not extert~,1 in ~iostnane the due date of the r,;ntttthly n-t ti<n,•ntw inferred to to ;gin ai;r£.pCr~= 1 sell 'l itereoi or
<br />change the tttrtount ai such inM1tallrnertts,
<br />l0. Anerarwsr Not Hy'leaaed. I+;xteriaion of the time tar payment or rttodtficat-ion .-ti arnortixati~n ayf the earns
<br />secured by thM MDrt:gt~e graveled I)V I P.nder tq 8nV ~ureesaor in interest of Borrower shalt not operate in release;
<br />m any manner, the liability of the original Borrower and BorroR-Pr', surceaacrs in intermit. Lander shall net be
<br />required to corrtaunee protxedrngs against suet) sucexsaor or refuse to extend tame for payment or otherwise modify
<br />arrrortiaation of the soma securtsd by Wtis Mortgage by reasmt of any demand made by the original Borrower and
<br />Borrower's sucteesonc in iatcreat.
<br />11. larltrevraace by levier Not a Ytfo>nar. Aoy fortxararMe by Le>der in exerciaitrg any right or rMasdy
<br />herettoder, or otherwise afforded by applicable law, shall not b~ a waiver of or precitrde the exeroise of any right
<br />or remedy hereunder. The ptvcurement of iuaurance or the payrncnt of axes ar other Elena or charges by Leader
<br />Malt net be a waiver of Lenderb t»ght. to aeeekrate the maturity of the indebtedness secured by this Mort;age.
<br />ii llewdiaa Caorrl~re. All remedies provided in this 3lortgage are distinct and cumulative to arty other
<br />ttigh6 or teroedy utsder this aiartgage or afforded by law or r!tuity, and may ix• exercised concurrently. iodtd-
<br />~ entry oa succeaeively
<br />QQ 10, saauasraea amd ~ llerutd: Ieiet amd Srwral I.iabl~f: Coptte~s. The covenarrta sod agtatMards
<br />;ti Iterate eoMaared shall bind, and the rigtt4 hereurder rrhsll inure to, the respective strecessora aetd taaeigoa d treader
<br />Q seed Borrower, subject to the provisions ut paragraph 17 hereof.:111 covenants and agreetneats of Bonvwer thrall
<br />~ 6e joist and veneer. The captions amt headings of the Itaragnphe of this Mortgage are far tronveniatee only and
<br />"` ass not to be lased to intsrptet or deRtto: the provisions hereof.
<br />T !4 Nsrfiow Any notice to Borrower rrovidai for in this \lurtgage rha11 tx• given by roailiog srsctt unties by
<br />A certified mail addressed to Borrower at the Prolrrrty Addre~ .fatal below, except for soy notice requim' ttntier
<br />paragraph I8 hereof to 6e given to Borrower m the :nacner prcscnt)eti by applicable law. Any notice psevided
<br />for is this Mortgage shall be deemed to have teen gia•ert to Borrower wtren given to the inserter designated herein.
<br />li. liaiiaaao Itlartytper Gowoeaiwq Laver: SererabiKtY. This forn3 of mortgage cotrrbirxs uttitorto oovewrats
<br />lttrasRaatsal use and non-tmifotw covenants with limited variations by jurisdiction to cotrKigtte a ttarifeem aaar-
<br />~ itatistnneot covering real property. This ~IOrtgage shall IM govH71e11 by the taw O( ttte }urudtopoo m which
<br />the 1'sopr+rtyrs tussled. In the event that any provision or clwse of this Mortgage or the Note ooariltala ttriih
<br />appiisab~br law, saute etMtAict a1ta11 not affect other provitriana of this Mortgage or the Note which esa bs pwe
<br />a~aat without the ettoAietiag proriaian, one' to this end the provisions of the ~tne•tgage and the Note era deatarad
<br />to a ttat-aabrs.
