79-- ! ~i ~ '~t'~ ~#3
<br />[.entks'r ~a+ritten agttrment or applicable law Borrower shall pay the atrwsrnt at all mortgage Insurance premiums rn ttx~
<br />manner pr'uv;ded under puagraph 2 hereof.
<br />Aoy amounts disbursed by Lrnder pursuant [o the paragraph 7, wuh interest thereon. shah t>C:c,me additional
<br />indebtedness of Borrower mitred by this Mortgage. Unless Borrower and Lender zgtee to other terms of payment, such
<br />rt+o•.tttb shall be payable upon notice frtn~t Lender to Borrower regtssting paymrn: thereof, and shall tzar intereri from the
<br />date of d!;buramreot r the raft payatsk from time to time on outatartdfmg principal tstder the Note unless paytrtettt of
<br />interest at such ante would be contrary to applicable law, m which avant stdr arnottnb dtafl beu itttaest at the highest rate
<br />permiap'bk tinder applicable law. Notfting contahted in this paragraph 7 shall require Lender to irtwr any expatrse « take
<br />any actiaa hsrcuader.
<br />B. Iaa~eeUsa. Lender may make or catae to be made rctaonrbk entries upon and inspections of the Property, provided
<br />that Lender shall give Borrower notice prior to any such inspection specifying reasonable cause therefor related to Lendtr"a
<br />interest in the Property.
<br />!-. Ceaderraedoa. 'ilte proceeds of sny award or claim for damaSa, direct or consequential, in connection with any
<br />condemnation or other Lakin; of the Property, or part thereof. ar for coovtyance in Ilea of cortdemnatisxt, are hereby assigtred
<br />and shal- be paid to Leader.
<br />In the event of • total taking of the Property, the proceeds shall be spelled to the xtms secured by this Mortgage,
<br />with the excess, it any, pain to Borrower In the event of a partial akin; of the Property, unless Borrower and Iwrrdsr
<br />otherwae agree in writin;, there shall be applied to the sums secured by this Mon;age such proportioa of the proceeds
<br />w is equal to that proportion which the amount of the sums secured by this Mortgage immediately prior to the date d
<br />takitrg bears to the fair market value of the Property immediately prior to the dart of taking. with 'he balanr of the pnsceetL
<br />paid to Borrower.
<br />If the Property b abandoned by Borrower, ar if. after notice by Lender to Borrower that the rnnddwrtor oRera to wek~
<br />an award or settle a claim f« damages, Borrower fails to ropond to Leader within >n days steer the date stsdt ootioe b
<br />maiMd, Leader is atrtboriaed to collect and apply the pra~aeds, at Leader's option, either ro ratoratioe « repair d are
<br />Ptoparty « to the twrra seeurod by the Mortpge.
<br />UNess Leader and Borrower tXlsrsviae agree in writing, any sxh application of proceeds to principal shall cot sxtttad
<br />« poatpare the dot date d tM moatAly ioatallrrsrtb referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 harea(« tdretrge the etaetarat d
<br />srreh itatellwtersw.
<br />11. Baeawer Net Biaiawd. Exteaaioa of the time f« payment or modiAcation of awortittation d tlr morass seated
<br />try this rlortgye gratrMd by Leader to aeY aucoawor in interea d Borrower shall not opsrtNs ro telwe. in any traearar.
<br />tlr liability of Ire origirul Borrower and Borrower's auccaaaors in intaeat. Leader dteB not be rogtdred to corrasaoe
<br />proseedip algairsat such atscceesor « rehtr. to extend Nnre f« p.ytaeat « oelrerwi.e modify arrtortitettiorr d err tarrae
<br />secured rr this Yortgya by teeaoa of aey darnarsd nude by the original Borrower and Borroswr's tarcoantta in ieteww•
<br />11. Itsrieeeaaes Ib lwadsr 1Wt a Nalnr. Any forbearance by Lender in exercising arty right or terrtedy hereunder, a
<br />otherwise elfaded Ity appBnble law, ab:ll sot be a moaner of « proclnde the exercise d say ands rigb « nasedy.
