendsr'a option. dectan all the sums aresued by ehr Mongarge to bt <br />imrnadiYely due and laayatsk. !,.ender shall have weaved su.h option to accelerate at. prior to the sale x [Hader, I.aedm <br />aed der person to wAom the Progeny n to be add or tntufursd rtiasA agreement in wnrinj tAu the cndu of srrcb persee <br />a sadpact«y to (.ender and that rite interest payable =Ha the sutra second by fhb Mortpge shall Ac a1 rush me a l.ender <br />shall tagttaN. If l.mrder hen wgved the option tai aa~stei ate provided in rAn pangnph t7_ sad if Bornwer's atrLYaseeer is <br />faNtar has execubd a wrHOea asatanptioa asreataot acccptsd in wrung by ternta. lender shall release ltorrower from all <br />obligMiests urtdex this Morylege sad tAo Nora <br />U L.e;-,Aer cxetctaq such oluuxs to aczc6esato t rnJei .haft irrarl Borrwrtr nano of accelenrtcxr in accos~rtct wilt <br />parapaph ;i hereof 9taelt nots« shall provide a period u( sot ten than rU days from the lase rite notice b nwlsd within <br />arbyb irsrasaset stay ~~qt Ibr tarot siaidaaesi dtse. it lwro.w tni a par) trash sates prior to tabs ser'IaMr of taeoY /uetutt, <br />E.nM cagy, tet/aag hr~ar taY4e ar draeri on lanesser, ieveke rtI' ewtaifaa peraitted by ptsraleapi 1 g basset. <br />Motr=lrettt'nsu~ tks~rrirss B~ l~ tw$der f~ths~ e~nt and ague as fvltcstra <br />ti. AerisrMaes llaseatis. taee~t r Pawiiri L lrraBralt- tT baseai, apes irsawes'o iseeeb si art ayseeaet • <br />ttrassaYM et Msaarww' r ri Mwws, ~ Ar eereeaeY to pq wbre let atq coat eeeaei b tlis Mwtgtye, <br />i.eeWr gdar i aaaalesrlise tial reel trttraa 4 Mteea r pwiiatl Y ~ 11 bawd Beedtlags tl) rr Iaeadrs <br />W tftr ttntlae taalttiw! w aagteeeb Maat4 to a dtMa eat IaY (bee ~ tlga Mee the dttar Mt. eaMa • adN as 6taa+er, <br />b .tBMtB nab MwU tango tr ettawil tlati 4N till ilgl.. r rtes ttwr B...rb ee r M/Me M tale Mee~BN w Mr tsatiea <br />1r14'ttagatB i aarieir of fir wttaa asaasei b Mre ~ [asealaaete fl/ latAaM petnareg aei i of the Ptepwb. <br />lie ae1Ye ahel twaisar itdittstY lerea.w ~ cis s*Iat tr twtleYgaa altar ar_^iMeraMtr (tad ter ~ to weer t. fir teseeteaan <br />greawt>>l~ rr +taaeraia. ,N a/ f rlali er aq otter slr6tasa a/ Baeaeoer 4 aeeaYeerae sad haeeitaae. ^ tM IeerA <br />i atrt eeeai ee er bsiaw Mar dart apwiei V M ttatke. Iweiar M iweiarr elMiaa set tieeiate si st rte acre seeteei b <br />rdr M+atBMe t. M 4earirelt doe awl ptaMe wYhew ttrtbw d.raei .ed ta.~ tet.ctr.e h i.itetr pnseadtag. aweder <br />ebaB M eNBlsd M eeMaet r stseb gseeadteg ai satpaeasa et lereelrsese, Yt:hsdbng, Mel aiM BteYrd M test of daeerar.,.=y <br />wliseee, tthsleaaat aei rla egarla. <br />]L1, Barwwers B.~t M Rsitrsgsaa. NcitwitbNandiag Lendsr's accateratioa of the sutras secured by this Mongagc. <br />Bortosrer shall haw tlse rfgbt to have say prtwxeairigs begun by Lender to enforce this Morlgage dis,onttnued at any nme <br />