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7~-. ~}(1C1t{(~5 <br />l_7NIP(atM Grtvprvxn+rc Borrowcr arsd Lender covenant aced agree as follows <br />L. Payreat of lrbrlNd and hsleraa. Burrower stall promptly pay when due Lhe pnncipal of and tterest on the <br />it>debtrsdteess evidenced by the Note, prepayment and late charges as provided m the Nae, and the pnnctpa! of and interest <br />on aey Future Advances seared by this Mortgage, <br />3. twit ter Taws aei Lemrce. Subject ro applicable law or W a written waiver b'Y Lender, Bortower shall pay <br />to leader on the day mmthly tratalltnents of principal acrd interat are payah!~ under the Note, until the Note tx paid th full, <br />a sum (leereia "Funds'1 e9tral to otto-ewrlhh of the yearly taxes seed assessments which may attain priority over that <br />Mortgage, and gramd rcna on [lee Property, if any, phis Doe-twNhh of yearly premium irtstalltnents for havrd uswrance, <br />pees ttro-twNfth ~ yturty premium iauallawtU for tnottgage insurance, it any, all as teamrubly estimated initralfy sad from <br />tune to urge by bender an the bases of assessmena and bilk acrd reasonable estimates thereat. <br />The Flt~s shall he 6cld m an institution the dcposia or act-Duna of -which are insured or puranteed b) a Federal or <br />wee agency (including Leader if Lender is such an irotitutionl. I.eteder shall apply the Funds to pay said taxes, wasrttetett, <br />inatrarice premiums and gtvurd rcna. Lender clay nut charge for so holding and applying the Funds. analyzing said aecouM, <br />or verifying and compiling said assasrtxnb and bilb, unlese larder pays Bonower interat on the Funds and applicable law <br />permia Calder to make such a charge. Borrowu :ltd Lender may agree in writing at the time of exectrion of this <br />Mortgage that lateral on the Funds shall bt paid to Hortowcr, and unless such agreement a made or applicable law <br />requires ouch inNrest to be paid, Lender shall not Px required to pay Borrower any interest or earnings oa be Foods. Lcttds <br />shall give b Borrows, withw:t chuge, an snow! accounttng of the Funds showing credia rind debits tct the Funds sad the <br />ptirp<tse for which each debit W the Funds wr made. 7Lt Funds are pledged as additional security fof the wins secured <br />by this Mortpge <br />Ip the amount of the Ftnsds held by Lender, together with the t~tttrc taonthly installmea of Funds payable prior to <br />the due data o[ taxes, aaaessrneoa, ittwrarea premiums and penrttd rcna, shall exceed the amount roquired W pay said lass, <br />aassermeaa, iowrartce premiuau and grouted rates as they fall due, such excess shall be, at Bortawei s option, ether <br />promptly repaid to Borrower a crested to Borrower on rrronthly installrnena of Fttads- If the tteriotmt of the Furdr <br />held by Lander s6aB not be art~ciait W pay taxes, assaamena, imurance pranirum and ground rcna r they tall des. <br />Borrower shall pay b Loader say areoirnt attcewry to make up the dsAciency within 30 days from the due notice is mailed <br />b'Y Lader to Borrower rtsgrseetiag payment tbanot. <br />Uptse p.ymmt io [utl of all tarot secured by thn Mortgage. Lads ahau promptly rotund W 9orrow•ar tray Farads <br />hNd by Lender. It trader paragraph Ill heron/ the Pruparty u sold or the Property is otherwise acgmre+d by Loader, L.aeder <br />sfsaB apply. ao later than immediately poor to the sde of the Property or is acquistaon by Lender. say Ftmdi Irdd fay <br />L,aader at the tuna o[ appiiretlor r a credit agairM the wins axuted by the Mortgage. <br />g. Aggrcalkai d Pttprrwsrr. CU41pa applicable law prov-ides aleswre, elf peyaseots reettved by Lssder uatiar tAe <br />None sad prragrapha 1 sad 2 heseof shall be applad by L.endcr Ara in payment of amounts payable to Lander by Borrower <br />trader partrgrap6 2 heron(, tYm ro interest payable oa the Nae, then W the principal of the: Nae, sad then to interest sod <br />principal on any Fulcra Alvaaees. <br />t AmBeR Iirm, Borrows shall pay ail taxes, as.ewreena and other charges, fins and rmpositioru attribwable to <br />fM Property which away anon :priority over this Mortgage. and katrehold paymeou a ground roots. tl says Wes saaasr <br />provided tridar ptragraph 2 6aeot or, if tat prod in such manner, by Borrower making payment, whee dos, ditactly a tfa <br />pgas thgaal. Borrower ahaB ptrtpmptty ftraish to Leadsr aU nottoes of amourta due under this paragraph. sad r tl,a swat <br />Berro+rer she!! make payment directly, Borrower shall promptly tumish to Lender receipts evidetecmg such paynimib. <br />Borrower dull promptly discharge say Iten which has pnortry over Nis Mortgage: provttkd, that Borrower shall na Are <br />r'equieed W discharge say such Ikn so }ong as Burrower shall agrx in wnw•tg to the payment of the obligation scented by <br />srscb Ism in a mantes aooeptable to Linder, or shall in good faith contest wch Iten by, a defend enfomasart of such Iran to <br />legal praceedtttgs which opsate to prevent tfre cnforoatrent of the Iron or forferturc oI the Properly a any put thereof. <br />g• Naaard Irasearca. Borrower shall keep the tmprmranena now eziumg or hercafes meted stn the Property rttrred <br />agtrast 6oM by Are, harerds included within the tens "extended coverage", and such olio harards es !.older may reyuue <br />sad m nsch rmwnts and (or rttrch periadtt as Loader tarty regturc; provided, this Leader shat' cell rwgttue 4esa :ha atraouai d <br />web cateragr ttxeeed that amount at cotrsage rogwrod w pay the wins secured by thta Mortgage <br />Tie tasunece curler providing the uwrrantt shall be chosen by Bonuwer subleci to approval try tender prov.ded. <br />~ rich approval slug »er be uarerouaMy withheld- !111 promiutm on insurance pt,lreses shat! be paid rn else tesattnet <br />pter:ded reader para;rapfs 3 h ter, :f net paid m such tnanrssr, by Borrows maktrtg p3gma.:, srtx:t doe. =~rsrtfe *.e the <br />i rte. <br />nll iirairaAC pairc,rv aui eenawai thereat rrhait he m ipfrn aa'~CprabYr to l Cn.ier anal snail ~ncrufYr a +ureaiani maxigage <br />d tat.,. nr a..1 rn revA arr+ti:+~ t., ~ cads lxtsdet ~hstl hav. tti ..ght t, ti,u ,w r ra-.i..r,.~ .a.w...r. t!_~~+!. <br />sad Borrower shall prasaptly (tiroph to Leader all renewal nulitts anal all metpte „l paid prrnuum+ In lice event a+l k+a. <br />Bixrowar sha8 jive Irompt ttatci W the assurance canter and I~rtder Lender tray ;take prt><:t .:f tats tf tnadc prctmptty <br />by Btsrroww. <br />Unlrs Lender sad Borrower oltserwise agree tit wnlrteg, insiutuece prawecats shall be applied to resraxatiaxt a)r capon of <br />the Froparty damaged, provided sucfe rcrWtatraM ax rcpatr a xonrxntcally teasrt)k and the