If ender,+ara~racfui~ 15 ;,rrcoi ~h•, Pro{,er•,: . •oi+. - :hr f'ro{ ~ ~ ,, ~+dl5er;c~.e' s ,_{ar,.~.i 1_+~i~~~,.. I_en-ia,
<br />-halal apj'rl€~ i.u later tl+,~n i+niuediutriy (rr.nr sir ti++r iulo 4i tit. Yr<y}~ tic nC y+- c„•.~iu:•a~su~t '.,; I ru=+,.., ,.u~, 1~ar+d r•
<br />i,el,:i f>,y i...; n.ier.ct th+• lime ~.+; alt{rl~u+attun ar e, cre.lir a~:ua-t rn~~ -niu- ~ ~eure+i by if~~- "~inr~~sK•-
<br />3- Appl£etttim of Fa~'rrrnts. l;ratese a{~phrahlr lasv provi+lew uther~~iM~. a4! ~~at~;nr~:ut:~ rrrc~.~-.~~i bs i.at~urr
<br />,order the Note and paragraphs 1 :cnd 2 fcereot shall Lc al>Irlie+i by Lender first m f>a}'enter, ui auruunt~ {•:~yaide to
<br />Lender by Bonower under paragraph 2 l+rreot, then to interest {rcyable w, the dote an+i ~.>n F+uun~ .ldvances. if
<br />any, and th^n to the principal of the \ae and to lire principal of Fuwre :~dvanccs, if an}
<br />+L C.6argas; I3eaa. Borrower shall pay ail farces, assessments and other charges, fines end imponitioas attrib-
<br />utsbk to the Property which may attain x priority ova thin Ltortgage, and growtd rents. if say, at Leader's
<br />option in the manner provided under paragraph 2 hereof or by Borrower making payment., when due, directly to
<br />the payee tlret+eof. Borrower shall promptly furnish to Lender all notices of amounts due under this paragraph,
<br />and in the event Borrower shall make payment ditectlY. Borrower shall promptly furnish to Lender receipts evi-
<br />~ dancing such paymeata. Borrower shall promptly discharge any lien which has priority over thin Hortgage; pro-
<br />~ vidad, that Borrower shall not be required to discharge soy such lien so long as Borrower shall agree in writing to
<br />~ the payrtrent of flee obligation secure+f by such hen rn a msmrer act~ptable to Lernier, or shall in good faith cotrteat
<br />ash lien by, or deiced enfoseement of such iten u,, legal I.roctwtings which operate tc prevent the entorcametrt of
<br />C the lien or taieitun o! the Property or any I,an thereof.
<br />'' S. Ilsoerd kswrrataee. Borrower shall kexar tlm iruprovenrenta now existing or hereafter erected oo the Prop-
<br />`~ arty insured sgainet lots by fire, hasards tnclrsded within the term "extended coverage", and arreh other hasarde se
<br />ler~lar may [squire a~rl in such amouuts rind for aerc-, lrerioda as Leader r,ray- require; provided, that bender shall
<br />Q~ trot regniie that the amount of ntreh coverage ezceed that amount o[ coverage required to pay the sates seeured'by
<br />n c6ta Mortgage.
<br />The insurance ,;sorer providing the Insurance shall kx chosen by Borrower subject to approval by Lauder;
<br />provided, taunt such approval shall not he unreasonably rrithhtttd. All premiums on insurance polities shalt be paid
<br />at Lender'r uptiat in the manner provided under luragrsph 2 harlot or by Borrower making payment, when due,
<br />daaefl, to the irunsrsnre carrier.
<br />In t!w swat say ptadicy is not reaawed ~ or baba ten days of ita aapiealaiaa, the Leader. to
<br />its iat~eat, may procure iaauraaoe ar t!u impsover»atb. pry the prtm-iuau and eac~t etas ,shell
<br />itaateditrWy due sad payable with iattwas! at the rata! set Beth ib acid sole ualil paid and ahaN be
<br />aamrad by thin Mortgage. Failure by Borrower to canply mU', at trptioa of Lwtder, txrnatiWte a defaolt
<br />atsdae t6[+ tarries of this Mortgage.