<br />t~ ~oeewrw'r ~P'!. Borrower shall tx furnished a conformed ropy of thin Moetpge at the two of iwwa-
<br />tioa a aiWr reeardation heroof.
<br />17. lytaaralsr ei t6a Tropatrr AsataapOae. If all or any part of the Property or an iatarest tlseteio is Mid
<br />or traoafarrrd by Sorrowar without Lender's prior written consent, eacitrdittg ts) the creation of a Tian or aoaats-
<br />braaee sobotrdioate W thin , tb} -the creation of a pttrehase tsaeey strottrN~y itatere~ far hauaahaid tt~Q~-
<br />aotnaa, (o} a ttatufer by devise, desceaL ar by operatioa of !aa upon the death of a joint teaaot or Id) rho grant o!
<br />adT MaoshoM interest of three years or less rat trootagtirtg sn option to p)urchese, Lerxkr they, at IwodotrL a/fiaa,
<br />daa4se all the arms seettrat by this Mortgage to be inanedutely due and payable. I,rnder shaA have wtaiwed trash
<br />oplim to accelerate ti, prior to the oak or tnnafer, Lender and the l,rrson to when the Property w to be soil Mr
<br />traosfernd reach agmurettt in writing chat the credit of such lrorson ie sattstactory to Leader and that the iaterest
<br />payabb on the stuns secured by this Mortpge shall Ile at auclt rate as leader shall regtmet. It Ixnder hoe wwiwd
<br />the option to accelente provided in this paragraph 17 and if Borrower ~ urcesaor in interest hoe rxecttted a writ-
<br />ten astatmptian agaeetr>~t accepted ie wriUttg by Lender, [.ender shall release Borrctwer from ail obligstiow under
<br />this 1Kortgage and the :Vote.
<br />I# Leatkr arasasima sash spline to aeeeterate. Lander shah tttati Borrower holies ai aeseieratioB ae aueaadaaua
<br />with paragraph Ii }teravf. Such tmtri-e shall prosi.#c° s tter';a.i of e;ut t~~ than ~t7.lsys fruttr tAr' ~atr ttte try, b
<br />tttailed witl~~-it(a which tiartower may pay the tmtns tteclared due !f Borrower tarts to pay such attsrw~p~t~Jor~~to t(!e
<br />1 lFt l.r tttax, wltl:uut lurtlYC! e1at1CC UY t1Ctllaad tltl Burn,w Cr, tttrt)ltr anY ratttedsea par"
<br />tnttt~ ~ t~ httreaf-
<br />7Vn~_liyt~ter t'nrara4•rn, jinrmwar~ anr( (_~nder tur'lttsNr a•nvt•teynt atni ur~rren nw futluw4
<br />ig. ~: r~....trE as yrtfrtnieae, rn t+aragrt#t,}, is '.;Fre~*t; u;#tr+ ttorrc}w~t•rs hrese#t d any
<br />eeiwaeat or ngreemmt al Borrower ut that ~fortgagc. utelttdmg the covrnant:+ to pay when due any sates secured
<br />by this Mortgage, Lender prat to arrrteruttott *•hall nt)ul rwtirc to Borrower at I~rovttitri to Iearagnplt If hereof
<br />tgteeilying: t11 the breach, t2l the aruoo reymrrrl to t~feM•rtalir'lIFll•M~'t3e •~ date. cwt ices, trout tMrty dew
<br />from th_ date the natter is matted to Burtvr>•cr- in .. t)trh t=urn btt•><cK must (,r: rureri, and ,Jr that fattun• to rtrre
<br />such breach a; or before the date rl)erttied is the rwtice tuay resuf) iri'>trreteratien of the swtt~ xrurnl by this
<br />Mortpge std sale of the Yrolrerty It the brrnrh t~ not cumi nn ar before ttte dat.• slrecttiecl to the nonce, Lander
<br />at lender's option mry declare all of the *uu;s assured 6y the. \fortgagr to tee uumrdtately due and payable
<br />without turtheedeHrtaal and may forrelosr ri~n+ MartK~ge by twirrwl prvnwitrtq I.a•nder shat! t,e retitled to collect
<br />w ,wch Itraxwettnq ail expellers ..t t,aert+~.urc tw IwhuK. but nut luaued to oaa. of dorunxntary evidctttt,
<br />afxstrsola and title reports.