<br />T1re peoeueaareat d hatsreaw or are peyrtrt:at d iaxa « other liens « charges by Lender shag not be a waiver d I.eadera
<br />right to aceekrate the uuhrrity d ehe irsdebtedrseas secured by this Mortgage.
<br />li Branertas Ctiatsbree. All remedies provided in this Mortgage are dktiact and ctamriarive to arty other right a
<br />rebedr under atria Alaa'Ipge « aborded by leer « egtsky, sad stay be exercised roacurtentty, indspeadwrti)r or wrt:cesaisefy.
<br />11. Sataweaw ~/ Assigns Uaadt lair erect Brwal ~bv Caf+Araa. 71se aove~ qd agreeraeoes heaeia
<br />sortaitrd shalt 6rtd. and We rights hateuaaer shag iratre to, the reaprx~tive stsccesson sad ewiges d Leader cord Bttnosser.
<br />wtbjax to the provisions of paragraph 17 hereof All covenants and agreemwru of Borrower shall lx joint sad sesetd.
<br />T'he taptioers and 6eadinp of the paragraphs of thu Mortgage arc for coavertxrtce only artd are nIor b b treed b
<br />interpwt or tlaBste the provisions hereof.
<br />rd. Ws/iee. Ettoept for ray srotioe rtsquired trader appBcaek law to be even rn another mutrrer, ht say rtotiee to
<br />ibrrower provided f« m this Mortgage shall 6e given by mailing such mice by certiAed trrail addressed to Borrower r
<br />the Property Address or at such other address r Borrower may designate by rtaicc to Lander a provided heni, and
<br />(b) any rwtict to Lender shop be ;ivrn by certilkd mail, retain rottipt requested. to Ledder s addrsw staled Irersin tx b
<br />arch oehn stlAraw m Leadst tray ded~sae by aories to Horrotrer m provded ?rerean. Airy notice proridtd kr in this
<br />Mertgage truIl he dzaceted rn have lters+ given to Borrower or tender when giver in lire taarutm daignatsd herds
<br />rg. t)aiMrrr Mearegat Geeesairg Lw: Ba+'ewrBrlr• 7Tis roan of ra«tdage coatbtaes tmiform coveaarrta f« aatittaal
<br />tae end non-uniform covenants ritlr 1saised variHiont ley jurisdiction to t:txatittrte • uaifornt fecrtrity iastrurrtent mveriag
<br />taut property ~n tifortgage shelf he goverrxd hY fix law of fix jurisdicriett in which the ~`F's'~y R xiase3 iw fleas
<br />asset dot any rxonaion or cietre of the Mortgage or rite Noce cortNicts with rppiicedtie law. such costgic: sbaB ntti alfeU
<br />atlssr provisions d Ma Mottgage « rise Nt>x which can be given tRect wtitltaut the conRiet~ ptovisian, sad to trfr
<br />and the previttiom z,*" its idtrtgage and the Note are Ieclared ro b sererabk
<br />if, Bessww+e's Cagy, Borrower s1uU ht furasstted a ccmh~rmrd cispy of nc~ Note said of this Moot;yt N the Batt
<br />of easetrioa « after rsXardetiott bsnof.
<br />17. 7tiaarger d Ib Pw~rt Awtlea. it all or any part of the Property a an irtlersA therein M sold « traasgarred
<br />by Borrower wNhout Leader's prior written consent. excltsdbtg (a1 the creation of a lira « anetnabnttce wrboedtarM to
<br />the Mort;age, tb) the cterion of a purchrse money satrriry meeratu for haaehold appliarrcas, Ic) • tramter by dtrvia.
