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therein, ircfuding recitala concerning any mailing. personal delivery and publication eP the notice of de:ault, eny niailirg <br />and the publication and pelting of native of sale, and the :onduct of sale; and such re.ital shall roristitute puma facie <br />evidence of such compliance and conclusive ewidene.} thereat rn taunt of bans fide purchasers and encumbrancers tar value <br />and without notice. The trustee's deed shall operate to convey to the purchaser, without right of redemption, the trustee's <br />title snd all riglet, title, interest and claim of the trustor and his successors in interest and of all persons claiming by or <br />through ar ardor them, in and to the property aotd, indndtng di ouch right, title, interest and ..iaim in and to such <br />property acquired by the trustot or his successors ia- intereai subsaqueat tat the execution of the trustee. The crvslce shall <br />apply the procxeds of the trustee's sale, first, to the coal a~ a:perwes of extrcmng the power of °~, and of ttte aair:, <br />incltdetg the payment of the truateea fees actually inarrred not to exotred the atoount which may be provided far in the <br />tntat deed, second, to payment of the obligations secured by the trust deal, and ehe balance, if any, to the person or <br />peihsans kpNy sntitltd therein. <br />And the Trustee covenants faithfugy to perfotYrt the truss herein croated. <br />BENEFICIARY may from time to time substitute a successor or successors to any Trus~4ee named herein or acting <br />henttader to execute this Trust Dee.i. Upon such appointment and without convelranoe to the succaeor'Cttrstee,!fic hoar <br />tdNl{ be rested with ad title. power, and duties conferred upon any Trustee herein naaead ar acdug harauretkr. itch stall <br />appdinbnetrt and meb~trrtion attall be made by written tnstritnent and exewted by Beneficiary, etrattiniag retaraaee W <br />tieis Truest l)asd and its place of record, which, when tecarded h the office oC tim Ray+strr of Deeds of the otssaty or <br />ooufttks in which said property is situated ,shall be conclusive proof of proper appointment of ttet atceeasar Tmertaa. TM <br />tora~ots-g power of substitution and the procedure therefore ahaU not be exchetire of tree power std prvicedure pt~oridsd <br />far by taw for the substitution of a Trustee a Trustees in the piacx of the Trustee or Trustees ttroed hasadae. <br />The waMr by Ttwtea or Saeaficiary or awy dstauk of Truator under thin Trust Dead ahsil not he ar hs 6adta! to its <br />a ~ ~ sly other or aioeilar defarlls wsbr{tanttly ooosttbttg. <br />Thin Twat Dttad sled! es+xs at+ atsd bs+d dse Via, h~'es. dar>aela, cetera, axawtass, <br />d the pandas hereto. <br />The Trust Dead shall be cot~nred according to the hors of the State ~ Nabradta. <br />7be Ttustor roqueds fhsi a copy of asq recdoe st !elaedt aed o[ my netieaa of sale t+ar+ewtder be eedlM t~ litre lrf <br />aerdtiad malt at the address hereirebefore set forty ued erideace of such maitireg shag coeutitute erideace at t+seal~t of <br />such natkx. <br />Tru:otor rapReseats and warrutts that the above dacrtbad real ante ire trot used for an agricultural acKtvity. <br />~e otratext :q re4trass, a~ta woods ahaB be construed h the phrra! and rice versa. aed the >nsstal~t <br />. ~ptiilr sittaB re eorutrtasd to aedude the fisaireiret awd nice verve. <br />=~_ .: <br />_ -~ l':+l X#Tl t<ftll:ltl~L?f, t~se Trtsstcr ~ lstr*tn art lsa3 hard the Qsy and ytar ftrsi above tlrrttftst. <br />~ ~ '.~ ~` <br />~ _ <br />~~ <br />ro <br />.d '~' ~a+ <br />~ 6 <br />~ u. <br />~ ~ 1 ~ ~ ,,,,, a <br />.1 w, .~ Ei <br />~~~ ~ ~ <br />of ~';~ _. <br />-}ss. <br />f~~.____._...._.._ __ _. _ <br />~ _- <br />. - <br />, 91a..1t Notary l'uhlic. qualifsed by said L'uuntY, petyonatly ~:ame anti <br />~+-~•^ ksawnt 16 tree ire be dee idandtyll penoMt? whit the iiare/ooy <br />aed ~ t~ Cxacustoa thereof m are tats. her or that: vaiuatasy act and deed. Mrttnrxs nrjr teased ~ lvvawtast Said <br />~~ '~ . 14.x,_ . ~-, <br />~~ <br />~yM~ ..A.r..w. <br />1, _ , C,~~,.L".err- s~,;r fr tltl~f4 <br />' t~±.~~~ .o.,; t <br />~. ..~..~_ '. x.w, 1 <br />~~, ~/61.ZP. <br />