<br />iL Itareawafa IYgil N weioatal~. \otwuh~tnndmK Ltndrr~ ;tcrrlrrrUOn of thr• autos >•acttrevi by thw
<br />MWf(age, Bortmref rrhrll have the right to have any prw•eadi;ngt Irrqutt t,~• i.endt•r to eaforcr thw Mortgage dis-
<br />eonl!@tied ai soy tttoe ptwr W entry of a ~udgntent t°ntnlwtttg tha. \lortgage d: tat Borrower toys I.entier all
<br />aoltla halt wMlMl Ittf !M ~doo tYaiaa this Moslptie, the Neer atwt rretss seattrtag lrttttate Adranoaa, if attt7r, Wad M
<br />aaotilwWaa t`•Uatlerad: fb} llartanr sates all brearttre of any other eo.Yatante or agrrrsetsmtta of I3et,toerer saw-
<br />t to 'ttttr; !r! lla3TaA!?r pays a!r: rea±attahl,, rxlvn~ inrurrr+t t+y t €rKtcr in rnfarritt~ the covt`nanta
<br />asd a 4i grower c-ontait't~. to this ttartKagc and tit rntc:trtng ! ctidrr'~ remecl~ ac ttresvttlt#i itt pan-
<br />gtttpit tr hsretd, hxI, brat not limited to, rrrasonabk attarnry'N ft~. stiai +d t Borrower takes arch action as
<br />Lauder tray aennata6i~r t»gaita to assure that the tied o[ Chia ~fortgtagr. Letder'r ietetest is the Property sad
<br />Bofaowae~a M YMt Meals seettaad hy' this Mortgagte ttlull eontiaur twinrpau.rd. l!pua +rooh payttaatat
<br />attttl emu Ylt l~aaa~tatr, Ellie 1!it~RtRq! Uad rise eb~/atio~nrt naetwvd brte4y shall rrtt-ain in full farce uttl eReot u it
<br />na aanalaaae#iw w oeetwrad.
<br />lltMl~iMr~rrfn III fMwr .~ ~ IaMtlat lta tltit.altai.a An addltiarrar tterunly htKe-
<br />t~tdatr,~ertirar~ir a~~ t ~ she Proptsety. prmitkd thin Hoeroerer t~,.ll, prior ea am~-
<br />ttlltzs ttaN1K paNOpallh i! berud a a6andowear+tt of the Property, have the riR#el to collect and retain ouch rants
<br />Y tbq lea liras sled ps-IraMla.
<br />~ etat]ar patraptaplt li heeoof-o£r ahtaWdatstttssnt of the Yrwperty, I,andrr. m p,eraon. by ap,_at
<br />os d71 appaitatsd rsoteil'<ar aY~fl tae r>a~ti0d btr ttalor atpoh, take Ix~areerion of and taranatte the Property
<br />and la aaileet the tttote of rile PiOfMtEy, i~ these past due. an rent,: twi{eeteri by Lerntrr or tree rrreiver
<br />shall be a}tplirad ff1rA W payramt o! the of auauat of the Property and cultertivn o' met.. 7nrludtnq. 1,Ut
<br />not limited to, tetxiver'a fees, pretruurttr our n~etever's tromir, and rrsxonabie attornr~'= ttr~ ,.~~. ;hen to the sump
<br />seetrred by this :Mortgage. Leerier and the receiver ;~6at1 hr liable to nrrnunt ,vela t„r tiu~ue n n'~ a~ r;ctlia n,,•n ~•~~
<br />