<br />UNCF+:nawt C.OV$N Aflrb. Borrower and !.seder covenant and ageet as follows:
<br />1. Paywaat d Ptlar~pal vas lateest. Borrower shall prrrmpaly pay when dttt the principa: of a.-td interest an flu
<br />indabtedoese evidenced by the Note, prepayment and Tate charses as provided in the Nae, and the principal oC and rnurest
<br />on eery Fteturt Advances secured by this Mortgage.
<br />1 Ptri Ex'lLtwa and Lwumee. Subject to applicable law or to a writtsa waiver by Lender, Borower shall pay
<br />b Lender on the day taoathly installrrrenu of principal and irkerest tre payable under the Noce, uoiil the Note n pad in [uG,
<br />a nt® tbereirr "Ftsads'7 eq»sl to oae-twelfth of the yearly :axes artd attts which aoay attain priority over rhn
<br />McwtBtye. and i~ te11b oa the Property. if any. phis one-twelfth of ytar+y premium imta0atents to hazard inuraooe,
<br />pim eras-twelfth d yearly prtmitms iostallmenb for mate fie iswraaoe, it my, di as twonably sttiasated ittiti.Uy and troth
<br />time M tieee by Linder as ~e basis d aeassmetrb and biKs and reaxaeabM estitttats thereof.
<br />The Ptntda s6aK be Istid is as institution the dapoub a eecottolt n[ which are inured or ptaraeteed by a Federal er
<br />elate treaty (incltrdinfi Lender it [.order is such an inlitution). Lender shall apply the Ftrtds to pay said axes, ussunent,
<br />ioettrmoe pewttitatb sad fa'~d rents. Lender may not charge for so holdic; and applyios the Funds, anelyziat said aornuot,
<br />a varityias sad compility said agetsmenb and bills, unless Lender pays Borrower :IXerest oa the Funds ewd appltcabis biw
<br />psrsib Leader to make »tch a char®e. Borrower and Lender may afros in writitrts u the titre d eucsuioo of this
<br />Math tbu interest on the Puads shall be paid m Borrower, and uslss tech a;reeaeeat s made or applicable law
<br />rttquine suet irtlasst to be paid, Lender shall not be required to pay Borrower any iaterst a earaiop oa tlr Ft»ds. L.eadsr
<br />s6a8 ptro 6o Bortrrosr, without charge, an mewl accountirsr of the Furry thowin~ credit and debit to the Ftsede sod the
<br />purpos far wAicA etch debit to the Funds was n-ade. The Funds arc pMdpd as additiaaal security for the war saaswd
<br />by thi .
<br />1< ttr asouot d the Ftmds bdd by Lender, together with the futwe taoothly inatallmmb d Ptmds peryabk prior to
<br />t1e dos dues d teas, asseesmeab, increases premittrra std ~ouod rent. shall mcoeed the artsnunt requiter! to pay said ts>xas,
<br />aesassmmta, itswrsrsce ptttmittess and dtatnd rents as they fall due, such excess shall be, u Borrower's option, titYv
<br />prarptly repaid to Borrower err credited to Borrower oa roaothly instdlnnmb d Ftesds. It the aeaottot d the Funds
<br />fetid by Lwadsr shall sot be stdidest to pay taus, aMafaalMlb, irnsrrrrrct premiums and prostad rent s they tag ells,
<br />Berrosnsr sbaU pay to Linder my amwot asoeerary to make up the deticieocy within 30 days [tom she dwe erotica is stniad
<br />by Lwtdsr b Borrawr regtrstiey paymtat thetaof.
<br />Ups payrrsat b full d aU attest secstred by this Mort~e, Linder shat! promptly tefuod b Borrovrsr aaY Ftteds
<br />bald by Lander. !1 feeder panrraph t6 hereof the Property u sob err the Property r otasrwir enquired by I.eedsr, L,mdstr
<br />dlall apply. no IaNt thin itsme~ately prior to the sale d the hoperty a ib acqupition by Lmdsr, eery Fuerlt trsid ti
<br />I.mdrr st tOs tiwe of applicadoe u a cred# apwet tMe wins sseurod by tltis Aiortpre.