<br />AU iasuratree policies and renewals ttrereof shall be in iotm acceptable to ],ender and shall inclssde s standard
<br />mnrtpse clause in favor of and in form aeeeptabir to [,ender. Lender shall have the right to !told ttre pdiciw and
<br />natswaL therwf, and Botres-er shall promptly furnish to Leodar all rtrxewal notions and all rtreeipta of paid pa-
<br />mituoa. In the arena of lea, Borrower shall give prompt solace to the irutrranee eaerier and Ltradar, sad radar
<br />may make proof of leas if not made promptly by Borrower.
<br />Uaias Leodar aai Borrower otberwiae agree in writing, insurance pnxeacls shall be applied to tastassrliea or
<br />ttstrair of the Property damaged, provided such restoration or repair is t•eorromieally feasible and the seeuritp of
<br />this It4artitlp ie rso6 thereby irnpoired. It each resrtoration or repair is not economically feasible or if the aeessrity
<br />eIt IYis tt4erlpga would be itnpaind, tlse-iawrance proceeds shall I,e applied to tAte saw neeured by this Morlg~afe,
<br />with the taxes, it ae-v, paid to Borrower. Lf the Property is abandoned by Borrower or if Borrower faits to roapmtd
<br />W Ltmder within 31) days after uotitx by Leader to Borrower that flee insurance carrier oxen to settle a elaiea br
<br />iaauraaoe berrtsgita, I,endv is suthoriaed to collect and apply the irraurance pra~eeds st [,seder's option eitirar b
<br />natoration or repair of the Property or W the errors aerated by this \fottgage.
<br />Uaiaw Lander and Borrower othtxsriae agree in writing, any such applicatiou u( proceeds to prineiN:.1 shall
<br />sot asdsad or postpone the due date of the monthly inatatlments I-eferrni to in paragraphs t and 2 hereof of chatr4e
<br />flu aaraatrt et auehrrrrtrriita.
<br />If under parag.-aph 28 `t€reof T,be Properly is a~urred 6y I ender, a".. right, title and int€r€st Of 8orraw+€F to
<br />sad to any mwtaace pe1i~ and ire and to the proceeds thereot t[a. the intent of the sums esrured tw [Ale Moet-
<br />~ ;..,..,ri:.t.fy prior to eueh sale ur aegtr>Qittc~::! resultrtrg from dartrage to the Property prior to the sate or
<br />acg:tiuliag mull pane is Lsssdar.
<br />L 1trsarrr~iea, cud Dftaotrro~s of ?>roperty: La~ahulr#s: Cmt3asahsia~us. liter; ~u ~ r ~ :sl€eY t:.r t'roLr-
<br />erty '~^. ~ •-,.-.i• •t,•l .Yv~ll not ~r_Sn~tt nr rdnmtt w~ate. nntutm~ent ,~r ,fetrnoraira, id the I~t'9arly rind ~Il
<br />comply witfr the provisioae oI any lea~ec, if this VIoHgage r on a 1rMeflof+l li etas 3ortgage ~~ na a rondomiaium
<br />unit, Bon+ower shall perform ail of Borrower's o8lrgail.;r>s r.r,drr tt,. ,irrlnr>,ua, vt c~iu+dotrrrnruar w rrtartst dead,
<br />the 6y-lawn and regttlalrons of the eondammiunr prolert and : onsutuent documents.
