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e~art extetrti atr pesfpene ri~w 1{ax, ~3oatar ut tI:¢; nrrrrntlkiv irnurrai~r~e~>st~ r;rfrrt~l to ;~~ ,: ra~~;~ra~h~ ;~~a~: '?~ n~rrrr~i ur <br />ettmnge, tree ;trnuuxrt of such ir:stalitne,rt <br />1Q. Borrovrirr Dist RaLsas~d. Exil,er~nruri of the tune ieir i>awyvrtrent ctr to<x+i~fication arf arrsr,;t• of tt:e sums <br />wamcar~txl talc this 'Vlartgage grartteri icy Larder to :arty ~ucet~€aor st, irstereat of Burrower siuatl! nor. ul,erate~ W release, <br />in arry n:xnner, the liability of the original borrower anti Borrower's nucet~saors in interest. bender shall not be <br />required t-0 corrrmenee ptoceedirgia against such successor or refuse to exund turr:; for payment or ot-herwiae tnodity <br />ttmortisatioa of the wrens secured by this \fortgsge by retwn of ens demand made by the original Borrmrer and <br />Borrower's tntceeasore in interest. <br />11. Forhsataetes iYy Lttteder Not a Warr. Any ftxbearartee by Lender in exercising any right ar remedy <br />G'~ hereunder, ar otherwise afforded b7 applicable law, shall net he a waiver of or preclude the exercise of any eight <br />~ or remedy hereunder. The procurement of insurance or the ptyme-rt of ta:ea or other liens or charges by I,ea3er <br />~ trlisll r>ot be a waiver of Lender's right to accelerate the maturity of the indebtedneea secured by this Mortgage. <br />© 1Z lietaesdiss Gtmalsrtfrs. All rem~ies provided in thin Mortgage are distinct and cumulative to auy other <br />~ right er rmmedy under this Mortgage or affortlett by 1 :w nr eryuity, and rtu-y be exercised concurrently, itufeptmd- <br />i entry or ertccauively. <br />t 19. Saacesrart ated Aaafgm ltotrmd; toint and Severs! Liabilfly: CaptlOOS. The covenants and agtoevreaLr <br />~ here txurtained shalt bind, and the rights i;eeeunde:• nhail inure to, the tes}~,ective sueceesm.•e and assigns of Lender <br />p.~ sad Harower, subject to the provisions of taaragralih 17 trereof. All covenants and agreements of Horrower shall <br />he joint sd several. The captions and headings of the i,aragratahs of this Jortgage are for eonveaienee only tWd <br />ttre Werra he rued W interpret or define the provisions hereof. <br />111. Ntsftt». Any notice to Borrower pro.•ixted for in thin \lortgage ahatl Im given by mailing such ntttiee bF <br />certified mat! addressed W Borrower at the Property Addrrsa anted below, except for any notice required under <br />paragraph l8 hereof W 6e given to Borrower in thr manner prescribed by applicable law. Any notice provided <br />for in this 31ori~ge shalt be deemed to have been given to Borrower when given m the manner desigtrstad Irseein. <br />1S. fJatitsms % Gartseainq Laver: Sevsrabt~. This form of mortgage cornhinee anifoern ooveaattts <br />tarttsAioasl tree and non-tmitorm covenants with limited vanstioae by juridiation to constitute a ttaifotra ssew <br />ltB,g iastsattteat covering real property. This Mortgage shall lre governed by the law of the jttridietiea is whtwh <br />ti! Ps'opatty b located, In the event that any provision or clause of this bfortgsge ur the Nate eo0Sie4 with <br />awtpplitltiWs bw, euoh eonlilict shell not asset other provisions of this lortgage or the Noto trtrhioh esa hs ptrsa <br />eeQ'eet wii#r0ut the congiating provisier, and to this end the provisions of the :tJorf~gago and the Note ate dselsesd <br />to be ssvstrhle. <br />N. >Mwastes'a ~FY. Harrower shall be furnished a conformed copy of tlta Mortgage at the titan ad emsw- <br />tioa or a€ter rsoadatSoa hereof. <br />17. h~sisr d tlr property; Aw~ee If all or any part of the Property or an itrtttsast ihet~a » sail <br />to teasdartad hY Borroter without Lemfer's prior written coaaent, excltrdiag ti) the etrtatien of a tier or sttettta- <br />6ranoe w-irw~diaate to the blortsage, t. b 1 the rreatioa of a purehaae money eeeuritp interact for haosahdd agpli- <br />ssees, tae) s taatt~er by devise, deaxat or by operation of Ina upon the death of a joint terraat or (d} tA~-past of <br />say laaehoid iaRetaat. of three years or lees not eootsining an option to pueehase, Lender nosy, at I,sttdar'e apRisn, <br />ds~s aU t6s stwat ttecar*d hY this Mortgage to be immediately due and payable. Lender shall have traieed welt <br />aptian to aecelerste if, prier to the sale or transfer, Lender xrd the lrersan to whom the Property is to be sold ~ <br />tesasternd reach agroeareat rn writing that the credit of aueG