secant) ail !lies Mtxtgsge r+ <br />not tlisreby iaspured- I( wch restotatraxr or rcpur a tint ecuitomically teaubk or rt the secunty a+f thn Mortgage watuW <br />be ttteparred, the iiwurarix pruceeda shall be apples: to the soma secured by thn Mortgage. wish the excess. d ant. pad <br />b Borrower It the Property r straixlaxeeal M lk,rn+wer, ur .1 Born)wer tarts to respond to t erafer wrtltin 1U slays loin the <br />tiara cantles u matitd by lsrwitr w Barn)wer that the irariratice canter aftm tr scale a alarm for rnwraace heeellia, 1 seder <br />is atrthoriaad to coned and arspty the tmurtusce prutxeds at tinder's uptu+n either to restoration x repair c+t the Propart) <br />ur to the awro securrW ny this Mortgage <br />Unlam Leruler sad Borrower agrsr ;,~ :sritrng. env such apptwatkn .:! ~:r*:cC.fs tv pr.ratiipat :hat; a:a €ste:uf <br />a paMpuita the dtie dale Of lht mwilhly utstallmtnts rcterrrd t., rn parrgrapha ! anJ hcre+d ur -hangs the artiawar u! <br />ttuc6 urta:InxnG If uridet puagraph la herein the Prupsm ~+ aayurred ha Lerialer all r~ghi leek anal ~ntrreat ,•t Bnrn+wtr <br />to std W env rruuratice poitcies slid rn artJ to rite proceeds ttteru,t resuitrng loan darnagc n, the Pnyserty i+rwa t„ the .ate <br />or xeyutxiuon shall pew to (.eraser ta, the anent „! the sutrra snuraYl by th,+ 42., gaY€ ~mn)e+lrateft prwt r„ aa~h sate er <br />~• <br />d. Pleervallars rtM MiMreree v/ PtapaAyt L,sasMdiy CarMmfaYsust Pleraed l1tsY Davalgiarra- Borrower <br />sAW Iwp the h'0!W*Y is geed repair laid shop not CWetril wow ax permit ritspairiesara « dalenorwUOe d fYe Prastrrty <br />sad shall amply with the provwtuva axe utv !acct tt :his Mortgye rs ua a ie.wtiuW. If this Maxt4afc u ~n unit m a <br />caediotloiviiane a • pLnmi rmii drveioprseaai, Saxroww xhaii periaxm iii of $anrarwers ulrirgaiwm under lire ainiuainrrt <br />at coveaarb creating tx govsrung tYe cottdamintwn a planned unr davolopment, the by-laws and rcguWwris of the <br />coadoraiarum or plaaaad urdt deveiopraertt. and cotsaituent doctanents. It a candtsmireiirei or planned ante ,fevek>srieent <br />ridge is vuowd lay lorrov w std reordad topeiar wrllt this Mortgye, tM covwaaafa and iytwareeis of such rider <br />sldl k ireeOrpnraaad into and tthdl amend sad si~lemetN the cotrarwia and agrearaents of this Mortgtye as tt the ruler <br />wart • pat I+areott. <br />'l. Pnaaelkar of ." yrdse'e Btsa7aky. it Borrower tads to pertorvi the cotrcnants anJ agrcemena aamta.ned m rtes <br />A[ortgys, a it try action ur prroo ediag n ex)ermaesxal wMch matetidly alfacta Leieder's ~ntsest in the P•.tlien). <br />iachrdigg, but teof dtetitad W, aaireattt tiooinn, rmdvenc", cad! e.tlonroment, or arrangements t•r pox-crding+ ~~,votvmE a <br />ltaokrupt ar decadent, than Lander at I.eadari option, upon rwtice W Borrowei. nwy make such appearana es..1.+hursc sash <br />sums sad take such action as r riaceaary W protect Lertder'a Interest, rnclta-rng. lint rxx limrteii to, dizburxrmem „t <br />reaeoeabie attorMy'i tees and entry upon the Property to make repairs. If Lender required mortgage inwrance a+ .. <br />ctxedNioa of rttatistg Nae iatsn secwed by this Mortgage, Bnrttiwer shall pay ttie prcmrums reutnred n, maintain suite <br />itsrrsttce in tltect trod sttdt tiara r the rogtiirotneat [a such snsunttce terminates m aaeurdan, r with Bora,wer'+ anJ <br />