<br />~. A/pBceYsrt d Pquseis. Unlw apgicable taw provide othsswMe, aU paymeata »aivad by Leader ttedrr tb
<br />fiats and pryrttpbs l and 2 hereof tiudi bs ttppiied by [~ firu in payment of amotrap payaMr to Leader by iarrawur
<br />feeder Pstgraph 2 flown!, tlrm to Meaest pay.bM oo the Nob. then to the principal of the NaN, sad :beer to ia/srw reel
<br />pnedpet oa my Ftsttee Adraaee.
<br />a C1uBesl (Leer. Borrower shai: pay aY texas, aasssatsmn and other cltarps, sae sad impeaitiotts atbibtaabM b
<br />the Ptapsrtty telieJt tttay etas • priority over this ktargads, attd Isashold p.ymsta « potmd tine, i< mY, m ells leather
<br />provldsd ceder aBtapit 2 bseoot ot. it sot peel is wch trtaansr, by Borrower makiq psyerot, wMa due. dinotty to ttls
<br />payw t6wsnl. dttaK pttomptq [ureith to Linder dl aares d aatotress due coder this pvyrapY, fed is Mr asaat
<br />Btrtorwtr slaK teaks ptsymsest directly. Borrower stuff promptly furnish to !wader rapipts avidsetittB saeA payrtsttoks,
<br />Btxrorwr dsaU promptly diacharBe my Km wlridr here priority over this Maga/e: provided, that Borrower shelf oea bs
<br />rogailed to disr;lsarae say wch lien w Iwtp aK Berrrotwr fatal! afr's in wriutts to the payment of the obkdatioa saeerred by
<br />stte- lisp in • eaaam tstxeptatNe to !.seder, err shag is l~ faits contest stxe (seas by, or defend mfattxtmsnt d arch Kea ia,
<br />Mel proceadmp which operab to prevent the eafarceasent of the lien a tortatture d the Property a my part listen(.
<br />!i. BlYard Inraaaoca. Borrower shall keep the improvement now existing or irerafter erected eta the Property tneard
<br />apiast bu by firo, beards iochtdsd within rho tetra "extersdcd coversge" attd such othw haurds n Roder rruy ree{uim
<br />and is rttch atuotrna and to- arch periods ss Iwttda may require; provided, that Leader shall not require thM the amount d
<br />fuss ooverge emceed tbu aesoratt d covaa~e rerpured tar pey the sums sceured by rhn Mortsyt,
<br />Z!e hrata~mee cartiv psoviding the taerrmce sbaN he chosen by Borrower nrbjact to approved by Larder, psovidad,
<br />t\ar tuMtap rovd t8~ tta ba taueasonaWy witltheid. AB premiums on iawranoc pdic~ea sAdl Ee pud m the maoeer
<br />proridsd prgraph 7 baterr[ err. it sot paid M such meaner, ~ Borrower tnakrag payment, wtrat des. drrvctly to the
<br />r .'~iSiOr.
<br />A9 lZilttr» prsietes sae! raaCrxels ehareot rasa!: sac to farm acetp:able to !,ceder and else!! :m-iude a rlanarsrd :nas~
<br />Nasrs m favor of and m tam tscaptabM to twsdar. Lcruecr shau twvc tM right to tw1O tare potrcxs arrd renewt~ thereof,
<br />sad !lasrawan s'utl pr.:~.iq free a. Lssdas s1 a:cwsi r;.sas a:,d aii rapt ra t~s3 psm~ in r`.s :veal of 'mss,
<br />Borrower shall eve prompt aotsce to the inwrarsce cursor and l.srrde?. l,trtdrr may- make praa! ut loss of rwt made peamptly
<br />iY BOfrawat.