<br />!, Mtaallm a1 Loder'a ~kY. if Borrower tads ro trerfornl the euvenants and aKmtueuta contaiad in
<br />tabs Mtutgagr, a if airy scrawl or proceeding Is commencr.i which nrsterlslf~ affects I.ihxkr a [elated m the ProP-
<br />arfy, iaulrtditg{, but cwt limited to, eminent donlam. msalvrnrv. rrxie rnturcement. or arrangtmreats or proensd-
<br />~ invol~wg a bankrupt or decedent, thou Ler.:Ser si I.rrti<irr'r. ,>S,uun upon nutlet to Borrower, Wray make such
<br />appaarsndrs, disburse such surer anti take such actaon as << nrressat'} Iv protect Lender's ratereat, iaclutiing, but
<br />sat l~ted to, disbursement of naaoaablr attorney's fern sad rntn• upon tht Prtrpertr to make tepain. Any
<br />aasaratidiabu»ed by 1.enJar punwnt to this paragraph ;. with rnterrst thereon, ah-11 beooate additional mdabt-
<br />tdarssof Sorrowai secured by this ltortgagr. L?ntess Borrower and f.crxler agm to other terroa of ;vytnent, such
<br />aatouab droll be payable upon notice from i.ender to Barrowrr nxsuesung futyrnent thereof, anG shall boar inter-
<br />est from the date of disbursrn+mt at the rate -tstrri In the ~otr unless Imyment ui interdt at such rate would be
<br />ooalnry w apphcah{e few, to whrrh event such amounts small bear tntrrewt at the highest rate ptrrmiaaiblr by
<br />spylkeal~,s Les, a3othwg ~rriarrwct iu rhr IrsragrsyrH : alrwil ro.lurrae l.a+rrtsr to r~c:ur fury wttraoas or da say alt
<br />r[eMMr.
<br />~. 11f1~eIAiN. Landes racy rtrakt or rauss to hr made rwaa-ablc rtrtries upon sad G+spacta4aa of the Prop-
<br />tely, psastdad that I~errtier shad grse Borrtnser nae.-r f,rr..r t~ Res sirrtr rn>xf.rttim+ ryserityiug rtraaonalrlr raarre
<br />theeesar r'elat><d tD 3'a SatGrCt to LAe Property.
<br />~ C.oriarrtltr~ The pseeeads et any award or etrim for dtutragss, diner or cgtrrqud-tJal, in osnnastion
<br />with say aeadMadrtiee ~ tMhN' taking of true FroprKy, or pan therec+f, or for eoeveyanre in Iietr of etxrdarisna-
<br />tiatr. aw hunbp artetgard sad a-aN 6a paid fn loader.
<br />Ia lla-pMllpE d }?tMa1 taking of the Propttrty, the p•oeeMilt sleet! Ire applied to the sums second by this Mtrrt-
<br />Ry~~ wttl} !~ lasses!; li` say, paid to Borsvwwer- In ttx corn! of a pa_rt~-1 taking of rhr L'rt>l+rrty, imhestr 1Sorresrer
<br />erd.Lntdrr atharwlae W'K is trshiag, fliers shall lee apiplied to rhr wtm secured by Chia Mortgage each propor-
<br />Liao ~ the praaaada a< ~ aquas to ~ :ai prapgstiaa wlrialt the aasatnt of the ewm rerurad by the Mori~rge iremse-
<br />diauiY psitrr to the date of taking osrrrs to the fair tttarket aslsse of the PrgreRy immediately prior to the date o!
<br />taitiug, wlYt rhr traknaa aE !hs praasatM~ pant t,o Beraowar.
<br />It fa-a PrOptre~jt 4r ahaodtraed by Btaarewsr or if after mlice by Leader to Borrower that the condemnor onr-re
<br />to a~elte as award or ttsctle a ohtim fm dacettes, ]3oeeowar taib to respond to Lander wittlin 30 days of the date
<br />of such taotise, Larrd~ it ari;•horisad w collect aid apply rhr proceeds at. [.ender s option either to restoration or
<br />repair of the Pmprxty ~ to the sums aaera+rtL by this \lortRsge.
<br />LlnltiM L.elsdet and Borrower nthttra»e ~reC io writing, any such appliestion of pml~.•r•u~ co prur+•,p;rl shell
<br />