<br />darer or bI' operatiat of law upon the loth of • rant tenant or idI the grant cr( any kaseitoid intsr~ ~: three years ar ktsa
<br />not wata6ting an uptiaa eo purcheae. Leader may, at l.rnder's optuxt, 6eclarc dI the sums secured M this Mortgagr to i
<br />tmseadiaMly due and payable. Leader shalt Mve »uvtd such uptton t.. aaekrate if, prior to tax sale or traiaafer, l.ertdtr
<br />sect the person m wham the Property is w be sold a trwfernd mach agreastsant in writing that the cts+dls of attdt person
<br />a satisfactory to l.endtr and that the iatereu psyatsk ~m the wms tecurad t+y this Mortgsys shall b u sorb reY as Lestder
<br />shall request It t.aadtr ha- waived for option ro asrelerare provided In able paragraph 17, and if BorraearS srwtieeawsr to
<br />iaMnat bas exacutrd • wrrtta+ aaauarptton a;remterrt accepted m moron; try Lender. l eoakr shall reieax &+rrosrer from aB
<br />o6liptioar under this Mortgage sad the Nett.
<br />If Lotrdet aur4issa x,ch uptton to ac~tkratt, 1-ender shill m,ttl Borrower narce of accekratton in xtiordance wide
<br />pengraph 14 hsn+o/ Ststt ratter shall prov+dr a t,ertod of mN leas than r0 days frr.m the dart the esxkea tnaied within
<br />which Borrower may pay the slum declared dtx It Borrower lath ts. pay stt.h wms prior a~ the txpirattm of such period,
<br />Ledw t..r. wNbal Mrar aotios a dsarntd on Bortewes, movers ear rwaedla. perrMetad br perageepA Ig rneetf.
<br />Mou.l)r+maaY CttsrasustTS. B«wtwr red Leadw funhr cuvenan+ sect ague as fdkora:
<br />1B. Aetslasrttlarl Reaetirka. Basgt w pwsMed i pasepepM 11 haseet, agate Bawwer4 Osoetr e1 srY ewssrl •
<br />ttgautrert N Btrwsne ra tr r/eatgsb., tcadBng tar ueveaerr w pq ssiar lore ..y tw..t..ri b tri i-gntwB+•
<br />laaiar gir N acearaeerlea aM sari arAoa M Barren r pswriad i psa~gsapr 1• reseal rpeelplag: U- tie bwali
<br />t~ r. trttlrsr tt>1B11e+ N was web raeaert l3) • deaar w rsn att.. lg dab. n.. M ern. are raeYte Y saa/d ea B«s......
<br />rt/ mortar seer *waeJt awn ale ewU eri (N Atae faBare M saw aaA beach ea w rdne tM dale geABsd i 1Ye tsearw
<br />suety eaaar b trtedtAeliw el tM ws~ scanned b airs rNet>lage, fereerewae b IaieY prat+eiaa wr aeM s1 tBe Pwpwtr.
<br />'Br ttrtles area fuetfv idw. Buaswer d Alt elkrt N rdaalare alter acr~aYee aw/ are rrgha tr ew.st to aft. teseeM.rre
<br />gseaeeirg w sea+aWaw d • dsBraM w wf eAtr ddrau d Mnewer ti ees.MMia and iaeelaarre. Q Ar i.ed
<br />M art srtd M w rab~•s Ar tine ape~tMetr i Aa attMew l.ariae M leaden'r splea gray daelase i ri are strwa aeeawd b
<br />IrY rt«t~a Is b. ra-aedMab a.. ~ .d ptrrr+a .wt aetr.t da...d twr ..y f«eaiew -r i•+ktr re1'r~r. r.t.a..
<br />areA M ataAtNi M tsieet i war paeatswBatg r sapeaaer of hncreaaae, ~igrv, tt.t w B.rrnd ee, r..a of docartearary
<br />eltlaaae. arareeer and t1Ba rtspesas.
<br />ill. tAessssae'a ~f r lteruahle. ~ Lender"s accelerrion of the slim secured by this Mort;age.
<br />HotTOwer shat! have the t~bt ro hive my peoeaediet~ ltagtre by Lander w entorre this Mortgage discoatintxd ,rt any ume
<br />