<br />Uallss Leader and Berrotrer otietwies yree in wntrag, inwratscs pnrcacds shall br applyd to rstoratioa ru repdr of
<br />tits Properly tfstaysd, provtdsd such taaoration a reprtr n econanicNly fastbM arrd the security d rhn Morlprs a
<br />sot ~Y hepaind. Ii such r^etora[toe a roper: u nor eaxrrsosnicalty teasiMe a tf the ttrcunty d rhn I11ortBape would
<br />be tatpettnd, the taauneee proceeds xtrall be applied to tlx suet secured by rhn kiortga~e, wash the excess. d say, geld
<br />to Botrorwr. If the Property s abatxtorsed by BaVrower, or r' Borrower fork to repand to Lcrdrtr wrtlun all days tram the
<br />data ootict n twbd by Linder to Borrower ehrt for :aauraorx tamer offers to talk a claim [ur ttrwranrx benefits. lender
<br />v atetiorissd to coNstt trod apply the tnstrarttt procwds a Letxter's optwn attar to rstonttoet a rtrpatr of ells Nroperty
<br />a b lie slats eectsrod by Mss Mortgttre.
<br />Uaiass Leader and Nornw+er atAerwrr agree +n w++ung. any arch applicNtan +.f pn>;esds ro prtrecrpal .hell oar extetd
<br />err poatpane tiro drta daM of the monthly iaxiatlments rclcrred to +n paryraptu i xrtil trotter! or chattsc thr amxtat al
<br />trtsei saataNmsrsb. I[ ttadar prragraph 18 hrrwt the Property a uyutred M Iwakr all ngM, utk sad +nunst of Borrower
<br />in and to any trnttratrce pdtctse and +n aril ?+~ the pnx-rede thereat rrsult+ng fn+m ilamage a~ the Progeny prx+r to the sate
<br />ex aogtuaiticnt .!rail pass to Lwrrda to the extent .d the wins ,ectuat Ay th+x M.rrtgage +mntedtsuly pr tar t.. such uk x
<br />i. haattrl~ai W Mrlfiasaataa r Psttgttttttyt LasssBslit Cwdsiiaeal PMtrttssd Ntdt OswlrgtrasaY. Bttrt+asrsr
<br />tdtaB kttsp ells Pso*tAy is fiend repair ao/ shag eel ooettsait wasst err perroa itapatratsat or dtsarieestiae d file Pcaputy
<br />aed !dul! c°~Y wtt!4 doe peevibtess d east lease :! tbn hfart;apt n aer a kaaaAold. !f rtes Mort~,r is en s feint in s
<br />casdoesintum err a pManed colt rMvrtopmtnt. Narrower shah perform e!1 at Barmwr:r s aMegrrttorn under the drelarNtasn
<br />err co/aafats crWiq or gavramg thr ca,rtdomrarum err planned urn dsvsroposent, the by-Mwt afro tqutuione of rite
<br />cmdotaioirx a pitsoard unit daraiopesmt, easel ewnstittssnt docuatertta If a cayrrdominitsm a platarad urn tMvelaprneat
<br />rider u asaetasd try Borrotcar atsd tecordsd toptbsr with rhn Mortfiye, tie rovesaab and apaneente of wch rider
<br />eiaB bs iasoeporaMd isle sad aiaN eased steel rtppiaarat the covaaaa4 sad sr,wsrosMs d tbr. klwefigs ea tt dr rider
<br />least a part btttss[.
<br />7. PttaM~stt d /wtdsds fiaratAts, If 8rurowet fails io petfatros the cOVWa6b and asraerntrrta cwrtairud is rhn
<br />a?lstNaBs, a B stay arxios a proossdio{ a easomaooed which ®atsrially ati«~te Lanrfer's rntereat M the P+opcny.
<br />iedtxiktr, but sot time.-" ro, rsiaeat domain, ittaetivetrcy, cods mtan,fa?aaat, a arranaesaenb or proceeding involving a
<br />lisoktupt a daeedent. then Leader ru I,mder'a optnm, upon notice to Borrower. they make such appearances, dnhurx such
<br />steers aed take stselt action r k nscasary to protect 1 artdor s tasernt, trtcltrdiag, but nax Iimuad to, dtyhursemamt .rt
<br />rettsaaable Ntoeaay's foes and artry upat the Property to mate regain. If (.ender required nrortjye i++wrancr as a
<br />Caadidtre d ~ tbs loin secwed try this ktta'gafia. llorroyrer ahaK pay the pranitmn required to mainta+n each
<br />1Mrraace Las elhct rani! such liras sa the requireweat far such inrrraerct terminates +a accordance with Borr~wrr'a and
<br />