person is natiefactory W Lender srvf that the interact <br />pl-ytthla oft the sums secured by this ?atmtf,gage shall be at aueh rate as lxnder shall rrquast. If I.ertdar has waived <br />the option to accelerate provided in this paragraph I i and if Borrower's aueeessor in interest has exeeoted i writ. <br />tee assataptiwr agreement accepted in writing by bender, Lender shall releatse Borrower frown all ohligatittDS under <br />this Mprtgttge sad the Note. <br />II 1 tartce¢ stttls rgrttw W aesr~rate, Lender shell mail Bar:saser natiee of sota~arstian is iaeordsaae <br />with petwgraplt It: htrseof_ 8rich raot~ct =hat1 prwvide a period of trot less than ~} da}~ fzmn t date the rtttt3be ~ <br />ensiled within whiieh Borwwm• xuy pay the soma declared due. If Borrower fails to 1My curb amen ptwr to the <br />estpitatiiat of such period, Leader may: without furtlrrr notice or dctnand on Borrower, invtrke anY t~aediti 1~ <br />tsitted jy paragraph l6 }tee>toi. <br />Itiarr-l7rtrrotur i'.ovsrrax~r,s. Borrower and Lender tut•ttrrr t•ravritartt sr_btl e~ree ~!! fnll.w,.; <br />1!. >~leeaakea n as Jrrvyided to l~°~,rcitNt t' ircroot; tt(h"Xi ~av.+Ffs Isr+HatFfi ~ ate <br />ostromrat 6v agreement of Borrower ur this Mortgai<c ancttrdurq the covenants to pay when due env sasrr secured <br />try -Aia dfottpge, Lerrdcr prior to aeceleratrarr alralJ marl notrtr to Borrower as provtdrd to fnragrapl+ t~ hereof <br />specitytgi~ tli the br~ett; 1$Y the action regtutatii to cum aueh brrarh: tat a datr, not leas than thirty days <br />from the dirt the notice is rttatled tc, Burrower. !,~• ~~ latch Kucb iamarb ntuet, he rnntl: arai t1+ that fa,turr to cure <br />aueG 6rtuelt ea nr befoer thr date sJ;ecrtied to tltr nottm Wray reauh in seceleration of the sutra secured ray thr <br />hioetsttge sad ss~ of the Property. It the breach is not rumd cu: ur J,etorr tlu• datr specified rn thr notice, header <br />at Lesder's option tray d,•elaro alt of tttr stuua secured by this Mot!{ti`t to t,e immediately dur sad psyttble <br />trithettt tuetherdenaati and may ttarcrlose thrs Mortgage by jrtdirial proceeding. Leader shall be ratnkaf to eallse! <br />is aueh praeaedinq alt expenses of frireelosurc, uechuling. Iwl nut hmrtad tu, cotrts of dorunrentarv evideettr, <br />abet+aote turd title rep~oyftya. <br />~*. 11Ma~'a ~ M 1{aft~ttel. ~otwrt llx:tan/ltlig IRndrrs accPlerntlUfl of the sums secured by this <br />1lisetgsge, I3otrwwer chili have the right W have any proceeding l,rgun by Lender to enforac lbw atetRgaje di~s- <br />aeaElspad srt sa torte prime to entry of r judgrtrent rnftjretng t)~s Mr~rt~tge if: !at Borrvwtx pyre I,rmisder set <br />~~litfi+~Yl~siihis Mostpge, Nts Nsfe aid sells ttrettttttg Ft-tteto A~ItasM'NlIa7; ~ as <br />ttsttaewt~; (b) $t-erewar cress aU braarlres of say other eevesaMe or aptwaeAq of 13oistawar asa- <br />Mme' tc) ~ pays alt tale e~.r- incurrrcJ hi i.its;~r is ~~itaraictg tAe eavwsr~s <br />asd tt,pi ~ 1~ eatatsirteid >6 tltitr ~ asd u, enforcing t.eatle~~. ret±tsdi.. ~. Jrrovided irr psra- <br />lp harsad, ~ 6ttt not Iittr~Ed ta, tseaeoaably attorney's fees: sad tdl takes rush aetior, to <br />~" rBaMeM#6ilr regt~e is arttrsss ~. the litre of his Marge. tesder~ interest in 'the Property and <br />~IF~ 6o t#s lltlsttttl ~' this SAai~e shall caartitwe uaioiryained. IIpaa volt psyasaat <br />t;ttitist ~ I+jiiliwlettlJr, ~ir~ str~ the ~ estattsd hereby t+hall tersia in ttdl istee sod effect as it <br />tts~ Tad oe~att~ed. <br />~'~ ~, tom. ~#~~ ~Ip t~tisr illtpJlirssirw. Aa additiosst security hete- <br />,~11~s isIdrt~trM-4ta#~~ ~f~D~r. ~ tki~liairower skaii, error fo aeeakr- <br />`ttsder pttt~ti~it 28lttf err ~ of thin Prottertp, Jrare the right to coltsct and retain such re._ss <br />iytttllpr 6eeaae tfige ssd ps7sble. <br />CTpa1p >tiba t3~er psi 1B~alr ~t of the Property. Lender, is person, by agent <br />~ try ~Y ~ t~ait~t-~ !$li bi tsatd la tom' ~t}art. tape passtas[on of and tttanaae the Proterty <br />sad to not the rasita ~ the Prsp~ty, ion those piN due- AU r+er:ts cnikcted by I.endcr or thr reccivrr <br />e~ril 4e s3ip nett to pyrrat~ {~ t$a t"Atitipt rir~aat of lire Prcyrerty and colinetii,n iN rents, itreltxi•nR. but <br />not limited to, receiver`s tees, I,remiums on mcniver's lronils and ma_9enable sttorncv' icr. :uui then to the .i.nt. <br />secured h9 this Mortgage. Lender end the receiver abetll he lisnte to sccount onh~ for t6a:e rent ,t,a ntrlly n•rr:•: ,•,! <br />