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rRUSr DEED <br />7s- R~ i fi `~ 91 <br />THIS DEED d,:rF TRUST. made and entered into thffi___ 8th --_-_.T_-_ day oL._ Februarq _ _ 1 Ay~9 - - <br />,T~ ra6RIIAS ppD ?tIlitLJiM 1tAtfIREZ FIDELITY NATIONAL ?ITLE INS. C <br />by and between , Truator, and --------_--_-- , rustce. <br />and Postal Finance Company, a Nebraska Corporation, Heneftciary. <br />WITNESSETH: That the Trustor do by these presents grant, bargain and sell, convey and c:onfum with Power of Sale <br />unto the Trustee the following described Kral Estate inchading at1 bu;{dings, improvements, ani fixtures of every kind now <br />or hereafter erected or placed on the real estate, situated in II'I' County, m the State of Nebraska: <br />LOT 12, ELOQC 17 COLLEt~ ADDITIOIi <br />and posresaion of aid premises now delivered unto said Trustee; <br />TO HAYS AND TO HOLD the atne, with aU rig~tta, p~ivik~es, and apptartsnanca theroto hsioag~ [solo !Ms Tagiiw, <br />~r t~tectttots, adat!<risttstots, hilts, and assigns forever. And the Ttwtor leteby ezpntrsiy waives. [sieves, anti lt1RtSMiigg <br />unto dm Trustee aq tyht, title, clsan, interest, benefit, and estate wfatever, in sad to the abawdaedled pttttsetiasa start <br />[silt acrd rrory part tltareof, which a given by or restdts from sd laws of the Stale of Nebtsaita peAait~ ~ f!M atotlrr/~ <br />of 6oaaasoerd, Aril the Ttwtor comrcttants with the '[`roster that he will forever warrant staff defend t!e tithe tO tt1C as>tta <br />agaiazt the iswfW claims of ad persons whomsocva. <br />1N TRUST HOWEVER, for the following described purports: WHEREAS, die 'R~tNOr did era this date ezoett/e a <br />paptisaory hate evidettcirtg a loan for the principal amount of S 2999.76 ___ ___-_ _ ~} irk[ <br />tfsatron to the [terns of the note: said note being payable n ettul monthly irrstathrrents at the aftke ~' tree <br />bertt8ciuy;and final payment being due on _ t~r~>A b _ _ __ _~.___~___ , IL~ ._. <br />tt u agreed by and Letween oarties hereto that until tltiag of Notice of Default, thr Truator sh+rU: t 1) pay aU parrs[[ <br />ami ftitate trtrts and assearnents, gErresal and specul, sg;auast said property before the ssttx i~ecama delin4Gptt of <br />adi~ahlt: 12) keep ati urrprovemenu erected an the land warred as may be rxqurrrd tram ruse to [tau by beAtity <br />sgpitlrt Iosr by foe and other hrutarda, casualties rrtd iwatirt~tncics, en sudr smotrab and far such peeioM as n= teareeolie <br />at4d its be by tscrcefs:iary, and trs keep art preps-iw: of eu:•tt irs~tea ~ f.~rr.~ nt r~a.~ ~€c the pt~ ta4 <br />dairad carr~aavUy aaai~iad Arid daiivrrad to beriret3ciarY, (3i pay and corfaplY with all the [elms ara~ ct~ of a <br />Itsn, e/taim ~ edaess that may br senior to or take procadeacx of thk 7nr~ [ktid as soon a arty >a~ paytsrrd oa or <br />eii' stair Wit, cdaitn or indebtecinras shall become due: and upon iai}ure of Trusts ra keep any std tea, bersftcisty <br />stile pay such tsar, pay for suit intauren,x ar pay off sueh urns or claims or indebtedness as tltr ca3c nssy be, sad Bse <br />htiosey as expet>ded with inarest at 496 per annum shag be scoured by this Trust Deal, and the Trtutar stieea co ttphtl6r <br />sarsre tspoa daaand, srxi upon faUnre to do w the bdan« of the attached note shall became immediately due aM psytirir <br />at the option of the bernficiaty; (41 specifically roofer upon the Trustee [he power of salt u prrnided in Nebraslta law; <br />(S) rotaht poasetion of the premiss and collect the aynts and revenues thercfiom. <br />Upon payment of all the sums serurcd by rhea Trust Deed, the Brneficury shall request the Trustee to ~'ty tilt <br />property and shag surtettder this Trust Deed and all notcs evtdenr~irtg mdcbtednas securcd by this Trost [)roil to the <br />Ttuttee, Tnutee shall reconvey th, property without warranty to the pawn or perx~ns IrrlaRiy enttllyd thereto, bW if <br />default be made m the payment ut Hurd uutr ur eny part thrrrof ur any of the entree,[ thrrron when ~tue ur ui the futhful <br />performata~r of any or arbor of sod agreements sa atorosard, then the whore of scut note shall be4cut-c due and be pfd as <br />herrthta€ter provWed, and rhea lead shall remam rn farce; the touter or his attormy may proceed to sell the p:apstty ~ <br />Mg.~w11k~ er M NaM4 # ~R'aRlM+g-.+~ ttN trusltt 1tps Maflttd art ptrhYe atsotlets, ~ fll>N hirtaM !, tar <br />aasA.llowevtr, the Power of sale herein conferred upon the tttrstee rr1-dl not be exeteiad untll (!)the tttuM~e ilnlM ~It <br />!~ tt:c'r7rtd, in the office of the t-eaystrir of deeds of each aunty wlieraits t~ truss property ar scone pr# oe <br />tllrltttof ~ tdfnated. r ttet~e of dtfrutt, idtyttil~lag the trustee by slat: the [tames a! [Rte tterstor sad aaasa tRtere~ rtad <br />gam{ the twoit sad pqe whrtte the same br r..corded, a deacriptiar of tbt trial Property, and crontaini~ r suNesttart that <br />r btra~cb of m fix trttich the trtrtt propeRy aria conveyed as security has accurrod. and setting faith the nature <br />at tarsi[ ttttTraah sad ed bis iiatliars M ttrB ee t~arrt to 6t raid auoh property to satiety the obliptiar; awd (2) after the tapes <br />eat rat loser tJias Dirt aaowth, Ehe trustee sktrS g#rr nttHet err lhrle as ptovNed by Nebralta law. After native of drfsutt a-d <br />laparr of ref leas tins ape mopth, the trarrMd shall gars writtat roticr of the tune and place of ark partreulady dascribinp <br />tlMr t 1o be sold by ptrblictttirnr ~ soot[ noekx, at least Bee [lases, aloe a week for five ~nmtcutive works, flu last <br />pab~tiCtttiias- to bs st least 10 days but not rococo th.n 30 days prior to the sale, in some newspaper having a iternnl <br />ciia bt each county in which flue property do be Bald, or soaeatr part thereof, is situated- Upon such sale, the trus[rc <br />sly eztaue fwd dritvet a decd of cottvlyattax of the ~P'ertY sold to the purchaser or purrhasrn thereof' and any <br />stateraeat or reer~d of fact in utclt dead in rdatton ~ the ~ of the pawn of sale and sale of the property ' •srribed <br />'.'r311Y€ ` .... . <br />